《Terror Infinity Remake》07 Two Teams
While the others were relatively safe in the Red Queen's chamber Chris and the others were walking in a rather carefree manner until Chris' alarm went off, his objective had changed.
=Objective No 2 - survive the zombie outbreak for 4 hours=
"Shit! Shit! Shit!"
He shouted thrice so that the others could hear him, loud and clear.
"What's up?"
JD asked in a rather amused tone, Chris appeared to be rather level headed and not the guy that would cuss without a reason, but it was rather amusing to see a calm guy going off his top.
-The mission Objective has changed, everyone prepare to be facing hordes of zombies, it seems like we didn't have to all enter the Chamber, Nick that bastard, he probably knew about this
-Hey buddy what do you mean by hordes of zombies, there's only 500+ people in the facility and we have taken at least 200+ out of the count on our way here, we left only those behind locked doors be, after all they they would only waste bullets
-All I know is that this place will be swarming with zombies, my advice to you is to take this container and run to the train, there's nothing for you here
-Then what about Kaplan and One?
-They should be safe if they hide in the Red Queen's chamber, we however are not, especialy once the Lickers begin to wake up
-Then what was the point of going so far?
-Listen JD, we're between 300+ zombies and them, behind us there's only the Licker room, with 8 monsters, you can decide, do you wish to attack the 8 monsters in their sleep or face 300 zombies and probably be ambushed by the Lickers?
-Well I haven't faced a zombie and a single Licker was enough to waste a lot of our ammo
-Do you wish to be ambushed by 8 Lickers or fight them face on? That's the question, either way we will be fighting them sooner or later, the question is whom will be ambushing whom
-Then what do we do?
-Simple Everyone pull the desks to form barricades behind us, Rain, Olga and Alice cover us while we make the barricades, JD what are you standing for move it!
"Who made him the leader?"
Rain complained as she pointed her gun around.
"Well at least he has a plan of action"
Alice retorded, looking around for any suspicious activity.
"Do you know if he's married?"
Olga asked, causing the other two to smirk and tease her a little as they made their way backwards towards the Lurker Containment unit, hopefully for them, it seemed as if no Lickers had woken up at all, all the pods were sealed shut.
"What do we do now?"
JD asked, seeing no reason to awaken these monsters, it would be fortunate if they never had to face one of these monsters again.
"We Kill them, what else?"
Chris stated as if it was a matter of fact.
"Are you insane, we're talking about 8 of these monsters, we barely have enough bullets for two of them!"
JD begun to complain, the others had to side with him, there was no way that they could kill more than two of these things. Chris' wish to kill them in their sleep was unrealistic.
"Do you have explosives?"
Chris asked them seriously.
"Not enough to even hurt that wall, it's only good for a door or two"
Rain answered, since she knew what they had brought with them, there was only enough c4 for a door or two, the Hive was too well made and there was no way to cause any damage to its structural integrity, unless of course they brought in some real explosives used for demolitions.
"Do you Copy! Is anyone alive down there!"
Suddenly they could hear the radio, but they couldn't recognize the voice.
"Copy, who are we talking with?"
JD answered the Radio, after all he was the highest in command in the group right now.
"Umbrella Corps A-27, This is Two speaking, what is the situation?"
The voice replied in a timely and clear manner.
"This is Umbrella Corps A-26, J.D. Salinas, we're currently making our way towards the Red Queen's Chamber, our Radio had some interferance and our group is now divided"
JD had to lie there, because they didn't know the situation.
"J.D. Salinas, Abort mission and head to the surface, you have half an hour to get out of the facilities and surrender yourselves, failure to do so will result in your pernament termination"
The voice went psycho right there, to understand this was a set up, there was zero chances of them making it out of the facility in 30 minutes, even if they run all the way, they would still need time to go up the stair and then take the train.
"A-27, Two, Fuck You too!"
J.D. Shouted at the Radio as loudly as he could and then danced on it with his military boots.
"What now? Any suggestions?"
J.D. asked the others who looked at him shocked and unable to speak.
"Can we kill the Lickers now?"
Chris asked as if he didn't understand the situation at all, of course he was joking, but their expresions were priceless.
-You do know that we might die?
-Welcome on board, the ship "I told you so"
-Real funny, asshole, what do we do now?
-Simple, we just have to go up again, whether they terminate us or not is irrelevant in contrast to what will happen to us down here, which is being eaten by monsters and turn into monstrosities
"Might I offer an Alternative?"
Suddenly a voice of a young girl could be heard from the intercomms.
