《Lost in the Shadows; Book 2 of the Blood Moon Series》Chapter 20



I attempt to steer things towards a different direction, my dreams being a very deep well that I can draw inspiration from. There’s never enough hours in a day to get all the sleep I love to take and get other stuff done. Might sound weird; someone loving to sleep. It can be an escape or become your own private hell.

I know I've been peaceful for a while when dreams start getting very...heated. Let's just say I'm glad that a few males I know are not privy to my dreams like my sister had been a couple times. With the bond she and I share, it seems the closer we are to each other the more bothersome it is. Since she's gone back to the bordello, we haven't slipped into the other on accident...yet.

The sleep images bounce around while I float among them, quite peaceful till I'm yanked down into one. Hate when they do that, it usually means something’s going to happen soon that I won't like. Had at least two other dreams like that before.

A thundering heart is being chased by a large black shadow, stomach cramping in emptiness and terror. The mixture of thoughts collide with emotions; hunger, fear, loneliness. Wanting of a home but refusing to go back to the one from before. Following multiple shadows in hopes of finding a safe place to sleep, heart feeling a little lighter when a smaller shadow joins the larger, them not tearing it to pieces.

Keeping quiet, yet still getting caught by the monster bearing down on him. Weak with lack of food, cold, and so tired. The other darker shadows have gone, something new ahead is bathed in light. Warmth comes from it, security, and a chance to rest without having to pay for it in flesh. Running fast for it and jumping right into the light, it’s blinding as I look on. Hate when you see an event but are also in the head of the one having it, gets really confusing.


The bright brilliance fades till everything is black once more, a feeling of loss filling me. This pain is known from before, yet it seems so much worse now that walking away is voluntary. Large ocean eyes open just ahead, the sadness in them so deep that even in the dream I weep for him.

Eyes that hold love as well as a painful rage. They start swirling faster and faster into nothingness, going out as if never there. Swallowed into oblivion.

A man stands just ahead, his back facing me. Long midnight black hair goes down his back, tall with wide shoulders lead down to a trim waist. Touching a hand to his shoulder, his head turns. I jump back from the sight, scared even though there's nothing to fear. Strong features look at me, a face I've seen before only in pictures.

A smile forms on my lips - a curse lifted? His expression is unreadable for a moment before filling with fondness then turning to love. My heart pounds as he reaches for me, but just before he touches my skin, his disappears.

Dust whirls around him till it fades into a shape I'm more familiar with. Eyes have stayed the same in color and held emotion, the black wolf lifts his head in a mournful howl. The sound tears at me before he turns and runs away, taking my heart with him. I’m not able to cry out for him since this is what he wants, what he needs. Knowing this day would come but hoping he would change his mind. My feet are leaden, preventing me from going after him.

The absolute darkness he had gone into starts to lighten. The whole landscape changes to a crisp, bright morning. Bare feet on a dirt path. Looking around and seeing nothing familiar, I turn around.

Still nothing real familiar, but the large house a few yards away steals my breath. Two stories high with a large porch area. Specific details go fuzzy when I try to focus on them, so I stop trying. Really want to make things out better since I feel so drawn to it, but my feet are once again planted to keep me from moving, so my eyes roam. A decent size clearing in front and surrounded by forest, it reminds me much of my home, just a lot bigger.



My feet finally let me move, only now I'm on four instead of two. Padding softly across the yard as I gaze around, my gut clenches hard when another walks out from the opposite side of the house. His very size causes my tail to fall, stepping back slowly as muscles prepare for bolting.

The size of this one is much like the tan Werewolf that it has my heart pounding hard in fear. This one possibly being bigger sends ice down my spine. Everything I'd been through up to this point seems to flash in front of me, reminding me that I'm alive and all others who came at me are dead.

A long tail lashes behind me as I raise my head high. Standing proud and defiant with knowing I'm much stronger than I had been then. Doesn't stop the light fear that still trickles through me as he comes closer, but we'll chalk that up to the whole common sense thing.

The large gray and black timber stops a few feet in front of me, head also high with chartreuse eyes directed at me. Curiosity is clear and obvious as he moves to walk around me, but I growl and follow the movement. Not letting another of this size at my back, fuck that. He keeps going, so I do as well. My tail reacts almost like a cat’s would as it lashes from side to side behind me. Making a complete circuit, he stops and raises a leg towards the house.

The message is pretty clear when he starts pissing. House is his. Well, golly-gee-wiz, excuse me. I blow air through my nose as my eyes narrow. I'm not known for being smart while awake, why would I be in a dream?

My haunches lower as I let my own stream go. Irritation fills his eyes before amusement does. Standing once more, I move to walk around him as he did me.

He lets me, seeming to have no fear of me at all. Taller than Asher by quite a lot, he's even taller than Xavier's animal. His gray and black fur gives the look of burned charcoal, while his scent is wild, dominating. Having no need to posture, his tail is down, breathing easy and unconcerned. Tall, wide, proportioned. Muscle mass alone on this beast lets you in on the fact that this is no normal wild animal, yet at the same time, it is.

His head turns to watch my progress once I'm at his side. I can feel the draw, the pull to him, but I push it aside quite easily. Doing so seems to make him curious while again irritating him. Oh, this is just too fun. My maw opens as I give a toothy grin, making my way to stand in front of him once more, yawning as I turn my back on the giant.

Probably not the smartest thing to do, but I'm curious too. His rumbling growl is instantaneous at my rebuff, so I lay it on thicker by raising my nose and stepping away. The rumbling turns into a full out growl which has me laughing as I fade away.

His howl follows after this wisping, ghostly form that becomes me as it whirls around a chessboard in play, more and more pieces getting added on both sides till it's full. Hardly any room to make a move, yet they do so. Pieces fall into ash on either end, blowing away in the vague shape of running wolves.

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