《The World Of Divinity》Logging Out/setting Up Shop


Alex left Theodore's office after being pretty much told to go away. Yet normally Alex would have been annoyed at the blunt old man but instead he was ecstatic. His eyes seemed to shine with excitement as he left the Town hall and walked back towards the auction house.

"There is still some time before the auction ends but the big named players will soon flock into Red Leaf Town. It would be a crying shame if I didn't profit from this whole situation. Of course, I won't let them find out hehe."

After sorting out his thoughts he made a 'U' turn and headed towards a medieval looking building that although wasn't particularly large held a profoundness to it. The titled sign above the door read 'Ashlyn's potions'.

A quiet and gentle voice sounded from behind a wore down counter, "Hello adventurer, my name is Ashlyn. Do ask for help if you need anything esteemed one."

Due to Alex's rise in status in Red Leaf Town from holding the title of Baron. The NPC's attitude was dramatically changed.

"Greetings, Ashlyn. I was wondering if perhaps you are interested in a partnership."

"Partnership? Hmmm." Ashlyn seemingly surprised from the direction of the conversation couldn't help but be curious yet slightly cautious. "Do tell esteemed one, what would this partnership entail?"

"It's simple. Since I am a Baron of Red Leaf Town I am awarded certain privileges. One of them being the right to set up marketplaces in areas others aren't allowed. For example, one area being the entrances/exits of the town."

Taking a slight pause Alex continued.

"This partnership would be beneficial for you in many regards. Not only would I provided new and improved recipes for you to grow but I'd also provide a route to distribute and make profit from your work. Ashlyn, you are indeed a talent tucked away inside this shop. Allow me to cultivate that talent fairly."


Ashlyn was immediately enticed by such a good offer but still remained level headed and tried to hide he emotions visibly. "A question for you esteemed one, how would we settle the profits and where would we acquire the materials?"

Alex expecting the question replied sharply "Of course it would be split 60-40 to me. However, for the materials they are too be bought through the town hall in the future as my status allows for discounted price. What do you say to that?"

After a slight pause and silence filled the air as Ashlyn pondered on the decision she replied "Deal."

"Great, to happy cooperation." Alex said as he gestured a handshake towards Ashlyn.

"Happy cooperation."

"If you don't mind hand me over some paper and a ink brush. I shall recite some recipes that we will work with for now."

Ashlyn excited hopped back into he back room and a short while later she returned with paper and ink.

Using his memory from his past life Alex noted down three top grade potion recipes and there respected method for production and the materials needed to concoct. The potions Alex 'stole' from his memories were the [Common Grade Health Potion], [Common Grade Mana Potion] and the [Common Grade Stamina Potion]. All of which where upgrades to the novice potions that were produced in Red Leaf Town.

It wasn't until players reached LvL 10 did alchemists start to profit from setting up shops in beginner areas. However, using this loophole Alex planned to exploit this and make a killing before any player could do that.

It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say Alex was directly planning to monopolise the Potion market.

"These are great." Ashlyn cried out in surprise. Clearly itching to go a make potions she was hopping on the spot.

"Haha, well I'll leave it too you then. Be sure to make at least 200 of each Potion. I will reimburse you for your troubles once they start to sell."


"Not too worry, bye bye." Ashlyn said as she cutely waved at Alex exiting the door before shooting off into her back room.



-Auction House-

"Well if it isn't the Shadow Guild scum. Looking to interfere with the BlueMoon guild again?" Sneered a man dressed in black garments.

"Well if it isn't the good dog Doug, have you came to try and buy my rare item?" replied a woman in her early twenties dress in a fiery red robe that gave her slim and subtly curvy figure justice.

"Now, Now Scarlet, we shouldn't make fun out of people for being stupidly loyal to the wrong people." Joked a reserved looking woman dressed in a white and blue lined robe holding a icy facial expression.

"Rose. you.." Doug struggling to respond just snorted "hmmph."

Watching all of this play out were two figures in the back. Of course these people were from the Ares guild. "Hunter sir, we have gathered all of the funds from the hunting teams near Red Leaf Town. Should we proceed to bid for the item sir?"

"Not quite yet, we'll let the rest fight for it and then we'll swoop in towards the end and take it for ourselves."

"Look, BlueMoon just bid 60 silver.."

"Look isn't that Scarlet and Rose from Shadow guild? OMG look they just bid 80 silver."

"Haha, I guess the shadow guild are stronger than the BlueMoon guild in this game."

"BlueMoon just bid 90 Silvers."

"This is ridiculous. I don't even have 1 silver."

"Guilds sure are rich huh."

Meanwhile Alex was sat back enjoying the good life as notification after notification came through from higher bidders for his item. "I guess they have decided too use this opportunity to not only snowball their gilds but to also publicise their guilds strength to new players."

"Either way, this just means more money for me."

"No way look, look. Ares just bid 120 silvers."

"Well if it isn't Ares guild of all people." said Scarlet with a hint of disdain.

"Ah, well if it isn't Scarlet. How have you been? looking amazing as always." Laughed hunter as he stepped into the limelight.

"Anyways, if you all aren't going to bid then I guess the item will end up in the hands of Ares guild."

"Hmph, who says were done bidding. Are you belittling our Shadow guild. Scarlet bid 140 silver." Rose snapped back in anger.

"Yes ma'am."

"What about BlueMoon, are you already quitting the race for the item?"

"Ha, truth be told we BlueMoon members just came for the occasion and too try and make you pay higher but since that's not necessary anymore. We'll take our leave now."

"Sneaky as always but we Ares guild aren't so poor too care about 100 silvers, bid 150!"

Scarlet seemed to wince at the increasing number as even though they were a second grade guild and had many members cross over from different games, all to spread their influence in The World Of Divinity. They still didn't have unlimited funds to spend since it was so early into release day.

"Shadow guild bids 160 silvers. Final bid, if Ares guild bids higher we'll graciously give the item up."

Hunter seemed to pause at the announcement as he thought about whether or not he really wanted the item for Ares guild but after a slight hesitation.

"Ares guild bids 170 silver!"

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