《Transcendence》Chapter 26


Lookin' for a cave.

Lookin~ For a cave~


Lookin' for a cave to store my stuffs~

Darth flew around singing a song as he carried around his stuff. He was encumbered.

"Where to put these things (question mark)"

Over there.

Darth flew deep into the jungly forest and went to the center of the island.

He found a canyon with strong Spirit Qi being emitted.

"Ara? Why's the qi here so dense? Much stronger than the rest of this island... This is actually up to standard for an Immortal Step Cultivator like myself!"

Darth had decided to set up his cave here - but not just yet.

SFX: Cultivation Sensing ability - Vrriewwwww

"Yup, don't sense any baddies here. Is safe."

So Darth dug into the side of the canyon and started making his cave.

It was a very pretty cave. He made it in five seconds.

Darth couldn't dig a space to fit the large Devil Palm Tree, so he just jammed it into the canyon like a nail, and had it protruding out. Not suspicious at all, I prmise.

"No one will ever find this place."

This was true. Darth had set up highest tier defense and evasion arrays on his cave. These were things he used at his peak in his old life. You'd have to be at least of the Angel Lord Step to just barely sense it.

Darth then went into his cave that looked like a palace on the inside.

"Hmm, if I spent a little more time and took it seriously, this place could probs fend off God Kaiser Step Cultivators... Oh wells. This is only temporary."

So Darth went into his kitchen and made himself a sandwich.

Nom Nom Nom

SFX: Swallowing a sandwich

"Burp" Said Darth

"Good sandwich. Now it's time to break that last seal on the blood spirit body."



It wasn't even half a second and Darth broke the last seal. Now he was at the fifth stage of the Immortal Step.

Darth cracked his knuckles.

"Let's take this cultivating seriously now. I'll find that stinky Evil Monster and tell him who's boss."


Darth was absorbing so much Spirit Qi so fast that it was destroying his cave - nay - the whole island!

Audience: Darth! What you doing?! You'll destroy everything! Have you no mercy?!

But Darth did have mercy. When it was getting dangerous, he stopped.

The island was half wasted now, though, and the Canyon was only 50% of its original spirit qi density.

"That was tasty. Just like the sandwich I had earlier."

"Welp, while I wait for teh qi to recharge, let's have look at this Canyon, shall we? Why does this placehave good spirit qi?"

Darth left his cave and flew down teh canyon. You couldn't even see the bottom. So dark.

As Darth flew down, he felt the qi get dense again. He was shocked.

"Huh? I just sucked the place dry, didn't I? Why couldn't I sense any of this?"

So Darth decided to absorb this qi too.


"That tasted good too."

So he kept flying down.


The qi was dense again as he flew down.

"I thought I really got it all last time? Sigh."


The canyon was kinda collapsing because Darth was using such forceful abosrption.

He flew down and same thing happened again.


and again


and again







If you were to travel down this canyon, you would find a bunch of spirit qi scars. The canoyon was very abused.


and it still was getting abused.

There was a five or something year old boy absorping everything.

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