《Existara》The Brewing of Unrest
I wake up. My head swims. Hate that feeling.
“How are you feeling?” Mother? Oh right.
“Like Hell.” I try to turn on my side. It hurts.
“How long was I out?”
“A few days. Don’t worry. I made sure to make up a convincing cover story for your lack of appearances these past few days. Officially, you are dealing with some issues related to Noxanda.” Mom puts her hand on my head. “Good, seems your fever has gone down.”
“Laira did an amazing job whipping up this repulsive thing to help you snap out of it faster. Your challenger series will go on as usual as soon as Laira gives you the green light.” Crile. He points to a pot and a glass next to my bed.
“Gee. Thanks.” I look at my mother. “Why is he here?”
“Because I need to talk to you.” She helps me up and hands me the glass. Green water? The glass looks suspicious and she catches that micro expression of mine.
“It will speed up the recovery.” Yeah. Ok. I take a sip. Oh Hell. That tastes disgusting. Makes me gag. I put down the death potion.
“So, if you need to talk to me, I repeat the question. Why is he here?”
“I meant the both of you.” She stands up. Always a bad sign.
“I’m too banged up to be arguing. Let’s just hear it already.” My head’s dizzy.
“Very well.” She pauses. “I will make this short.” She pauses again. Another bad sign.
“I want the two of you to ascend the throne.”
“WHAT?!” Crile and I have the same expression.
“Milady, I don’t believe.”
“Are you out of your mind, mother?!”
“I have been patient with you, Zarri, it’s time for you to take on your responsibility.”
“My responsibility is to protect my people from harm. That is exactly what I am doing here!” I’m slightly pissed.
“Crile told me about the trick the King pulled. No need to worry about that, Gazaria. If it comes to it - we will fight.”
“First of all.” I look at Crile. “You told her?” He doesn’t answer me.
“Second.” I glance back at my mother. “Even if. I will not be taking the title of the High Priestess. I don’t deserve it.”
“It is not the question of whether you deserve it or not. You are the only heir to the throne, it is your birth right to rule our land.”
“I refuse.”
“Gazaria.” She uses the “enough is enough” tone on me, the same one she used on me as a kid when I was having one of my temper tantrums’. I grind my teeth.
“Mother, please. I am not what is best for our country.” I try to bargain with her.
“Milady, with all due respect, I cannot fulfill your wish.” Crile steps in. “As much as I am bound to obey you, this is the one thing I have to refuse.” He kneels before her. I only saw him do that twice before. I take the opportunity to get Crile out of the question and to make myself another chance to negotiate with her about the throne.
“He is right.” I stand up. “You want us both to accept the title, yet there is no us anymore.” I pause for a second to let it sink in.
“If you wish, you and I can bargain about my ascension to the throne, but it will be me and me alone, mother.” I look right at her and hold my breath. It makes me nervous to go against her wishes still. But. He and I are no longer an item. She does not seem pleased.
“Very well.” Huh? “Crile.” She turns at him. He raises his head. “You may go now.”
“Yes, Milady.” He stands up and walks out the room.
“Thank you.” I speak to my mother after Crile leaves. Her expression changes again. It’s sad now.
“I still have my hopes for you two.” She sits on my bed. I gently lower myself down and sit next to her.
“Why? Fifty years have passed. I figured you would have chosen somebody else for the job.”
“Child. It’s not a job. It’s your destiny.”
“I know that mother, yet still.” I lower my gaze to the ground.
“Why do you choose this path?” She strokes my hair.
“I chose it back then. Now I am forced into it. I figured a couple of more decades and people will forget about what happened. I would have returned home eventually. I just didn’t know if I could.” I close my eyes.
“So why don’t you leave the fighting to the others and come back now?”
“I can’t, mom. When I saw those soldiers.” Words are hard to speak. “So young and so eager to fight.” I feel the heaviness in my chest. “So eager to die.”
“They are not your responsibility.”
“But they are, I was a Chieftain once.”
“As well as the Ruler of our land.” Mothers. Never miss a chance to remind you of anything.
“For five minutes.” I stare at her with a blunt look.
“None the less.” She stands up. “The title was given to you at birth. You are and always will be the heir and the Queen.” I hate it when she uses the queen tone on me.
“But, mother.” I don’t know how to tell her. “I never knew him. I thought if I became a chieftain, I would feel somehow closer to him.” I grip the bed.
“Emerald told me all those amazing war stories. I just.”
My mother sits back next to me and hugs me. “I know.” She whispers. I touch her hand.
“Have I ever told you the story of how I proposed to him?”
“You?” My eyes almost pop out of my skull. “I always thought it was him who did it. You know, like the usual way when a man asks if the woman wishes to be his wife?” We both chuckle lightly.
“No. It was the other way round.” She looks at me with a nostalgic smile on her lips.