"Who are you?"
Alice asked rather confused.
"It's the A.I. they've come to take away"
Chris answered, he did know the answer to this question, but he was puzzled as to why the A.I. would try to communicate with them.
"What do you want from us!"
J.D. asked rather loudly shouting to the four walls around them, but there was no answer.
At the time in the Red Queen's Chamber, they heard the same message, but they stood there in front of a holographic image of the girl, whom offered them an Alternative as Kaplan wanted to manualy over-ride the defense systems and take full control of the lasers in the hallway, doing so however could potentialy end ruining the defense systems, one wrong move would mean that they would be out of order and in need of repairs, he was fiddling with naked wires right now with only a small jack-knife, which he used as a screwdriver.
"Don't pay attention to it, it's just the A.I. it will do anything to sway us, in order to do whatever it's programmed to do"
Kaplan explained, only to be retorded by George.
"You're wrong, the Red Queen is trying to keep us alive?"
George's words were followed by the rest of the crew.
"Little girl, what should we do?"
Hera asked the rather cute looking girl, the other females also were rather fond of the projection.
"Please don't let him ruin the defense grid and please reboot the systems for me, all you have to do is..."
The little girl begun to explain what they had to do, Kaplan was agast as he was detained by a bunch of idiots, whom were restoring the A.I. to power, his thoughts were along the lines, are they insane?
-You idiots, even if you reboot the system it will take 20 minutes before it reboots and all the energy will go out, we'll be sitting ducks for 20 minutes!
-It's worth a try
-I thought that you of all people would understand that they're making a mistake!
-I don't know if it's a mistake, but I want to live, there's only one way out of here and honestly right now the A.I. has more leverage than you
Nick explained to Kaplan, which caused the other to fall into hysterical laughter, before throwing the jack-knife down and going to a corner and sitting down.
"I'll sit here and wait until you come crying for help"
Kaplan said, causing Nick to wonder if they were doing the right thing, but he trusted in George's knowledge of the lore of Resident Evil more than an NPC's opinion.
The problem with the so called Reboot, was that after they rebooted the Red Queen's systems, all lights went off, all the doors opened and every system in the Hive was off.
Only now did George remember something really important, what Kaplan had done was just blockading the Red Queen from accessing the System, he hadn't shut her down, they however had just done so. Meaning that they had fucked up big time and fucked up anyone else that was in the facility.
Only now did it come to him as to why Kaplan was against their notions, George was even inclined to beg him for help at that moment, but seeing everyone look at him for advise he decided against it.
"Guys it's only 20 minutes, as long as we hold the door, we'll be fine all we need is to go out and get some items to barricade the door"
George said, Kaplan however was laughing in his little corner, as he knew full well how much they had fucked up, but he wouldn't say, he just silently sat in the corner looking at their expressions of dread.
Truth was he didn't trust them, even the story about zombies seemed far-fetched to him, his original plan was simply getting some revenger against Spencer, but he did the mistake of trusting the foreigners and truthfully he was powerless to do anything.
As they were barricading the chamber with desks and chairs and anything they could get their hands on, even One's Corpse. They were quickly met with their first zombie and without guns, all they could do is keep it away from them as they orderly retreated.
Honestly it didn't look at all threatening, more like disgusting would be the word they would describe it, it moved rather slowly and its reach was as limited as its arm's length.
The problem was that they were now cornered in the Red Queen's Chamber, unable to escape and the door was barricaded with just a few desks, which they pushed with all their strength to counterbalance the zombies on the other side.
Meanwhile Chris and the others before the light went out decided to open another Licker Container or rather Chris did.
-You're insane if you think you can kill that thing with just a knife
-It's a machete, it's not a knife and all I have to do is cleanly cut its head before it can do anything, I've already memorized the way to do it
-Don't blame us if we have to shoot through you though, you do understand that these things are really dangerous
-I can do it, just have some faith in me
-It's hard to believe you, especialy after you told us you're not even a trained soldier, maybe you should give the knife to alice or J.D.
-Olga, how many times I have told you, I'm not good with a gun, the least I can do is contribute a little to the team, killing one of them will be fine
-Don't cry late when you're dead, May your soul find peace in the afterlife
-I'm not dead yet!
"Are you sure?"
J.D. asked causing everyone to laugh in the face of uncertainty and despair, he might not be a good leader, but he was a fine guy to be around.
They prived the Container open and as the creature was about to crack the ice covering its skin, Chris charged it with the machete pushing it with on hand on the handle and the other pushing the back of the blade making a makeshift guilotine against its neck, pushing with all his strength and weight and when he couldn't go any further he pulled the blade sending the head flying.
