《Central Intelligence Ashitra (Isekai)》Chapter 5. The meet


It's another usual night in Redgrave’s club, the heavy beats of electronic dance music reverberating through the halls, even with the added sound-proofing Redgrave could still hear it through his office/bedroom door.

He was expecting another relatively quiet night, he had paid his dues to the head of the praetorian guards, his men would be more than enough to police any rowdy patrons tonight.

At least until he glanced over at the CCTV camera footage outside and saw a familiar figure stomping down the hallways.

“Ah, fuck.” he cursed, deflating slightly, bracing himself for what’s to come as he reached over towards his box of cigars, he’s going need a distraction in his mouth, not wanting to slip up in front of what was arguably one of the most powerful women in the world.

The door to the room burst open, and a young woman with flowing red hair wearing a regal peach dress barged in, storm clouds raging above her head, her high heels clicking loud with each fuming step she took.

“What did you do Redgrave?” the woman shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Redgrave.

“Nothing that would concern you. Hale.” Redgrave replied flatly, with a nonchalant shrug, he didn’t even look at Hale, remaining hunched over at his couch, depositing some loose ash into his ashtray.

“Summoning a human very much concerns me. It concerns all of us.” Hale hissed, grabbing Redgrave by the collar, “You know very well what could happen if HE gets wind of this.”

“Phew.” Redgrave blew out a cloud of acrid smoke into Hale’s face, causing her to release her grip on him to cover her face to prevent any more of that horrible smoke, while she hacked the ones that did get in out of her lungs.

“You dick!” she raised her leg, about to stomp down onto the man below her when she stopped herself. She stood there for a second, composing herself, blew out a long-frustrated sigh before sitting down onto the couch opposite of Redgrave’s.

“Why didn’t you hit me, Hale?” Redgrave gloated, plopping himself down onto his own seat.

Hale’s eyes narrowed in further frustration, “As much as I would love to, I still abide by the rules, I’m not going to be like ‘Him’, I will not break the Accords just so I can strike a fellow god. Besides,” she combed her slightly frazzled hair, “I’m the wife of a Duke now, and I should act like one.”


“Oh right,” Redgrave chuckled, “I forgot about that, congratulations by the way. Pity I could not attend.”

“You were not invited anyway.” Hale huffed, “Now, answer the damn question. Who did you summon? And why did you not inform us?”

“Tsk.” Redgrave’s expression darkened, “How did you know it was me?”

“Everyone used up their available summons for the century. You were the only one with one left. Until now. You know what ‘He’ will do right?”

“Will you just stop referring to Nagumo as He already?” Redgrave snapped. “It's not like his name is cursed. Nagumo Touya is one of us, or at least was one of us. And I, for one, have enough of him lording all over us in our supposed vacation world.”

“And you think this one guy you summoned can help? Have you forgotten the last time we tried to put Nagumo back in his place? One man, against Nagumo’s army, not to mention the ‘hired help’ he got. And that’s if he does not betray us like that other one you had.”

Redgrave clenched his teeth tightly, holding in his anger. He couldn’t fault Hale, as what she said was unfortunately true. And despite her bitchy behaviour, she did have the group’s best interest at heart. If only she was less of a bitch, Redgrave might even consider her a friend.

“He won’t betray us.” Redgrave assured emphatically through gritted teeth, “He won’t even know the existence of us, of the group until I am confident, he can be trusted.”

“Hmpf.” Hale huffed, glancing at her watch, “For your sake, and the group he better be. I have to go now.”

Without a second glance, Hale left the room, slamming the door behind her, leaving a deathly silent Redgrave alone, with his thoughts.

“That damn bitch.” Redgrave chuckled weakly, leaning forward, reaching for his bottle of red wine, pouring out a large glassful.

If she knows, Nagumo knows. They don’t know exactly who the person is, but I’m sure Nagumo is already searching for him. It’s only a matter of time.


Lady Aubrite’s tea shop, tucked in the corner of Del Corsa street was always a treat. The brew here was excellent, and the little pastries and steamed snacks heavenly, showcasing the skills she managed to pick up during her years of travel in the far east.

