《John's worries about his Harem》Chapter 14 - "Red" Activity
Earlier, John and the group decided to go on an amusement park.
It took them thirty minutes to arrive at the place.
"Huff, huff, huff... Why did we have to walk when we could've just called a taxi?" complained Elssie while using the silent Chloe as a crutch as she tried to catch her breath. Upon closer inspection, Chloe's breath also became heavy.
Hearing this, John tensed up and tried to find excuses. He then said,
"Sorry. I have my reasons... And besides, this is a good exercise for our body, since you'll never know when you'll need to run a marathon in order to not get chased by a killer magic girl and die! Hahaha!"
As John forced a laugh, everyone stared at him with worried looks on their face, including the nearby strangers.
Tyrone placed a palm on his face as he muttered, "Good god. I never knew he was that affected by it..."
"Haha! Hahaa, Hah..."
"...Mommy, look! There's a crazy person over there!" said a child from a few meters away.
Thanks to the child, John blushed as he finally realized his awkward situation.
"Haah... Eherm! Alright, please forget what you just saw. Let's go inside already..." said John as he started walking towards the entrance of the park.
John felt a sharp pain on the side of his head.
"--Ow! Who threw this rock!?" yelled John as he looked around while holding a small piece of fallen rock.
"Not me," said Tyrone as he shook his head from side to side.
The two other girls also shook their heads from side to side. And for some reason, the nearby bystanders did the same as they looked at John.
How the heck did they manage to move their heads together in sync? Awe, forget it. We better go inside before more rocks will come flying at me.
While thinking that, John used hand gestures to call over Tyrone and the girls, then he said, "Come in already."
After that, the four of them finally entered the Amusement Park.
John displayed a happy face as looked around the place.
He saw many people walking everywhere. Also, he gazed at the multiple food stands and attractions arranged neatly in rows and columns.
"Wow! I've never been here before. Although now that I'm here, I can vaguely recall something about a planned trip. But, whatever."
John muttered to himself while walking all over the place. His group struggled to catch up to him amidst the crowd.
"John, don't stray too far. We might lose sight of you," said Tyrone in a slightly loud volume. Loud enough for John to hear even when around the noisy crowd.
"Oh? Okay! I'm just sight seeing so don't worry!" shouted John while walking fast.
John continued loitering around.
All the walking around while trying to follow John made the tired girls become even more exhausted.
"Ahh, I'm tired. Let's go ride an attraction so we can take a rest, since there are no vacant seats around," said Elssie as she clung to Tyrone's buff arm. Chloe also clung on the other arm. Both of them used Tyrone as a way to rest by literally hanging on him.
"Yea, I agree. Hey John! Let's go find a ride with many seats on it, okay?" shouted Tyrone while struggling to keep himself in balance due to the girls on either side of him.
However, John did not reply.
Instead, he just stood in place as if he became a statue.
Oh no! They will notice it! I should have just gone alone.
As John thought that, he slowly turned around to face Tyrone and the girls.
He then gave them a warm smile and said, "Let's split up, okay? You guys can go have fun, I'll catch up later!"
And then he dashed like a mad man while skillfully dodging the people he passed by.
"But the securi-- Ty... He's gone. Oh well, this place is heavily guarded so its okay."
Tyrone could only mutter that since John already left before he finished his sentence.
Tyrone worriedly glanced at the girls on either side of him.
"You girls are tired, right? Let's find something to ride."
"But what about John?" asked Elssie while still clinging to Tyrone.
"Oh, it's fine. Don't worry about him. As long as he won't run too fast, the 'security' can keep an eye on him. Now, where should we go?" replied Tyrone while looking around the place.
Upon finally spotting a suitable ride, Tyrone said, "Let's go there.", and started walking together with the girls.
Just as Tyrone went for the counter, he acted like he remembered something and then he asked the girls.
"Yo, girls. I don't have any money on me right now. Did John, by chance, leave any spending money on you?"
