《Terror Infinity Remake》21 Surface
Suddenly Jessy's mobile rung, it was their mother, calling them to make sure they were all safe in the house, telling them to lock the doors and wait until the army moves to evacuate the citizens.
Jessy was scared by her mother's panicked voice and immediately turned on the TV.
"Global Pandemic, the Zombie apocalypse is here and A,X and Z cities its first victims, the president of... has anounced..."
The emergency news were on every channel on the TV, Jessy couldn't believe it, this was no different than a nightmare, she immediately begun phoning all her friends one by one to make sure they were all okay.
An hour passed and their mother called them again, asking them to stay put and make sure they are safe, there was a distress in her voice, but at the Time Jessy couldn't tell why, until the TV showed what was happening around the city.
They saw the streets full of people, they were all zombies, attacking cars and buildings as if they wanted to kill whoever was inside. Jessy however recognised one of those buildings, it was their mother's working place, it was surrounded by zombies. Her vision turned towards the guy whom was still fortifying their house with traps and fortifications.
Their living room looked really shitty right now, but they could tell that the furnitures blocking the entrance and back door were there for a reason.
"Bark! Bark!"
It was Roger, their dog, that was trying to enter through the hole in the door, which was blocked, Jerry was the first to try and move the couch blocking the entrance. What followed however was not what he had expected as the zombified dog jumped through the hole ready to slit his throat.
Roger was dead with a single shot, causing the child to be even more shocked, seeing the somewhat decomposed zombified dog. It was insane to think about it. Even worse the neigborhood had tons of dogs, it was insane just thinking every one of them being now a zombie.
"You killed Roger!"
Jerry said, not willing to believe that Roger would attack him, even if he had turned into a zombie, it was of course wishful thinking, but what followed was a slap by Jessy.
"You should be thanking him! He just saved our lives!"
Jessy said, but at the time Nick had already fixed the couch and continued to fortify the house.
Jessy was communicating with her mother and even called their father whom was working out of city to tell him that they were safe. Although he didn't seem to care much as he shortly hung up the phone as he continued his work.
Suddenly they saw in the news the building their mother worked in, being breached by zombies, it was a huge Mall and it was shocking how the creatures got in by breaking through a window, it was a zombie cat that did this damage and now the whole mall was being terrorized by a single zombie cat.
"We have to save her!"
Jessy shouted at Nick, whom was literaly laughing his ass off, did they really think he would go out there to save an NPC.
"I think you misunderstood something, I'm not a hero, I'm a survivor, If you want to save her, just take some guns, take the car from the garage and go, I'll wait for you here"
He said, making Jessy and Jerry silent and from the shock, both thought that he would help them, they thought he was some sort of hero or at least find some way to help or try to stop them from leaving.
"Get out of our home!"
Jerry shouted as he charged him, only to be knocked back and onto his butt.
"Shut it brat, I followed you because I thought I could hide from them here, do you think I'll go out there and endanger myself, just because you said so"
Nick said, making the two even more shocked, Jerry felt remorse of bringing this guy back to his house, if he hadn't done so, maybe Roger would still be alive.
Time passed as Nick finished with his fortification efforts, it wasn't weird that there weren't zombies attacking the house, since there were too many homes to chose from and honestly speaking, the army's responce was unexpectably quick.
They watched in real time on the Tele as the army sent soldiers to rescue the people besieged by zombies. Crushing the slow moving zombies and even destroying the animal zombies as if they weren't even a threat with their guns and armored vehicles, there was no way for simple zombies to survive the army's push.
In less than an hour the whole city was swept as if by a wave and cleaned of all visible threats, there was a message that those bitten by zombies had 30 minutes to come get the cure, otherwise they would turn into zombie, causing a panic wave as people begun to drive in their cars towards the place the central park where the soldiers were in order to get the cure.
"Jerry did Roger Bite you or scratch you?"
Jessy asked, her question was that of concern, but Jerry other than some of Roger's blood didn't have any visible injury, Roger didn't even reach him, before getting put down.
"I don't know, that bastard kill Roger before he could even touch me"
Jerry said, but the blood and brain matter on his shirt told another story and it could be infected. Jessy made sure he changed his clothes and took a bath, making sure there was no injury. She didn't think she could pursuade Nick to give them a ride if there really was a problem.
