《To Kill a Fae (The Dragon Portal)》Chapter 5
A warm hand stroked Sabine's bare stomach. She opened her eyes to stare up at Dax. Before she could even form a coherent thought, he bent down and kissed her. Her eyes automatically closed again, and she tasted his lips and the herbal concoction on his tongue. His hand lowered to her hip and he deepened the kiss, sliding his leg in between hers.
It had been a long time since she'd kissed him like this. Need and desire welled within her, but something tugged at the edge of her memory. There was a reason they hadn't been intimate in months, but with his power trailing over her skin in the same pattern as his hand, it didn't seem terribly important.
Someone pounded on the door, but Dax ignored it and slid his hand up under her shirt to cup her breast. She broke their kiss and pressed her hands against his chest. "Someone's looking for you, Dax."
"I'm busy," he murmured and kissed her again.
Her lips curved against his mouth. His single-minded determination at trying to seduce her was a character trademark. She ran her hands up his bare chest and encircled his neck. He groaned and pulled her even closer.
Whomever was outside pounded on the door again. "Dax, we have news about Terrance."
Sabine froze as her memory flooded back.
Dax muttered a curse. "What are the chances you're willing to forget what you just heard?"
"Bastard," she hissed, digging her fingers into the injury in his abdomen.
He shouted a colorful oath and pulled back enough for her to escape. She didn't bother checking to see if he'd disarmed her. It would have been the first thing Dax would have done. Scrambling out from underneath him, she grabbed a glass from the nightstand and threw it at him.
"Dammit, Sabine!" he shouted and rolled off the bed.
He made a grab for her, but she dove away and grabbed a glass bottle containing some of her herbs. She held it up, prepared to throw it. "Where are my weapons?"
He tackled her, and they crashed into the desk, breaking it apart. "Not until you calm down!"
She jerked her knee up in a cheap shot, and he grunted, allowing her to escape once again. Grabbing part of the broken desk, she reared back and brought it down over his head. It broke apart, splintering in her hand. Dax had always had a hard head. "You drugged me, tried to seduce me, and now you think I'm going to calm down? I'll cut you to pieces, you manipulative piece of garbage."
Dax roared. He leapt to his feet and slammed her into the wall, the force enough to steal her breath. He grabbed her wrists and yanked them over her head, angling his body to pin her against the wall. Sabine narrowed her eyes, preparing to unleash her remaining magic on him. He'd taken quite a bit already when she'd subdued him earlier, but she always kept some in reserve.
"Your weapons are locked in the chest," he admitted, accurately guessing he'd pushed her too far this time. "You can't blame me, Sabine. You're a pain in the ass to try to keep safe. I should have refused your Beastman when he first brought you to me and made you beholden to me instead."
She hesitated, holding back her power at the mention of Balkin. The agreement Dax had made with Balkin had saved her life more times than she could count, but like so many other promises, this one harbored a jagged edge. Dax swore a blood oath to Balkin to protect her. In return, Balkin had demanded she regularly exchange power with Dax, tempering his demonic energy to allow him to live freely aboveground. They owed Balkin a blood debt for saving their lives, so they'd agreed to his terms. In truth, she and Dax had needed each other to survive here in the city.
Their arrangement didn't stop Dax from wanting more. He wanted the debt tying them together to be between them, outside of Balkin's involvement. If anything should ever happen to Balkin, their arrangement would end. Unless they agreed to renew it between them, Dax would be forced underground. No one entered into a blood debt like theirs easily.
Her life in this city was temporary, and Dax knew it. If the Fae ever found out where she'd been hiding for the past ten years, they'd raze the city trying to find her. Dax was the only reason she'd managed to survive unnoticed this long. Contrary to most beliefs, demons had the ability to hide some magical abilities and skew the Fae's ability to track their quarry. If she agreed to tie herself to him, they both knew Dax would never let her go, and that could never happen. A prison without walls is still a prison.
