《Billions Of Reasons》Chapter 21


After Russell made his challenging statement to the press, Xander watched from behind tinted windows as he got into a car and rode back to the firm to get back to work. He smiled at the thought of seeing that man thunder in court on his behalf, which was going to happen sooner rather than later. While Xander was scared that he would have to be in court, he felt better knowing someone like Russell was going to be there to protect him from the people that mean to strip him of his wealth, his dignity, and his very freedom as well. The last petrified Xander the most, but he had to remain faithful in his lawyers and the fact that the truth was on his side. Xander knew he was innocent, and that the accusations were complete horse shit. The fact that anyone who claimed to know him would even believe them for a second it had upset him the most and why he had to fight the charges are vigorously as he possibly could. Xander stood there at the window and watched as the media made their updates videos to air probably at six o’clock for their respective stations. As he was doing so, Xander didn’t notice his father walk into the room behind him.

“They’ll eventually go away,” his father said as he walked closer. “There will be other stories and scandals for them to chase. The one thing I like about today’s media is that their attention span is as short as their audience’s. Back in my day, a scandal could last for months, even years because reporters had the patience of elephants. This will blow over son, especially when your lawyer proves your innocence in court.”

“It isn’t supposed to be our job to meet that burden,” Xander replied without turning back to face the old men.

“I know that, and so does your lawyer.” The old man concurred, “But I think Russell is assuming this burden for your benefit and to put forward the best defense possible. I’ve never seen someone so zealous for a client.”

“He knows I’m innocent,” Xander said, finally turning to face his father.

“I can understand why you’d know this,” his father said, “But how does he know it without actually being there?”

“Because I told him something the public doesn’t know,” Xander said, “I told him about my promise to you, the covenant I made to you when I turned sixteen. I haven’t broken it yet, father, and that’s why this accusation is total bullshit.”

“Wait a second,” His father said, recalling history. “The covenant still stands?”

“It does,” Xander said, “I have yet to break it.”


“Really?” his father said, taking a seat to think about it. “Wow! I think you’re the only one who kept it all this time and for this long. That also explains how you were able to dedicate so much time to school and work. Your secret is finally out.”

“I didn’t do that on purpose,” Xander said, sighing at the thought. “I took what you said back then seriously and was waiting for the right person, that special lady that was out there. I remember the abuse you took, the lawsuits people tried to file. I didn’t want to put myself in that position, and despite my efforts here I am, being accused of something monstrous!”

“You’re being attacked by an evil person,” Dad said as he got back up and walked over to his son. He put a supporting hand on his shoulder. “I’m glad you took that pledge seriously because it’s what protected you from these frivolous suits all these years. It’s the right thing to do as well, and I’m very proud of you for showing that kind of restraint and strength.”

“You should have seen my lawyer’s face when I told him,” Xander said, chuckling about it a little. “He couldn’t believe it, but when I explained why he seemed to understand. That was all the inspiration he needed and has been my most vocal advocate since.”

“That explains a lot,” Dad said, looking out the window as well. “That’s how he could stand in front of all those cameras and just declare war on anyone that dared to defame your good name. As much as I like Jefferson and his ability to represent my interests, I think you made the right call switching lawyers for this case.”

“Thank you,” Xander said, “I’m going to take a walk and try to find out what Lauren is up to. Hopefully she didn’t get lost in here.”

“I really like her,” Dad called out as Xander was walking towards the door. “I can see how you are around here. Do you think this lovely young lady might be the one?”

“I actually do,” Xander confessed, “I like her that much. I hope she does too.”

“I have a feeling she does,” Dad admitted, “But it’s best to talk to her about and make sure none the less.”

“Fair enough,” Xander said, “I’ll see you at lunch.”

Xander was tempted to wander around the house and think but thought better of it as he didn’t want to come off as someone pacing the place like a caged animal. Instead, he walked back to his own bedroom and locked himself in there. He called the office and spoke with his secretary, getting his messages and responding to them for her to pass the message back to those who had tried to reach him. While he was tempted to call them all back himself, Xander thought best not to do that unless it was urgent as he didn’t want to come across as desperate to speak to someone or even worse that he might be bored. He didn’t like not being in the office, but it was better than being remanded in prison for the time being. The idea of being cooped up in the mansion wasn’t ideal to him, as he preferred the comforts and privacy of his own condo in the middle of town, but Xander was determined to play the hand he was given rather than gripe about it. Considering the situation that he found himself in Xander was lucky the judge didn’t think he was a flight risk and toss his ass in jail. Being in his old home wasn’t the worst thing he could think of and chose to be grateful rather than snobbish as there are billions of people who’d love to be where he was. It was something his mother would often tell him and his siblings if it looked like they were enjoying the comforts provided by their father. Xander could remember his Dad getting angry every time she said it because he didn’t want this kids to be shamed for living under the care he worked hard to provide. He refused to apologize for being successful and rich, because he didn’t inherit his fortune and worked hard for them and lifted himself up to this level and he was damn proud of that. He didn’t want his kids to be shamed for liking it as well because they were his motivation to work hard to provide for them. Xander seemed to take the example his father used, as he refused to let his dad spoil his ass too much, and why he used the money his dad gave him to build his own empire and then return the handout as if it were a loan instead. He liked the idea of making his own way just like his dad did, and he was sure the old man respected him just a little bit more than the other kids because of that. At least he hoped that was the case.


Xander tried not to dwell on it, as he lay his head down on the pillow to rest. Taking a nap seemed like a good idea as he relaxed it the best and closed his eyes. He wasn’t even asleep for more than an hour when a loud sound startled him out of his snooze, and despite hearing it many times before it took Xander more than a moment to figure out what it was since it had been so long.


“Shit,” Xander said, “He can’t be…”


Xander was tempted to go flying down the stairs and into the backyard but hesitated because he didn’t want to fly off the handle in case someone else was watching. Yet after a few more shots, it was the commotion in the front yard that was now intensifying. The press was rattled by the shots, as the police were responding quickly to the call despite private security having no issues with what was going on.

Xander walked out of the bedroom and about halfway down the stairs and watching from up there and the police were trying to storm the building but failing. Yet the private security was unwilling to allow access.

“We’ve received multiple reports of gunshots!” the police officer at the door called out, “We need to inspect the building!”

“Of course, you have,” the private guard replied, “It’s Saturday!”

“What the?” The cop asked, sounding confused.

“It’s Saturday,” the guard repeated, “The master of the house always does his shooting practice in the backyard on Saturday afternoons. That’s why we’re not rattled by this, he does it every weekend.”

“We still need to check for safety,” The officer insisted.

“Not necessary,” The guard said, “Unless you have a warrant, I suggest you vacate immediately, or we will make you.”

Despite their eagerness to get inside and mosey around, which was why security was putting their foot down in the absence of a warrant, the police had no choice by to leave. The press outside was freaking out but felt like idiots when the reason for the shots were explained away. Dad was shooting clay pigeons in the back, and everything was fine.

Xander was still standing when his father returned to the lobby with his rifle in his hands, asking the guards what the commotion was about.

“What do you think?” Xander called from the staircase. “With all the press out there, what do you think they assumed when they heard your shooting? They have an active imagination and probably went right for the worst-case scenario. Thanks, Dad!”

“Oh, sorry about that.” His dad called back up the stairs. “I was just sticking to my schedule, trying to get back to normal.”

“Not this weekend, Dad.” Xander said, walking back up the stairs. “Normal is taking a vacation and we’re all along for the ride. Buckle up!”

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