《The Undead Multiwalker》Fairies and Out-Worlders
Mission Ranking System
Tier 1-3
+ + Classified: Recommendation; Dimensional Leveled Multiwalkers is Recommended. (AVOID AT ALL COSTS): Do not Acquire these kinds of missions + +
+ + Incredibly High Death Risk + +
Tier 1 (Extradimensional)
1-A: Outerverse level
1-B: Hyperverse level
1-C: Complex Multiverse level
Tier 2 (Multiversal)
2-C: Low Multiverse level
2-B: Multiverse level
2-A: Multiverse level+
Tier 3 (Cosmic)
3-A: Universe level
3-B: Multi-Galaxy level
3-C: Galaxy level
Tier 4 (Stellar)
4-A: Multi-Solar System Level
4-B: Solar System Level
High 4-C: Large Star Level
4-C: Star level
Low 4-C: Small Star level
Tier 5 (Planetary)
High 5-A: Dwarf Star level
5-A: Large Planet level
5-B: Planet level
Low 5-B Small Planet level
5-C: Moon level
Tier 6 (Tectonic)
High 6-A: Multi-Continent level
6-A: Continent level
High 6-B: Large Country level
6-B: Country level
Low 6-B: Small Country level
High 6-C: Large Island level
6-C: Island level
Tier 7 (Nuclear)
High 7-A: Large Mountain level
7-A: Mountain level
7-B: City level
Low 7-B: Small City level
High 7-C: Large Town level
7-C: Town level
Low 7-C: Small Town level
Tier 8 (Urban)
8-A: Multi-City Block level
8-B: City Block level
High 8-C: Large Building level
8-C: Building level
Tier 9 (Superman)
9-A: Small Building level
9-B: Wall level
9-C: Street level
Tier 10 (Regular)
10-A: Athlete level
10-B: Human level
10-C: Below Average level
Yes, this is from Tier Ranking, then again its a fanfic-community. What's wrong with using this? Besides, its the people's credit for making this up from them. Again, to their credits and renown, not mine.
The first mission for the recruits has been quite an experience for them, for Askad it was merely a simple task. Being given knowledge of reality from a frigging cosmic-god gives you benefits in a way, and boss-man doesn't take any much catches on them.
Unless it was some kind of a favor that He wants it done.
Currently, the Hoppers that were assigned to Askad; Hanz and Jane, were then given shore leave, or simply a break from the "mercenary work". Dimensional Jumpers seemed to be a mixed combination of a Police Task Force and an organization of mercenaries. Just with a slight difference:
They do not give any exceptions when facing Gamers... Unless it involves the whole reality, basically, EVERYTHING or the Cosmic Seal is broken releasing the Dark, then that's a whole other story.
Right now, he was on a "Relax Section" of the central Hub. Thankfully the bar wasn't that crowded, there were a bunch of tables filled with groups of people and other pairs of persons, but it wasn't crowded much.
Gulping down a drink mixed of Rum and Whiskey. It wasn't all that bad, but he assumed that it was his undead nature that caused him to not get drunk, but he enjoyed the taste of it.
The wonder works of G-Man.
He would be drinking without discontent if it weren't for that damn assignment that Gman, had given him. Just as he was about to go to another sandbox world, reasons were to relax and cause mayhem, he was called on by the Mission Receps.
He was curious about what they had in store for him, and while Hanz and Jane would be taking on other missions that would be around their level, their experiences on randomity are still low. So they'll be getting probably Tier 8 or Tier 7 missions, maybe Tier 9 for Hanz, but that's all he'd know. Sometimes what was written in the data files of each Multiwalker Hoppers are fairly enough, but not deep enough to point out what their true capabilities are. That'd be stupid.
Scanning through the mission contents in his tablet, on which he received it for free when he got back from the Pacific Rim mission. Honestly, it was an altered tutorial, it would count as a mission, but only a tutorial. Askad just being a guide and instructor, while Hanz and Jane were simply recruited gaining experience from the mission.
He limited the available missions to Tier 6, he could go for Tier 5 but that would require a team with a good set of experience. Tier 10 missions are simply good for Hoppers who were too weak to handle or they can be taken just to take "vacation" from the stress of average missions. Since this isn't YGGDRASIL anymore, the rank legislation is completely different.