Sabine wasn't foolish enough to think Dax had any real feelings for her. She was simply the reason he was able to live within the city unlike most other full-blooded demons. Although, she sometimes wondered if Dax had decided to make his headquarters in the tavern's basement because its underground location was still a seat of power for him.
She lifted her head to meet Dax's predatory gaze. Underneath, she caught a hint of the vulnerability he kept hidden from the world. The sight was enough to ease away most of her anger, but she didn't dare remark upon it.
Sabine released a sigh. "Where is the key to the chest, Dax?"
His lips curved in a smirk, and he kissed her neck. "My pants. Do you want to go looking for it?"
Despite herself, she laughed. He was a scoundrel who frequently pushed his advantage, but they'd always walked a fine line with each other. He'd managed to gain the upper hand earlier, but she'd make him pay for the consequences of that decision. It was his nature to want to suppress her, and it was hers to keep resisting.
"You lost that chance when you drugged me."
"I could convince you to forgive me."
"Not tonight you won't," she said, meaning every word.
If Javyn hadn't interrupted them and mentioned Terrance, she likely would have allowed it. Dax could be charming when it suited him, but he often couldn't be bothered. She always demanded more than his usual conquests, but he'd never complained. Sometimes she thought the demon in him relished the challenge she offered. Few could match a demon's strength, either physically or with magic. He exceeded her in the former, but she held the advantage over him with the latter.
"We'll see about that." He released her.
She held out her hand for the key, and he withdrew it from his pocket. After handing it to her, he headed toward the door.
Sabine bent down to unlock the chest. Javyn and Malek entered the room, and Malek swept his gaze over her, sending a rush of warmth through her at his perusal. She felt more vulnerable without her weapons than if she'd been standing naked in the room. But despite that, she felt a surge of gratitude toward Malek with the way he'd tried to intervene between her and Dax before she'd passed out. She tilted her head and gave him a small smile in appreciation for his efforts. His eyes warmed, and he gave her a barely discernible nod.
"Where's Terrance?" Dax demanded, crossing his arms over his chest while she pulled out her weapons. If his irritation was any indication, Dax hadn't missed the way Malek had been looking at her or their exchange.
Javyn winced. "I'm sorry, Dax. He's missing."
Dax's eyes narrowed. "Explain."
"We went down to his gambling hall, but his assistant hasn't seen him for two days. No one knows where he's gone."
Sabine started equipping her weapons, trying to suppress her frustration. If Dax would stop trying to control every situation involving her, she could have accompanied them. Javyn was skilled, but he could have missed something. Her ability to read a place's energy far surpassed everyone in Dax's employ. "Where is his gambling hall located?"
"Past Elm in an abandoned warehouse on the edge of Dax's territory," Javyn admitted with a frown. "We searched his office, but we didn't see any clue about where he'd gone."
"I want you to stay away from Terrance's establishment until we get to the bottom of this, Sabine," Dax said sharply.
She arched an eyebrow and secured her throwing knives on her thigh. Straightening, she put her hands on her hips. "Are you dictating to me, Dax?"
"Don't fight me on this, Sabine," he said, his voice tinged with a hint of a growl. "If Terrance has hired someone to kill you, I want you as far away from him as possible."
She tilted her head and walked toward Dax, putting the slightest bit of a swing in her steps. His gaze immediately became suspicious, but he stood his ground. Trailing her finger down his chest and over his wound with a trace of her magic, she reminded him, "I can take care of myself."
His nostrils flared, and he grabbed her wrist. "And you were at my mercy less than an hour ago. I want your word you'll stay away from his gambling hall."
She jerked her chin up to meet Dax's gaze. From the stubborn set to his jaw, she guessed he'd do anything within his power to stop her—including trying to keep her here. Recognizing the need to retreat before the situation became such that neither one of them would walk away unscathed, she pulled away from him.
"I'll agree to stay away from the gambling hall... for twenty-four hours."
His scowl deepened, but he didn't argue. She'd have to figure out a way to find out more about Terrance without breaking her word or involving Dax. Picking up her hairpins, she placed them in the sheath with one of her daggers. It would take more time than she could spare to braid her hair.
