《John's worries about his Harem》Chapter 9 - New Residents
John checked his phone to see the current time.
May 10, 2032. Monday. 8:24PM
Inside John's house, ten people are currently gathered in the living room. The tense atmosphere already began the moment the guests arrived, still wearing their school uniforms.
They discussed something.
And just now, they've just finished talking.
I'm screwed! Mom, Dad, when will you get back home? Please hurry! I need help! If only I'd known this would--
"--that's why we all decided to do this. John... John? Are you listening, John?"
"Huh...? Ah, right! Yes, Ivan! Yes of course! You don't need to worry! Hahaha!" replied John with a soaking wet forehead.
"You understand the seriousness of the situation, right? These girls will stay in your house for now," said Ivan as he pointed at the two female guests while directing a serious look towards John.
The four other men behind Ivan also directed their serious gazes at John.
"Y-yes! Yes, of course!" quickly replied the panicking John while straightening his back.
W-why should these girls live here!? We can handle the living expenses if there's just one, but not when there's two of them! We wont last an entire week at this rate!
John looked at the girls Ivan talked about.
Both of them, clad in school uniforms.
One of them sat at the corner of the sofa while fidgeting around, the blonde girl named Elssie Crimloard. The other one, the black-haired ponytail girl Chloe, clung to John like a sticky gum, never letting go even for a moment.
"Now wait a minute! Why did you guys suddenly barge in here and ask us to take care of these girls?" suddenly interrupted Cindy from the sides.
"Yeah, she's right. This makes no sense. Why should we do what you say?" quickly followed up Joan while hiding behind Cindy as she peeked at Ivan with uneasy eyes.
The two sisters who observed everything from the beginning objected to the circumstances upon finally understanding the situation.
"Now, it's not like we're asking you guys to do it for free! We're ready to pay up-front if that's what you like. Also, please let us talk to your brother in private for a while," said Ivan as he took out a stack of green bills from his pocket and slammed it to the floor.
The two sisters examined the stack of green bills, and upon seeing the text "2032-Issue Bonds" together with "100$" being written on it, they immediately responded to Ivan at the same time, displaying a big smile on their faces.
"Okay, deal! We'll let them take John's room.", "Well, why didn't you say so? Big Bro can go sleep on my bed tonight."
The two sisters picked up the stack of bills then went on to the second floor while humming happily.
Really? Bribery did the trick? How cheap can you jerks be anyway? Well... At least it saved us from the incoming financial trouble.
John thought that as he silently thanked his greedy sisters.
"Since you've listened to my explanation earlier, you know why we made them stay in your house, right? So that's all and we'll see you tomorrow," said Ivan with a serious expression before leaving together with the four other men silently.
No! Wait! I actually don't know why since I didn't pay attention earlier! Repeat all of what you said again! --Not that I could say that to them after paying us with cold, hard cash.
John complained in his mind as he began thinking of what to do next.
A moment later, after Ivan exited the house.
"Whoa! Why are there so many girls here!? Men, let's scare them away! Graaaarghh!" shouted Ivan from outside the house.
"Yes, sir! Graaarghh!" replied the four men at the same time.
John could not see the situation outside but he could hear it.
"Aaaaahhh! Run awaaaay! John, we'll be back for youuuu!"
...Did I just hear some girls screaming? Nah, probably just my imagination.
The already pale John dismissed the noise outside as just his imagination. He did not want to think about any more problems for tonight.
With Chloe already clinging to him, John turned around to face Elssie who still fidgeted around.
"Okay, girls. Let's pick your rooms for tonight!"
"Umm... Uh.. Nnn.." Elssie still kept fidgeting without sparing John a glance.
"John, I want to stay with you! I'll even sleep with you if needed!" said Chloe while tightening her grip on John.
"N-now wait a second! I don't think it's a good idea to say such things out in the open. By the way, hey you. What's wrong? Is something bothering you?" asked John as he approached the girl sitting on the sofa, Elssie. Meanwhile, the other girl still kept clinging to him.
"Umm... Where? Where...?" replied Elssie, fidgeting even more.
"Where's what?" asked John a second time while struggling to stand perfectly still due to a certain someone clinging to him.
Although a normal boy would find enjoyment in this situation where are girl clings to him, John could hardly ever be called normal due to a certain set of sisters instilling some sort of trauma in him.