And even if he would want to go for Tier 6 missions, it would require some effort. Unless its designated Delivery, Gathering or Investigating missions, then he won't mind.
'Sometimes the situation changes almost quickly...' He thought bitterly. Knowing some situations would drastically change from Investigating to Purging or Genocide. He disliked the latter, but unless it was within reason, only if it is within reason...
After scrolling up and down, tapping and scanning the mission contents on his crystal-tablet, his eyes caught something interesting and something for stress relief. And within those, he found something interesting.
"SAO Mission: Seek and Destroy Anomaly. Huh, this seems good." He muttered.
The contents told him that the SAO world, specifically timeline season 1, where Kirito got out from Aincrad and got into the world of Alfheim trying to rescue Asuna. It seems normal and all, but the interesting part was that a Gamer somehow got teleported into the game world of Alfheim and is planning to help Kirito get Asuna out from the controls of Oberon.
While he had no problems with a Gamer wanting to help someone out, it was the consequences that Gamers always bring; Disorder.
Whenever a Gamer is transported or was in a world that isn't a Sandbox World or in an Alternate World, its not a big issue but something that some sadistic Multiwalkers want to step in and massacre them. But for particularly the Parallel Worlds or one of the OG Worlds, whenever the plot or the timeline was interrupted in a major way, then Disorder itself would damage the seals that keep the enemy of Reality; Dark. Out from the Infinite Void Prison.
Based on what he had received from G-Man on the world information, anything about "Dark" is limited and extremely restricted to personnel that has high authority access to it. Basically the Founders of the Departments are one of the positions that can have such most of the information access to it.
From what the information is freely given. Dark is classified as a Reality-Universe Enemy. Meaning it can effortlessly rip through time, go through time, warp through reality and crack almost all verses by just letting its darkness can somehow suck reality.
Basically in a nutshell; it's almost like fighting against G-Man himself. Even though he cannot measure how powerful G-Man is, but he knows he can destroy a Universe with just a simple hand movement. Wave, and boop, gone.
And meanwhile, Gaia; one of the Cosmic-World beings that is somehow on the same level as GMan, almost didn't bother the prioritization of keeping the Seals always and forever working and maintaining its efficiency.
To how it works is like this, and I'm going to explain this in detail... Hope to me please.
The Gamers, they would normally go to other worlds that sometimes are connected to the OG timeline. Parallel or OG Worlds for an example. To mess the OG timeline of one of the two worlds, it would make a dent or a crack on the Seals. Now even if it's just a simple, tiny-sized, molecular level sized crack the Seals, it is highly at risk. A crack can let Dark's CHAOS, one of its dangerous effects around, can mess up the OG reality.
Or simply to say; everything in the plain existence.
And for Multiwalkers, they go and hunt down Gamers who would do this on a normal basis. Of course, there are cases that they negotiate or talk with the Gamers to leave the world and hop onto a Sandbox or Alternate Worlds where their concepts of making a mess around, would not affect reality, nor it would make damage/crack the Seals.
So it was for the sake of whole reality that houses almost an uncountable amount of living beings around the Omniverse, or for the sake of one stupid world that houses either countable living beings.
It seemed normal for Gamers to simply scatter around the world, being chosen by Gaia to do stuff around and sht on the world they would be transported on. But for the Multiwalkers and other Dimension Organizations that prioritize on protecting and maintaining the Seals? It was simply just business... Sometimes pleasure but mostly for the sake of existence.
Back to the mission content.
Now for a Gamer to help out the MC Kirito, it would obviously mess up the timeline. And such, once if he had accepted to go and seek out and destroy the anomaly, the world would be "recycled" in a way back to the OG reality.
He smiled before taking another gulp on his drink. This mission is good for releasing stress, and it gives out a decent reward too.
Tapping the "Request Mission" button, the tablet's screen turned "IN QUEUE", meaning that he'd have to wait for any others who would join in the mission. And it would take about... 14 minutes until the missions automatically start.
And for others, the party size is about 3 people. And he had been the first one to accept this mission, meaning that he has to wait for another 14 minutes in hopes (particularly hoping that no one would join in) on having the mission to start-up.
. . .
And his hopes were crushed. There were two other people who joined in almost a minute later. He didn't expect that these two new party members would be the same ones who were assigned to him, but it seems to be another pair of recruits seems like it.
