《Empyreal War; MOBA reimagined》Practice 4: All That it Takes


Oh no! The rookie caught me offguard. I was busy operating the skill panel when he suddenly flew passed me.

My reflexes kicked in and I managed to block his sword with the new equipment I just bought but he swiftly turned back and made a wound on my leg.

[ Health 87% ]

I stepped away but my wound slowed me down. I drew an arrow and pointed at him but he didn't stopped from attacking. His sword flashed and connected with the leather armor on my chest.

[ Health 61% ]

I was pushed a little and my body turned from the blow. I felt pain but I didn't mind it. I focused on the trail of light left by the blade of his sword.

I nocked the arrow in split second. He was exposing his back on me as he moved. It landed but it didn't inflicted a MARK. I expected it so I continued my aim.

He dashed to a different location but zipped back to my direction with the shield in his front. I pulled my self sidewards to dodge him and shot an arrow while in motion.

The arrow bounced off from the shield but I was able to evade him as I fell on the ground.

I shot him once more before I stood up. He was finally marked but he swiftly dashed back. He swung his sword in a wide arc I almost felt like it would slice my neck but the wound on my leg pulled me back to the ground.

I broke the remaining glass vial in my belt to heal a small portion of my health and rushed to move away. I suspected the duration of his ultimate skill will soon be over so its time for me to return the attack. I motioned to activate a skill.


I thought I've got him, that was so close!

One more dash. One more strike! I screamed on my mind but the effects of ARC TURBO ended.

I should not stop! I turned to face Nergal and he was pointing his bow on me. I blocked his arrow with my shield and ran to him. He shot another one which I easily shoved off.

He moved to dodge when I came nearer and activated his primary skill to probably scare me. I know I was marked but I kept on charging. I'll kill him first before he kills me!

He was too close to miss a shot but I perfectly blocked him with my shield.

The item is designed to provide protection against normal attacks however it can be used against a combat skill.


RONDACHE shattered after recieving SHARPSHOT. It completely deflected the attack but broke apart as a result.

I went on a stance to activate EN GARDE as a follow up. Without my shield I won't be able to block his arrows, atleast I must keep myself from recieving another MARK.

Nergal did not attack but instead moved off while waving his hand. It looked like he was throwing something but nothing landed on the ground as I checked.

It was nothing. Must have been a simple distraction for me to pause for a moment.

He has kept reminding me that he has advantage on range. I kept on moving away to go out of his range but I realized it was wrong. I must close our gap to remove his advantage.


I charged using LINE DRIVE determined to chase him. I raised my sword as my body propelled forward but I suddenly heard a loud snap.

My feet got stuck on the ground. I could not move!

Nergal stood before me pointing his bow. I swung but my sword could not reach him. His arrow flickered brighter and brighter while a new group of pawns charged behind him.

I pulled my feet but it was useless. It was a trap. An affliction called BIND.

I helplessly faced the pawns as they rushed with their weapons and then I saw Nergal grinned and finally made his shot.


Third. That was the third time. I lost a total of ninety points. I failed to beat him and I lost more quints. What skill did he used to lock me in place?



Type: Secondary - Field


Position an invisible trap in vicinity. Wait for 5 seconds to prime. Any enemy that comes in contact will be inflicted by BIND for 6 seconds.

Enemies inflicted with MARK will have all of their active enhancements removed.

Can be dragged to another location once primed.

Cooldown: 18 seconds


It was the perfect skill to stop my LINE DRIVE. He must have placed it that time before I activated my ultimate. Or maybe even while I was chasing him, I remember I stopped for a moment after I missed his neck.

He must have moved the trap on that final moment.

It was not a simple distraction.

And what was that attack he used to kill me? I was sure he activated SHARP SHOT when I was chasing him. It even broke the shield upon impact. I'm pretty sure it was on cooldown.

Was he able to use the skill while it was on cooldown? Did he used an item to make that possible?

I quickly died in that single shot but the real reason why he was able to shoot it was the affliction called BIND.

Now, is there anything I can do to prevent being binded? Is there an item that could help me if I would be stuck in the same situation?

Actually, is there an item that can increase the duration of my ultimate? There was an item a little bit similar to ARC TURBO which removes cooldown for a short time. It must have been the item Nergal used to use SHARP SHOT simultaneously.

It was possible, so I'm sure there is. I just don't know which.

I have a lot to learn.

"Mate, you alright?" Eckes asked as he approached.

"Again," I said, "I want another round."

"Are you serious? Look at your chalice, you won't be allowed with just ten quints."

"Lend me some, return my quints. You're giving free every week, right?"

"Mate it doesn't work like that."

"I want another round," I insisted.

I want to win. I want to know if there's a way for me to beat Nergal.