Memories of when his sisters tried to twist his joints while clinging to him resurfaced inside John's mind. Right now, he is doing his best to hold himself back from reflexively whacking Chloe away.
"Y-you know what I'm talking about! Don't make me say it! So, where is it?" said Elssie while blushing and fidgeting.
"Again, where is what? I don't know what you're talking about!" asked John again, in a louder and much more annoyed voice this time.
"T-the, the... The toilet..."
"...Why didn't you say so earlier?"
"H-hey! Answer me now! This is an emergency! Where is it!? I can't hold it anymore!"
Elssie suddenly stood up from the sofa and did a tap dance while holding down on her crotch. Or so that's how it looked like to John.
"You've got nice dance mov-- No, I'm sorry! Don't hit me! Just go upstairs and enter the second door on your right," said John while shielding his face with one hand.
"Hmph. You should have said so sooner!" said Elssie as she started running for the toilet.
Now, after resolving everything today, John's tension finally eased. So did the tension in his buttocks which he subconsciously tightened earlier for some reason.
Chloe's grip tightened again all of a sudden.
"Now what? And could you please let go of me?" asked John as he looked at Chloe who still clung to him.
"No!" replied Chloe while shaking her head.
"Come on! You've been like that since we saw each other at school this morning! I can't move properly if you don't let go!"
The two kept repeating this exchange until...
The loud screams from upstairs could suddenly be heard. It belonged to John's two sisters.
Oh no! What happened!? Don't tell me... Damn, I've got to hurry!
John silently tried to remove Chloe's hands, but failed, so he ended up reflexively whacking her with his hand instead. In doing so, Chloe fell to the floor, but she did not show any signs of anger from what John just did, for some strange reason.
"Ah! John, wait! Don't leave me!" said Chloe as she reached her hands for John without moving an inch from her position for some reason.
"I'm sorry! I don't know why I did that, but please forgive me! I'll be right back," said John while rushing towards the source of the screams from earlier.
John passed by the toilet room, which contained Elssie for quite some time now, and headed straight for the room of his two sisters.
"What happened!?" shouted John as he opened the door with force.
"T-the... T-the... The..." said Cindy with teary eyes, looking at the object on the floor while hugging the crying Joan.
John looked at the object Cindy pointed at.
There lay, on the floor, the stack of green bills from earlier.
"Alright, what's there to cry about that? It's not like there's actually a bomb inside or something, right?" said John with a confused look, then his face turned into fear as he followed up with, "...Wait a minute."
Oh shit. What if it's really a bomb and they just wanna silence us to--
"No, not a bomb! Even worse! It's not money! It's fake!" said Cindy, interrupting John's thoughts.
John immediately picked up the stack of green bills and examined it. Some parts of where the prints should be located were not there.
Although not actually worse than a bomb, what Cindy said is still true. Ivan gave them fake money.
Visions depicting each of them starving to death with their skeleton-like bodies flashed inside John's mind.
"...I don't care anymore. Give me a lighter, Cindy," with an angry face, John asked for a lighter from Cindy.
After getting a lighter from Cindy's pocket, John proceeded to burn the stack of fake money without hesitation.
Surprisingly, the house did not burn down despite igniting something on the second floor, a floor consisting of mostly wooden materials.
A car containing five people drove through the serene streets. The night sky made it harder to detect the car with human eyes due to its dark color.
"Is it okay to leave them like that, Ivan? Shouldn't we at least give them real money?" said the person on the passenger seat.
"Wait, what do mean? Those were fakes? How do you know that, Muhammad?" asked Ivan while driving the car slowly.
"Umm... When I was preparing our funds, I think I confused the ones for display and the real ones earlier. You gave them the ones that I gave you, right?"
The car suddenly screeched loudly after Ivan slammed his foot on the break.
"You what!? We have to go back now!"
Ivan immediately turned the car around and started driving as fast as he could, but...
"Wait, stop the car! Ivan, I see someone!" said Tyrone from the back seat while pointing beyond the car's windshield. A few meters away from them, a lone girl stood by the sidewalk facing their direction with a blank look on her face.
"Yeah, me too. Isn't it dangerous for a girl to be alone around these parts at this time of night?" replied Ivan while turning off the car's engine.