*Activating D.H. Database*
Name: Bela Shie
Element: Abnormal Enhancements
Home-World Universe: Planetside 2 (Game)
How she was reborn as a Multiwalker: She was a soldier of the New Conglomerate, battling to regain freedom; and the ideas that the group she was in is destined to write a new chapter in the history! That Humanity deserves to be free from any outside influence to find its own path in the universe, the New Conglomerate has decided that the Vanu Sovereignty and the Terran Republic alike must be stopped for good and their crimes against liberty brought to an end.
She was deployed on the map-side of Indar: A desert continent with oak-looking trees scattered rarely throughout the landscape. They were taking a Tech Plant that was being conflicted by the Terran Republic, it took almost several hours to capture it. But nearly almost 10 minutes later, they were attacked again by the Vanu Sovereignty.
By the sudden surprise attack, she was killed by a bombing run that took the first place of the attack.
Division: Space
Personality: Strict yet kind, self-preservative, and rather focus on her being first instead of others. She helps her comrades, but when it comes to life or death situations; she saves herself. However, there would come a time when she will risk her life to save others. Although she hopes that when she does, she will not die the second time.
Hates tyrants, evil people, big cooperations, lies, and scams. Also bribery. Any unlawful action basically.
Fighting/Combat Style: Her weaponry consists of light weaponry and light equipment, focuses on hit and run tactics. Being one of the Light Assault in Planetside 2, she is equipped with a jet pack that allows her to do "Death from Above", jumping over enemy lines and barriers alike. Her armor equipped with mods that would enable more survivability in combat, and
She is armed with several Flashbangs and Quick-Det Flashes for her Hit and Run tactic; LA8 Desperado sidearm; Gauss Compact S, a Rocklet Rifle for anti-armor enemies.
Appearance: Same color scheme of her former allegiance to the New Conglomerate (blue, yellow and white), taking in the armor of the Light Assault; the Nomad Light Assault Armor with a Nightstriker helmet. The equipment is covered in a camouflage scheme, the Parasite Camo.
And lastly, a symbol of a Hornet. Fitting her fierce, quick attacks upon her enemies. Strike quick and painful. Delivering pain and death from above.
*Extracting another D.H. entry file...*
Name: Idina Acton
Element: Speed
Home-World Universe: Attack on Titans
How she was reborn as a Multiwalker: Died in one of the Scouting Legion's missions on scouting outside, leaving from Wall Rose; Specifically on the Trost District. She proved herself to be a capable warrior against Titans during one of the scouting missions to the outside, but that all went down when an Abnormal Titan suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It was threatening to disform the Regiment's formation at the eastern wing; where she was.
She and several other Scouts gave their lives by distracting the Abnormal Titan's attention to them. Somehow it worked, but it caught up to them and killed one of the scouts who distracted it. She and the other scout managed to kill it, but that wasn't the victory of course. They were surrounded by dozens of titans at all sides. The horses had already run away, and if they try to use their ODM gears. So they decided to stand their ground and kill the titans before they go down.
She managed to kill 4 if she managed to remember, while the other killed 3. She died a gruesome death when she was brutally crushed when a Titan grabbed her and squeezed her like a lemon. For some reason it was a painful death, she felt nothing and succumbed to the darkness.
And that was when she saw the light...
Division: Time
Personality: She is a cheerful young woman, one that sees the world in a bright, positive way. One would find her protective and careful for her friends around strangers. She respects strength, power, and authority when she sees one.
However, she pushes them aside whenever she sees someone abusing or intentionally hurting them in a way. She has a sense of justice to strike vengeance against her foes and those who she deems are "evil".
Fighting/Combat Style: Still uses ODM gear to retain her fighting style back in AoT World. However, her blades were now long-sabers instead of the replacement-blades they were given in standard back in her world. They were completely different from her previous blades.
The weapons were magically enchanted to feel almost weightless, give her extra speed in attacking and in mobility. Also giving extreme sharpness that would enable her to cut through molecular parts. Her hooks would enable her to "fly" in a sense, able to become a living, fast-moving sawblade.
Appearance: Her equipment is mostly made out of extremely tough hide with a mix of magical enchantments into it, giving her mobility and protection... Mostly on mobility was given due to her fighting style.