“Alright, let’s hear it then.” Something tells me this story is going to be special.
“After I was bestowed with the title of the High Priestess, your Father had turned and walked away from me. He didn’t think he was worthy of me anymore, so he focused on the battle field and the fights. However, I, being just as stubborn, had a different view on the topic. Once I had decided I wanted Wykren by my side, as the Ruler of Noxanda, I rode my mount, Aurous, out into the battlefield one day, where Wykren was fighting against the Balli over some land disputes. I rode for almost four days. As soon as I reached the war zone, I walked across the field, looking for your Father. He, of course was in his usual place, in the midst of all the fighting. The funny thing was that, while I walked across all of the chaos and havoc with blood spilling, blades swinging, limbs being torn apart, men screaming with pain and fear, not that I didn’t even flinch from all of the horror, the soldiers stopped fighting once they saw me too.“ I laugh. She smiles.
”They just stood there, following me with their eyes. Yes, I saw the looks on their faces but pretended not to. Finally, I walked up to Wykren. He froze mid strike as soon as he saw me. I’m dreaming he said lowering the axe in his right hand and the double edge sword in his left one. You’re not. I’m here for you. I told him. Wykren’s look was priceless. I want you to be by my side as the Ruler of Noxanda." Mother has a peculiar look on her as she speaks...
“Now? He asked me. He didn’t seem surprised at the question, as he was more about the timing of it. Can’t this wait? He asked. I told him no. I was never the one to hold back. Your Father, on the other hand, hesitated for a moment. Really? He asked again. I kept my gaze locked on him without blinking. Alright, fine. Yes. Now can you please get out of here before you get hurt? Wykren said to me. I smiled and kissed him. I’ll be waiting for you back home. I told him and walked away. Leaving Wykren, the Bladed Wind, speechless and a little bit embarrassed about the whole situation. After I left, the battle was over as well. The Balli War Chief that was fighting your Father, ended the skirmish. Apparently, the Balli have a very strong sense about marriage and family. And after the stunt I pulled, the chief didn’t care about the slaughter anymore. The dispute was resolved in a more diplomatic way. Jokes were made for years that women should propose to their men on the battle field more often. If that had happened ages ago, maybe half of our civilization could have been saved from the misery. But that was all talk.” She pauses.
“And so, we became the first couple to rule the land. Before that the only ruler Noxanda had, was always chosen from all of the casters inside the Sky Temple. Somewhere, half way one of the girls had always stood out with her abilities and wits. That girl was chosen and trained, taught, how to lead the land by the Councilors. And the tradition went on for ages. Usually the High Priestess would only be a public figure, that is, until they picked me. I changed a Hell of a lot of things against the Councilors better wishes.” We giggle. But I don’t dare to interrupt her.
“Having a couple rule Noxanda, was one of it. Another one was that if an heir is born, the child will be the next leader, despite of the class and gender, he or she might be. Reasons for that was, the child would be brought up as a leader from the very beginning so there would be no need to wait a decade or two before a new leader could be chosen... So instead of the usual suspense of “who will be the next ruler”, the land was overwhelmed with joy and excitement. People couldn’t wait for their ever first rightful heir to be born…” She falls silent. “And that’s it. Well, you know that last part anyway.”
I look at her. I know the expression she has on her face. I’ve seen it countless times before. My mother longed for my father still. Those two never chose to be apart. It just happened. He died. Mother never remarried and never even had the thought to do it. She stayed faithful to her one true love. I, on the other hand… My fingers grip the bed so tight it hurts.
“Mother, I” she cuts me off with a wave of her hand. I shut my mouth. We sit in silence. Eventually, I can’t take it anymore.
“I accept.” With the corner of my eye I see her eyes widen and turn to me. “I accept the title of the High Priestess and the throne.” I tell her.
“Are you certain?”
“Yes.” I inhale. “However.” I turn to face my mother. “Only after the challenges are over. That is my only condition. Afterwards, I will return to Noxanda for the crowning ceremony and officially accept my place at the top.” I hesitate.
“You will return here to finish what you started. The training and the battle.” She hesitates. “Very well. I do believe, however, that the Advisors will not be happy about you staying behind.” My mother stands up.
“I will come up with a way for you to retain the title of the High Priestess, as well as your standing as the War Chieftain here. After all, I am the Queen. For now.” She reaches for me. I gaze up to her. It’s a warm and loving expression she has on her. I take her hand and get my ass off the bed.
“I’m proud of you, Treasure, your Father would be as well, you have his fighting spirit after all.” She looks me over one last time and hugs me.
“Thank you.” I whisper, embracing my mother.
I stayed in bed for the next three days. No matter how much effort I put in to convincing Laira I’m fine, she didn’t budge.
“You can get back to fighting tomorrow morning.” Finally!