"That girl is... I think we should go get her. No one is around. Lee, Satou, can I count on you for this?" said Muhammad while looking at the two other passengers from the back seat just beside Tyrone. They became the very danger that Ivan just talked about earlier.
"Hai." (TL note: Means 'Yes'), "Yes. It will be quick."
The two replied, cracking their knuckles.
"...You do understand what I'm saying, right? I mean you should go get her, not kill, just capture," said Muhammad with a worried face.
"Yeah, we know. We're just kidding," replied Lee with a smile, opening the car door and taking as step outside afterwards. Satou silently followed up from behind.
Silence filled the car. With three people silently sitting inside, Ivan felt the awkward atmosphere so he decided to start a topic.
"...I'll just ask, Muhammad. We're abducting young girls now? Isn't this quite a bit..." asked Ivan with an anxious look on his face.
"No, no. Don't misunderstand, Ivan. Hey Tyrone, you know why I'm doing this, right? We checked the incident's files together after all," said Muhammad while looking alternately at both Ivan and Tyrone.
"Nah, I don't get you at all. You're really creepy sometimes, you know? You even extend to girls now? You breakin' our vow?" replied Tyrone while displaying a sad look on his face.
"Please don't be like that. You know me. I have a good reason to do this, since I recognize that girl," said Muhammad while pointing at the girl being approached by Lee and Satou.
"Hey, young lady," said Lee with a smile on his face as he approached the girl while waving a hand at her.
Satou just remained silent beside Lee, yet he also displayed a smile.
"Ah... What is it?" asked the girl as she looked at the two, still with a blank look on her face. She didn't even show a surprised reaction.
"Satou, do it," said Lee.
"Hai! (TL note: Yeah) Young girl, caught!" responded Satou as he held the girl by the wrists.
The girl finally showed a reaction for the first time. A shocked reaction.
"A-ah... Ah! Aaa-- Mfff!"
Despite being held by Satou, the girl attempted to turn around and scream. But due to Lee's follow-up action, her mouth could no longer make any noise after being covered by a cloth as she struggled.
A few seconds later, the girl finally stopped resisting and fell unconscious.
"...Alright. Satou, let's take her to the car."
Satou silently nodded.
Without difficulty, the two muscular guys carried and placed the girl inside the black car waiting for them.
"You know, I feel bad about doing this without knowing the reason," said Ivan before starting up the car engine.
"It'll be fine. You should trust me since I'm the information expert here," replied Muhammad white pointing to his chest with his thumb.
Ivan started driving afterwards.
The door to the toilet room opened.
Out came a blonde girl with ringlets, Elssie Crimloard, having an entirely different personality from before.
"Ohohoho~! I feel like I was just born recently!" said Elssie while covering her mouth with the back of her hand .
She looked around the second floor hallway before saying,
"...And what was that scream just now? Oh, an open door. I wanna take a look inside."
Elssie stepped inside the open door next to the toilet room, only to find three people with tears in their eyes. There's also a burnt object in the middle of the room.
"*Sniffle*, *sniffle*... Just why?" muttered John while rubbing his eyes as he faced the ceiling. His sisters also sobbed while hugging each other.
"E-er... What happened here? Ah! W-why are you crying, John!?" said Elssie in a panicky voice as she slowly walked towards John.
"*Sniffle*... Nothing happened. Come on, lets go downstairs. *Sniffle*..." replied John as he exited the room. Elssie, with an unsure expression, silently followed him afterwards. She somehow understood that John did not want to talk about it.
Upon reaching the lower floor, a crying and shivering Chloe entered their view.
"Y-you too, Chloe? Why is everyone crying all of a sudden?" said the confused Elssie as she took a seat on the sofa.
"John! *Sob*... Don't leave me again!"
Upon seeing John, Chloe immediately stood up and clung to him like usual.
"Ah... *Sniffle*... No, let me go... I just want to sleep right now. Let me take you to your room upstairs," said John while still trying to shake off the clingy Chloe as he went upstairs. He completely stopped crying a moment later.
Elssie quietly stood up, then she followed John and Chloe to the second floor.
"Alright, you two can sleep here. I'll use the sofa on the living room instead," said John while pointing at the door towards his room. Then, while pointing at Chloe, he continued saying, "And Elssie, please deal with this."
"Alright. But John, can't you use the room of your parents?" asked Elssie while pulling Chloe away from John's body.