She wore a skin-tight suit that enables her mobility and ease in aerodynamic combat. It was lightly armored with leather and several metal plates to keep her light whenever she is "flying". She additionally wore a jacket that protects her from most damage, reducing it to a minimum of 50% at least.
(Fanny Default skin)
*Deactivating D.H. Database*
"Askad-san, as what is written in your data-profile?" The Misaka-Fanny hybrid ripoff said, although politely. "Nice to meet you!"
"So you'll be going with us eh?" The jetpack soldier said, almost eyeing him of his appearance. "Huh, you seem to be tough-looking."
"Nice to meet you too." He greeted back to the cheery-mannered girl before turning to the soldier-woman. "And I take it, underestimating me?"
"No, not really." She grunted and huffed. "I'll be stupid enough to think that anyone around the Hub is weak when almost all can take on at least Tier 8 enemies."
"Experience will set you on that." He casually replied. Multiwalkers who don't have any superpowers or abilities were granted a blessing from G-Man himself. That or they could buy abilities or obtain magical enchantments or enhancements around the market-section of the Hub.
Yes, almost like the Gamer Hub, but without the Gamer system.
"Highly doubt that." She commented. "And from what I gathered, you have very little information when I read your data-profile. You new or something around?"
He rolled an eye on that mentally. 'Guess G-Man is still handling that paperwork still huh?' "Let's just say that it's delayed due to other circumstances. I was told that it would soon be filled in once the 'circumstances' they said, is handled."
Nodding on that, Idina then appeared at his side, surprising him a bit from how he didn't notice her creeping up to his side. Probably focused on talking to Bela here.
"Name's Idina Acton, hope to accompany you two in this mission!" She said jovially.
"We already know each others' names, but I suppose another introduction won't hurt." The soldier girl let out a small sigh. "Bela Shie, Jumper."
'A happy-trigger-attitude, and a strict-militarised-veteran... Eh, it's not like I handled the same two from before, these girls won't be any different from Hanz or Jane.'
"Nice to meet you two, my name's Askad. No last name."
"Alright, since introductions over. Shall we head to our mission now?" Bela said, almost annoyed by the delay, impatient to go to the mission and finish it. While in secret she wanted to feel the adrenaline pumping in her veins.
"Just to confirm, not to annoy you two on this; but have you read what we're supposed to do on this mission?"
"Oh, its kinda like before. We just find the anomaly, kick its ass, and 'boop' we're done!" She smiled.
"...What she meant is that we had this mission before she and I; our several previous missions were somewhat classified as Seek and Destroy. So to say; this mission might be the same."
Askad contemplated before giving a nod, making them know he got it.
"I should have picked a different mission other than this..." Bela muttered something that Idina heard with her surprisingly sensitive ears.
"Aww, don't be like that Bela-san! But think of it like this: at least you'd be able to gain more experience in CQC and your knives!" She said cheerfully. What she said is not particularly wrong, since the soldier girl is mainly focused on ranged-weaponry. But that didn't mean she is rusty in close combat.
"A good chance to learn another setting other than the one you already know of."
The soldier girl sighed. "True, I guess it doesn't hurt once in a while. Plus we could learn some magic at one point, even if its just an entertainment for civilians..."
The undead mercenary raised a brow. He originally thought that this girl would at least be haunting, or somewhat prideful in her skills of combat prowess. Some actual soldiers he had known take pride in their skills, although they didn't show it openly; but one could feel it.
'Normal girl as she is...'
"Welp, should we head out now, or you two got anything to grab before we go?"
He heard 'no's from the two, confirming that they can now go.
Jumping into the A.T.G (Anime-Transdimensional-Gate), he found himself falling down into a tunnel of random colors. One would experience seizure if they were not a reincarnated being by now.
And same as before, he felt everything change. Literally his everything. He noticed that his body began to materialize into pixels, feeling that his soul began to sync onto reality, he closed his eyes as he felt everything around him changed... Even his falling.
Sword Art Online (Season 1)
Location: Alfhiem Online, Outer Skirt of Sylph Zone
Ingame, it was currently in a night-cycle.
And above the of forests of the outskirts of Alne, a crack in the air began to form into a wide-open rift. And then three figures suddenly popped out of from it and falling down mid-air.
