《Making of a Gentleman》Chapter-26: New me


John decided to renovate his house before bringing back Erika. So he left first thing in the morning before writing a small note to Erika saying he will be back. John went to first visit his Mom to make sure she was alright .

To his surprise the warden his Mom was staying was empty and the guards assigned by Erika were no where to be seen. He hurriedly asked doctors to know what was happening. He found that some guys discharged his Mom , saying that they were her relatives.

John was pretty sure that he didn’t have any relatives nearby . He thought his Mom might have went to home so ,he immediately took off. He took a cab and arrived in front of his home but when he saw the lock on the door ,he realized something was wrong.

His Mom didn’t have any phone to make a call. When he called Erika he came to know that the guards were taken back by the Old man for some unknown reason. John didn’t tell Erika about his Mom to not to make her worry.

He had no idea who had taken his mother and began to panic. Grandma who came to clean his house was pleasantly surprised to finally see John. On the other hand John was trying hard to remember any lost relative his mother mentioned him in past.

“Kid ,where have you been ? Do you know ,what you did to this colony?”

John who was immersed in his own thought snapped out when he heard familiar voice. Although forceful ,he tried to remain calm

“Oh, grandma ,how are you? I had some business to take care of. What did I do?”

Grandma smiled and said “I am fine kid. I will tell you all about it, before that ,come I will make you some tea.”

John was in real hurry but didn’t know how to reject his kind neighbor invitation. So he complied reluctantly.

She told him all the changes in the colony and how everyone was eager to meet him. John smiled wryly . If it had been any other day he would be very happy and was willing to meet everyone but currently he had no idea who took his Mom. He steeled his heart and said that he was in hurry and he would come back in a while.

Grandma sensed his urgency and didn’t try to make things difficult for him. Chris parents went to market so he didn’t face any resistance and finally took off. John’s first target was nearby relatives . He visited all the relatives he could think of but they didn’t even know that his Mom was admitted to hospital .


‘Then it might be the work of Jake or Luke. Since the deadline was yesterday .It is natural that he will make a move. I already have more than one crore in my account .So settling my stolen loan would not be an issue. But before I go ,lets take uncle Peter help.’

He went to his farmer Pizza restaurant and without any hesitation opened the door . Many of his farmer colleagues were shocked to see him again. They stopped their work and looked at him strangely as if telling ‘you are still alive?’

John didn’t care about their looks. He was not his farmer self anymore .Whether in terms of wealth , status ,character he was completely different person through and through. He was about to ask for Uncle Peter but suddenly the manager of the restaurant noticed him and gave a knowing smile.

“Well..well..well.. who do we have here? John last time you left the job without even completing the formalities. You need to work for 6 months without any salary to compensate the restaurant for its loss .”

If any other time John would have slapped the Manager for his shamelessness but he didn’t have time for bickering with a cheap restaurant Manger. He directly ignored him and finally spotted Uncle Peter.

John directly went straight to him and said with a smile “Uncle Peter ,how are you? “

Manger’s face turned red .It was like a invisible slap .He was proud and arrogant in the restaurant and it was his first time that anyone was ignoring him openly. His face became contorted and was about to unleash his fury.

Peter who was working silently turned around and was surprised to see his ex-colleague. In the past John was shy and cowardly .He wouldn’t even dare to make eye contact with people but this time John was confident and looked as if a sword was unsheathed.

Peter’s eyes gleamed “You have changed .”

Manager who was about to erupt abruptly stopped when he saw the eyes of Peter. If anyone the Manager was afraid of was undoubtedly Peter. His superiors warned him not to antagonize him for his own good and when asked why ,they simply said ,he had some powerful background that is not even the CEO of this restaurant can match.

John didn’t know about any of this. He simply smiled and said “Uncle Peter, can I talk to you for a minute?”

Peter liked the positive aura from John and nodded .They simply went out of the restaurant leaving behind the Manager and co-workers dumbfound.

“John I am really happy for you . I can see that you have managed to turn your life around.” Peter smiled honestly.