"We also went to his home," Javyn continued with a frown. His hand rested on the hilt of the sword as though uncertain who he should try to protect if things continued to devolve between her and Dax. "There were signs of a struggle, and it appeared to have been searched, but he wasn't there. I'm going to post a few men near both establishments to keep watch. If he shows up, we'll know about it."
Dax started pacing the room, reminding her of a caged beast. "Reach out to our contacts within the city guards. I want a city-wide search conducted immediately."
Sabine turned and started to head out of the room. Dax stopped her with a hand on her arm. "Where do you think you're going?"
She glared at him. "I don't answer to you, Dax. You do what you must, and I'll do the same."
"I want you staying here until this threat is resolved."
"Be careful making demands of me," she warned, sending a trace amount of her magic through his hand. It was enough to make her threat clear. He hastily released her arm and scowled. Without waiting for a response, she headed out of the room. It was time to find out who was responsible for orchestrating this attack and stop them.
* * *
Sabine raised the hood of her cloak as she left the tavern. Even with the glamour she wore, her features were too recognizable. Under normal circumstances, she would have shifted her appearance slightly. She'd used too much magic to bring Dax back to himself after she'd stabbed him. Until her magic naturally replenished itself, she needed to conserve her strength. If someone were hunting her, she couldn't afford to make any more mistakes. Some of the Fae or those who were part of the Wild Hunt had ways of dispelling a secondary glamour. It had taken her years to develop and strengthen her current mask so it wouldn't fracture using any of their usual tricks.
The moon shone brightly overhead, illuminating the streets better than the lanterns hanging along the path. Her boots crunched on the cobblestone street until she gradually softened her footfalls as she moved away from the tavern. Once she was far enough away to avoid prying eyes, she gathered the surrounding shadows until she was mostly hidden from sight. It was a minimal display of power, but it had served her well for years.
Sabine reached into her pocket and withdrew one of the golden coins she habitually carried with her. Infusing it with a trace of her power, she transmuted it into wood and traced the first letter of her name. The heat of her magic formed the mark, settling into the wood as though eager to do her bidding.
An old, blind woman was hunched over in front of an abandoned building, her empty cup beside her in a silent plea for an offering. Without saying a word, Sabine dropped the wooden coin into the cup with a hollow thud and continued walking. The woman inclined her head as Sabine passed, but neither one needed to exchange words. Bane would receive the message she needed to speak with him, and he'd reach out to her soon enough. Contacting Bane might cause more problems with Dax, but she needed information. Bane would have completed his interrogation of his men by now, and he'd hopefully have some insight to share.
Sabine reached into her pocket again and withdrew a few more gold coins. This time, she didn't bother transmuting them. For her next contact, gold carried far more weight than anything else. Turning a corner, she headed toward a more affluent area of the city—one with a heavy human influence.
Akros was something of a remarkable city, founded more than a millennium ago by worshippers of the gods. It was later taken over by humans who had fled the war between the gods and the dragons. Once the portal collapsed and trapped the humans, they'd attempted to recreate their lost homeworld in this city. Although it was a melting pot of human and magical races, they didn't always live in harmony. Pockets had emerged over time, with the non-magical humans claiming certain areas of the city while specific species gravitated to different ones. No other city in the world had such a diverse mix, and living in a place with a large population of iron-loving humans was one of the last places the Fae would ever look for her. Or so she hoped.
Sabine sighed, trying to bury her fatigue and focus on her surroundings. The streets weren't nearly as congested at this time of night.
Walking in the direction of the local market, she rounded another corner. A young boy leaned against a wall feigning boredom, but the sharp look in his eyes made it apparent he was hunting for his next mark. Like many of the people in this area, Caleb was wholly human without an ounce of magic in his blood. He relied on his skills as a thief to keep coin in his pocket and food in his belly. It broke her heart a little to know how some humans treated their young.
Children were precious amongst the Fae and many other magical races. Perhaps it was because they were slow to reproduce, though even wild animals typically cared better for their young than some humans. Although, she'd been a child once too—one with a death threat hanging over her head, forcing her to flee her home. Maybe the Fae weren't as dissimilar to the humans as she'd once thought.
