《Empyreal War; MOBA reimagined》Tutorial 3.5: The Key to Victory (2)


Three items occupied half of the slots in my items panel. GRAN ALLOY to increase the damage of my weapon, POWER CRANK for an instant skill power up, and MORDCLAW to counter the new enemies.

But everything does not simply end there. With the last of my remaining points I purchased a recipe to combine all of these items to obtain a single one that is much stronger and would provide me better advantage.



Type: Component - Weapon (Permanent)


The Usurper's wicked invention devised to destroy the majority of the holy kingdom. Consists the heart and flesh of a vengeful fiend mixed and modified with titan technology.

Effect: Might +37, Sense +16, damage against pawns and golems increased by 30%.

Defeating pawns will accumulate a charge.

Weapon durability automatically repairs by 1 every 7 seconds unless weapon skill is active.

Skill: OVERPOWER - can be activated once the charge is full, weapon damage increase by 300% for 14 seconds. Weapon durability deteriorates while active.

Durability: 210


"Ready perfectly, are we?" I said as I examined the sword on my arm.

Losing the gauntlet and the shoulder guard's protection in exchange of a greater attack advantage was worth it.

"Ethereal, please be reminded that the enemy is reaching the gate." The butterfly interrupted my musing. As I glanced from a distance, I saw the soldiers clashing a few meters before our golem's boundary.

"Okay, let's end this," I then said rushing to join the fray.

I swung my sword against the so-called elite pawns and with little effort I was able to defeat them easily. My blade sliced through them like butter and I was not even using EMPHASIS yet.

Another wave of pawns dubbed as royal guards came next but even them were quickly annihilated.


The name of the item fits perfectly! I told myself as I ran forward heading to where the final golem reside.

Blue lines shone on my skin and my armor as I activated the skill ARC TUBRO before I could reach the golem's territory.

The mechanism on my metal boots whizzed as I dashed forth using LINE DRIVE. With a swift flash I scraped the golem's leg. I dashed again striking the other.

"I'm not done yet!" I shouted activating my weapon's skill:


The mechanism in my sword slightly shifted and I felt the surge of energy on my arm.

A clean hit and I was able to tear away a large portion of the golem's body.

With the golem's attention fixed on me, I then dashed away picking on a few elite pawns that were already fighting my allies.

Another dash to dodge a sudden attack from a nearby enemy but then I was whipped by another while I was in motion.

[ Health 88% ]

I knew I have to take precaution but the field was littered by soldiers making it hard to properly utilize LINE DRIVE.

I then moved to take down more of the minor enemies to reduce their numbers but then the golem suddenly heaved its fist on my path.


I was able to block it.

[ Health 79% ]

I blocked it but I was thrown away from the impact.

I quickly dashed back and slashed. Another dash to move away but I accidentally collided on a pawn as it blocked my direction.

[ Health 77% ]

I mustn't stop! I told myself as I rolled barely evading the golem as it slammed the ground.


I swung my sword to strike away some pawns and swung again towards the golem. The golem retaliated so I backed off.


A little more! I told myself.

The skills ARC TURBO and OVERPOWER can only be used for a limited time. I must use every second I have while they are active.

I dashed forward to attack once more facing the golem's fist head on.

I used my sword to deflect it then used the momentum to shift my motion and strike the golem's shoulder.

Just a scrape!

I failed to use EMPHASIS but the damage provided by my weapon was enough to create some cracks.

I need a follow up! I raised my sword again and swung.


I was late to realize that the effect of ARC TURBO reached its limit. All of my skills went gray and on top of it, my sword broke in half!

The effect of OVERPOWER exhausted my weapon's durability.

I was expecting it would end up like this, but it was a little bit early.

I haven't made enough damage on the golem. I could have atleast tear off one of its arm or perhaps a leg to prevent it from moving.

Now what? With no skills and a broken sword what else can I do?

I cannot attack anymore.

My weapon in its current state will only deal very little damage. Should I go back to our gate?

Dang. I must think quick.

With the golem's attention focused on me, and the number of elite pawns reduced, some of my allies made their way to the golem. Little by little they chipped off its hard surface.

They might be mindless but in exchange they have persistence. The butterfly was right when she said I'd need their help.

I better keep moving!

With wider space to move, I ran around evading the golem. I can keep it occupied while my allies do their thing.

I flipped, I rolled, I frantically ran in circles but sadly, I could not successfully dodge all of its attacks.

After a few moments, my health bar dropped below 30%.

I should have taken a potion with me.

"Please tell me this is over," I said as I stood beyond the boundary line. All of my allies have been defeated and I could see another wave of enemies moving in.

Dents and cracks filled the golem but it didn't seem like it was about to fall.

It was tough. Tougher than I thought it would be, but I have no reason to give up.

I held my broken sword thighter as I faced a new group of pawns.

Hearing the cries of my allies coming from behind, I again activated my ultimate skill and crossed the Golem's boundary line.

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