《Death Fantasy》Chapter 5: Allies


Damien thought Silas' idea to gather more allies made sense so he used the healing needles to help recover the giant and the Model. A few moments later they came to and thanked Damien as well.

"I'm Roxanne and this is Iwa Karada but he told me to call him Brutus. I'm an American Model and Brutus is a Japanese Boxer he understands English but isn't too great at speaking it." Damien greeted them along with Rose and Silas. Roxanne and Brutus witnessed the wide spread death across the lobby at the same time.

Damien scanned the lobby and saw the old lady bleeding from several places and even breathing.

"Bloody Hell how are you still alive Old lady you must have at least fifty different broken bones, I'm gonna say it would be kind of me to kill you right here." Damien stood over the old lady, she was crushed by that old man's shield earlier, she was in a state where she felt pain when breathing, bleeding every time she moved.


Damien showed mercy, if you could call it that, to the old women and stabbed her through the brain with a dagger and then instructed Brutus to take her ability, only by expanding his allies abilities would the team work he desired truly show.

Looking around Damien realised that the Yakuza Fire user and Oliver were gone and except for the dead bodies and the disabled gauntlet user the knocked out Cloak Girl was still passed out on the floor.

"Well I think we just have to put these on then we can leave, it fits almost perfectly it's quite weird, should we bring that gauntlet guy and the girl?" Silas was over by the Echo Devices and had already put his on.

"My healing needles can re attach limbs but cant conjure them up this guys leg has been cut to pieces nothing I can do about that, it would be better to just leave him. However we can take that girl with us I believe she has a useful ability." Damien shook her awake, however when she woke up she screamed and pushed Damien away looking around in pure terror.

"Where's Seth and Oliver, get away from me, where are my friends!" The cloak mark girl cried out, tears streamed down her face because she couldn't see either of her friends among those standing.


"I'm sorry to say but your friend Seth the Tornado Sword user was killed by the Intruder and your other friend Oliver was nowhere to be seen after the battle so I think he ran away." Damien left out the part about him cutting off Oliver’s arm after all he truly believed she could make a good addition to the group.

"Your lying, you are deceiving me so tell me the truth right now, what have you done to them!" The Cloak mark Girl became frantic and couldn't control her emotions standing up and punching Damien in the chest.

"Calm down please, and if you can't just look over there I'm sure that it will confirm what I'm saying, Seth's corpse is a bit mangled but you should be able to tell." Damien pointed at Seth's corpse and made the girl look.

When her eyes landed on Seth all colour drained from her face, she fell to her knees and cried out just like Seth had done before his death.

After several minutes of agonising crying the girl got up and turned to Damien with bloodshot eyes "Please help me find Oliver, he needs to tell me why he would abandon me and Seth and save himself. My name's Nina an American seventeen year old high school student "

"No problem I can say that he has already probably left the hotel and is on the run as we speak, you are welcome to join our little group Nina, I would suggest absorbing your friends ability if not for the added time to live then at least as a way to remember him." Damien wasn't sure where Oliver really was but he knew that it would be best if their group left this hotel soon.

Although reluctantly the girl absorbed her friends ability and then like everyone else put on an Echo Device. Once the Echo Device was on everyone received a notification saying 'Death Game Completion Reward'. Everyone opened it and received a Power Level 5 Defence ability. Silas and Damien also received their bonus rewards with Silas getting a Power level 10 misc ability and Damien also getting a Power Level 7 misc ability as well as a Power Level 10 misc ability.

So this Echo System allows the wearer to see their abilities and their descriptions, store items, combine existing abilities into stronger one's and create and monitor a clan/guild. Well I should see what each ability I have can really do.


Damien’s Gifts

•Blade Creation - The gift to create, share the senses and manipulate any form of blade. Attack Gift with a Power of 12

•Molten Enhancement - Coat your weapons, body and attacks in molten heat. Misc Gift with a Power of 10

•Gun Summon - Summon a gun you have previous knowledge of. Allows infinite ammo and attachments of users choice. Attack Gift with a Power of 9

•Chains - Create and Control Chains that move to the users will. Attack Gift with a Power of 9

•Fear Manipulation - Contort a victims fear in anyway if victim Is already afraid or has a weak mentality. Misc Gift with a Power of 7

•Obsidian Skin - Turns your skin into black obsidian. Defence Gift with a Power of 5

•Healing Needles - Conjure Magic Needles that can heal all wounds over time. Misc Gift with a Power of 4

•Enhanced Body - Reach the peak of human form increasing muscle mass, vison and even solidifying your organs. Misc Gift with a Power of 4

•Quick dash - Allows user to cover a distance of up to ten meters extremely quickly. Misc Gift with a Power of 4

Overall Power level : 64

I do have quite the spread of abilities, I shouldn't have a problem fighting now unless I come across a Power Level 30 user, then I'm just fucked no questions.

"Can I see your guys' abilities?" Damien was interested in the power of his current group and who he should try and cultivate the most, he had truly embraced the fantasy death games mentality. Everyone agreed and started comparing each others abilities.

Silas' Gifts

•Genius Intelligence - Gives the user an incredible amount of intelligence boosting their IQ by two times. Misc Gift with a power of 10

•Electricity Enhancement -Coat your weapons, body and attacks in electricity. Misc Gift with a Power of 10

•Silver skin - Transform the users skin into solid silver. Defence Gift with a Power of 5

•Blade Discs - Create and control circular blades. Attack Gift with a Power of 3

Power level : 28

Roses Gifts

•Ruby Weapons - Manipulate and Summon Ruby Weapons. Attack Gift with a Power of 9

•Blade wings - Adorn Wings made of blades. Misc Gift with a Power of 7

•Jade Skin - Replace the users skin with glistening jade. Defence Gift with a Power of 5

Power level : 21

Nina’s Gifts

•Shadow Cloak - Shrouds the user in a dark mist cloak turning them into a shadow. Misc Gift with a Power of 10

•Tempest Sword - Conjure a Sword of Wind. Attack Gift with a Power of 9

•Amethyst Coat - Cover the users body in Amethyst. Defence Gift with a Power of 5

Power level : 24

Brutus' Gifts

•Rock body - Solidify the entire body, skin, organs and blood into stone. Defence Gift with a Power of 8

•Ground surf - The user can surf the ground whilst both legs are on it. Misc Gift with a Power of 7

•Steel Armour - Obtain full body armour of steel. Defence Gift with a Power of 5

Power level : 20

Roxanne’s Gifts

•Laser Slash - Allows user to send large laser slashes through the air. Attack Gift with a Power of 9

•Topaz Layer - Coats the user in Topaz gemstone. Defence Gift with a Power of 5

Power Level : 14

"Looks like I'm the weakest one here, I really need to up my game don't I haha." Roxanne tried to laugh off the fact that she was the weakest but it was obvious it was affecting her mental state.

"You are pretty greedy hoarding all those abilities Damien, then again you did take them for your self." Silas pointed out the obvious and that was Damien held a large majority of the powers from this hotel.

"Maybe if you didn't just stand there doing a stupid pose and actually fought you might have a few more yourself." Damien joked back however he was looking at Roxanne as if he knew her days were numbered, after all they weren't the only ability users in the Death Fantasy so the more you had the likelihood of you dying was less.

After comparing Gifts the group set out from the hotel into what was a large city, there were tall skyscrapers in perfect condition and gigantic dilapidated structures right next to them. This place was truly a chaotic mess with perfection and destruction blending together to make an odd landscape. The group could only imagine what difficulties they would face here.

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