《Making of a Gentleman》Chapter-19: Smart people


But would people let him leave? Answer was no. No one spoke, they just stared at him like hawks. John felt chills run down his spine . They were no longer people but animals . They had complete unity when it came to decisions like letting John leave.

John turned towards organizers but to his surprise they were even fiercer then people behind his back. They had already armed with weapons and giving all sorts of threatening signaling to loose in the next bet.

John let out a self depreciated laugh. ‘Looks like I have no choice other than plan B.’

“Everyone I have something important to tell you. Today you might be wondering why I am winning like this right ?Can you guess my secret?”

Many people already guessed what he would say. They thought that he would create a rift between them and organizers saying all his betting was just a prelude to lure people .So that organizers make hefty profit .But John’s next words give them huge surprise.

“I have a technique to win any possible gambling situation . It only costs 50 lakh . I don’t want any cash .I want you to transfer directly to my account .If people are interested they can choose to buy now . As you already know organizers won’t let me leave alive.

In fact I have already came prepared for this scenario. I am ready to die but before I die I want to pass on my technique and send some money to my family so that they can live happily even after loosing their son.”

Many people moved by his speech including the stalker . ‘Looks like I don’t need to call the boss any longer’. He sighed to himself at a lose of a gambling God. Similar sighs erupted like a wave around John . On the other hand Organizers had ugly faces.

John was secretly satisfied by the reaction .He already laid out his bait ,it is up to the crowd whether to take it or not. Many people starting whispering to themselves . Some believed John had a technique abut many didn’t .

A rich middle aged man stepped forward and said with a smile “Kid if you are genuinely selling your technique .I am willing to buy . Tell me your account number .”

John was shocked by the stranger’s decisiveness . He was about to nod but suddenly another guy stepped forward “Kid don’t believe in him .He doesn’t have that much money. I can buy your technique don’t worry .Come tell me you account number.”


John couldn't fathom the foolishness of rich people. They didn’t even verify whether he had a technique or not and were already talking about transferring money. ‘My imagination might have been corrupted by poverty’

Many people chimed in one after other , soon it became chaotic. John stood silently in the middle of all this .He had no intention of leaving anytime soon. He suddenly had an idea and said loudly

“ Guys calm down. At this rate it will take forever to decide .How about we do bidding. Whoever bids higher wins the technique.”

Crowd became silent instantly .Many people agreed without any hesitation .Few people felt something was wrong and decided wait and watch. Others were like flies ,they simply didn’t have the capacity to pay 50 lakh so ,they screamed at everything and sighed to many things.

Bidding started with a base price of 50 lakh .John acted as a organizer this time selling his non-existent technique with all seriousness. Black market organizers watching on the sideline became dumbfounded. “What the fuck is going on? How did gambling place suddenly turned into auction house?”

“55 LAKH “ said the rich man who first spoke to John.

“You are petty. 65 LAKH” said another rich man who spoke second to John.

“70 LAKH “



“99 lakh “ said one rich guy gritting his teeth. He was already at his wits end.

Crowd gasped in shock. They couldn’t believe an unknown technique could sell at such an astronomical value. Many rich guys already gave up bidding. Although they were rich they didn’t have liquid amount to spare. They really regretted at their ‘bad luck’.

John was secretly shocked .He couldn’t believe that he was turned from a pauper to a rich man in a few minutes. Although he was not sure whether he would live to experience his riches.

John calmly said “99 lakh one time ………………..99 lakh two times …………….99 lakh…

“Stop. I bid 1 crore “ said an old man who was watching the bidding till now. He was not sure till now and was secretly observing John’s expression .When John didn’t fluster at 99 lakh he became sure that technique must be real .

John didn’t know that his simple act of remaining calm a midst riches bought him another lakh. He was calm on the surface but inside his head he was screaming like mad dog ‘Fuck …i am rich ……I am so rich that I don’t even know how many zeroes are there in a crore. Hahahah……Old man thank you for your free gift .You definitely won’t ….no , you will regret it later….hahaha”


If the old man could hear John’s remarks, he would have vomited mouthful of blood . He had waited patiently but at the last minute became a victim of the sly fellow in front him .

John was satisfied by the amount so didn’t delay this time

“1 crore 1 time , 2 time ,3 time ...SOLD “

Old man became ecstatic . He beamed a rare smile .Other people who ‘failed’ in the bidding felt disappointed . They cursed at their inability to liquidate their assets.

Old man was about to ask John’s bank account but John took the initiative this time . “I am grateful sir for your generosity. I have not brought the file with me as you know organizers could snatch it from me anytime .I have already given it to my girlfriend and if I call her I am sure she would send you the file.”

[Dear user ,you have lost 10 points for lying .Be careful next time]

John was momentarily stunned and opened his display in a flash

[ User :John

Character :…………………exp (50/1000)

Note: If user’s experience goes negative ,Eva will self destruct]

‘Thank God ,I still have 50 points.’

Old man frowned slightly but when he thought rationally it made sense to him .He became more sure of his decision now and secretly felt happy .As the saying goes ‘people first buy then justify with reason ‘ .Old man started to justify his action on every thing John spoke .

But he didn’t show his happiness instead said with a crafty smile “Cough…cough…you are smart kid . You can call your girlfriend now .After I get the technique I will immediately transfer your money.”

John nodded in response but inside his mind he was cursing his stupidity ‘I don’t even know her number how can I call her ? I have already sold my phone and I forgot to note numbers .I only remember fist 4 digits of her number. Shit I am royally screwed now .I finally became victim of electronic age .’

John suddenly looked at the crowd and found a guy . He was sure that he had seen that guy many times in the past 1 week .He was even 70% sure that the masked guy was some sort of spy for Luke.

John formulated another plan in his mind and said “I have not brought phone today .Let me borrow someone’s phone for a moment.”

Old man nodded and didn’t hesitate to give his phone .But John didn’t even saw his phone. He directly stood in front of the Luke’s spy and asked in a polite manner. “Sir can I borrow your phone”

Luke’s spy was shuddered . He can’t believe of all the people in the crowd John would choose him . He realized that John must have suspected him but didn’t care anyway ‘He is already one step away from his grave .Does it matter anymore?’

Luke’s spy smiled back and handed over his phone. John immediately went to the contact list and typed 9606…..

3 result came . Boss 1 , Boss 2 , Boss 3.

‘Fuck this .Can you at least put some name ? How can I know which one is which one?’ John started cursing in his head .

Without any other choice he dialed to Boss 1.

“Hello , is it over ? Did you take his pics?” a sweet lady voice was heard from the other side of the phone. John without saying anything disconnected the call immediately. ‘Seems like it is not the one.’

Many people in the crowd became suspicious of John’s call. Some people said in loud voice “Put the call on speaker . How can we know that you are not scheming ?”

John was speechless ‘How could people be so smart these days? Seems like I underestimated the intelligence of this people.’

John looked at the crowd with a stony expression .People who voiced their discontent earlier shivered at his gaze .If John was in his normal attire ,people would not have given a damn but John’s current appearance was like a veteran gambler. He had fake beard and dignified look .John calmly said “Alright”

John called boss2.

This time a male voice came back “Hello”

John instantly recognized the voice .It was none other than Luke’s voice. John wanted to cut the call but he had already put the phone in speaker .So he didn’t have a choice other than to speak.

“Hello , guess who is on this end ?”

Luke didn’t recognize John’s voice as John altered it to a middle aged man and he didn’t save his spy’s numbers either as it was the job of his secretary .He was simply clueless.


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