"%!* DAMN IT G-MAN! STOP WITH THESE FALLING FROM THE SKIES TELEPORTATION!" Askad shouted, the air muffling his voice.
Apparently they were dropped from the ground a little bit... Too high.
And one of them was having some sweet ass fun on this situation.
Quickly feeling in the wings from his back, he gained control and managed to glide away. He saw the other two were still falling, one seemed to be freefalling, while the other was trying to control their wings.
He then flew downwards and picked up Bela. "Woah!?-"
With his chains still on him, he threw it towards the falling Idina who she quickly grabbed it. "Got the thing!"
Secured, Askad pulled up and flew up. Actually, he tried to fly upwards. But by the time he did that, they had already reached the ground.
Crashing on the ground, the trio regained their composure and picked themselves up. A bit of dusting from their clothes here and there, but they were fine.
"What the hell was that? Did something happen to the A.T.G?" Bela said, a bit annoyed by their teleportation.
"Doubt so, either that or they set it up like that."
"Actually in our first few missions, we didn't get transported like that." Idina said, checking out her wings.
The undead mercenary groaned before speaking up. "Let's just check whats our races."
Starting from our OC undead; he was raced off as a Spriggan being an edgy 'protagonist' here. Idina would be a Caith Sith (basically cat girl), and Bela a Sylph.
Askad was given on a starter Spriggan outfit, but with several modifications.
The outfit was worn down, tattered. Filled with various sizes of holes on them. His skin was pale as milk, and his eyes glowing in red. A black mask covering his mouth. And a large scar upon his left eye, granting him a scary look. His weapons were baton-blades and arm-link chains. Somehow weird that it was enabled to be into the game.
For Idina, the feline appearance upon her makes her cuter in lethality. Her hands were now paws with fur covering half of her arms. Two long curved flat-ended swords. (Same blades from ML Fanny) The tail also makes her more sexy-
(Imagine Masha but Fanny-sized compatible)
Bela's armor is somehow the same from her sci-fi look but turned into a fantasy style design. Her armor is bulky, yet enough to do acrobatics in it. The color scheme is the same race as a Sylph. Her guns were gun, and in replacements were a long-combat knife on her hip and an orb attached to her back.
"Why the hell am I a magician?" She grumbled, annoyed by her set. "Arent there crossbows in this game at least?"
"Swords and magic only." The undead chuckled at her demise, much to her additional annoyance.
"Don't be like that Bela-san~!" Idina hopped around her. "With magic, you can throw like giant fireballs at the enemies and cut enemies in half with magic!"
"...I guess that seems nice to imagine." And it succeeded, Bela sighed with a smile on her face.
"Continuing on," Askad said, putting out the orb that Multiwalkers are equipped with when heading to other missions. He didn't have one before during the Pacific Rim mission due to his size capability. The world transfer forced most of his abilities to be restricted and thus, he can only use his racial status.
"For the timeline, we are in the Alfheim arc. Canon timeline estimates that it is been several days; or two days specifically, that our edgy main protagonist is heading towards the World Tree, just to be halted by one of the Fire Salamander fairies, Eugene. However, with the help of our trickster bastard, they managed to go past several area stages and are nearing the end episode, something of which we cannot allow for them to pass through."
"So we have time?" Idina tilted her head in question.
"Aye, since the game-time cycles in real life, and the time is..." He checked his menu and noticed the time is already midnight. "Past midnight, we should be able to reach somewhere near the World Tree-"
"Question!" Idina raised her hand enthusiastically.
"Hahahah," Askad laughed lightly on her antics. "you don't need to raise your hand, but otherwise what is your question?"
"How can we fly?" She asked innocently.
The two shared a look before looking at her confused. "Did you not receive the knowledge on how to fly in this world?"
"I may or may have not paid attention to my memories." She stuck her tongue out childishly.
"...That or you just want us to help you, you lazy cat girl."
"I am not!" Her tail stiffed upwards.
'Heh, it also reacts based on her emotion. So cute.'
"It goes on like this..."
Despite them, excluding Askad, on knowing how to use their wings, they only know-how but not experiencing it. Knowing how to do is different than experiencing how to do it.
With some trial and error here and there, involving with lots of mid-air brakes, they were quick enough to learn how to fly without the assist controller. Since that thing would only restrict them even more.
