《I AM BRAND》A Fate Worse Than Death
Chapter 5:
Yun Bai sat there, expressionless after his explosion of emotion and rage subsided. If one were to look into his deep dark eyes, one would notice that the will to live, or even the will to die was not evident at all. He was simply there, not wanting to be in existence, but also at the same time not caring enough about his existence to try to end it, for he was simply there.
“Kid get up! Although we are safe for now, I can’t guarantee that we will be safe forever. They will likely find us soon so we have to leave, NOW!” The old man yelled at Yun Bai.
But yet again, there sat Yun Bai, expressionless, as if not caring about living at all. His mind was empty, a complete white slate sat in his consciousness as no thoughts whatsoever formed in his head, no imagination was worked, and no emotions were had. He was simply an empty casket, a husk with no ego whatsoever. If it weren’t for the color of his skin and his small rhythmic breathing every now and then, even the most expert of beasts would think that he was truly dead and not faking it.
The old man’s face warped from worry to evident, profuse rage permeating over his entire being. He clenched his fists and tightened his jaw as he glared at Yun Bai with an angry glare, but one filled with no malice towards Yun Bai.
“Your father has been my best friend for 12 years now! We even called each other brothers after all the trials and tribulations we have been through! So as respect for my brother, I took it upon myself to believe in you, even going as far as to risk my life saving you now! You were born a cripple, a major cripple honestly, but I saw something in you, something special. Or so I thought, now you seem to be quite deserving of your title as a waste! Although you were disabled from birth, I always saw the spark in your eyes, the fire in your blood! But when push comes to shove you just break down like a child? You are 14 this year! Kids your age are working their asses off on their father’s field, but all your father asked off you is to live your life being fulfilled and he will take care of all the costs there are! This is simply a joke.” The old man began breathing roughly, huffing and puffing consistently as his chest moved up and down.
The old man clenched his fists yet again before he took a deep breath and calmed himself. His gaze turned cold and a look of disgust appeared on his face as he looked at Yun Bai, still sitting there on the floor.
“All your father wanted was for you to live a good life. This I know, for how could I not know, he was my best friend! Yet here you are, sitting there on the floor, moping and crying about the terrible events that happened in your life. Look at me! You think your life is shit? My mother was a whore who got pregnant from a random man in the slums who forced his seed into her. I am but a bastard child who was hated by my mother to the extent of her beating me every day since a young age. Barely fed and weak, I had to resort to petty crimes to get by as my mother seemed to stop caring about my wellbeing. Years later, I became a young man, 16 years of age, with a good build which was capable of doing manual labor. Returning to my incompetent mother, I paid my respects to her. For even if she was the devil, in the end, she was truly my mother, my only known blood. She got quite a good surprise seeing me so healthy, her attitude seemed to change and she treated me kindly. I fell into my mothers trap as she sold me into slavery using my inability to read and write, having me sign my name and using my blood to seal the contract.” The old man calmed down as his face warped into a reminiscent one, thinking back to an event that changed his life.
“I felt terrible,” the old man continued,” I was betrayed by my mother whom I began to foolishly trust again, and for what? A couple copper pieces that would put food on her table for a week and a half? Two weeks? Is that all he son was worth to her? Kid, be thankful that you have someone like your father, not only can he afford to take care of you, he cares for you deeply and would do almost anything for you. So for all his efforts, are you going to give up and die right here, or are you going to live, live and become stronger and wealthier to the point where we can rival, no, surpass these dogshit fuckers. Then we can take all the time we need getting sweet revenge on these horseshit old fogeys! Tell me, are you willing to help me take revenge for your father, or are you too scared to even think about revenge?” The old man’s string of emotional statements caused his eyes to tear up as he thought about his savior, Yun Lie, who bought him and freed him from slavery.
Out of the whole speech the old man gave him, Yun Bai only truly recognized one word; revenge. This word sparked a reaction in Yun Bai’s body as he visibly shook, he slowly stood up to his grand height of .95 meters. Dragging his lanky, long arms on the floor behind him as he walked, he stopped in front of the old man. He slowly looked up and when he was fully face to face with the old man, the old man shivered and took a step back. Yun Bai’s expression was far too scary, the old man found that such an expression could probably strike fear into the hearts of even the greatest cultivators.
