《Moonlight Sword Sect》The Fanatic, The Event, And The Misunderstanding (3/3)
"Ms. Xiare, please hold one of Astara's horn as the wind may blow you away" Said by Mr. Knight as he grasps Astara's right horn.
"Okay." I responded with a nod. Without saying anything, I came near the majestic beast's left horn and firmly grasp it with both of my hands like a monkey grasping to a tree.
I don't want to be blown away by some pathetic wind and die you know?
Even monkeys are more intelligent than humans in some way. They even founded a sect just for monkeys which is unbelievable at the time but since there's a sect for every race on this planet right now, that kind of thing is perfectly normal.
Yes, monkeys having sects is perfectly normal.
Hey! Why am I talking about monkeys right now? Fix yourself up brain!
"Are you ready Ms. Xiare? Mr. Knight looks at me directly. He was waiting for my answer.
Oops. I forgot that I'm with Mr. Knight instead of Eumi right now.
If she had heard the words I thought earlier. Heh, I wonder if she'll be amazed at how intelligent I am about facts and trivia.
This lady here is one of the greatest storytellers ya know?
Anyways, enough of such random thinking. I need to focus myself and be prepared for not to fall and die.
"Yes, I'm ready." I replied back to Mr. Knight with a confident look on my face. Although I may look quite confident on the outside, my heart is pounding tremendously inside, like a drum beating without care.
Unexplainably, I'm both scared and happy at the same time. What is this feeling I'm having right now?
Somehow… I can't explain it in detail.
Nah, who cares about that. Right?
"Astara." Mr. Knight smiles for a bit before saying, "plurima vento."
At this moment, I suddenly can't feel my body nor see and hear anyone. Eh? What's happening? Did someone rob all of my five senses?
Oh come on! I'm already poor ya know? What's there left to rob? My clothes? My undergarments?
If you're planning to rob someone, try robbing who's rich ya know? Maybe you'll strike it rich the next time you rob a wealthy man.
While I was thinking about my senses being robbed by a mysterious force, my vision suddenly returned.
Oh, thank you, robber. I knew you have a conscience.
With my vision restored, I began taking a quick look around me. I was still grasping Astara's horns despite being robbed of my sense of touch.
Thank god I'm not too stupid to let go.
After checking if I am still grasping for Astara's horns, I look at Mr. Knight smiling like a weirdo as he grasps Astara's horn.
Well, everyone has their fetish I say.
"Not dead, check. Mr. Knight is still there, check. Not foolish enough to let go of the horns, check." I said to myself as I silently check my checklist goals inside my head.
Since I can't speak for the time being, I might as well play a chess inside my head. Although both of the players are controlled— wait no… I am the player! Hehehehe! Infinite power!
Thus, I began playing chess inside my head as I wait for my robber to give my senses back. I am truly an intellectual.
Sigh… I always win inside my head all the time. no one really could beat me in a game of chess. Not even myself. What a pity for an intellectual you are, other Xiare.
That's how smart I am at chess. I always win.
Or am I?
Why is this taking too long? Just how far does the sect master live? Is the sect master living at the edge of the world?
We're here for a while ya know?
And Mr. Knight, can you please stop smiling like a weirdo. Please. I feel uncomfortable.
At the very end of my thoughts thinking about how weird Mr. Knight's smile is, Mr. Knight suddenly collected himself back, with his creepy smile now gone.
Somehow, the heavens granted my wish to stop Mr. Knight from smiling weirdly. Praise the heavens!
"Ms. Xiare, we should be arriving at the place where the sect master's at shortly." Mr. Knight said while looking into the northern distance ahead. Thank god we're finally there. Just the time before I get bored of playing chess with my other "intellectual" selves.
How can I not see the distance ahead you ask? Well, I couldn't see what's happening around me since my cultivation is too low.
Even if I tried looking ahead like what Mr. Knight does, all I see are a bunch of blurred places of mountains and sceneries.
"And we're finally here. Astara." After saying those words, Mr. Knight let go of Astara's horns and pats the majestic being in the head.
Although this sounds kinda weird considering the fact that we are above Astara's head, it's kinda cute that even such majestic beings can be subdued with a single pat.
And as for my other senses, when will you give it to me robber man?
I'm stuck here you know? I can't even move my legs.
"Ah I forgot, wait a minute Astara, I'm going to treat Ms. Xiare's numbness." Mr. Knight began pulling out something from his pouch. It was a vial with a blue liquid inside.
"Here." Said by Mr. Knight, handing me the vial.
Handing? Are you serious right now? I can't even move my hands.
If I could facepalm myself right now, my face would've been bleeding right now. Are you really that serious Mr. Knight? Sigh….
I feel that this turned into an eye staring competition right now. Let's see how long you can last Mr. Knight.