“Are you sure there isn’t another way?” Mom stayed with us a while longer. She’s more of a mother than a Queen now. It’s quite refreshing.
“Mother.” I stare at her with a soft smile.
“Alright, fine.” She mumbles something. “Then I’ll be taking my leave later today. I can’t bear the thought of seeing you fight again.”
“You saw me train plenty of times before!” I gesture.
“That was back at the palace. Besides…”
“Everyone knew to go easy on me.” I roll my eyes.
“Can you blame me?” Mom gets a bit defensive. Laira giggles. Somebody’s causing trouble outside in the hall.
“Burla you can’t go in there!” Ugh. Figures.
“Get off my case, sheet boy!”
“Sheet boy?” I look at Laira. She has her hand over her face.
“Don’t ask. I had her stay at the barracks, all this time… She’s such a handful…”
Mother gets up and opens the door.
“Oh Breeze, wait… You’re not Breeze.” The brat stutters.
“Very perceptive of you. Mind explaining what’s all the ruckus here about?” Mom’s in her Queen mode now.
“I only answer to Deathbreeze. Step aside.” Burla’s out of control. As usual.
“Burla!” Laira can’t take it anymore.
“Burla meet my mother and the Queen of Noxanda.” I use the window of opportunity to slip that one in the conversation.
“Your mom? The Queen?” Burla freezes. “My apologies!” She quickly yells out and runs away. Mom shuts the door and we hear Burla chew Percy’s head off. I laugh.
“Why did you take in such a mongrel?” Mom asks me.
“Mother. She is not a mongrel.”
“She’s a good kid. Just troubled a little.” Laira steps in. “Ok maybe a lot.”
“Either way.” Mother disagrees still.
“She’ll be fine.” I sip the death potion. Bleh. “Laira, I swear, if the fights won’t finish me off, the potion will…” I drain the cup.
“Next time I’ll make it more repulsive, maybe then you’ll take more care of yourself…” My sis smiles at me.
“Very funny…” I roll my eyes.
“Alright then, I better get going.” Mother hugs Laira. “Stay strong.”
“I will.” Laira nods.
“I’ll see you soon.” She gives me a hug too.
“Take care.” I tell mom.
She smiles and leaves. Laira closes the door.
I lay across the bed in the dark. Eyes wide open. Perfect. Can’t sleep. I’m already leaning toward the idea of climbing out the window and onto the roof. Maybe a cold night’s breeze will ease my mind…
“Breeze.” I speak her name out loud. I close my eyes and whisper her name one last time. My body shivers at the night’s cold. I open my eyes and flinch. In an instant, I forget how to breathe. Naked Breeze crouches over me. I’m barely a few inches away from her. I reach for her. She doesn’t move. I feel my fingertips touch the skin.
“Breeze.” The name escapes my lips.
I kiss her. She doesn’t pull away. She doesn’t struggle. She kisses me back. Her arms wrap themselves around my neck. Her fingers drown in my hair. I pull her closer and lock us in an embrace. Her soft breasts press against my hard chest. Sheer ecstasy rolls over my entire being. Her hand slides down on my inner thigh. I grab her and roll her over, making me on top of her. I kiss her long and soft before moving down her neck to the chest. I land a kiss between her breasts. I kiss and tease the skin around the nipple, with the tongue barely brushing against it. Not enough. I suck, lick, nibble and even gnaw on it. Mmm. You’d think I'm a pup, getting his first meal, the way my mouth is working that breast. Can't stop. I pull and tug on her breasts as if my life depends on it. I grunt. My hands find their way to the middle. She opens up for me. I rub my hands around the inside of her thighs. I kiss the lips. I wrap my arms around her legs and bury my face in her. I move my tongue in circles, spreading her open. The taste of her makes my mouth water. I grab her legs tighter and pull her to me. I move over her, sliding myself inside. Each thrust brings me closer to the edge… I barely hold it together…
“Breeze…” I moan and explode…
A knock on the door wakes me up.
“Sir Shadowkill!” A muffled voice calls out to me from behind the door. I open my eyes and look around the room. There’s no sign of Breeze anywhere. Something feels weird between the sheets. I sit up.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” The bed’s sticky… “What am I? Twelve?” It was a dream… “Haven’t had those in a while…” The knocking persists. I get up and put some pants on.
“What!?” I scowl opening the door.
Three idiots are standing in the hall. The one closets to the door is a Primerian, too lean to be a fighter. Must be research division or some other scroll pusher. Second one is a Balli. Too tall and too bulky. All muscle no brain. He has that look on his less intellectually challenged face. And the third is a girl. Huh. A Cornutese. She has such a bored expression on her you’d think she’s watching paint dry.
“Oh, sir Shadowkill.” The Primerian speaks. “His Majesty is requesting you to see him as soon as possible and he sent us to make sure of that.”