I have to go back to that battlefield to try new strategies. I want to check the pillars if there's an item I can use.

I would be more careful next time. Smarter. Quicker. Stronger. I just need another round. One more round.


But I need quints to fight.

"You can convert your avatars into essence," Nergal suggested.


"That's... possible but converting your avatar means you wont be able to use them until you obtain them back," Eckes said.

"I don't mind. How can I convert these?" I stared at the four icons in the panel in front of me.

"Take it easy, you should think about this properly. Converting your avatars into quints is not worth it."

"Once," Nergal announced, "defeat me once and I'll return to you all of the quints I won against you."

Eckes made an expression. A mix of shock and awe.

"Actually, I would even double it," Nergal grinned as he continued. "Right! I'd double it if you can defeat me once. Deal?"

"I think we need to take a breather," Eckes said.

I moved my finger to the panel and was able to convert two of my avatars into quints.

[ Chalice 110 / 1,000,000 ]

A single avatar was equivalent to fifty quints. That should be fine. I bet I can get them back anyway. I haven't used them yet but I'm not planning to switch from the Cavalier. I'll prove to him that I can beat his Shikaree with this.

"Its a deal," I said as I tapped the duel request.

"Good decision," Nergal said grinning.


Three rounds passed and my quints dropped to twenty. I came up with new strategies, new skills and new items but still I lost every single round.

I tried planning ahead. I prepared every step I would make before I executed them but Nergal pulled a trick to evade or counter each of them.

I thought I would be better every time I failed but I only kept on failing. He always ends up killing me and defeating me all over.

He offered me a deal. Win once and I would gain back my lost quints. He said he would even double it. Damn, why can't I win? How pathetic am I?

"Alright, that should be enough," Eckes patted my back. "You don't have enough quints to fight anymore."

"Its okay rookie, you already proved you got potential," Nergal spoke.

"Those basic stuff you did was pretty good. I actually thought you'd be able to kill me a few times."


"I agree," Eckes said. "You need to learn more, train more and you'll be considered average. You need to work for it if you're not a genius."


It was clear to them that I lacked. That I'm weak. Nergal has been doing this longer than I do and I agree that he was good in it. Heck, this is barely my first but I feel like I can do more if I try.

"Again," I told them, "I want another round."

Eckes paused surprised, "but you don't have enough quints, mate,"

"I can convert one more avatar," I said reaching to the interface but I stopped as I noticed only a single icon was there; the Cavalier disappeared.

What happened?

"Ow, my bad, I forgot to put my sigil off," Nergal blurted taking out the ring in his finger.

"Is that..." Eckes' expression changed as he grinned.

"Blackheart," Nergal told him. "The sigil that devours the avatar of the person I win against. The potency is pretty low right now, six consecutive duels to take effect. But man, I got a hundred quints from it."

"Awesome boss! I need a sigil like that," Eckes chuckled.

"Bah, you already got that Rookie-Finder."

"And it worked well, right?"

"And your acting was great. We should do this often."

"I know right, but I got nervous when you came. Boss, you should learn how to act natural."

"I was trying to. I even kept myself from laughing when I saw your face after I mentioned about the conversion. I bet you didn't see that coming."

"I was more than surprised when you said you'd double the deal."

Nergal laughed out. "Man, the plan was just to take some of his quints but we were able to fool him in giving us more. I can't believe he agreed to do a practice match,"

"It's not even a practice match," Eckes commented.

Nergal then took out another panel from his interface. A message appeared in my front while I blankly stared in the empty space while I listened to them.

[ You have been kicked from the guild ]


"You tricked me!" I grabbed Eckes in his coat.

"Chill," he replied and shove my hand, "Remember the rule? You're not allowed to hurt another Ethereal. If you're mad at me we can settle this in another battle."

"I can hurt you. I just don't need to kill you."

"Yeah? Then try me," he made a wicked smile.

I wanted to punch him but my hands trembled. There's nothing I can do anymore.

I agreed in joining their guild and I agreed in the battle. It did not occured on me that it was an actual duel and not just a practice match.

I was also the one who insisted for another round. I accepted the deal and went on converting my avatars. This is all my fault.

A fist suddenly flew on my face which made me release my grip on the coat. I stumbled into the wooden table.

"We'll be going. I bet you don't have anything to say," Eckes said holding his knuckles. "We should have gone for a duel but you don't even have quints for that. Thanks for your time, Greed."

"Name checks," Nergal said, "Going greedy against pros. No way, rookie."

The two disappeared into specks of light leaving me alone in the stone platform bound in darkness.

I got robbed of my quints and lost most of my avatars. What am I going to do now? I knelt down on the floor and stared at the only icon that was left in the panel.

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