《Lost in the Shadows; Book 2 of the Blood Moon Series》Chapter 6



"You probably have a higher standing than I with the other assorted wolves, you can warn them that if they come at me or mine for any non-friendly reason, I will not hold back. Don't care if they're indifferent; as long as they stay away from me, I'll stay away from them. When this mess is cleared up, I intend on talking to all these 'council members'. Don't know what I'll say yet, but I'll come up with something that they won't like, can pretty much guarantee that."

He smiles, his giddiness doing nothing to contain my own. There's also a guarded feeling there, as if although he's looking forward to it, he's cautious. Feeling along as he goes. Not much left to say after that, so I hint at wanting to leave without being too rude about it. He notices it, amusement filling his face.

Before we go through the locked door, I turn back to him.

"I'm sure I don't have to ask if that man returns - his name is Frank by the way, Frank Mallory - give me a shout if he does?"

"Can count on it."

I give him a warm smile as Xavier and I head up. The place had opened while we were in conference, over a dozen patrons now litter the inside. Before exiting, I go to the bar and ask for some water, willing to pay for it but Alarico waves it off.

He hesitates for a moment before leaning over the shiny wooden surface, I oblige and lean in as well, pulling the cold water down fast. End up regretting it as I give myself brain-freeze.


Gives me a confused look before seeing the empty ice water glass, his eyebrow raises and chuckles. Don't even notice I’d lost the maned wolf at some point between below and the water retrieval. Standing back up for a moment to scan over heads, I catch him quite easily with a couple women who'd stopped him.

His height is an advantage at this point, for me anyway. The look on his face is flirty as they jabber and paw at him in their tipsy horniness. The look is flirty, but I can see his discomfort. Looking like that will always cause trouble. His flirty face I mean; he called them right to him, so I leave him to suffer for a bit longer while I duck back down to hear the Red Alpha.

"Shouldn't you help your companion?"

"I'm getting the feeling you think he's a companion companion. He's not, he's just a friend, and he doesn't need my help, he's all grown...supposedly. Couple human women can't hurt him. Besides, his squirming discomfort will teach him a lesson and bring great amusement to me."

His head goes back with his laughter, which calms many of the other wolves in here. He finally ducks back down as well.

"In the images, I didn't see Asher in any as human, does he stay in that form because of what happened to his wife?"

I flick at my straw warily, knowing it isn't my story to tell.

"What do you know about what happened?"

That seems to be a careful and reasonable start, right? His honest concern makes my heart hurt for the black wolf.

"Fire at his home had killed her, then he disappeared. Tales of a black wolf got passed around, but none could be confirmed. Some stories claimed that he killed her, but I know those to be false."

I nod, getting angry all over again. Not only covered up, but false information getting passed. Have a feeling these so-called council members are corrupt in some way. Probably many ways. Shit like that doesn't happen unless you're hiding something. Lips are pursed before I answer, hoping Asher will forgive me for sharing his heartache.


"There was a fire, yes; caused by Vampires, one of which wanted his wife for his own. They were both caught in the house, he was able to jump free, but before she could, the roof had collapsed. The Vampire had come with a curse, Asher can no longer take human or Were form. He's been stuck as a wolf for the past twenty-five years."

Watching the horror steadily increasing on his face before he schools it, I'm slightly comforted by the fact that Asher did have someone in his corner.

"I can't see the burn scars he has, but I've felt them. They were very bad at one time, the tissues still very prominent."

I can feel Alarico's sadness coming off him in waves, making my belly cramp. I touch his arm lightly then pull back almost instantly.

"Do you want me to tell him anything for you?"

He nods, letting out a damn near letter for me. I make sure to keep it in my head so I can just 'replay' it for him when I get home. A commotion behind me has me turning, knowing trouble has started.

The two women are now arguing in front of the poor flustered flirt, who has his arms raised in surrender.

"Think I'll help him now."

Walking over with a crooked grin, the wolves around me start to tense again. Not in a bad way though, almost like anticipation. Xavier looks up, his seeing me bringing almost relief to his face.

I step right up between the drunk women, bodily moving them apart without putting hands on them. Said hands grasp his coat and pull him away.

"Sorry girls, I need to get him back to his mama, she just loves her little Pooky. She's gonna go nuts that he was in a bar, but I had stuff to do. That woman even keeps his room done up with little choo-choos. You'll miss out on his cuddling with his binkie-rhino though, that's kind of adorable...if you like that sort of thing."

Can hear Alarico behind me somewhere roaring in laughter, many of the other wolves doing the same. Girls aren't so eager to fight over him now, clearing their throats before grabbing their coats and moving off. I can't decide which is funnier, the women's expressions of horror, or Xavier's of disbelief as I just totally ruin him.

Watching after them, I get real mean, tapping my cheek.

"Well that's a shame. They didn't even get to see your peterwinkle."

He makes little stutter noises at me, sputtering a bit while the laughter continues around us. I'm somehow able to keep a straight face until I look up at him. His open-mouthed expression at me has the smile creep up before I start in with my own laughing.

I pat at his cheek, having to reach for it, closing his mouth by pressing a finger under his chin. He just blinks at me for a couple moments before he finds his voice. It sounds a little dry.

"That was just downright evil. You've totally ruined my rep that took years to build. Totally emasculated."

