《The Master - A MHA fic{DROPPED}》Ch 03: Making plans


After looking around for a while by kindly ‘asking’ people I found the school Aldera Junior High. This was the same school where the protagonist Izuku Midoriya went with his childhood bully Katsuki Bakugo.

Izuku Midoriya is not someone I like. Best way to sum it up would be- ‘lucky shounen protagonist meets old grandpa who takes pity on him’. He is near the top of my most disliked protagonist of shounen genre along with Issei and Naruto.

He wanted to be a hero but he never tried being one nor did he put some effort into it. He was quirkless and he must be tough for him to do anything significant but he didn’t even try. When others mocked him, he didn’t retaliate or at least try to prove them wrong, but instead he took it like a little cunt and even wagged his tail for Bakugo.

‘With great power comes great responsibility’, a quote by Uncle Ben who died like me. This sentence changed Peter Parker’s entire life and he went on to become the amazing Spiderman but Izuku, on the other hand, didn’t have great power or any power for that matter but wanted to take responsibility.

He never even considered helping others in any way other than beating up villains or saving them from debris. He could have been a police officer but no, he wanted to be like All Might. Also, he never puts in effort until something major happens.

He had a detailed somewhat useful hero analysis book but he didn’t even research his own quirk. He was so retarded that he wanted to wing U. A entrance exam even before receiving One for all and he did just that after getting One for All.

I don’t know how delusional he must be thinking to just wing the physical portion of the U.A entrance test, I mean there were people who trained their entire lives to get into it and Izuku just winged it.

Did he really think that if he moved trash on a beach then he wouldn’t be trash anymore? Also even if its All might’s fault for giving him the quirk one day before the exam thereby not giving any time to familiarise himself using it, the least he could have done was to teach him how to throw a punch.


But alas the result was Izuku passing because of plot armour. If Ochako was a little bit more careful then he would have gone home with a big fat zero of the same size as the zero pointer he smashed.

But still, even with all these glaring flaws Izuku makes do with convenient plot armour and the Deus Ex Machina crap that he pulls out of nowhere like beating Muscular or Overhaul or the power ranger’s logic of getting beat up once and then winning because heroes always win.

Sure he could get better with time, I mean there’s gotta be some good traits in there but I must make sure that he gets the quirk because all these flaws can be exploited by me.

Also, another thing I don’t get is why All might chose Izuku, was it because he recklessly endangered himself and others by trying to save Bakugo or was it some sort of nostalgia-sympathy crap?

Izuku also told All Might that his legs started moving on their own, which is not necessarily a good thing if you look at how Harry Potter got Sirius killed. Besides, All Might can afford to rush into situations because he has the brute power to get through anything but Izuku doesn’t so that makes his actions reckless and not heroic. It’s just his body responding to the adrenaline, instead of flight it wrongly chooses fight.

But as much as I hate weaklings like Izuku getting power through luck, I won’t prevent it because for one I would be a hypocrite considering I got lucky too with my current life and two, the other alternative is someone more competent i.e., Mirio Togata. He looks like All Might, has a good quirk and will probably be able to use more power of One for All than Izuku did.

I mean just look at him… All Might has a great offence and great defence whereas Izuku has only offence which is a double-edged sword but imagine if Mirio had One for All, a great offence and a quirk that basically makes him immune to physical attacks.

And once he reaches his prime there will be no stopping him. Imagine an All Might who you can’t hit but he can, it's like Superman without Kryptonite, he would become All for One’s worst nightmare.


I waited for the school to end and quickly left the place after asking Izuku his age. I learned that he is currently 12 years old which gives me roughly 4 years before canon starts.

Having determined the timeline, I now have to decide on what to do until canon begins. I don’t want to join the League of Villains yet as All for One makes me wary and I am not joining the hero side so I decide to make a faction of my own, one that hides in the shadows.

I draft a basic plan for it and I plan to include civilians in it. I will slowly brainwash them such that they are able to think for themselves but with me being their top priority always. I will also get some villains here and there if I can find some that are useful. You see my plan is to have my organization infiltrate the entire society and all classes in it.

Kind of like influencing everything from the background, and by the time I am done with it, I will have a super organization that will be worldwide.

You can probably guess what its name is going to be. Here’s a hint- ‘We shall never be Destroyed! Cut off a limb, and two more shall take its place!’

Yep, it is Hydra. With this, I can have an eye on all sides and can damage any side I want. Sleeper agents everywhere ready to follow my commands and execute them.

Since I am not going to U.A, I could make some Hydra agents infiltrate it. I did hear rumours of there being a spy in class 1A so I have to look into it later.

Anyway, after drafting this, I went on a walk and saw all the iconic places featured in the anime. I saw the Takoba Municipal Beach Park which is now a junkyard. Oh well, Izuku is going to clean it in a few years so there’s nothing much to do here.

Next stop, I visited U.A or at least the vicinity and I must say that it is massive. It is really big and almost seems like a city of its own sitting on top of a hill overlooking Mustafu City. Of course, I wasn’t allowed entry without a student ID or a special entry permission ID. I researched a bit before coming here and apparently anyone attempting to enter it without the above-mentioned IDs will be stopped by an automatic security door dubbed the “U.A barrier”.

And since it is not manned by man, I can’t use my ability to get inside. The next few stops were some tourist attractions that the city offered and I had some delicious food at some well-known restaurants. This time I paid for it because I had the money and it would be a waste not to spend it and I could get more easily anyway.

It was a nice experience overall to compare what this world offered to mine. Technology had advanced but because of quirks, it was centred more around it. There were supercars with rockets, giant robots as seen in U.A. and many more such things that were thought to be science fiction in my previous life.

But the biggest achievement here was the I-Island, an artificial moving island inhabited by over 10000 scientists from all over the world to conduct research on quirks.

From what I heard about it, it was built with the investment of every major company that is involved in the Pro Hero business to create a technological paradise for all scientists to peacefully conduct research on quirks and to develop Hero Support devices.

It’s massive and has a few cities where Scientists live and has many labs. The security there is on par with Tartarus, the prison for supervillains.

I remember there being a movie based around it with All Might’s friend. I have to look into this later and get some men into I-Island because if the ‘fake’ invasion does happen, I should be the one to reap the benefits.

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