Nick was more interested in the timer slowly going down as time passed, from 8 hours down to 6 and now down to 4. The darkness outside made him even more anxious, it was evident that the silence and calm nature of this survival mission only added to his anxiety. Jerry was fast asleep, in his sister's room as they fell asleep while hugging, they didn't know what would happen, but they felt safer with Nick there, seeing as he had fortified her room the best out of all the rooms and even stood guard, in a way.
His fears turned out to be true as 2 hours before the mission's end, an explosion was heard from the hallway as someone tried to force his way into the house, Nick looked out of the window, only to see Lickers had the house surrounded. The red light from the device on their chest made it bad for camouflage, but he could tell that he didn't have enough ammo to deal with all of them, he had to bail.
"What's happening, what was that explosion?"
Jessy asked, really afraid, half the neighborhood should have been woken up in the middle of the night by that explosion.
"They've found me, kids grab a gun and follow me shoot any monster you see, as we go"
Nick said as he generously threw them guns, causing the two to be dumpfounded, who in his right mind would give guns to children?
"You remove the safety by clicking right here, if you see a monster, shoot at their general direction..."
before he could finish explaining a bullet shot right past him, missing big time, but Nick didn't complain as he turned around and begun to empty his assault riffle onto the monster behind him.
Sure enough there was a Licker that had sneaked all the way around, trying to ambush them, Jerry had seen the creature or rather the rather flashy red light on its chest.
"What was that!"
Jessy shouted trully terrified by the creature that had just appeared.
"It's one of the alien monsters!"
Jerry shouted as if he was familliar with these creatures.
"What are you standing there for, do you wish to be eaten?"
Nick shouted, making them feel as if they were in some movie, what was happening was out of this world.
The two kids followed him, as they fought off the monsters, at some point Nick even shot a grenade into one of these monster's mouth using the grenade launcher, launching the monster away together with the explosive.
Their adventure was exciting and simply to die for, until they reached the garage and Nick took a bike from the side and put his stuff on it. The two kids were confused, not understanding where they were supposed to sit, since the bike had no room for them, wouldn't it be better to take a the car instead?
Only when the door of the Garage begun to open by the remote in his hands did the kids understand that something wasn't right. The two kids pointed their guns at him, as he drove away without remorse, rushing as if hunted, the two kids couldn't even hope to hit him, the car in the corner used to be their grandfather's, It probably couldn't even start. In their dire situation however they entered the car and the key was in the drawer of the car as it always was, their whole life passed in front of their eyes as they discovered there was no gas inside the car.
They watched as the creatures entered the garage, for a second their hearts were pumping like crazy, they tried to hold their breath, as the creature took out its tongue and after a few moments of silence it approached towards the car as if it knew where they were hiding. Before however it could get a taste for them, an explosion drew its attention and it went back into the house following the sound of the explosion, losing interest or track of its targets, they were probably lucky the thing had no eyes, otherwise they would have been dead, both were really angry with Nick however, who let them there to die.
They didn't know before, but now they kind of guessed why he had given them guns, since these monsters could be lured by sound, in truth they were used in order to confuse the monsters and create a false trail, left behind to delay those monsters from going after him or even better losing his trails altogether, which is what happened.
Everything would have ended there if the neighbors weren't concerned about them and came to see what was happening, because this was when from the window of the old car they saw all their neighbors getting massacred by the monster, some of them later turning into zombies and roaming the area even after the monsters left.
It was the next day that the kids were found sleeping inside the car as the only survivors of the massacre. The soldiers that found them were shocked by the state of their house, it was as if a war had gone inside that house and movies would be made about it later on, about a crazy encounter with a madman and their tragic escape from death. Their mother was really happy that they were alive, especialy since they were both still alive when they reunited.
Nick cursed out loud as he had abandoned the bike and was tending to his bleeding wound. The two kids might not have known it, but they did hit him while firing, it would be strange if they hadn't, after all he wasn't that far away and although he was moving, they didn't shoot only once, they emptied their entire clips on him.
Nick however didn't care about it, since in his mind those kids were already dead, his only goal was survival and he only had to survive for less than an hour, but to do so he had to hide as well as he could.
The whole city was was under military lockdown, there was no way of escaping and even if he did leave, there was no guarantee that what awaited him outside the city would be any better.