I snort, green eyes glinting at him.

"That was years worth of rep? Think you need to start over from the beginning, Hunny. I'll show you how it's done, no worries."

Smiling innocently at him, I spin on my heel and go for the exit. His face was showing one thing, but I felt all his amusement and laughter, so I know I didn't seriously screw him up. Poor thing, can just imagine what the Red Wolves are going to be calling him now.


That thought alone has me stifling more laughter. Turning back to give Alarico a wave, the maned wolf is right on my ass. Almost walk into him when I turn.

"Excuse me, your freakishness is in my way."

His turn to snort, but I feel his hand at my back, his heat through my own. His nudging me out the door isn't getting any complaint since I'm overheating myself. Pretty sure part of his is from embarrassment though. His face did get a little red there in the beginning. I go stiff at the door, whispering into his head that we're about to enter into trouble.

He's more than ready, moreso than I, yet he can't feel the negativity aimed directly at...me. Of course. Two Vampires smelling of feline are waiting right outside for us.

Xavier slips in front of me as the door opens wider. Using his body as cover, my hands lengthen with claws, finger bones and muscles reinforce so a good swipe at something doesn't break them. Very handy, that. Same for my wrists if needed.

The tall man makes a small grunt as he deflects the two hits that come at him from the front and side. Crouching low, I come up hard and fast at the one on his side, sharp black claws dig deep into the leg and rake upwards. The man jumps back with a shout. If he hadn't when he did, he'd have fun regrowing those bits.

Faline had told me that the one man she’d mangled and tore an ear and half a nose from is regrowing them, it just takes a lot of blood and a bit of time. Hardly fair if you ask me. Bad guys should not be able to do that.

Before any Reds can make it out from finally realizing something's up, two others come flying out of nowhere. The images that shoot into my head are of twin white ghosts. Pure white Arctic wolves. Brothers judging by the similar scents. Even their animals in my head have them running together over frozen terrain with ice caves that smell of snow, moist ground, and spring water. Yes, water has a scent. Both animals are just about the same size, literally looking like twins. Only obvious differences are eye color and one having black-tipped ears. Get a sense that the one with the ears is younger.

Blinking the images away as fast as I can, Xavier is pushing me back into the doorway while it's opening with other Weres coming out. Bouncer wolf is off to the side with what looks like several broken bones. Pulling free from the body press, I leap over to him. Just in time too as one of the Vamps comes flying at him. Not an attack, but from being thrown. Busted up broken wolf grunts harshly when I pull him out of the way. Whispering in his head that I'm sorry, I keep him covered from the Vamp now standing.

Angry eyes are focused on me as if I were the one to toss him around. I grin at him as my eyes bleed yellow, crouching low, claws splayed and head cocking.

"Well come on then hot stuff, show me what'chu got."

Succeeding in spurning him into action at coming for me, one of the new wolves is able to get at his back and take him down. Let's hear it for unintentional teamwork. Can feel Xavier coming close, so I turn back to the injured wolf.

"Why didn't you call for your Pack to help you?"

Didn't mean to sound like a scolding marm, but whatever works I guess. Pain filled eyes look up at me before sliding away. Ah, I see. I tsk at him while looking over both broken arms, busted knee and leg, bent finger, and assorted bruises.

"I'm sure you're all big and bad with humans and even younger wolves, but Vamps are much different. Even moreso when they weren't worried about being exposed. I've tussled with a couple younger ones, they're wiry bastards."

We'll keep it between us that I just referred to my sister as one, but since he doesn't know what undead I'm talking about, it's all good. The wiry part is true though, Faline was always really flexible, now even more so. Think it comes from the feline within her, but not sure. Could just be a Vamp thing.

He grunts at me, clearly not amused with my attempt at humor, so let's try something different.

"Alright Mr. Badass, stuff the grumpiness. I know you're in pain. Suck it up, it was your own stupidity that you didn't call for aid, so now you can deal with the consequences of it. Does your Pack have a doctor of any kind? My sister is usually the one patching me up. I break bones, not set them."

Not necessarily me doing the breaking as much as being the one broken. Looking over to the bar's entrance, I motion over one of the loitering wolves that happens to be female. Not trying to be sexist here I swear.

When she gets closer, I ask her the same question of having anyone who at least knows how to set bones. She bobs her head and goes back in. The outward gathering of Red Wolves block off visuals from the humans walking around.

Aren't too many, but enough to be trouble if calls are made. Looking back to the bouncer, I tap at his nose to get him to look at me.

"Did you know them by chance? From what I felt, they were after me. They weren't the ones that had been here when we went in, were they?"

He shakes his head, jaw clenching hard as he lowers his eyes again. I rest a hand on the top of his head, short hair getting laid flat. Stays for a minute before I pull away, moving from the crouch in front of him to a crouch next to him.

The brothers are now back to back as the Reds try surrounding them. I scowl, rise up and walk over to them, turning my gaze out to the others.

"What do you think you're doing? They came to aid, they are not responsible for this. If anyone is, I am. They were here for me."

Eyes should just stay yellow when around people I swear, less wear and tear. Glares are shot out at them till they back off. Crossing my arms, I look over them all.

Alarico really needs to let them be wolves and run. Would take down all the pent up issues they seem to have. Someone finally comes out and heads to the hurt man. Nope, it’s not a woman.

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