Pushing aside the memories of a past better left forgotten, Sabine caught Caleb's eye and nodded toward an alley. He slipped around the corner, and she followed him, halting once they were both out of sight from anyone who might be passing by.
He offered her a quick grin as she dropped the coins into his outstretched hand. "What do ya need from us, milady?"
She paused, studying Caleb in the moonlight. He was possibly a dozen years in age, but he carried the same worldly weight in his eyes as many of the street kids. At least he wasn't as malnourished as he'd been when she'd first met him more than a year ago. The realization warmed her. She couldn't save them all, but Caleb would survive and hopefully, even thrive.
"I'm looking for information about someone named Terrance. He's been running a gambling hall with Dax's permission for the past few months."
Caleb nodded. "Aye. I know 'im. There's some hefty purses to lift near there if you're quick enough and catch 'em on the way in to gamble."
Her mouth twitched in a smile. "I bet. Do you go there often?"
He shrugged. "Nah. Better coin here. Whatcha wanna know about 'im?"
"He's disappeared. I need to locate him before Dax finds him," she said quietly, and Caleb frowned at the mention of Dax. "Talk to Edvar. He'll know who to speak with to find out what I'm looking for. I'll stop by the crypt tomorrow evening to get the information from Edvar directly."
Caleb dropped the coins into his pocket. "I can ask around for ya, Sabine."
She wouldn't put any of these children in a position to go up against Dax. Edvar was a bit different, but she wouldn't endanger him either. Pride was a delicate thing to maneuver, especially when Caleb had fought so hard to prove his worth to her. She smiled gently and shook her head. "Only if Edvar agrees. Let him know I don't want any risks taken and to stay away from Dax's men."
He nodded. "I'll let 'im know. We 'eard some other rumors too." Caleb glanced around and leaned in closer, the overly ripe stench of unwashed adolescent affronting her sense of smell. "You know the stuff they found in the catacombs?"
Sabine nodded.
"They've gone an' split it all up. They've been moving the treasures around the city and hired more guards to sit on 'em. We think they're expectin' Dax to hit the places."
Her eyebrows rose. Now that was interesting. Dax had been itching to get his hands on whatever they'd found in the catacombs.
Some of the city builders had been making repairs to the ancient plumbing in one of the oldest parts of the city. They'd broken through a wall and had discovered a treasure trove of valuable artifacts. Ever since then, Dax had been salivating at the thought of stealing whatever they'd found. He'd asked her to make some discreet inquiries while she investigated some of the other strange rumors floating around about the city council. That's what had prompted her to meet with a prospective informant the night of her ambush.
"Do you know where they've moved the items?"
"Some are at City Hall, but we think Baxter Rasten took the best treasures to his home. You want me to find out for ya?"
Sabine frowned. The councilman's home wasn't as secure as the vault at City Hall. It didn't make sense why he would have moved them there. She didn't have a good feeling about this.
Not wanting to get Caleb involved in something that might get him hurt or worse, she said, "No. If they're under heavy guard, it's better if Dax handles it from here."
Caleb nodded. "Is there anything else I can do for ya?"
Sabine studied Caleb again and his eager yet filthy face. Her mouth twitched in a smile. "What are the chances I can talk you into taking a bath?"
Caleb wrinkled his nose. "Aww. The smell keeps the guards from chasing too hard."
Sabine laughed. "Then go. Good fortune to you, Caleb."
He grinned and scampered out of the alley to relay her request for information about Terrance to Edvar. It would take some time before either Edvar or Bane had any information to share with her. She yawned and stared up at the moon overhead. Whatever Dax had used in the wine had left her more than a little tired. Unfortunately, she needed to shake a few more tree limbs before finding a bed for the night.
Turning back around, she headed out of the alley and toward the tavern again. The best source of information was Dax, but she wasn't up to going another round with him. However, there was someone else who might be willing to help her.