Nick felt a bit dizzy due to the loss of blood, but he did bind the wound well and he had disinfectants and painkillers, which were rather handy, all he had to do now was hide, not just from monsters, but from people as well.
You might think he would regret his choice of leaving the others, but in reality he considered most of them already dead. All that was left was probably Chris and those NPCs, but he had no bad blood with Chris, thus he didn't care much about what would happen after the mission was over. He didn't consider one bit that he might fail, because he still had some ideas of how to survive. He was still formulating plans, even as his conciousness was fading away and he fell unconcious to the ground.
Not long afterwards he was found by agents and taken into custody, but he knew nothing about it, after all as long as he survived, it was alright, everything would be fine.
Hera screamed like an animal as she was being experimented upon, the secret serviced didn't take it well, when she told them the truth. The watch on her hand was the main evidence that she might be an alien and they didn't find anything smarter to do than interrogate her and then tell her that they would dissect her.
Those 24 hours were as if she was thrown into hell, of course it didn't start so bad. At first they threated her like any normal person, but as she was too agitated and couldn't think strait, she begun to explain to them about the Death Game, about the weird device and stuff about their world being created by some system.
Of course their first reaction was to think she was crazy, until they discovered that they couldn't take the clock off, they tried everything in their powers, but the thing was indestructible, they even joked, that they wanted one of those themselves. Just Imagine, Indestructible, waterproof, fireproof, laser proof, now you can see the time anywhere you are.
Jokes aside, her time there was the most stressful time in her life, even worse than when she was abducted from the safety of her home and taken to this death game.
The agents attitude took a 180degrees turn real fast as they begun to threat her less and less as a person. It was humilliating and degrading, the only thing that made her happy was that the timer for the mission was going down by the minutes, she knew full well that as soon as the timer hit zero, it would all be over, she would be teleported away, back to that gloomy space, she would have loved to see the faces of these guys as she's teleported away. For now however all she could do is shout and cuss as her mouth was gagged and her hands bound by a strait jacket.
The last group were all gathered in the secret facility, fighting off wave upon wave of Lickers and Hunters, whom were sent into the facility in order to kill them. The Helicopter was destroyed and they were forced to use the base's defenses in order to survive, Chris was locked seperately as he now looked like another monster from resident evil, called a Tyrant. His hands turned into weapons and his intelligence seemed to be no different from that of a zombie at first glance, but he didn't seem agressive or willing to react to sounds and what was going around him.
It was like a doll, standing as if frozen in place, of course the others couldn't trust this hulking thing with their lives, it would be insane.
"I'm out of ammo!"
Rain shouted as she retreated from the hallway, the monsters were charging at her, as the door behind her slowly closed. Gunshots were heard not long before the door was even closed as Alice came to help her retreat.
The situation was dire, there were still 7 hours left on the clock and the players were locked inside the A.I.'s Quarters. Every facility had its own A.I., but the Red Empress could simply hack them all, the only problem was range and access, once she got access, it was a matter of time before she took over the facility.
Their problem right now however was that they were trapped inside the facility, with the researchers and guards captured, but not dead at a corner of the facility, at another corner was the Mutated Chris and at another the "Players". The Monsters however didn't care who it was, anyone in their path would die, be it an umbrella employee or a regular person.
The Red Empress informed them that somehow Umbrella still existed, despite the top operatives of Umbrella already being put in jail. It was weird, but George then begun explaining about clones and even saying that Alice was a clone as well, a clone of one of the scientists' daughter and even the A.I. was supposed to be sort of a clone of that scientist's daughter in appearance.
This explaination caused huge chaos at first, as he told them about it, before they had even arrived at the facility. It was on that helicopter that they learned this fact that George knew all along, but hadn't decided to share with them. Mostly because at the time he was more preocupied with his own survival, rather than thinking whether he knew something that might or might not be helpful.
Even more shocking was when he told them that everyone in the facility were supposed to be clones, Alice didn't believe him at first, until she saw a dead person amongst them. She was Lisa Addison, a person who had died in the Hive, Matt's sister and her friend, for one she knew that Lisa had no twin sister, it was insane to even think that George and Nick might be right, that this whole world was based off a movie.
Little did they know that they had only scrapped the surface of what the system was and could do, they were as naive as newborns that saw the light for the first time, thinking that it's something tangible.
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