"Ruuuuuuuooof...." Astara softly roars. Although I can't understand the language of the leviathans, I'm sure that Astara and I have the same feelings right now.
"Eh? Astara? Oh, Haha I'm truly sorry about that Ms. Xiare haha." Mr. Knight apologizes to me for being rude. After apologizing, Mr. Knight opened my mouth and made me drink the vial.
The liquid I drank tastes like honey. It was so sweet that I even those high-class sweets cannot rival the vial.
Maybe I should buy this kind of vial from the medical field when I get back? Hmm...
Yeah, I should buy some.
I'll probably buy 4 vials before I go home.
One by one, I feel like my bones are being thawed. Although it hurts, at least I can move again which is nice.
Bad luck for you, robber man.
"Astara, let's descend." Mr. Knight looks at me then looks at the bustling area below us.
Yep, below us lies a bustling area filled with many people participating from every event, starting from poetry to fighting.
Although everyone can see the Astara from above, they simply treated it as a daily occurrence and just continued walking instead of just simply gazing at Astara.
I wonder if all of the Moonlight Sword Sect cultivators that have gathered here are all fifth realm and above considering the fact that they are near the sect master's hall?
Also, just by looking at the colorful buildings and stalls below, It seems there's a festival today I guess? I wonder what it is?
"Mr. Knight, do you know what's the name of the event today?" I ask Mr. Knight. Seriously. I really don't know anything as I live on a mountain.
"I'm not sure if this would be called an event but…. rather, a wedding I guess?" Mr. Knight gave a vague answer. But, as annoying as I am, I will ask Mr. Knight once again with a different question this time.
"Wedding? Whom?"
"Wedding of elder fairy Hyuxia and the Harruth emperor Shi En. Although it's a wedding in name, I personally think that this wedding is not as ordinary as anyone thinks." Mr. Knight replied in a serious tone. Hold on hold on! Why did such a cute wedding turn into something sinister?
Are you really that pessimistic, Mr. Knight? That's not how weddings work ya know?
"Aaaaaaaand, we are now at the grounds. Ms. Xiare, you go first." Mr. Knight looks at me then at the ground. Although the ground is still too high, I still jumped as I know that Mr. Knight will do the same trick of pushing me again.
I will never forget that Mr. Knight.
Wait until I throw you into the depths of hell one day, Mr. Knight.
I have managed to land without getting my ankle broken. Thank god I'm still alive up to this day.
Mr. Knight also lands on the ground without getting hurt. Well, considering his realm is higher than mine, that would make sense.
"Follow me, Ms. Xiare. Wind mobility!" Suddenly, a gust of wind appears at Mr. Knight's boots as he chants a spell.
At the same time, my wooden sandals also have a gust of wind breezing around it. How cool!
"I'll hold your hand so you won't get lost." Mr. Knight said as he holds my hand. Eh? I'm not a kid anymore though?
Well, might as well accept it since it's pretty easy to get lost with a huge amount of people walking pretty much everywhere.
Step by step, Mr. Knight and I slowly manage to evade pretty much everything from a huge amount of people walking around to my greatest frie—no. My greatest threat: Food stalls.
They should be evaded at all costs.
"And we're finally here. Mr. Knight said to me while pointing his finger at a certain building: Hall of illuminating lights. Finally, I can finally meet the sect master.
What's the appearance of the Hall of illuminating lights you say? It looks like a giant castle with little to no walls. That's it. Yep.
Although there are so many details to talk about the hall, I don't really like talking about it too much. It's simply tremendously painful to tell anyone about it.
As I was thinking about the hall, Mr. Knight came in front of the gate and used some techniques.
One by one, the pillars surrounding the gate lit up, causing attraction nearby. Err...
"Come." Mr. Knight looks at me and goes inside the hall as if it was as his house or something. Is he the son of some higher up within the sect perhaps?
Who knows?
I began following Mr. Knight. I don't want to be left alone you know?
"Woah." I let out an amazed face. The inside of the hall is truly magnificent. Lifelike statues, grand architectural design, and aesthetic arts were displayed inside the hall. It was simply amazing
As we go deeper into the hall, I noticed that the gate Mr. Knight opened earlier was slowly closing by itself.
Well, I hear a creak so yeah, it must have been the gate earlier.
"Aaand, we are here Ms. Xiare. The Hall of illuminating lights is located behind this door. Do you want to open it?" Mr. Knight calmly looks at me and smiles. Although your offer is good, sorry but this lady here is not a door opener.
I shake my head in decline, to which Mr. Knight nods back in return and said, "Very well, I will now open the door to the hall of illuminating lights."
Hey hey hey! Why do you speak like a generic sky*im N*C? Will you stop that? It's creeping me out.
*Creeeeeaaak…..* I heard the sound of a door being opened. It was the door that leads to where the sect master is.
"It's so bright in here" I accidentally blurted out something I shouldn't have!
