《The Heralia Legacy》SIX Erosgape




Kunpeng? Weren’t they extinct? The name rang a bell as Malec shuffled through his memories, the only thing that came up was that they were the Patriarchs of the Sky. They soared from the oceans of ancient Earth to the skies through sheer will. He made a note about asking Four later as he also remembered that Argus’ creature originated from the same area of where Fours less dominant heritage lied. She was part ancient world Japanese and part Chinese, but her Japanese blood was dominant thus being a Kitsune.

Malec’s brain was running a mile a minute when he realised that the huge creature was heading straight for them. His expression was clearly promising death and destruction. Malec called for orders to tranquilise him with a potion especially made for out of control shifters. But they hadn’t taken into account his unique metallic feathers as the massive bird who sparkled like the sun shifted to the side and swatted the projectile away with his outer wing.

By the time they got another one ready, they were too late as the angry Kunpeng suddenly swooped down with a speed that was unfathomable. Surely something so big didn’t have the right to that speed.

Everyone watched with bated breath as bird descended right above Clara’s gurney. The bird’s wingspan was so big that it felt like the civilians close to Clara were enveloped in a big tent. The massive head of the Kunpeng dipped down swatting away the paramedics who at this point were paralysed with fear. One huge eye peered down at a small body by comparison.

Then gently the bird nipped at the unconscious girl’s neck. Everyone gasped as they thought they were about to witness a horrific mauling. But instead, a thin stream of blood ran down Clara’s neck. The Kunpeng protectively stood over her as this was happening. It then that it violently jerked it’s own wing towards his huge neck as a sharp feather flew off and cut its neck. Then gently the Kunpeng shrank. The transformation back to human form was much quicker. In front of the crowd, Argus became human again, naked as the day he was born. The mark on his chest had changed, as one of the spirals was vigorously animated and glowed more than the others.

He landed on Clara, with his neck touching hers. Out of everyone’s expectations, a blinding light appeared as the blood combined together as if it was part of the same entity reunited after a long separation. Two marks sparked to life on the young couple’s necks where the incisions were made. A white dragon appeared on Argus and a golden-violet Kunpeng clutching a triskelion appeared on Clara.


They had imprinted.


Argus groaned as he opened his eyes. He felt a sense of déjà vu from earlier. Dammit, why did everything have to knock him out?! One more public fainting and his already bruised ego would shatter into a million pieces.

The first thing he saw was white lights right above him, he was in some sort of hospital. When he went to get up, he felt something tugging at his hand. He slowly turned his head to his left – as fast as his body would allow. It was Clara. They were holding hands in a death grip. He looked at her shoulder which seemed to look quite a bit better. He guessed it was because of her resilient dragon side. Suddenly feeling a bit shy he wanted to let go – but something inside of him baulked at the idea.


What the hell was that! It was like a guttural voice that was inside his head and it wasn’t him. He frantically looked about the room like a ninja to see if someone was there.

I am you, you are me.

“Who are you!” Argus shouted and winced as Clara jerked. Seeing that she was settling down he asked again.

“Who are you? Why are you in my head?” Argus whispered.

I am your ancestral creature. Kunpeng. You do not have to speak aloud Argus, you just have to think to communicate with me, it is better if you do not disturb our Erosgape.

Our Erosgape? What is a Kunpeng? Do you know where we come from? Argus thought.

One thought at a time – but to answer, yes, our Erosgape, look deep inside, you will feel the Erosgape bond - our connection to her. A Kunpeng is the patriarch of the skies, it commands the air and controls the seas - you will soon learn more yourself. For your last question, I do not know, I am as old as you, while mythical creatures do have some familial knowledge ingrained since birth, I do not as I was never supposed to awaken. It is per Oram’s blessing I am here as is the case with your other bloodlines. Now I wish to sleep - the initial awakening takes a toll.

Wait I have more questions! What do I even call you, surely, I can’t call you The Kunpeng all the time! Hello. Hello? Urgh, fine I’ll just call you Kun from now on.