The two girls only shook their heads from side to side.
"Huff, huff... Phew! This should be far enough. I hope they don't notice," said John to himself as he tried to catch his breath.
He looked around and saw that the area did not look as crowded as the other places. One might call the area 'Desolate'. Not even his "Security Guards" could be seen anywhere at all. John probably lost them on the way.
"This place must be in the corner of the amusement park..."
John walked around for a bit and found a vacant public bench.
He quickly occupied the free space and slumped down on it.
"Sigh... I can't let them know that we don't have money anymore."
While muttering to himself, he took out his wallet and checked its contents.
"Damn, this is all we have left. Should I tell Tyrone? We barely even managed to buy enough food for all of us yesterday..."
The sound of a small stone hitting the concrete floor echoed. But John did not notice it.
"No, I can't tell him yet. He might ask about where the money they gave me went..."
The sound came again, yet John still did not notice.
"My parents... No, they denied my request for money last night. Ah, I'm not so sure now~ What to do... What to do..."
It came again. Still no sign of John noticing the sound.
He closed his eyes for a bit and tried to think deeply.
Clack.... Clack.... Clack.... The sound repeated three times, but John refused to notice it again.
".......What to do?"
Once again, the clacking sound of a small stone hitting the concrete resounded.
Huh? Come to think of it, what was that noise just now? Should I open my eyes and see-- Ow!
While thinking that, John suddenly felt a sharp pain behind his head.
He opened his eyes in reflex and saw that there were a bunch of pebbles scattered all around him. They all slowly kept increasing in numbers as they came flying from behind.
John looked over his shoulder to see where it came from, but...
"Ow! Sonuvabich!"
A pebble hit him straight in the forehead.
"Alright! That's it! Show yourself!" shouted John as he stood up and looked towards the direction where the pebbles came from.
After that, the pebbles stopped coming.
John heard some noises behind a thicket, right in the direction where the rocks came from.
"Ahw! Stop! No! Yougotitwrong! Stop!"
"Ohhh, nooo~ I'm just getting started! Chew on this!"
"Sto-- Mfff!"
He heard two familiar voices coming from behind the said thicket. One coming from a pleading male, the other coming from a disturbingly familiar happy female.
John waited for a few seconds to gather his resolve.
He gulped and then started slowly walking towards the thicket.
Right there, he saw...
"So... You finally showed your true colors after such a long time," muttered John as he watched a scene unfold right in front of him.
Anger and a little bit of delight filled his heart.
Then, he gritted his teeth and silently rushed forward while clenching his right fist.
The color of his pupils turned into red as he ran. They literally turned red.
Of course, John did not notice that physical change in his body.
"Wherever you go, I'll follow you... Except for when you're entering your house."
Jason muttered those words with deep feelings of hatred.
He glared at John from afar, all while making sure he keeps his proper distance in order to not get noticed.
If only John did not act like how he did, Jason would not feel this kind of anger towards him. No, not just anger. Just like the other boys in his class, he also felt envy and jealousy towards John due to him being favored more by the girls.
However, Jason's anger did not come from John monopolizing all of the girls. It came from the sight of John mistreating the girl Jason admired so much. To him, it felt like seeing the girl you liked going on a date with a delinquent, only for her to get abused and used up like a tool, but she still keeps returning to the delinquent while desperately begging for affection.
Although, such logic only works for masochistic women, but that's how Jason interpreted Chloe's actions towards John.
John and his group started to move. Jason followed.
When he looked at Chloe for a bit, he saw her usual expressionless state, which actually looks pretty unusual for Jason.
"Chloe... When I tried to speak with her before, she didn't even say a single word to me. Damn you, John! This is all your fault!"
Jason kept following John while blending himself in with the crowd.
"...Now that I think about it, why is this crowd conveniently going through the same path as John?"
He looked around him as he walked according to the crowd's pace.
"...John... Heh, hehehe... John...."