"I'd... rather not. I've seen something in there before that I wish I shouldn't have," replied John while remembering about his past, suddenly shivering afterwards.
"Okay... Goodnight," said Elssie, closing the door after successfully getting Chloe inside.
"Joohn! Noo!"
"Stop that, Chloe! Let's not trouble John any further. This is his house."
"No buts! We have to go to sleep so let's change into our sleeping clo-- Oh, right. We didn't bring anything..."
"...This bed is too small."
"Shush! We can't complain now. We'll be troubling John if we go outside."
"Sigh... I should get some sleep now. My eyes are getting heavy," said John after overhearing the exchange of the two girls inside the room.
John went to the living room, going for the sofa.
However, before he could lay down on the sofa,
The doorbell suddenly rang.
Dammit. Who is it this time? I really want to sleep now, you know?
John thought that as he reluctantly went for the door.
Before opening the door, he peeked through the its peephole first to see who rang the doorbell.
He saw Ivan and his usual gang. This time however, they brought another girl with them. An unconscious girl wearing casual clothes being carried in Ivan's muscular arms.
"...What do you want, Ivan?" asked John with a slight hint of anger after opening the door.
"We have another favor. Here, take her," replied Ivan as he handed over the unconscious girl to John.
John accepted the girl with his arms, not even questioning what Ivan meant about the favor. The girl felt surprisingly light weight.
"Okay, thanks John. Bye!"
After Ivan said that, he and his group turned around. But before they could take a step, John spoke to them.
"Aren't you forgetting something, Ivan?" asked John while laying down the girl beside the wall.
"Huh...? Oh! Right. Sorry about earlier. Here's the pay, for real. It's real this time, so don't say anything more," said Ivan with an apologetic face as he handed John another stack of green bills identical to the ones earlier.
"...Tch! I'll take it anyway."
John clicked his tongue as he reluctantly accepted Ivan's payment.
"Alright, we'll be going now. See you at school tomorrow!"
Ivan and his group finally left.
John closed the door and placed the unconscious girl on the living room's sofa after picking her up.
"Hmm... this girl looks familiar. Ah, forget about that. I wanna sleep now so I'll deal with this junk first," said John as he went to the kitchen with the stack of green bills in hand.
Before he did the deed, he took and examined the top-most green bill just to make sure.
"Yup. Same as before. This one's a fake too," said John while nodding to himself, convincing only him and nobody else.
After that, he finally did it.
He switched on the kitchen's gas stove and set fire to the stack of green bills.
There. That should do the trick. You can't fool me twice, Ivan. But I'll still ask for proper pay tomorrow... Yaaawn! I better get some sleep now. I think the floor is good enough to sleep on.
He then proceeded to go back to the living room, the place where he left the unconscious girl earlier.
John laid down on the floor next to the sofa for a few seconds before saying,
"Oh, that's right. I could've used those as evidence against them for... Never mind. I'll think about it tomorrow."
And then, he fell asleep.
If he just took the time to glance at the remaining bills, he would have noticed that the rest of the green notes were real. John happened to only examine the only fake bill on the stack cash that Ivan gave him. Why Ivan placed a fake on top of it? Nobody knows. It could simply be due to habit.
...rustle, rustle.....
The sound of rustling leaves reached John's ears.
".....What's this? Where am I?"
John, not familiar with the place, looked around his surroundings.
Trees with orange colored, rectangular shaped leaves stood all over the place.
"Why am I here? Is this a forest? These trees don't look normal... Ah! They're moving!"
John attempted to run away, but can't.
Like a person running on a treadmill, John jogged in place as he looked behind him, only to see extending tree roots coated with blood coming for him.
"No! What is happening! No, stay away! Noooooo!"
And then John woke up, realizing he actually slept on the cold floor without even having any pillows or blankets.
"Noooo--! Oh, it was just a dream..."
In response to the sound John made, the girl on the sofa woke up and looked around her surroundings.
"Whyaa! What was that for!? ...Huh? Wait, John? Where am I?" asked the girl after seeing John laid down on the floor, all while trying to recover from the shock of being suddenly woken up.
"Huh? You know me? Well, you do look familiar after all..." replied John as he took a look at the girl's face.
Wait, she's the Class President!
He ran as fast as he could.