Argus already felt Kun fall asleep. He looked over at Clara. She was our Erosgape. He double checked the bond Kun was talking about and sure enough it was there – bright and vigorous. He had an Erosgape and it was Clara! Argus didn’t know what to do. He was just gobsmacked. He never thought he would even have one. He was a non-para for all of his life. He knew there was no one out there just for him – but here she was. Argus vowed that he would strive to be the best Erosgape in Geas. To be the best he would need to protect her – he would need to be stronger.


“Where is my daughter!” An abrupt shout echoed from a distance. A minute later several people came into their hospital room.

A rough man with an intimidating scar over his left eye, wearing a council heads uniform was first to enter. With him, there was a beautiful lady that had features which closely resembled Clara’s. Behind them was Head Enforcer Malec, a couple of guards of the Were Council and Enforcers from The Order. Mal looked worse for wear as he entered which made Argus’ stomach drop.

“Imprinting without consent is a crime punishable by death,” the rough looking man Argus assumed was Clara’s father – Rufus Dragonclaw fumed as he shouted at Argus. “You almost had my daughter killed and then had the gall to imprint her! You’re lucky I don’t kill you where you stand.”

Argus knew he had to be tactful after all this was his father-in-law. “Sir, I’m aware of the law, however, that was my first shift and the Erosgape call was too strong for my creature to resist.”

Rufus seemed taken aback by the Erosgape comment as he turned to his partner. Adriana Dragonclaw hurried to Clara’s side and restlessly turned her head to expose her neck. Argus flinched, it took all his self-control to not push her away from his Erosgape. The whole room went quiet as they looked at the Erosgape mark, the Kunpeng holding a triskelion. Most were confused at what they were seeing. The Kunpeng wasn’t known to most and the Triskelion was a symbol almost never seen in Erosgape marks. Rufus looked at Argus’ neck which sure enough was his daughter’s dragon. For some reason, this just added oil to the fire.

“You’ve taken my daughter’s life away. You have just met and she has already had to escape near death. I do not approve of this forced union. I am going to call for a tribunal at the Parliament of Councils and I’m going to strongly advocate the capital punishment,” Rufus’s poisonous words felt like knives cutting at Argus. Was he right? He did bond himself for life with Clara without her consent. Feeling miserable he bowed his head; did he already screw up as an Erosgape?

“I give consent,” a feeble voice spoke with conviction. Everyone turned their heads to see Clara, who had gained consciousness in the middle of Rufus’s tirade. Argus’s heart felt like it was going to explode. He felt reassurance through their bond which made him realise she must have felt his misery. Rufus was infuriated. “You don’t know what you’re talking about, guards pick her up, let’s go.”

As the Were guards were moving forward. Argus felt himself snap. This lesser being will not take away our Erosgape. Argus felt Kun arousing from his sleep at thought of separation from Clara. They were united again. He stood up, as the pain from his shift temporarily faded away. Instinctively his body knew what to do. Argus took a menacing step forward. Changes happened to his body that he was unaware of – his hair turned metallic violet and his skin took a golden sheen. His eyes belayed an angry ancient being whose purpose was to rule.

You will comply dragon.

A righteous guttural voice entered the minds of everyone present. It made the non-were shudder and the Weres to tilt their heads to expose their necks in submission to a greater predator. Rufus who took the brunt of the command and dropped to his knees panting. The one person in the room, Argus noticed was not affected was Clara. She was standing behind her bed with her mother who had her neck exposed.

After Argus was satisfied that his point was made and terrified of Kun’s powers, he let go of the command, he knew it was only a matter of time till Kun fell asleep again and he didn’t know how to command their powers without Kun’s help yet.

As soon as the command was lifted, Rufus stood up and looked at his guards, who weren’t taking a step towards Clara’s direction. His nostrils flared as he turned and stomped out of the silent room. A beat later Adriana who shot a sympathetic look towards Clara and Argus turned and left for her Erosgape, with the guards following. Clara turned and looked at him.

I have to go, Argus, he’s my father and I love him. Let me talk to him.

With a heavy heart, he nodded. Be careful. With a small smile, she also turned and left.

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