When Jason heard that, he turned to look at the source. He saw a girl breathing heavily while focusing her sights on something or someone from afar.
Similar words also came from the people beside the girl, no, the next one as well, no, the next next one, no...
Only then did Jason realize something so obvious.
"Why is this crowd composed of only girls...?" muttered Jason under his breath while drooping his shoulders down in order to not stand out too much.
Some time later, Jason realized that they already reached an amusement park.
"Oh... I went here before. Alone."
After seeing John standing by the entrance, Jason moved away from the crowd of girls and instead transferred to a much normal-looking crowd nearby.
He lowered his posture so as to not get noticed, and then he heard a laugh.
It came from John.
Jason immediately felt the urge to punch the face of the laughing John.
"No, I can't do that... His scary friend is nearby. I can't risk it," said Jason while holding his trembling right arm.
He looked around him and found a small pebble on the ground.
A brilliant idea suddenly flashed inside his mind. He then said,
"Oh! With this, he can't know that it was me! Hehehe. Now I'll throw it like this aaaand..."
The projectile he threw hit John.
"--Ow! Who threw this rock!?"
Jason struggled to hold back his laughter as he tried to pick up some more pebbles on the ground.
"Pfft! H-hehe, serves you right! Now I'll get some more ammo and move to another spot... Wait a minute. What is this strange feeling I'm sensing right now?"
When Jason looked behind him, he saw countless girls giving him death stares.
"A-ahahahaha! I-I didn't do anything," said Jason as he let go of all the pebbles he collected, causing all of it to fall to the ground like raindrops.
"You... You. Hurt. Our. Joooohnn!"
"See ya! J-Dash! Whoosh!"
After waving his hand at the girls, Jason immediately dashed as fast as he could. Naturally, the girls gave chase.
The noise of their commotion blended in with their surroundings, so John and his group did not notice anything.
On the other hand,
"Security unit number 48 here. We've lost sight of the suspicious boy. Should we pursue? ...Oh, he's harmless? Copy. We'll leave him be."
After some time of running around, Jason finally managed to lose the girls.
In exchange, he lost sight of his target. He also found himself lost in a desolate part of the park.
And so, he decided to take a break for a bit.
"Awe man, my stamina must be quite something. I'm still not exhausted even after all that running," said Jason unconvincingly while laid flat on a field of grass right beside a thicket.
After finishing his rest, he decided to stand up and continue his search, but...
"Whoa, wait a minute. Is that John?"
He saw John sit on a bench just a few meters away from him.
"Lucky me! He's alone so now I get to pun-- Wait, what if his scary friend is nearby but I just can't see him? If that dude saw me punching John... Since we're also classmates... No escape. Death... Alright, I better make sure first."
Due to hesitation, Jason decided to make do with just throwing pebbles instead.
With a bunch of freshly collected pebbles in hand, Jason leisurely threw them towards John's direction.
However, Jason did not notice the girl behind him who happened to pass by. The girl slowly approached him.
"Throw, miss. Throw, miss. Throw, nice hit. Throw, oh, I hit him agai-- Phwa!"
All of a sudden, he felt a strong force and a sharp pain on his cheeks.
The next moment, he saw his view tilting to the side. It took him half a second to realize that someone punched him hard enough to make him fall like this.
"Tch. After all my efforts of shaking away those creepy stalkers back there, this is the first thing I see? Now, tell me why you did that to my brother, you trash," said a female voice from nearby with an angry tone.
When Jason tried to take a look at the source of the voice, he saw a familiar girl.
"Ugh... H-hey, aren't you-- Gah!"
"Shut up."
However, before Jason finished talking, the girl interrupted him with a kick to the gut.
The girl then tried to speak while digging her foot deeper into Jason's stomach.
"Now then. I guess I'll let you experience what happens when someone messes with my Big Brother right in front of me. Look around us, there are no witnesses. I'm free to do anything and I can even get away with it even if you try to tell everyone."