"Huff, huff... I finally made it home. Big Sis! I'm back! And you're not gonna believe what just happened!" said Jason as he opened the door.
Jason's sister immediately greeted him on the door.
"Oh, welcome back. And of course I'm not gonna believe you. Why should I listen to your excuses for being late? You made me eat dinner alone," replied Jason's sister while crossing her arms with an angry look on her face.
"Huh? Fine then. You didn't even believe me when I told you that five 'obviously older than the average student' guys transferred to my class. You're always like that, so I'll just post it on the internet since the people there will believe me."
Jason headed straight for his room and locked himself up. Booting up his personal computer afterwards.
"Let's see... This thread should be good. Now I'll type it like this!"
Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap
[Thread Subject: Crimes and Crime Witnesses]
[Replies: 235 posts]
[Name: Anonymous]
[Reply Post # 236]
--------Message Body--------
I caught a live abduction on video!
Earlier, I spoke with a friend of mine. (She's a girl btw) And after she said something about a missing brother, she started acting strange. So I decided to follow her around.
Now this is where it gets serious!
I followed her while hiding myself from plain sight. But something strange happened. All of a sudden, two guys, who I recognized, appeared out of a black car . They took my friend forcefully and she struggled for a bit.
Of course, me knowing the obvious thing to do, I took out my phone and recorded the whole thing! I'll send this to the police. With this, everyone will know what kind of friends a certain damned 'best friend' of mine has! And a certain girl will also start admiring me too for doing this dangerous thing! Everyone will call me a hero!
A small part of the video is attached to this message by the way. I can't let you guys see the full version or someone will take my credit.
--------Message Body End--------
[Attached Image: Exclamation_Mark.jpg]
[Attached Video: Kidnapping_Video.mp4]
[Captcha: ImPOrtant34 W1Tn3S]
"Aaand, hit the submit button. I'm done! Whew, looks like I might become a true hero tomorrow!" said Jason with all smiles on his face.
He scrolled down and read around for a bit.
"But I feel like something's wrong... What could it be?"
And a moment later, he finally received a reply.
"Oooh! This is it! They'll prase me for my hard work! Click!"
[Name: Anonymous]
[Reply Post # 316]
--------Message Body--------
To Post#236
Nice job letting your friend get raped, retard!
How does it feel like to be able to film her final moments before she gets discovered as a dead body in the dumpsters? Oh and by the way, based on our ridiculous 'new international law', do you think the police wouldn't arrest you for not helping? Either you send the video to the police anonymously and not get the credit or let yourself get arrested while proclaiming yourself as a hero who let her get ravaged inside a car.
Your choice, you delusional hero.
--------Message Body End--------
[Attached Image: Handcuffs.jpg]
It was then that he finally realized it.
"Ah... No wonder I felt like something's wrong..." said Jason as he looked at the phone in his hand. The one containing the video of his Class President getting abducted.
Jason played the clip again and watched it closely this time, with lifeless eyes.
"Nah. I probably won't be able to do anything against those muscular guys... Probably not..."
Jason convinced himself as he watched the clip over and over again.
The next day...
During breakfast, Jason stated his thoughts to his Big Sister on a whim.
"Gulp...Hey, Big Sis," said Jason after swallowing his food.
"Gulp...What is it, Jason?" replied the Big Sister, also after swallowing her food.
This way, the two conversed as they ate.
"Gulp...What would you do if you saw someone being kidnapped and you know you can't fight against the kidnappers themselves? What if those kidnappers didn't know you were watching them from the sidelines?"
"Gulp...What kind of question is that? And anyway, I'll at least throw some rocks or something at them to let them know someone is watching. That should at least be able to make them hesitate, right?"
"Gulp...W-would that even work?"
"Gulp...Well, even if it wont, at least I knew I tried to help the poor victim, right? And that would make me feel better if it were to happen for real."
"Chgk!! Cough! Cough!"
Jason suddenly choked on his food.
"J-Jason! Are you alright!?" asked the concerned Big Sister as she rubbed Jason's back after coming over to him.
"Cough... Y-yes. I'm sorry. I've been blinded by my desire... I'm such a horrible person..."
"Hmm? What are you apologizing for? Are you crying? Sigh... Just hurry up or you'll be late for school. And I still have to go to work too," said the Big Sister, still rubbing Jason's back as he attempted to recover from choking.
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