With that done, he began to brief them on the mission, since they were only given the basic information of the anime-world.
"But can we at least brutalize the bastard a bit?" Bela said without any unrestraint tone of coldness.
"The Fairy King Oberon?" He clarified.
"The rapist bastard." Idina said coldly, her innocent-figure was gone and replaced by the dark side of her persona.
"...As much as I want to rip his guts out, and also in real life, I'm afraid we're gonna have to let our edgy Kirito to handle that. And besides, Asuna is her waifu, let the man do whatever he wants with the bastard who messes with his waifu."
"So you mean by chance, we won't be able to kill Kirito?" The catgirl-fairy said in a disappointed tone.
"Our priority is the mission, Idina. Not entertainment. And besides, according to this world timeline, he is currently weak." Bela said strictly, leaving no tone of arguments. Doesn't stop Idina from pouting though. "And for the fool, he is nothing but a minor evil compared to the larger threat that we need to handle."
"True, what you said is true Idina." Askad smiled. "But even if there is a minor evil lurking around in our midst, that doesn't mean we can ignore it. Sure we can let Kirito handle it but however..."
"Why do I sense something that I may like about?" Bela said with a twitch on her face, barely but a smile.
"Once everything is done, we can get to see our edgy MC brutalize the fuck out of Sugou, and then we may go to Reality and torture the bastard out... That is if, we are able to...?"
The orb in his hand glowed. Askad slowly smirked in surprise.
"What did he say?"
"Welp... Guess what? We can."
The cheers lasted long that it was enough to scare any nearby animals off from the area.
. . .
"Cant we go any faster!?"
It has been at least 21 minutes to be exact on the moment they have left where they had crash-landed upon teleportation. The speed they were currently on was faster than a car going on high speed on a highway. And since their wings' duration is literally aids, they had to stop time to stop to recharge their wings.
"Be patient girl, we'd still have early minutes before the attack on the meeting between the Sylph and the Caith Sith." Bela said, her tone strict and calm.
Meanwhile, Askad is trying to calm himself down on the excitement ongoing to hunt down and destroy a Gamer anomaly.
To be honest, he is frightened to go down and literally kill someone like him. But his racial traits did not let him go over his emotions, neutral, but not over the limit.
The Gamers in his opinion are like him, but no awareness of the consequences of what their presence and action would cause for the Seal. Some were informed, some were cooperative, some were rebellious, some don't care at all.
And like what some of the Multiwalker see them; they are literally civilians with powers. Unless they are one of the mature ones that act responsibly and are aware of the cosmic situation.
He would not want to fight one of the top 10 Gamers around the Multiverse. Not even the lowest 10th.
Putting those thoughts aside, he wondered if this one would be cooperative to leave this world. Since this is a canon parallel universe, he'd be transferred into an alternate or a sandbox one so that no actions would be turned to extremely dangerous consequences.
But if this one turned out to be uncooperative...
'I guess I'll have to enjoy Gamer's blood tainted on my hands.' He grinned at the thought of massacring a Gamer.
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[System Initializing] [Updating...] [Looking for a suitable candidate] [Candidate found! Candidate found] [System Overhaul!] [Integrating System] [Integrating System Status: 1%] [Integrating System Status: 2%] [Integrating Fail!] [Restarting] [Initializing Integration Program] [Integrating System Status: 4%] [Integrating System Status: 12%] ... [Integrating System Status: 98%] [Integrating System Status: 100%] [System Integration Completed!] [System is now barely functional] [Host can now use the System!] [Congratulation! The host receive 1x Beginner's Box Random System! ] Zheng woke up by the continual noise of the voice. "Huh? what is this System thing?" *****************Special Announcements***************** Schedule Release: Probably 2 or more chapters per week. Question #1: Why so little chapters?Answer #1: I only have 2-3 hours worth of writing time per day. Question #2: Will you drop this novel?Answer #2: Of course NOT. Not to my knowledge. Question #3: Your grammar sucks! Why?Answer #3: English is my third language meaning, I'm not a native English speaker. If you want, you can help me edit my mistakes. :D (free of course) I'm happy to hear your thoughts so leave some comments and let me know what you think. Thanks for reading, I see you around. ***************************************
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