She located a well-worn familiar trellis and swiftly climbed until she was able to pull herself up to the roof. The streets were much faster, but they weren't as safe as the rooftops. They were known as the thieves' highway for a reason. Keeping her footsteps light to avoid disturbing anyone who slumbered below, she hopped from roof to roof, intent on her destination.
* * *
Sabine slipped through the window and into the bedroom. Malek whirled around, a knife in his hand as though prepared to strike. She paused, tilted her head, and gave him a small smile.
"Expecting trouble?"
Malek lowered his knife, his expression turning curious. "Always. But I'll take your brand of trouble instead."
She made a noncommittal noise. Malek's bedroom was an attic room over the main floor of the tavern, but larger than some rooms Dax rented out to guests. Both beds appeared to have been used recently, leading her to believe Levin, Malek's first mate, shared the same quarters. It made sense, especially if they didn't trust Dax. And only a fool would trust a demon implicitly.
Sabine walked over to the bed closest to Malek. "I haven't been up here in years."
Malek put away the weapon and leaned against the wall. He continued to watch her with that unnerving intensity of his. "Is it the same as you remember?"
"For the most part. Things don't change around here very often," Sabine admitted, trailing her fingers along the frayed edge of the blanket. It was well-worn, like so many other things in Akros. Henry, the bartender, and Martha, his wife, had done a remarkable job keeping everything running smoothly for so long. Dax was fortunate to have them.
Sabine walked over to the desk closer to where Malek stood. A few papers were on top, but they didn't appear to be anything other than his ship manifest and a few maps. A quick glance at the manifest told her Malek was transporting several profitable items but nothing overly remarkable. Although, if it were her, she'd never keep sensitive information anywhere in plain sight. Any of Malek's secrets were probably on his ship or hidden elsewhere.
A small engraved box caught her attention, and she traced the pattern with her fingertips. It was embedded with several colorful stones in a starburst pattern that was both beautiful and deceptively simplistic in its design. Such work was clearly the mark of a master artist.
"Would you like to see what's in it?"
She pulled away her hand and lifted her gaze to regard Malek. He smiled and opened the box to reveal a small metallic tube nestled inside. It looked similar to a spyglass used by ship captains, but it was much smaller than any she'd ever seen. He picked it up and offered it to her. "Take a look."
Curious, she took it from him and looked through the end. Colors, vibrant and bold, exploded in her vision. She jerked it away, and Malek chuckled. She frowned and studied the piece of metal, trying to figure out how it worked.
Malek leaned in closer, and she caught a whiff of incense clinging to his clothing. It was an exotic scent, captivating and alluring, and one more reminder he was completely foreign. Part of her wanted to inhale his scent again, but humans could be strange about that sort of thing.
Malek gestured toward the tube. "Look again. I'll show you how to make it work."
After the slightest hesitation, she held it up to her eye again and took another peek. He placed his hand over hers, his light touch causing her stomach to flutter with a strange awareness. She swallowed, trying to suppress her instincts and not respond with her magic.
"What do I do?"
"You turn the end like this," he whispered, his voice husky and almost right next to her ear. It was enough to send a small shiver through her. Gods. If he could cause this sort of reaction with nothing more than a slight touch, she was at a disadvantage.
Keeping his touch light, he turned the end of the tube, and Sabine gasped. Colors shifted and merged in a hypnotizing and silent dance.
His warm breath tickled her ear as he murmured, "It's called a kaleidoscope."
"It's beautiful," she whispered, unable to tear her gaze away from the swirling colors. "I've never seen anything like this."
His fingertips brushed against hers again, and she lifted her head to find him studying her intently. He searched her expression for a long time. "If I offered it to you, would you accept it?"
Sabine frowned and reluctantly put it back in the box. For him to ask such a question might mean he suspected her origins. It could be innocent, but he'd also caught her using major magic on the night of the attack and then using glamour to cover up the tattoo. One incident might be explained away, but she'd been careless lately. Even using her magic to temper Dax's rage earlier had been a mistake. Too many coincidences could force her into betraying all her secrets.