She then raised her foot at kicked Jason in the stomach again and again.
"Ahw! Stop! No! Yougotitwrong! Stop!"
As Jason curled himself on the ground, the girl mercilessly kicked him. However, his suffering did not end there.
The girl stopped kicking Jason.
"Ohhh, nooo~ I'm just getting started! Chew on this so that you can shut up!" said the girl as she picked up some of the fallen pebbles and forcefully shoved those right into Jason's mouth.
The girl's strength surprised Jason. He could not resist nor fight back even if he wanted to.
"Sto-- Mfff!"
While laughing, the girl kicked different parts of Jason's body all while also throwing pebbles at him at point-blank range. In no time, bruises already became visible on his exposed skin. It would be no surprise if he also broke a bone or two.
Jason, unable to fight back, closed his eyes and prayed for everything to be over soon.
But the next moment...
"Hahaha-- Ghurgh!!!"
Jason heard an unladylike grunt coming from the girl. The girl also stopped kicking him.
But the girl did not stop giving out grunts.
"Guh! Gha! Urgh! Ugh! Oof!"
Jason also heard loud thuds in sync with the girl's grunts. It seemed like...
Unable to contain his curiosity, Jason opened his eyes.
Never in his dreams did he expect to see such a scene in real life.
A strong punch hit the girl. Strong enough to cause a loud thudding sound from her flesh.
"Gah! S-stop! I was just trying to--!" cried the girl while desperately trying to stand up as she shielded herself. But John interrupted her before she finished explaining.
"Shut up! You can't fool me anymore! Not only were you not satisfied with throwing stones at me, you even hurt other people too!? Take this!" said John while punching the girl through the gaps on her defenses.
"Phuh! P-please stop!"
The girl tried her best to keep herself from falling. Two words kept repeating inside her mind. 'Run' and 'Away'. But she could not accomplish that if she falls down. Realizing this, her tears trickled down non-stop. Even if she tries to crawl her way out, it would be too slow.
Meanwhile, John kept mercilessly beating her up as she tries to stand.
Every time John's fists hit the girl's body, it produces a loud 'thud' which shows how much power he placed behind each punch. He did not intend to hold back.
Again, the girl tried to stand up, but...
Punched again.
"P-plea-- Gyah!"
John punched her in the gut as she shielded her face, causing her to crouch down and reflexively shield her stomach with both arms.
She tried to stand up again.
Another loud thud came from her body.
"S-Sto-- Phuwa!"
John punched her unprotected cheeks as she shielded her stomach. This caused her to almost fall on her back but she managed to keep her feet steady. She reflexively shielded her face this time.
"N-no mor-- Ghu!"
This time, she finally became unconscious and fell face first directly onto the ground. John reduced her into this pitiful state.
Noticing her lack of reaction, John stopped his follow-up kicks and muttered while looking at the fallen girl,
"If it was just me, I would've turned a blind eye for a few more times... But you've even laid your hands on other people now. When I saw you being so happy doing it to someone else earlier, I couldn't help but get angry as I remember all those things you did to me."
Of course, due to being unconscious, the girl did not hear that. John only said that in order to try and justify his unjustifiable actions. He only convinced himself.
He turned away from the girl and started walking towards Jason's direction. He then continued muttering,
"Too bad, the slightly kinder Cindy isn't here to protect you... This is a taste of your own medicine so I won't apologize, Joan."
After that, his red pupils started to turn back into their original color.
When John reached Jason, he asked,
"Oh, I didn't realize that it's you, Jason. Are you alright?"
At this point, John's eye-color completely returned to normal, so Jason did not notice the strange change in John.
Jason spat out all the rocks inside his mouth and tried to stand up, only to fail.
"Ow! My leg..." said Jason as he sat up while holding down his right leg. He felt something hard sticking out of his leg.
"...Sorry about that. I apologize for what my sister did," said John with a smiling face as he pointed at the unconscious girl.
