《In This New Life, My Own Fantasy Adventure Begins!》Prologue


There once was nothing, nothing but an empty void of darkness… then a god created a world where he can be happy, made everything to his liking and called the land [Manalordren].

Soon after that was done, he created living creatures out of mana to inhabit this land. Among them were humans and were the most notable of all his creations as He was able to feel something that he could never do alone: “emotion and mortal feeling”. These humans would then recognize their creator's existence, as he willingly made signs to these humans.

They deemed Him as the Silent god.

It was His benevolent gesture that would help His creations realize that they would never be alone. Even though He was silent, He was loving, generous and merciful for the longest time. Numbers grew with His creations finding their faith in Him, they called themselves [the Faithful].

But after a certain point and of causes lost to history, manaless spawns sprouted from among His Faithful. They were branded as [the Faithless]. These people started questioning more and more of how their Creator does things. And as soon as the opposing ideologies of the Faithful and the Faithless collided, a gap stretched in between.

Upon gravely realizing each other's great differences, this sparked brutal violence and meaningless suffering between both sides. An unending division and unnecessary conflict was birthed all throughout the land.

Spectating it all, the Silent god had enough and decided to break the sanctity of his silence. The god had created, and split from his own power, a total of thirteen powerful subordinates. They were called [Priestesses], each born of a certain specialization, as the thirteen separate aspects of Reality.

Light and Stars. Darkness and Shadows. Nature. Wealth. Luck. Life and Death. Battle. Intellect. Emotions. Time. Magic. The Waters. The Moon.


They descended alongside their Father's will, stopped the accursed war that His creations started, and unified all the countless kingdoms that existed before this descent, condensing everything into just eleven main Kingdoms. The god ascended back to Celes and left all authority and responsibility of the land to each of his daughters.

From that point on, each of them governed over their respective lands, following their father’s will… but so did everyone think that was to last, until one day-- a Priestess, the Priestess of the Moon, had abruptly fallen from grace and developed negative human thoughts from unknown intentions and motives. Hatred, greed, envy… with all those, she has done the unimaginable… killing her own sister, and causing the fall of one entire Kingdom.

The Moon was never seen the same ever again; the guide that loomed over every night sky completely vanished from view ever since that day. That dreadful tragedy alarmed all the other Kingdoms. No one could tell why, or how it all happened… but it is considered common knowledge, a common paranoia, that when a Blood Moon rises, a Kingdom is pre-ordained to fall.

At present, all the land is under constant threat by this sudden, dreadful and prowling evil. Her dark influence spread even to other creations which created additional hostilities for all to fear.

One Kingdom-- most notably its Priestess, the Priestess of Battle, had devised a way to strike back:

“Adventurers! Humans (pure or halfling) and Non-humans, each gifted with brawn, skill, and intellect… are all being called to protect their land and aid to restore the peace its inhabitants once knew.” This idea spread across the land and all the non-tainted Kingdoms. With the Priestesses’ aid, may the humans stop this rampant evil once and for all…

But only fate can tell when that will happen… and how it all ends.

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