《King system》Chapter 2


Chapter 2 'system complete'

Time passed slowly Josh waited for the tarreil to finish with filling the form.

from his clothes and way he talk, he seems to be rich, hi had black hair and brown eye and a golden sword on his waist, his clothes was thats of noble and with a silver barge marked with the alphabet "MO"magic organization's,mage order or something, josh thought while he waited.

The slave market was big, and with thousands of people visiting everyday.

Today was the last days of the month, 30th of October, so every month they held, a special event, that attract lot of noble man.


slave in this world were like chess pieces, they we're rank lower than pawns.

In the this world, there's some special people born with special ability they were call 'blessed ones' only 1/10 of the populations are born with it.... 'from what i know, as a scientists, it must have been the radiation that gave them this so call, ability some how their body must have evolve, to be able to adapt, with the radiation,this kind of evolution must have taken millennium, of evolution

(10 minutes..later)

as i waited, in a corner i was observing the other, kid from my "dorm" we may have not talk but they we're entertaining.....

the other children we're acting cute to get the attention of the slave dealer especially the girl if they only knew what will come after that.Josh thought they probably find out later,

Another 10 minutes pass and tarriel was not out yet."what's taking him so long," he than got bored and went to talk with those two little that we're chosen with him...

They we're talking to them self.not to far from josh.

Josh got up, walk for a few step and sat in the middle, of the two.


"what are you doing,"? she said looking annoyed,she was the oldest one of the two, it seem.

"i just came to greet,my fellow slave, or should i say future wife,"he said calmly...

"wait, what are saying," she started to blush, her face turn pink and the other, girl her face was blushing as well.

The girl, was about to give him a 'bitch slap'....

"Wait, am joking, am josh i just wanted to say hi," josh said akwardly

"Well hi," happy now

"Nice to met, ya."

"am sofia, and this is ammie my big sister," sofia she was slim and you could say she will be beauty,when she older and for and ammie well let just say she very cute..

'are you guy scared,of are lives from now,"josh said looking at her in the eye she had beautiful blue eye and a pointy face with blond hair.

''not that much, im quit exited to leave this place's for good and "mr" bob said if we work hard we can become a citizen of britonia..thats great huh,"?she said cheerfully.

"well since will be working together let be friend."

"yup' they said similarly,josh smile, may have an adult brain, but he was in a child body, he was a child in body but not mind.

He had talk to them, for a will even tho,they said lots of childish thing it was a good way to pass,the time.

Than so suddenly, footstep was heard behind.joss heart quickened as he turn his head a huge figure was standing behind him,it was 'tarreil'

"haha haha he laugh as ge saw josh, scared face.

"this over'size cunt,"he was insulting the man in though.

'"Let go kid."he said

We pass many stall as we walk, out of the slave market,it was like market center, a than slave one.there were people dancing and it was very beautiful,it was decorated in different lights and items.


We walk for 23 minute until we reach, the parking area it was full of different, carriage even some golden color horse.

we follow him to a carriage it was old and painted in black it was disappointed he thought this man was rich, he frowned but the strangest thing was that, big horse i'mean literally it was 3 time bigger than any horse josh have seen before it was cover in

black red line was and it main color was black.

"young master tarriel."

''uncle sam have you been waiting long, sorry for the delay he bow slightly."

"Young master, you should do such thing am only a servant,"he said worried.

"It fine don't worry and look,i got some new, friend to play with the kids,"he pointed at the 3 of them.

"Mister tarreil,your a noble,"??josh ask...

"Don't you see, my 'handsome'face do you think, commoner can look like this, uncle,".he said while flexing his muscle.

soon the carriage set off this was the first time i was leaving the slave market.

On the road i observe the land was black even in the distance you could only see darkness, on the ground the soil look oily and black no plant could grow here, we were in the wastelands most people here are born with high radiation and are sons and daughters of slave, Josh could tell that hsi radiation level was low.

Lord tarriel didn't come with us he stay to drink some buzz' and order sam to bring us home.

after 2 hour of riding the inside of the carriage,the inside beautiful it had, a gold table, silver spon and tea cups and quality leather..

Looking out the window, I saw a huge wall it spread wide and high.

We approach fast and stop near the entrance aftee some time the huge gate upon it was 100 feet tall and 300 meters wide.

there's were gaurd station there they were talking to sam after that i saw blood from the window,spilling from the ground and then the carriage door open 1 huge figure push me out and i was stab witha needle, it was probably infuse with sleeping drug


Josh knew it was forbidden to go to the gate because on the other side hold evil creäture, the church call them demon and said they are spawn of the devil beelzebub one of the higher evil..

But as josh head felt dizzy,

the unknown number in his head as reach 100%...

(system activate )

(welcome to the king system host)

(starter pack)

(1×lottery ticket (grade D) (1×unite of earth special force) (3 healing pill)


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