“Re-veng-e…” Yun Bai said in a raspy voice as he continued to shake. The shaking soon calmed down and he began walking forward.
“Take me away from here. Today signifies the day where I am no longer Yun Bai the boy, but the man. I swear it today that I will get revenge on everyone who gets in my way of killing those who killed my father!” Yun Bai said as he looked up at the sky.
“Just wait for now my father, this incompetent son won’t make you wait long.” Yun Bai said as he continued to walk forward.
“Are you sure this is the exit?” Asked Yun Bai as he made his way through the secret chambers he was located in.
“Of course I am sure, I have been to every corner and room of this manor, in and out. If your father was the most knowledgeable about this manor, then I am the second most knowledgeable about this manor.” Said the old man.
The duo continued to make their way through the corridor, along the way they had to pull many secret levers and avoid many hidden traps.
‘Damn, this place is much more secure than I previously thought’ Thought the now cool and controlled Yun Bai.
“Ah! Ah! Ooh! Ahh!” ‘Special noises rang out through the corridor.
Yun Bai and the old man’s faces warped completely. These noises were…. these noises were…. sexual noises, coming from a female.
“Huh? What the actual fuck?!” Asked Yun Bai.
But unlike Yun Bai, who was solely confused. The old man was both confused and wary of his surroundings.
“Let’s get out of here fast!” Whispered the old man to Yun Bai.
“Wait a second old man, I have to see where this is coming from.” An idea formed in Yun Bai’s head, but it quickly died down. The voices sounded so similar but it couldn’t be right.
Yun Bai traversed for a short time, walking through this hall, which led to that hall. After following the sound for god knows how long, he stumbled upon a dead end. But this dead end was truly the source of the noise, making his way forward, Yun Bai walked with excessive vigilance. He put his ear next to the near wall and completely heard everything. The pounding, the rubbing, the moaning, even the wet noises that came from the act.
“Sung Ban! That’s enough! We have been at this for at least an hour!” A melodious voice rang out from behind the wall. But with this voice was the occasional moaning and flesh pounding sound which was evidently caused by sexual intercourse.
“Do you know how much trouble I went through to get Yun Lie killed for you? The Divine thousand church not only needed evidence of disbelief, but they also needed a tribute. I gave them my spirit grass which is only given once a year to inner disciples. You promised this to me so let me enjoy it as much as I can, okay?” Said a deep voice, evidently that of a young man.
The girl sighed. “What would my father do if he found out about this?” The girl asked.
Kissing sounds rang out soon after.
“Your father won’t hear anything about this Meng Jia, for no one is around us and no one can tell. In fact, our wedding is in a month so what can they say? Yell at the future couple for skipping ahead a month early in their progression? No, this is fine.” The man said.
“I-I guess so bu-but what if the engagement doesn’t fall through? What if it is somehow canceled and I am left impure by an ex-fiancé, never capable of getting married again?” Meng Jia said softly, but with some expectation in her voice.
“Haha, such a beautiful wife, how can I face my ancestors and myself as a man if I miss out on a marriage with someone as great as you! You are such a beauty, it would truly be a shame to let you go, so don’t worry one bit, for I will see this until the end.” Said the man bravely.
“Hehe,” Giggled Meng Jia. “Well, I’ll hold you up on the promise. You have to take responsibility for me ok?” She said cutely.
“Mhmm,” Said the man as he continued on with his pounding.
Yun Bai, who was right outside these walls was shaking. And for the first time, tears began to fall down his face rapidly. The death of his father, the loss of his one true love, the destruction of his fathers merchant company, and now the betrayal which killed his father came from his whoring fiance.
‘This life is truly a dog life, I was cucked, wasn’t I? Am I truly hated by the heavens? Am I truly hated by the gods this much? What did I do?!? WHAT DID I DO!?!’ Yelled Yun Bai in his head, for the existence of the traitors in front of him was still evident to him.
Wiping his tears, he stood up slowly and dusted himself off. He sent a hate-filled glare through the wall towards his two life enemies, especially Meng Jia, whom he trusted.
He continued to walk back to the old man who was waiting for him a couple feet away. The old man also heard everything and felt sympathetic towards Yun Bai. For his pain was truly too much for any boy, or any man for that matter, to handle.
“Let us go, young master.” Said the old man.