"Ow! But... What the hell? That's your sister... Ow! I shouldn't touch this."
John only gave him a wry smile and showed him his phone. John then said,
"I know, right? But it's complicated, so you wouldn't understand. Just let me call an ambulance for both of you."
John started dialing on his phone.
Meanwhile, Jason muttered to himself in a volume that John could not hear,
"...But it's you who didn't understand. Although, hehehe, this could be considered as my payback. Your sister for my Chloe."
After John finished his call, he placed his phone on his pocket and sat right across Jason.
"Are you confused about why I'm acting so calm right now?" asked John while showing a smile.
"You know... Instead of directly calling for an ambulance, you could have called over nearby people first. I don't think that's calm. You just wanna act and think like you're calm."
Jason only replied with a silent nod as he focused his gaze on his injured right leg.
"Ahh, you're right. Also, I don't know why I just did 'that'. By 'that', I mean brutalizing my own sister. It just felt like it's natural for me to do so... But I don't feel bad about it though," said John while scratching the back of his head.
"...That's actually kinda creepy. Please don't do that anymore, especially to other girls... Ow! Ow! Dammit!"
John took a closer look at Jason's leg and said,
"Does your leg really hurt that much-- Holy shit! Your bone is sticking out! Don't worry! I'll stay with you till help arrives! The ambulance is on its way!"
"Huh? Aaah! You're right! Why didn't I notice it before!? Aaaaahhh! AAAaaah! Shiiit!"
And just like that, the two chatted idly until help arrived.
John did not even show any concern for his sister during the entire duration.
Just A Story
A world without magic. A planet like any other, where neither monsters, demons nor gods exist. A plain, maybe even boring, earth. A world where the only advantures are either written in books, shown on TV or games. Or so it was supposed to be. Until now. Events are happening that will shacke the world. Events that have only ever happened in the fantasy of man. And at the centre of all these events stands one person. Someone who is completely overwhelmed by the events. He will have to make decisions that may not change the fate of the world, but change his and the life of everyone around him. Decisions he would regret. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have no fixed upload scedule as of yet, I will simply upload whenever I feel like the chapter is good enough to be uploaded.
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Red Souls
In a world where Superheroes and villains exist, the conflicts that can not be solved by mere words will inevitably rise.Jack Mercer, a 17 year old high school student, becomes a victim in an unavoidable tragedy - but it also becomes the catalyst for an incredible change in him which will either lead him down the path to unparalleled greatness, or towards the cycle of the madness and darkness. Please note: The early draft/WIP chapters can be found in the Novel Updates Forums. Also, the chapters can be found on the Fantasy-Books.live as well.
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The Amazing Sidekick
Jack Snyder died on Earth during a car accident. Time went by, and he heard a girl’s voice calling Nozomu Shinchaku. Jack slowly opened his eyes and an unknown girl was crying in front of him, but everything about her was wrong. Long blue hair, yellow eyes, cat ears instead of normal Human ears. Jack glanced at her hand and saw sharp and long fingernails caressing his face. A fluffy blue tail was trembling behind her, signalling her worries. Jack saw a pool of blood on the ground near a rock, and he had a big bandage on his head. Strangely, his soul travelled to a young boy’s body, that judging by the pool of blood, died because of that rock. Now, he has to learn how to live in a strange Magical World as the Human teenager Nozomu Shinchaku that strangely can’t use Magic, and Magic has no effect on him. . “Definition of sidekick: - A sidekick is someone who goes with the main lead on their adventures. If he is a superhero, the sidekick helps fight crime. Sometimes this word signifies an imbalance of power, and it implies that the sidekick is less powerful than the main lead. - Sidekick is one of the most effective forms of attack in a street fight. Hard kicks especially to the knee can take a larger opponent down or at least blow out his balance, leaving him vulnerable to follow-up shots.” *I intend on keeping this story free till it's finished.*
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Test story
Test description
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