《Making of a Gentleman》Chapter-11: Special?


First time in her life someone was returning her gaze that to after doing a mistake.

John didn’t know what Erika was thinking and even if even he knew he wouldn’t care . He suddenly bowed “Sorry young miss ,I was rude . I overstepped my boundary .”

John didn’t wait for her reply and continued “ I was actually deeply moved by your otherworldly beauty but realizing my own limitation, I placed you in my ‘out of my league’ club. But then I thought I am insecure not because I am poor but because of my low level of thinking .

I know I am not ‘special’ according to societal definition that includes beauty, status and fame but I’ve suddenly realized that there is no such thing as ‘special individual’ as it is just a tag given by society to call people who are not ‘average’ by its definition.

I no longer wish to be pushed around by societal expectations and my distorted insecurities. I have every right to pursue who ever and whatever I like . Instead of taking distorted societal norms as reference ,from now on I will depend on my own Values for my behavior.

Earlier I was not sincere .I became insecure when you ignored me. I know you have no obligation to entertain a stranger but my ego was hurt . Instead of following difficult road to attract your attention I went for immediate gratification. I deeply regret my earlier action.

I know that just because I change my way of thinking doesn’t mean that you have any obligation to like me. You have your own preferences , interests and an ideal image .I am aware that I am in no position to influence your decision.

I just want you to give me an opportunity to get to know you better and I am willing to make up for my mistake through any sort of punishment . Once again , please forgive me miss Erika.”

[Congratulations user ,you have gained 20 points on truth ,courage and honesty . Eva hopes that user will continue to work hard]

John was satisfied by Eva’s announcement but he didn’t show it on his face . He remained calm on the surface but secretly praying for a miracle in his mind.

Erika’s didn’t know what to say for a long time . Both were silent and continued to stare at each others . Erika suddenly became confused ‘Was I wrong in judging this person?’


‘He is not faking it right? No …throughout the conversation he was staring at my eyes .Whatever he has said must have came from his heart .He seem to be genuinely regretting . His eyes looks clear not like those perverted fellows .’

Erika was digesting every word of John and John didn’t loose his patience .He stood there calmly waiting for an answer .Depending on her answer he would live or die . ‘I could simply ask that Old man to get her number for ‘research purpose’ but eventually I have to do the main mission. What is the point of postponing my death?’

Outside the room an Old man was placing his ear on the wall and listening intently . His expressions would sometimes be shock , happy, crafty….people who were walking on the corridor already considered him as mental patient . Someone even informed a doctor . Fortunately the doctor who came new him otherwise he would have already been transported to mental care. He was none other than Erika’s grandfather who already told his bodyguards to take a break and doing their job.

Old man was currently sweating profusely ‘Nice proposal young man .Even I am moved .If only I was your age….what I am thinking? ..gross! Hopefully my little pumpkin makes a right decision .She can find tens of rich boys but not a single person who has good heart.’

Erika and John didn’t know that their entire conversation had already been heard word by word by a shameless fellow. They were already beginning to suspect, why no one had came to the warden for a long time. What they didn’t know was Old man who is outside not allowing anyone to walk into the room.

Erika seemed like she made a decision “I was disgusted by your earlier behavior and was about to kick you out but it seems like you have some manners after all to admit it. If you continued to lie I would have disregarded the fact that you are my savior and made you pay heavy price, for taking advantage of me.”

John felt a chill run down his spine ‘It seems like I saved myself by being honest.’

Erika continued “I also don’t believe in societal tags but I am unaware of the fact that my status and beauty are already part of ‘special tag’ . Your different perspective broadened my thinking . So , I will accept your apology for now and let you know a little secret .I don’t have any specific ‘type’ except honesty all the time even if it hurts a little .As for as you are concerned ,you are not my type.”


John didn’t have any hopes but still disappointed .’Well then see you in next life, hopefully . I don’t blame you or myself .I tried my best regardless.’ He nodded in understanding and was about to turn around and walk out .

Old man outside was screaming in head ‘No ..no.. no.. little pumpkin …you are making a big mistake .’

Erika sensed the disappointment on John’s face and became happy ‘Humph .You took advantage me .If I simply accept you where will be the justice?’ Her legs started swinging under the bed and she unconsciously curling her hair.

If Old man could see this ,he would have said “Stop teasing the poor chap”. Old man was aware of Erika’s every pranks like a back of his hand . But poor John didn’t know that she was simply teasing. He started having doubts about himself .His brain started pouring all the insecurities and failures he had suppressed. No matter how awesome the system was , he was still a human .His instincts knocked him back from his confident self and embraced his insecurities like a lost child .

Erika didn’t know anything about John’s insecurities ,her only aim was teaching him a lesson . She continued after a long pause “But …………….

John’s eyes which had lost all hope suddenly ignited with blaze .His confidence started seeping in and he kicked out previously embraced insecurities like a plague and showed his middle finger in his mind. May be this was what it meant to kick someone when you don’t need them anymore.

Erika was snickering in her mind ’Tsk ..Tsk , finally you are showing your true color.’

John didn’t know that he was being played . He was travelling from hell to heaven and heaven to hell by her every word. His mind was already clouded with hopes .So he was purely acting like a puppet under Erika.

Old man outside had a nasty expression .He already guessed what was going on ‘Poor chap ….you have my condolence. I am the one who pushed you to the fire pit.’ With some hesitation he decided to let things take its course . Many years later John would become furious after knowing that he was played by both Old man and his granddaughter.

Erika thought it was enough “.……I can give you an opportunity to pursue me. But to be clear if I ever found out that you are not honest…you will pay a heavy price.”

John was ecstatic . He wanted to dance and howl like a beast . He had successfully taken a positive step. His facial expression alternated between happy and calm. Finally he couldn’t control anymore “Ahahaha…..thank you young miss I won’t let you down .”

Erika was also infected by his laughter .A rare smile couldn’t help but part from her beautiful lips. John was momentarily dazed by the smile . It was so beautiful that he forgot everything and unconsciously muttered “So beautiful !”

Erika was taken back by his comment and coughed a little to adjust her facial expression to a calm self .She was slightly blushing but pretended as if she has not heard anything .

John on the other hand smiled thinking ‘Both of you are very poor in acting. But I like it . ’

Old man outside became more excited than John .He was literally dancing like a mad man .People started avoiding him like a plague but Old man didn’t care . He was happy for his granddaughter . He knew how much she had suffered throughout her childhood.

Everyone around her used flattery to get close to her and eventually she avoided everyone .He was the only one who showed her genuine love and understood what she wanted . A small drop of tear couldn’t help but flow out his eyes .He rubbed his eyes and prepared to walk into the room .

But he suddenly froze when he saw his second son’s only son Luke with a bouquet. Old man didn’t have any positive opinion towards his only grandson. Luke was ruthless in nature and highly ambitious. He considered people as resources for his goal including the Old man and his cousin.

Luke wore a classic white suit .Any girl would have fallen for his looks and style . But he had an icy expression that repelled people who wanted to get near him .Two bodyguards silently followed him with arms.

“Hello grandpa, how is my cousin? By your excitement I can tell she is OK now .” He didn’t wait for Old man to reply and directly entered room.

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