“Now?” I ask him standing there half naked.
The book worm hesitates. “That was implied, yes.”
“Can I get dressed first?” I’m in a foul mood.
The dust gatherer blushes. “I would think so, yes.”
“Go tell his majesty I will be there in an hour.” I’m about to shut the door when I hear the cowardly voice again.
“I am afraid that is not an option, sir.”
“Why not?”
The girl answers me that time. “Like he said, we’re here to make sure you go see the King now.” Cold. She probably feels undermined standing there as a member of the Idiot Delegate, sent to fetch me.
“Alright then. Can I have a few minutes to make myself look presentable?”
“Yes sir.” The kid nods.
I close the door and go over to the dresser, get my armor and the daggers on. I glance at the bed one last time before walking out. I sigh. I hear the lock click and safely stick the key next to my daggers.
“Shall we go then?” I ask the Primerian.
“Yes, please.” The kid turns and meets nose to chest with the Balli bulk. The mountain doesn’t even try to move. And the feather doesn’t even try to make him move. Oh boy.
“I was under the impression we are in a hurry.” I stare at the giant over the top of the Feather’s head. The Giant snarls at me and steps to the side.
“Thank you very much.” I tell him.
“Move already!” The Cold One shoves the Feather and the poor fella almost trips. I catch him by the elbow.
“You two can play later. The King is waiting.” I walk the Primerian a few steps, till he gets his balance back and let him go. And there we are. Me up front with the three idiots behind me.
“Where is the King now, anyway?” I ask the Brains.
“The library, sir.” Those are the last words anyone speaks all the way to the library. The library. That explains what’s with the interesting escort. Once we get to our destination, the Cornutese and the Balli take their positions by the entrance to the Knowledge Vault and the Feather shows me where to find His Majesty.
“Crile.” The King greets me. “I’m so relieved to see you.” Bullshit.” I was worried you might have gotten ill.” He comes over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. He’s pissed. Great.
“Thank you for escorting sir Crile here, Cartus. That will be all.”
“Yes, Your Highness.” Cartus clumsily makes himself scares.
“I understand you wanted to see me.” I stare right at The King.
“Where the Hell were you this morning?” The King hisses.
“What do you mean?” Figure I’d jerk him around for a bit, maybe that will cheer me up.
“Don’t toy with me!” He’s really pissed. “In five years of me being on the throne you never failed to report to my chambers first thing in the morning, today, for whatever the reason, you were not there and because of that I was ambushed.”
I look him over. He’s not injured. So, the so called, “ambush” must have been by some displeased and annoyed scroll pushers, or some minor nuisance that annoys the King more. Either way – not a life or death thing.
“Could you elaborate on that, sir?”
The King turns demonic. In an instant he changes into a giant black skeleton with blue flames surrounding it. Did I say he was pissed? I meant furious. It’s a good thing we are boxed in with thousands of priceless books from all sides, cause otherwise, I would be one extra crispy Noxian. He changes back in a flash.
“The Masters, are getting impatient with Deathbreeze.” He takes a deep breath. “Her little challenger series are getting in the way of the proper training. On top of that now she hasn’t even shown herself for days!” He pauses. “What is she up to?” He glares at me. I think his highness forgets sometimes the difference in height between us. I look down at him.
“How would I know?” I shrug my shoulders.
“Don’t bullshit me here, Crile!” He’s losing it. For some reason it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“You know her better than anyone! That is the only reason why I assigned you to keep an eye on her and report back to me!” He gets all up in my face. Well, tries to anyway.
“Now spill it!” He demands. I sigh.
“First of all. I used to know her better than anyone. In case you forgot, it has been half a century since I last saw her. That’s a long time for anything and anyone to change.” I lean in closer.
“And second, if you think she hasn’t figured it out by now for what purpose you want me to be her keeper – then you ought to reconsider your strategy.” Now I’m glaring at him. “Your Majesty.” I add. He seems displeased.
“Besides, I believe you have plenty of your spies lurking around in the shadows to know what she is up to, without me telling you.” He doesn’t say anything. “Am I wrong?” Silence. “Will that be all?”
“No.” He takes a second to compose himself. ”Tell, Deathbreeze, that if she wants my full support on this circus of hers, she better get me some results by the end of the week, I cannot back her up against the Council, the Masters and the Congress if even I have no idea what her plan is. And I was the one that went against everything to bring her back here!”
“Are you saying you don’t trust her methods?”
“I’m saying I don’t trust her. Period. ”Is that so? “Unless she keeps me in the loop.” He adds quickly… No, he got it right the first time. He doesn’t trust her. Even if Breeze is the only one who has a damn good reason not to trust him instead.
“I’ll try to give her the message.”
“Try to the best of my abilities.” I bow.
“Just go already.” The King waves me off.
“As you wish.” I leave.
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