It was regretful, but spending too much time with him was probably dangerous. At the very least, Malek had some knowledge about the Fae. It wouldn't be difficult for him to draw his own conclusions. His life would be forfeit if he discovered the truth. Dax or Bane would kill him without question. She didn't want anyone else's blood on her hands unnecessarily.
"Your offer is generous, but I'm wary of accepting gifts."
He nodded and closed the box, hiding the wondrous creation from view. "I can understand that. Perhaps you'll reconsider once you get to know me better."
She didn't respond. Instead, she studied one of the maps spread out on the desk. Many of the ports were marked off with different symbols, but there was no way to know what they meant. "Have you been to all these locations?"
"Yes," he admitted, looking down at the map. "What about you? Have you traveled much?"
She shook her head. "No. I haven't had the chance. Do you have a favorite place?"
Malek leaned against the desk. "Several. One of the most unique was Razadon."
Her eyes widened. "You've been to the dwarven city?"
He chuckled. "The last time was about two months ago. They're selective about who they'll trade with, but it's always profitable."
She closed the distance between them, wanting to learn more. "What's it like?"
His smiled deepened, and his eyes warmed at her interest. "It's more astounding than the stories you've probably heard. They have trading stalls set up outside of the city, but the entrance is nestled within a mountain where they've carved out the side of it and underneath. That's their true home. The city itself is completely underground, but there's magic within their walls."
Sabine bit her lip, trying to imagine the scene he described. She'd read some ancient texts when she was younger, but the colorful illustrations had only piqued her curiosity. A few travelers had passed through Akros on their way to or from the dwarven city, and she'd eagerly listened in on some of their stories.
"Is it true that each carving holds the traces of the artist's memories?"
"That's what they say," Malek agreed and studied her for a long time. "As it happens, we're planning to return in the next few weeks. If you're interested, you're welcome to join us. There's room on the ship for one more."
Sabine paused, somewhat surprised by the suggestion. It was a nice thought if she were truly human, but it was too risky to travel there, especially with him. She might be able to hide her identity for a short time, but it would be impossible in close proximity on a ship. Besides, she ran the risk of her glamour being stripped away the minute she stepped foot inside the dwarven city. It was rumored the dwarves had wards in place that could negate such magic. She didn't know if it was true or not, but she couldn't take that chance.
Turning away, she walked over to the bed, feeling the weight of Malek's gaze on her. He hadn't pushed, but each of his questions and comments had been carefully designed to chisel away at her façade. Over the years, she'd found the questions that weren't answered could tell her more about someone than if they had answered outright. Malek was a little too appealing, and it was time to return the favor by setting him off balance.
Aware of his interest in her, she sat on the edge of the bed. She tucked her loose hair behind her ear and gave him a small smile. "I came here tonight because I hoped you might be interested in making a trade."
He slowly perused her up and down, the heat in his gaze warming her from within. He took a step toward her, his mouth curving upward. "I'm listening. What sort of trade did you have in mind?"
She bit her lip and lowered her gaze, hoping he wouldn't disappoint her. He wasn't Fae, but he knew enough about their ways that he might prove to be fun to barter with again. It had been a long time since someone had surprised her the way he had with his dinner invitation.
Trailing her fingers over the blanket, Sabine said, "Nothing too difficult. I'm simply looking for some information." Lifting her head, she peered at him through her lashes. "What would you like from me in return?"
He paused and then chuckled, shaking his head. "Having you on my bed is giving me all sorts of ideas, which I'm sure is exactly what you intended." His gaze roamed over her again, this time more thoughtfully. "I think I need to hear what information you're interested in before we discuss the terms. I'm afraid you'll have the advantage, though, because I'd like to keep you exactly where you are."
Her smile became genuine, and she stood. She affected him, but he was also wary. Good. He was going to be fun, but she wouldn't toy with him too much. The magnetism between them was potent enough to make seducing him more than a little appealing, but she needed to learn more about him before deciding. Sadly, that would have to wait while other pressing matters were pursued first.