This was the first time the old man truly respected Yun Bai, for he knew what betrayal felt like, and what this kid had to experience may have truly been worse than what he had to experience.
The sound of crumbling and shattering sounded out behind them and dust filled the air. Yun Bai and the old man squinted towards the dust storm, stepping back and taking a vigilant stance.
Soon the dust storm cleared up and from it came out a young man, seemingly no more than 20 with average height and a good build. He had a handsome face to boot which made him look like an important son of a noble.
Yun Bai felt shocked.
“Sung-Sung Ban!” Yelled Yun Bai.
Behind Sung Ban came a shadow of a frail and thin girl. Her face and all her features quickly came into view as Yun Bai felt his heartstrings tug and his tears began to come out yet again.
“Meng Jia…” Yun Bai said softly, but with a voice full of hate.
Meng Jia glared at him with all the hate a young girl could achieve to produce from her emotions. She clenched her fists as she looked at his pathetic figure, turning her head to her new fiance, she noticed the clear disparity. One was short, deformed, weak, and ugly. The other was handsome, not too tall but not short either, and he was strong. Very strong. She gave a smug smile to Yun Bai as if she was showing off her new toy which was much better than him who was her old toy.
Yun Bai frowned as he began to think of a way to get out of this predicament. For surviving came first and revenge came second. Because how could he get his revenge for his father if he was dead before he even began.
“How did you know we were here?” The old man asked naïve words, hoping to at least buy them some time to think of a way to get out of this predicament.
“Don’t think of buying any time. You are dead no matter what you do. I, as a cultivator, can sense where you are in a range of 25 meters. So if you are thinking of escaping, then think again. Give it up now and come with me, I promise you a simple and quick death, ok?” Said Sung Ban.
Yun Bai and the old man were panicked as they truly didn’t know how to get out of this situation. They glanced at each other with evident panic and desperation in each other’s eyes. Normally, Yun Bai would not care about life or death, he, in fact, would have let the man kill him sooner but right now he was given a new lease on life. Revenge. He couldn’t give up now, not after he now knew the true culprits of his father’s death. The Meng Family, The Sung Family, The Che Sect, and the fanatics of the Divine Thousand. He needed to live to get his revenge, and he would do anything to get his revenge at this point, selling his soul to the devil was not out of the picture at this point.
“Alright, I don’t have time to play with you losers. Let’s end this.” Said Sung Ban as he kicked off the ground, reaching Yun Bai and the old man in a few seconds.
“GO!” The old man yelled as he pushed Yun Bai far away with all of his strength.
“Go and live on! You are the last hope of both our wishes, so live, live and become strong! So that one day you can come back here and kill all these fuckers.” Yelled the old man emotionally.
Yun Bai was thrown on the floor, he quickly got up and ran, slowly turning around he saw the old man’s body being crushed. Yun Bai was crying even more now.
“What is your name old man? What is your name?!” Yelled Yun Bai.
“My- My name is…. Lun L-Lie!” After spitting those words, Lun Lie’s head was quickly crushed under Sung Ban’s foot. Sung Ban spat on the man’s dead body as he looked up and glared at Yun Bai, who was a bit farther away.
“This disrespect is pissing me off! You think a mere cripple like you can outrun me? Think again!” Sun Ban quickly dashed forward to where Yun Bai was running to. He caught up to Yun Bai in a matter of seconds and kicked him down on the ground.
Yun Bai soon spat out blood as he felt his internal organs rupture. This was not good, especially for someone in such a weak and deformed body. Yun Bai quickly looked up at Sung Ban and glared at him while attempting to gather his strength to move himself. Sung Ban brought out the blade from the sheath that was tied to his hip. As the shining blade glistened in the dark, a fearsome aura of death permeated Yun Bai’s surroundings.
At this exact moment, Yun Bai didn’t fear death, nor did he fear Sung Ban. No, he was angry, very, very fucking angry. Sung Ban was the cause of this entire problem, his entire existence was the very reason that all of this was happening. His father’s death, his fiancé being taken, and the old man dying! All of it rests on Sung Ban’s shoulders!
“You son of a bitch!” Yun Bai yelled as a vicious, foreboding energy of pure hatred was released from his body. The whites of his eyes turned red as the veins on his body bulged out. A fearsome growl was heard as steam began to permeate from his now red skin. Sung Ban took a step back due to the heavy fear plaguing his heart.