It was just a shame for Aspen that she had to share the most loutish and uncouth man she had ever met. One would think dealing with Adventurers with huge flaming egos and insecurities would make her used to such behaviour, but Falsone was a unique one.


Barely five minutes into their meeting and his lewd remarks were already leaving a bad taste in her mouth no amount of Jasmine tea or cake could wash away.

“I hate to stop your tirade on how jeans from Japan spoil the look of modern women Sir Falsone, but my work in the guild takes precedence,” Aspen said flatly, stirring her cup of tea in a slow bored fashion.

“Right, Right.” Falsone cleared his throat as he leaned in closer, his eyes fixated on one thing, and it was not Aspen’s eyes. “You said you had something new to report?”

“Yes.” A brown file was placed on the table, “This is a copy of the file I have on an individual named Kalden Ruth, the guild’s newest member.”

Falsone raised an eyebrow at this, a small grin forming as he wrapped his fingers around the brown paper, “An otherworlder?”

Aspen nodded, “He denies it, but I have my suspicions.”

Falsone’s grin faltered slightly, “The department needs more than just suspicions Aspen, we are swamped with enough false claims as it is. Do you have proof? Something to justify spending resources on. What did your friend in Customs say?”

“He’s clean, no birth records, but he’s in the system.”

“Then there’s nothing more to say is there?” Falsone said, finishing his cup of tea as he got up to leave.


“Until you get something new Aspen, this is going on the slush pile.” Falsone was about to leave but suddenly stopped in his tracks, without even looking, he whispered, “Adelchi speaks highly of you Aspen, don’t make me think its for another reason.”

The grip around Aspen’s teacup tightened, she waited till the heavy shuffling footsteps disappeared before finally letting out a long breath she herself did not know was holding in.

Who does that grey, balding, fat, bag of skin thinks he is! Aspen’s mind screamed hysterically, as she stuffed her mouth full with tea cakes and tea, in an effort to repress the sea of rage boiling inside and to prevent any compromising curses currently stuck inside her throat.

I’ll show him. I’ll fucking show him. Just you wait.


After making sure she wasn’t being watched for the umpteenth time, Aspen inserted a denarius into the public telephone and lifted up the receiver, all the while her eyes scanned the streams of people walking past her closed-off phone booth.

“Number please.” The Operator, always a lady, asked in the same fast but polite manner that all call operators seem to have.

“Melarini 641.”

“Alright,” there was a short pause, quickly replaced with the ringing signal as the call connected.

Mid-afternoon… Aspen thought, as she glanced down at her pocket watch, Might still be asleep.

“Hello?” The voice of Maita Melarini asked, sounding hungover.

“erm… Maita? This is Aspen.” She said in her softest voice.

There was a loud banging sound on the other end, and some shuffling. “Ms Aspen!” Maita all but shouted into the receiver. “What can I do for you today?”

“Oh I just want to thank you for yesterday on the matter with the newcomer.”

“Yeah, No problem, anything for Milady.” Maita breathed.

“That’s good to hear,” Aspen replied in her soft sultry voice, a small smirk forming on her lips. “So, listen, about the dinner I promised you…”

There were significantly more banging noises from Maita’s end. “Yeah? What about it?” Maita asked, it was apparent he was trying to play it cool, no matter how much his voice is saying otherwise.

“Would it be fine if we do it today? I know it’s a little rushed but-”

“Today is good, no problems at all! What did you have in mind?”

Aspen thought about it for a moment, “How about, you choose the place, Maita?” She cooed, “I’m sure I will like whatever place you choose.”

“Then… Then how does Atelier’ La Cron at the foot of Capitoline Hill sound? They serve killer lobster.”

“That would be nice Maita, I’ll see you at 7?”

“Of course! Of course, See you there!”

Aspen hung up the phone shortly after.

That was easy. She thought. It was nice, having the son of one of the Kingdom’s wealthiest families pining after her, it made her job so much easier, not to mention the ability to dine at the most exclusive of restaurants, something her paltry guild and service payroll could never afford.

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