After he succeeded he begun to scream as the creature's claw had pierced into his leg, it like like a headless chicken's reaction after losing it's head, completely pointless and completely reactive.
"Look at that, the chap did it after all"
J.D. was awed by what he saw, completely ignoring Chris' screams as he held his leg, pulling the claw out and crying like a child.
Olga the medic took a look, injected him with the anti-dote to the virus and then begun the first aid.
-Stop acting like a baby, it's just a scratch
-I saw my bone!
-Are you a baby! Man up already, we still have 8 more of these things, are you well enough to take another shot or will you let Alice do the job instead
Chris looked at the petit looking Alice, some would call it toxic masculinity others would call it being a white knight, but to him it was his pride that caused him to grit his teeth and offer to continue.
Suddenly however as he was about to stand up, with his bandaged leg, the lights went out. It was at this moment that he knew they were probably going to die if they stayed there.
A container begun to make sounds as the creature inside begun to wake up, everyone was on high alert and ready to shoot at it, but as it broke free of the container, Chris shot at it with the Machete, shocking not only the crew, but even the monster, that seemingly hadn't expected something like that, It bit at his shoulder, only to scream in panic!
As the blood mixed with the anti-virus entered its mouth, the creature begun to limp and degenerate as its body crumbled into dying flesh.
Chris shouted as he had lost the ability to move his left hand, his shoulder was crushed by the creature's bite and he was lucky that he didn't die instantly from the shock.
The bleeding however wouldn't stop, the others were confused, but his screams woke them up. Medic was already onto the wounded and the others tried to understand why the monster died, the only logical explaination was the Anti-virus. It was poisoned by getting in contact with the blood, if so, they could use the cure to kill every one of these creatures, all they had to do is administer a small dose of the cure to every single one of the these creatures through the nurishment tubes that entered the containers. They had enough for all of them and even for ten times their numbers, since one tube of anti-virus contained around 14 dozes.
"We have to get him out of here, he needs serious medical attention!"
Olga Shouted as they had just finished killing all the Lickers.
"Wait, is that a survivor?"
Rain suddenly asked as she saw a person approach them, only to be interupted by a gunshot as the zombie fell to the groun with its head shot through by Alice.
"Didn't he tell us, they're probably the zombies from the locked rooms we left behind"
Alice explained, it made total sense, but Chris was in no position to apreciate her wisdom. The pain was insane, the painkillers had kicked in, but he couldn't even talk because of the pain, he could hardly even walk.
"Next time you wish to face that creature one on one, better get yourself a rocket launcher"
J.D. joked, but they had little time to make jokes as zombies begun to pour from the surrounding passages.
They heard shots coming from the other side of the barricade they had made, suddenly they heard Spencer asking them to let him in.
"I need the Cure! I've been Bitten! Quick! Alice! Help me!"
Alice and J.D. didn't even think as they pushed the barricades away and helped him with the zombies that were at his tail.
Spencer was happy to see everyone and was so close to the cure, when Bang! He felt down dead! a short burst of bullets shot towards him one hitting him right in the head, that was all that it took!
Everyone looked at the person that shot the bullet, it was Chris, whom had used Medic's gun to shoot him in between the eyes.
"Yu'll thunk mi lata"
He said as he lost conciousness, the others were all shocked until they discovered a dreadful truth, Spencer was wearing One's bulletproof and had two assault guns and three pistols, one them was One's and the other Kaplan's.
"Behind you!"
Olga shouted as a zombified Dog launged at Alice, only to be kicked upwards and then shot in the head as it flew down to the floor.
J.D. whistled out loud, earning himself an elbow to the stomach from rain, whom continued shooting at the hordes of zombies that seemed endless.
"Didn't you say there's only 500+ people in the lab?"
Rain asked, because the numbers simply didn't add up, the zombies seemed endless, something was wrong.
"How should I know, they all look the same to me!"
J.D. Shouted in response as the too shot the zombies one by one, while Olga was on reloading duty, while looking after their patient.
At that time the people in the Red Queen's chamber were also facing a desperate situation. The zombies were pushing harder than them. They still had around 5 minutes before the Red Queen was operational once more, but the zombies were countless, all they could do was use physics against them, but even that didn't work too well now that they had created a human wave in the corridor with the lasers.