“Uncle Peter, I am really sorry for what I done previously .I am grateful for your support back then.”

Peter was slightly taken back and said with a smile “No problem ,is there anything I can help you with? You seem to be in a rush?”

John nodded without any pretense and told the entire story of him being cheated by Jake . He then mentioned about his Mom being kidnapped .

Suddenly Peter’s face turned solemn “Lets go ,there is no time to delay .”

John was pleasantly taken back by his straightforwardness. “Thank you ,Uncle Peter , I will buy a dinner “

Peter laughed and patted John . He sat on his motorbike and gestured John to sit back . John complied in a hurry but he looked at the restaurant back and asked himself ‘Is it OK for uncle Peter to not to take permission?’. He threw that question to the back of his mind as he didn’t have time to worry about trivial matter.

Peter drew his motorbike at unbelievable speed and John felt like he was looking at completely different person. They finally stopped when they arrived at Jake’s colony. Peter hurriedly went to park his bike.

Unusually John didn’t spot anyone outside the colony. He and Peter directly went to meet Jake at his office . There were 2 people holding guns standing as guards where as Jake was silently picking up food from his teeth.

When Jake saw John he was surprised and got up to welcome him but when his saw Peter his eyes slightly flickered and then became normal .

“Oh ,John I didn’t know that you are this diligent to pay your installment on time.”

John wanted to say ‘stop acting already’ but he controlled his impulse and said “Here is your 1 lakh check, I am paying my entire debt once and for all”

Jake didn’t even look at the check .He acted as if he was stunned “Entire debt ? You must have forgotten I guess, let me refresh your memory ,your entire debt is 1 crore .”

John stopped pretending and slammed the table “Are you kidding me? You looted my 1 lakh and now you are telling me I owe you 1 crore?”

Peter didn’t speak .He silently observed Jake and his office . It was like he was not interested in the whole business.

Jake sat calmly and took out some papers. “Check your contract.”

John couldn’t help but scream “What ? When……..Oh shit , did you take my fingerprint when I was unconscious? You evil bastard.”

Jake simply looked at John as if telling t ‘so what if I did ?’ Jake initially wanted to scam only 1 lakh but he had heard rumors about black market and made his research .When he found that John was the legendary ‘God of gambling’, he immediately added few zeroes to his contract.

John understood that it was useless to talk anymore. He looked at Peter for some suggestion. At the same time ,Jake signaled his bodyguards to take action and he himself silently reached out for a gun in the table drawer.

But soon John was disappointed when he found that Peter has dozed off in his chair. ‘Fuck ,when I saw you ride the motorbike like a hero I expected some sort of action but ……..it seems like I over estimated …my luck.’

He then turned towards Jake and took out his checkbook to write 1 crore as he felt his Mom was more valuable than anything else .

But somehow Jake felt …..different . His eyes suddenly turned …gentle. Suddenly John felt goosebumps all over his body ‘Don’t tell me he wants that?’ Unconsciously he clenched his butt and cold sweat started forming on his forehead.

Jake didn’t know what John was thinking and if he knew he would have definitely vomited blood because he was not Jake anymore . Peter’s soul already went inside Jake’s body and crushed Jake’s soul . Peter started gathering all the memories of Jake and found out where John’s Mom was held.

Jake said calmly “Guards you can take your leave ,I will handle this.”

Guards complied without any question and disappeared .Then Jake looked at John with a smile “John I was just testing you . I am very impressed by you . You valued your Mom more than money.”

John’s eyes became like saucers . “What? Seriously?” He couldn’t believe he could hear something like that from a cold blooded murderer. His surprise didn’t end there, he saw Jake tearing apart the contract in front of him .He even went as far as deleting every files in his computer and mobile.

John watched everything like a movie with mouth wide open and saliva dripping like a dog. Jake who was acting bizarre suddenly lost consciousness and fell back on his chair. John started screaming in his mind ‘Jake has gone nuts , fuck .Did he have a sudden enlightenment like Buddha? Wait wait …that is not important .I didn’t ask about my Mom !’

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