“Wh-what the fuck are you?!” Yelled Sung Ban.
“AHHH!” Yun Bai yelled a demonic roar as he quickly soared towards Sung Ban who was shaking in his boots. Yun Bai took advantage of this and punched Sung Ban in his face which was wide open and ready for a bruising. Yun Bai jumped on the stunned Sung Ban and began thrashing him. When Sung Ban finally regained his bearing, he found himself all bruised and beaten up, this quickly and efficiently ignited his rage.
Yun Bai quickly ran away with this new-found power he had. Dashing through the halls and running along the corridor, twisting and turning, attempting to shake off Sung Ban. But he quickly found this power depleting which caused him to panic. Sung Ban soon caught up and grabbed Yun Bai from the back of his neck, raising him up high to his eye level.
“You little dwarf, cripple rat! You dare to harm this daddy, see if I won’t kill you today!” Yelled Sung Ban.
Yun Bai was spent, he couldn’t move a muscle, much less retaliate against Sung Ban. He still didn’t feel fear though, he felt anger, that same anger which was driving him beforehand. He began to feel the power reigniting in his body before it was quickly shut down by Sung Ban’s pummeling.
“You know I could have killed you in the beginning, but I wanted you to think you had hope while you tried to escape before I showed you that there was never any hope, to begin with. Yun Bai, prepare for a fate worse than death!” Sung Ban smiled a creepy and sadistic smile as he quickly knocked out Yun Bai.
That final smile truly made even Yun Bai worry for his fate.
‘What is going to happen to me….’ Yun Bai thought as his consciousness began fading away.
Little did he know that the final thing he would have wanted to know and would have wanted to happen was going to happen to him. A fate worse than death.
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A World Forgotten
***This story will contain lite-litrpg elements, mainly character pages and a town page. There will also be settlement building and adventuring, missteps and achievements. But one thing it definitely won’t have is a harem. Nor will it have an overpowered MC. Contains mild cursing.*** ***feel free to critique my writing and offer input. This is my first venture into writing. I've always enjoyed litrpg/gamelit books. I feel like I write how I talk, so it may be a little different. You won't hurt my feelings if you see something wrong or out of place! *** ***What follows is a condensed part of chapter 1. Enjoy!*** Drew Cooper is thrust into a new, unfamiliar world. Waking up in his sweats and t-shirt near what seems to be a forgotten path through some woods, he struggles coming to terms that he's no longer in his apartment. As he tries to cope with his new reality, he hears a horse coming down the path. He hides behind a nearby tree dreading what may happen next. As the horse approaches, he sees a man walking next to it. The horse is burdened with packs and gear. When the man nears, Drew nearly panics. He has a large sword strapped to his waist, obviously a fighter. He continues to hide as the man slowly passes only for the man to stop a dozen meters past his hiding spot. "You may as well come out, ya know. You weren't as well hidden as you thought," the man stated matter-of-factly, letting the horse’s reins go and putting his hand on the hilt of his sword. Slowly and scared for his life, Drew raised up and walked from behind the tree. "I-I'm sorry. I wasn't planning on attacking you. I-I don't know where I am. I heard your horse and hid. I didn't know what you'd do if you saw me. I'm sorry," he nervously blurted out. A minute passed. Then two. The man seemed interested with Drew and stepped closer, eyes squinting as if trying to see something. "What's that on your shirt? Is that. What is that? Is that, Pac-man?" The man was visibly shaken while pointing at me. Looking down at his t-shirt nervously, "Yea. Yea. I woke up here a few hours ago I think. 3 maybe 4 hours. I’ve just been sitting here. Where am I? What's going on?" Drew asked. "That's not important right now," the man replied. " What's important is where you're from. What year is it?" "What year? April something 2020. Why? What's going on?" Drew continued now worried. The man was taken aback. After a few moments, he seemed to calm himself some. The man sighed and looked at Drew in earnest. "Well, I've got good news and bad news for ya. Bad news is you're not on Earth anymore. Good news is you happened to run into me and not someone else. You’re either really lucky, or it’s fate we met in these woods, and I don’t believe in luck." The man continued to walk towards Drew while talking and put out his hand. "I'm John Mitchell from St. Louis or thereabouts. You’ve got nothing to be scared of by me. Walk with me and let’s talk."
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