《Transcendence》Chapter 24


Years back during the Vietnam War, the US was in need of more power.

Technology always advances during times of war, and this time was no exception.

They needed something fast.

Something strong.

Something that could survive in any environment.

They needed....a hero. A supah soldier.

Tons of research was researched by researchers who were researching supah soldiers.

The US gathered their smartest scientists no matter their specialty.

Be it an engineer, doctor, stocks investor, or some streamer who lived in his parents house, the US gathered people with high IQs.

The researching researchers were making good progress on their research, but they still had some problems.

"This serum theoretically should make supah soldier, but is it safe? Let's test it on mice."

And so they did.

They injected supah soldier serum into mice, and the mice grew bigger and stronker. They grew the size of rabbits! Their ears also elongated.

"It worked! Let's do it to a human now."

"No" Said the President of the world. "Not safe yet for sure, so I will postpone further testing forever until it is safe."

"B-but sir... how else are we supposed to find out if it's safe for humans unless we finally decide to use it on humans?"

"Idk. Kek. Make a super good A.I. simulation of the world with 100% realness. Then find out on one of the NPCs. Lol"

And so they did. Not.

That takes too much time, bruh. So one of the mad scientist took in one of the more obedient death row prisoners and was all like, "Yo man, I can fake your death if this works out. You just have to survive. You'll get superpowers too, probs."

And that death row dude fell for the scam.

sfx: Injection of possibly harmful substance.


The big buff man who looked like he ran 17 gangs was injected and started to spasm. His bald head grew hair and his muscles were getting stronger. His legs broke and it was painful, but then they healed back like an anima's legs which are fast.

"It's working!" Said the mad scientist.

The prisoner's hair grew back, but then it turned white!

"Huh? What's going On? He turning edgy because he now super soldeir? Is he K*nedgy? He ain't gonna put bugs in my ears and eat me, will he?"

Then more white hair grew all over the man's body. Then his body shrunk.

He wasn't weaker now that he was smaller, though. In facts, he was even stronker! His muscle strenght compacted!

The man was now covered in white soft hair and the size of a rabbit!

He actually turned into a rabbit!

The rabbit looked at his now rabbit hands and cried tears of joy.

"I-if I had this power before the war, I would've been able to save my daughter.... This is my second chance at life. With this, my identity as [redacted] is no more. From now on I'll use this power for good!"





That's right! This was Bart's origin story!!!!

Interesting, right? What? It's not interesting? I-it's generic like any other supah hero like Lieutenant USA from Marble?

Okay, then. Fine. Forget everything you just read in this chapter.

Here's teh Real origin story.

The scene is the Titanic.

The boat has already sunk and the survivors are just chillin' on their boats.

A tattoo covered scary lookin' dude is also on a boat. People are scared of him.

They almost didn't let him on the boat because of how scary he looked. A lot of his fellow scary lookin' people perished because they were feared and not let on the boat.


This dude was lucky.

This event traumatized this dude.

"If I didn't look so scary, I wouldn't have had so much hard time..."

Man clenched his fist tight and made an epic vow.

"I'll change myself so people won't fear me!"

So he became a rabbit.




Mr. Author:

What now?! You people are so hard to please! What? I never specified how he became a rabbit? I left out the most important part? Argh! Fine! I'll be more specific!

After getting back to the US, the man looked everywhere for a smart scientist who could make him look like less a threat. But there waas no one he could find. They all were scared of him.

So the guy signed up for science school.

"I'll just do it myself then. Hmmph!"

So the guy studied real hard, and all the teachers grew to look past the man's scary looks. The man's studious, hard working nature was all they saw now.


4 years after starting his education.


An old guy with a mustache pat a large buff guy with many tats on the back.

"[redacted], it's been a whole 4 years since you've enrollled. Your hard work has paid off, and now despite all your past felonies, so many large companies have scouted you. You'll be a great CEO for sure in the future!"

Buff dude smiled to the old guy.

"Thanks Mr. Sumātoōrudogai, I couldn't have done it without the great teachers here... but to be honest... I don't want be CEO. I just want to look less threatening..."

The old man nods in understanding.

"Fate will find its way. Just learn to be content."


And so buff guy went on to create one of the largest companies in the world. He was super rich and successful... That was just a small step in his life, though. He just needed the funding for his research.

And 4 more years passed.

The buff guy was no longer feared for his looks because all of his good deeds overshadowed it all. Despite having solved his worry of being feared, buff guy still was not content and wanted to change how he looked.

One day late at night, he was up late expirimenting.

There was an accident.

He accidentally mixed chemical A with Chemicals D, C, B, X, and Z!

Audience: How could you make such a basic mistake?!?!?! Oh no!


The dude exploded... but then he reformed! As a rabbit!

He felt he was now stronger than ever!

"I-I did it!"

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