I have no respect for the sect master! Idiotic me!
Sigh... I really am an idiot. Good job Xiare. Good job.
Here I am ruining my overall impression to the sect master sigh…
Yep, in all honesty, the hall was completely bright, as if I'm in heave—...
We are in heaven?
My attention instantly changed from how to leave an impression to the sect master to being in heaven.
Err... Everything here feels like I'm in heaven ya know? Bright rays of light and that.
"Sect master, we are now here." Mr. Knight directly looks at the source of light. Just how strong are your eyes to withstand that kind of light Mr. Knight? Oh, it rhymed with the light.
Ohhhh! I'm a genius!
Since I couldn't withstand the light, I turned my head down. However, after seeing the floor...
My heart suddenly skips a beat as soon as I see the floor below me. I am currently floating with no platform below my feet.
Are you freaking serious about this?! This is a fuc*ing heart attack simulator!
This floor could literally kill someone ya know? F*ck!
I nearly got myself killed by my own stupidity! F*ck this!
However, in order to give a better overall impression, I decided to hide the fact that I nearly had a heart attack and asked, "Eh, we are above the sky?" Innocently.
Je*us chr*st, I nearly had a heart attack there.
I really had nearly sent myself into the real heaven there.
"Please be at ease, Ms. Xiare. This is nothing but a reflection of what's happening outside. Everything that happens outside is sent into this hall." Mr. Knight replied back.
Since there's nothing else for me to do except to respond, I laugh innocently to tell that I nearly got a scare there.
"Oh haha…" I said back, laughing innocently to Mr. Knight.
"Please be patient for the sect master as he may be doing something." Mr. Knight replied back, telling me to wait at the sect master.
Oh okay then. Might as well as continue my game of chess against my other selves then.
Just as when I was going to play chess, the illuminating light slowly dimmed as something within the further part of the hall consumed it.
As soon as I look at the source that made the light dim, I was overwhelmed by a seemingly endless amount of Qi flowing from that area.
As I focus my eyesight in a particular area, I saw a man. A floating man with a long golden hair nearly reaching his waist. He was like a female, yet a male at the same time.
Who knows?
His crown and cape hovering and floating around him, like a majesty from the skies.
I subconsciously open my mouth in amazement
There was also this aura that has been suppressing me ever since I look into the black pitch void on the chest of the sect master.
Just thinking of it makes my skin shiver out of fear.
After finally consuming all of the illuminating light earlier, the man—no. The sect master finally opens his eyes. His eyes were nothing but pure light as if he's the guardian of light himself.
"Sect master, this is Xiare." Mr. Knight steps forward while saying my name. Wait… why is my mouth open?
Goddamnit, I'm ruining my first impression to the sect master!
Silently, I close my mouth off.
"I have now completed my mission. I need to go back to the outpost. Sorry for troubling the both of you." Mr. Knight once again spoke, with the intention of leaving this time.
Hey hey hey, what am I gonna do now?
Now what?
"Wait a minute." The sect master spoke. His voice was like of those gentlemen that can hook up a girl just by his voice. I'm sorry but this girl is immune to such voices hahaha…
Fortunately, the sect master stops him just before I do. Thank god.
"What is it sect master?" Mr. Knight faces the and kneels in front of the sect master, symbolizing that he is listening to the sect master's next choice of words.
"What mission?" The sect master asked. Eh? Isn't the mission of Mr. Knight is to escort me?
What if…
Oh nooo, please don't kick me out.
This lady is a hardworking cultivator okay? I'm not a lazy cultivator who just slacks off and do nothing.
My heartbeat became much and much louder. It seems my journey is about to end here.
"Eh? I thought the mission was to get Xiare here? The contents are clearly written in the scroll?" Mr. Knight suddenly spoke while he takes the scroll from his pouch.
Go, Mr. Knight! Show him the scroll.
Mr. Knight pulls the scroll inside his pouch and gave it to the sect master. Wait... Why is the scroll floating?
Ah, it's maybe because of the sect master's skills right?
As the scroll opens by itself, the sect master silently read the scroll. After the sect master finishes reading the scroll, the scroll closes up by itself and vanished into thin air.
Oh how cool.
The sect master then looks at Mr. Knight and said, "Shouldn't be this scroll was to be sent to Hyare?"
Hyare? Who's that? Did the sect master pronounce my name wrong? Hmm…
"Hyare? But the contents inside the scroll states that Xiare is the receiver of the scroll." Mr. Knight replied back.
Yep yep! Mr. Knight is right.
The sect master then closes his eyes once again in confusion. Perhaps he finally realized that he pronounced my name wrong?
Will the sect master admit that he is wrong?
After a while, the sect master opens his eyes again and said something. I think he's going to admit he's wrong about pronouncing my name.
However, it was something different from what I've expected.
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