《Transcendence》Chapter 5


A five or somthing year old boy woke up on a sandy beach.

There was nothing abnormal about him at all.

You could say he was the normalest kid in the world.

Like a cut and pasty person.

There was no spirit energy in him at all. It was like he wass almostest dead.

He was just like any other five year old.... except for the fact he was only but a head. Just a head.... Very strange and weird.

"Hmm? Where am I? . . . Who am I?"

The words of a great philosopher indeed.

The boy rolled along the beach. (He couldn't walk since he was just a head.)

"Plfft! Peh! Peh! Sand tastes bad! Yucky!"

He rolled inland and met with a forest.

"Sigh. I must go through dirt now too?"

So he rolled.

The boy kept on rollin' n' rollin' through thhe dirty dirt.

The boys face was dirty now. You would mistake him for dirt. You would mistake him for a rock.

You couldn't recog nize him as human any more.

He smelt very bad now too. Very yucky.

He was crying which was no helping either.

His tears made the dirt turn from dirt into mud. He was now both dirty and muddy. He was a dirt ball not a head at this point.

He kept on rollin' until somehting leapt down from the tree tops of the trees.

"Squwak! Squawk!"

Peck Peck Peck!

A tall bird with long legs started pecking the boy's head!

"Ouch! Stop that!"

The boy wanted to fighted back but couldntnt becuse he was just head. Veery sad and helpless he was.

NExt thing you know, a wolf ran out and bite off the bird's neck area. It killed it with one hit k.o.! Wow! Very pwerful!



The bird ded but the boy was even scareder now.

"IF that wolf can kill that one bird so fast, how fast it kill me?" Boy thought.

The wolf turnt its attention to the boy head.

The boy sweat bullets now.

The wolf got closter and closter to the boy.

"Oh no. Here comes end of my short life.... I don't even know who I am...."

The wolf bit the head and held it in its mouth.

It didn't biting hard enough and it dropped the head.

So it bit it again.

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