"You went with Javyn to retrieve Terrance, correct?"
His brow furrowed. "Yes, but as Javyn mentioned, Terrance is missing. I came upstairs not long after you left, so I don't know if Dax has heard anything more yet. Why? Do you want me to find out what's going on?"
Sabine made a noncommittal noise. It was a sweet offer, but Dax would do everything in his power to keep Malek out of it. Dax wasn't a fan of competition, preferring to eliminate any potential threats immediately. If she had more time to spare, she could wait on word from Bane or Edvar without pulling Malek into a messy situation. But time was a luxury she couldn't afford. If the Fae were targeting her, she needed to know right away. No one in Akros would be safe if the Fae, or even worse, the Wild Hunt, descended upon the city.
Sabine approached Malek until he was within touching distance. Lifting her chin, she looked up into his eyes. "I understand you went to Terrance's office and home. I'd like you to tell me where he lives."
Malek became quiet for a long time. "You promised to stay away from the gambling hall but not his home. I'm assuming you came to me because you don't want Dax to know what you're planning?"
She gave him a small smile. "Dax can be... somewhat overprotective at times. I don't think either of us is willing to go another round tonight."
Malek frowned. "I'll give you the information you want, but in exchange, you will allow me to accompany you."
Sabine froze and narrowed her eyes. "I work alone."
Malek shook his head. "Not tonight. That's the price for my help."
"Then there is no deal between us." She turned back to the window, but his voice stopped her before she could withdraw from his room.
"Someone is trying to hurt you, Sabine. I know you can take care of yourself, but if these people are determined, another weapon by your side may help."
Turning back around, she studied him, trying to figure out his motivation. "Why would you offer this?"
He hesitated, and she had the impression he was trying to come up with a believable reason. "I know we've only just met and you don't have a reason to trust me yet, but I'd like to help you. Something about you... I'm not sure I can adequately explain, but I feel protective of you. I'd also like to get to you know you better, although I believe you already knew that."
Something wasn't right. Sabine glanced at the mark on his wrist. She'd deepened it with a secondary protection when he'd tried to intervene between her and Dax, but the mark was only supposed to go one way. He'd somehow managed to block her from sensing him when she'd visited the tavern earlier too.
Malek smiled, his blue eyes twinkling with humor. "No, it's not your mark. I enjoy it. It's a connection of sorts."
She frowned, wondering if he was somehow resistant to her magic. "You shouldn't be able to feel anything from it."
Malek paused. It set her even more on guard. He was hiding something. An air of magical energy surrounded him, but it was suppressed somehow, as though his power was warded against detection. Maybe that's why her mark wasn't working correctly. Those type of wards were extremely rare and usually crafted by powerful witches. She could try asking Esmelle, but her witch friend didn't usually dabble with that sort of magic. Another witch at the behest of Bane had crafted the warding bracelet she usually wore, but it was only designed to warn her against magical attacks.
"Sabine," he began hesitantly, taking another step toward her. "I can't tell you too much, but my promise to you still stands. I swear I mean you no harm."
She believed him. It was strange to trust him; she hardly knew him. In a way, he reminded her of Dax and Bane. He wasn't a demon, but she could sense a similar power slumbering within him. It was skewed, as though it hovered right outside her field of vision. If she turned quickly enough, she might be able to catch a glimpse.
Dax and Bane had come into her life for a reason, and if she hadn't trusted them, she never would have survived the past ten years. Malek was different, but the gods had brought him to her too. If she were honest with herself, she felt protective over him too. Otherwise, she never would have risked marking him. Such things were never done lightly, even when the mark was trivial.
The realization was enough to make her discard her earlier objections. She tucked her loose hair behind her ear. "How do you feel about heights?"
Malek arched his brow and his mouth twitched in a smile. "I don't have a problem with them. Why?"
Sabine smiled. "Come along, Captain. If you're determined to join me, we're going the scenic route."