The physics thing is simple, you put one desk at the door and push it with two desks, then you push the two desks with three, thus creating a pin like force. The problem is that they only had 12 people, while the zombies were outnumbering them 1:10, the only thing they were thankful about was that there were no Lickers among the zombies otherwise they would have been doomed.
-Do you think we can make it?
-All we have to do is hold on for as long as we can, once the system comes online again, all the zombies will be toast by the lasers!
-You said the same 10 minutes ago!
-Are you in a hurry to be somewhere?
-Fuck you George, you and your stupid ideas, I knew that I should have been leader, you and Nick have brought us nothing but trouble!
-As you like, be leader, so what do we do next, new leader?
-Push harder!
Jason and George had a weird rivalry going on, but one thing was for sure, Jason would never follow George's decisions again. Matt and Kaplan, whom weren't even part of the group, regretted their decisions in life, one regretted entering the mansion and the other freeing these idiots.
They were about to give up when the Red Queen came back online, the lights went on again and the door was shut sealed. The next moment the lasers in the coridor begun dancing back and forth, turning the zombies into minced meat. They were rejoiced to be alive, but they were are divided as they could have been, Jason sided with Matt and Kaplan, since non of them trusted George's judgement and thus the team was divided into to sides.
"If you had listened to this guy, we wouldnt have had to go through all this!"
Jason shouted as they had now 3+ hours of free time, as they were safely locked inside the Red Queen's chamber.
"If we hadn't stopped him, he might have just ruined the lasers and then we would be stuck here listening as the zombies were banging at out door, asking for flesh!"
George retorded with a rather possible situation, but he had forgotten that they had nearly died just moments ago, but people forget and his "followers" were most forgiving now that all ended well.
"If it wasn't for George you would all have been dead, you retarded idiots!"
Nick shouted, even now he was sure that George was right in his assumpsions, although even his trust was wavering a little, but he needed George's expertise in movies and earning his trust was a must.
"By the way what's that over there?"
Suddenly Hera pointed at a Hatch in the corner where Kaplan used to sit, at the time it looked rather ordinary and unimportant and there was a person standing on top of it. Right now however it could be a way for the zombies to come inside.
"Was there supposed to be a hatch there?"
Nick asked George, a bit curious, but mostly because he had a guess as to what this hatch might be.
"Not as far as I know, the only thing that should be here is the air ventilation shaft"
George stated completely confident in his words.
"Then what's that?"
Hera asked, really irritated, after all they had just survived a near death experience and this hatch could as well be another point of danger.
"Most probably the Secret Piece, you're a rather lucky woman Hera, you've probably just earned 1000p from the system, just by pointing out the existance of that hatch"
Nick said, but his words brought more questions to everyone's minds, rather than anwering them.
"So what now, do we just go down the hatch?"
Jason asked, forgetting all about him being the "leader" of his own group and the quarrel they had just moments ago.
"If you wish to die, be my guest, the secret piece is protected by deadly traps and even if you get it, chances are that we will all die, by the rise in mission difficulty, I wouldn't be shocked if the Red Queen tried to kill us after you brought it out, after all the next objective will probably be leaving the Hive"
Nick stated, making everyone gasp for breath, after all they all understood how deadly the A.I. was, if it wanted to kill you, there was nothing you could do, the whole Hive was it's killing ground.
- In Serial42 Chapters
Unsightly Gluttony
(New synopsis in the works, just make do with a short summary) Our female MC who had everything gets summoned along with her classmates to defeat the future demon lord in another world, the kingdom that summoned MC found out that the MC was the future demon lord, and then decided to screw her over, but out MC screws the kingdom over first by killing one of her classmates, who was the Hero who tried to protect her. After killing the hero she yeets out of there and then goes incognito for a year before re-emerging in the Deutsche Empery, which is basically fantasy Germany, as a rank and file foot soldier on the start of her journey to screw over the entire world this time by planning to start the Third World War. (Yes it's inspired by Youjo Senki, but also by other novel series such as Girl Who Ate a Death God and Dungeon Defense (LN)) What to expect; > Hunger and thirst for the flesh and blood of the innocent Light-hearted 'eating' scenes. > The isekai's main character not taking the 'i'm going to become an adventurer!' route (seriously, what's up with isekais and adventurer mc's?) > A fantasy world which is basically a cut-out of Europe but with more fantasy > Working in the fantasy version of Germany (totally not because i'm German) > No lolis ... yet (I'm sorry) > Many unanswered questions and cliff-hangers This is the story of Rei, and her Unsightly Gluttony (Remake) (This is the revised version, For readers of the original version this will mean that everything starting from Interlude 1 will be different)
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