- In Serial56 Chapters
Sadistic Player In A Fantasy Game World
"Life is meaningless. If I can't have fun then what is the point of living?" these were probably the thoughts that constantly plagued Gray's mind. Now that the world has changed drastically overnight, and powers and magical beasts have suddenly appeared, what will Gray's world be like? Will he finally be able to make the world the playground he so desperately desired. "Enjoy that feeling of pain. After all, you're only human." laughed Gray as he watched his last classmate be devoured. *******This is a new project I'm working on. The MC is different from other MCs, he has a mental disorder. If you like goody-two-shoes MCs then please don't read. Also, character growth is something I am fond of, so if you dislike this please also don't read. There are some gruesome scenes, and some may trigger a few readers, if you are soft-hearted please skip this book. I do not own the art and if there are complaints it will be changed. Around 12chaps/week update.
8 313 - In Serial15 Chapters
Under a Harey Moon
All Jacob wanted was to be a Hunter. Then one spring day, at the end of the first hunt of spring, something happened tht would change his life and his plans forever. This is my first story, so I appoligize now if it's rough. As such, it's possible I'll go back and make adjustments as I go. If I do, I'll leave a note saying where. Finally, this story is NOT for a child's eye. It contains several adult scenes.
8 110 - In Serial17 Chapters
We all love our friends right ??? But What happens when SWATHI loves Karthick her friend ,she wanted him as her better half ,soulmate, her everything .Without knowing this KARTHICK agreed to marry KARUNYA they other friend VICKY who is in deep love with KARUNYA is shocked as hell .KEERTHIKA and RAHUL who are also they friends try hard to make their friends to understand this.So.. What's gone happen next ?Will vicky get KARUNYA??Will swathi get her love ?Will their love win or no ??LETS FIND OUT THE ANSWERS IN A TWISTFULL RIDE OF KARUNYA, VICKY, KEERTIKA ,SWATHI, KARTHICK AND RAHUL AND THE RIDE IS NAMED AS 'YOU DIDN'T REALIZE '⚠️ I don't own any pictures or cover everything is from Google .STARTED:NOVEMBER 1ST 2019ENDED:NOVEMBER 10TH 2019Ranked :office #121Ranked:betrayal #42
8 118 - In Serial108 Chapters
Marvel Women One Shots
Me respectfully being obsessed with marvel and it's actresses*There will be smut**I take requests but I do not know if I can or will write all of them*
8 201 - In Serial62 Chapters
Steam of Britain
Instead of being taken off the rails, these engines each now work on British Railways in a livery of their choice. They each work together, and have fun being really useful, as they learn to deal with the dirty Diesels that are now nationalized. (Fantasied AU)
8 192 - In Serial43 Chapters
"You can't do nothing for yourself?" She shakes her head while looking at her feet, "Look at me and answer me with your words."She slowly looks up, "N-No S-Sir." I walk pass her and she keeps her head down, "Don't just stand there, follow me. I'm taking you back, I didn't sign up for this. I was told to watch over a woman, but I wasn't told that the woman couldn't do anything for herself. Your basically a kid in a grown woman body." I look back at her from the corner of my eye and see a tear sliding down her face. "Are you crying? Why? You couldn't have gotten attached that quick." She keeps her head down and I groan, "Ugh, please stop crying." She wipes her face and sniffle, "Why are you crying?" "Because the old man promised me that you would take care of me. He lied to me, you're taking me back to that place." I throw my head back and close my eyes shut. By old man she means my father. "Okay, okay, okay. Stop crying, I'm not taking you back." ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££Niall Andrews is the son of a man who saves people that have been kidnapped. These people go missing from days to years. Niall is building up his own company to compete against his dad. As soon as Niall company starts growing, his father pushes a woman on him to take care of. Haven Posh has been in a basement since she was a baby. She was kidnapped months after she was born. Niall's dad is the person to find Haven and save her, but none of Haven family are around for her to go back to. Not only that, Haven can't do anything for herself. The only thing she can do is clean herself and read, but don't know what any of the words mean or what she's reading.What happens when Haven ends up in Niall's care?Cover By: @ihavenocluesoo
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