《Wisdom And Wolf》C3 - Saturday / {The True Art Of War} (The One Who Took A Leap)
C3 - Saturday /
{The True Art Of War} (The One Who Took A Leap)
The old west; was a priest with a pistol, and a nun with a hand gun.
Sometime before Aurora rose, to herald her brother's arrival, a shift of weight on the mattress charmed my eyes to open.
She was looking down at me. Brushing the hair from my face. Her eyes were a deep dark brown with shining flecks of gold, that, even in this obscure ambiance, still had the presence to spark and flash. That was all that I could process, in the moment before the smile.
"Morning to you too. What time is it?"
"Five fforty-five."
I yawned and stretched. My whole spine cracked.
Her eyes popped open.
"What was that?"
"Ungh. That. Is the spoils, of a very, misspent youth." And a rather tumultuous adulthood.
"Do you nnNeed… a mmmassage?" she asked shyly.
"I would love one. Maybe tonight though. This early would make me drag all day. And only, if I could return the favor. I know what toiling over a computer can do… Sound good?"
She gave it a thought. A very quick thought.
I kissed her forehead. She shivered and lifted herself up higher, tempting me with both her stare and her breasts. Her areolae were a rich, dark chestnut color, between a quarter and a half dollar in diameter, with a slightly conical rise from her pale honey hued breasts. Her nipples were about as thick as my pinkie and at least a half inch in length. It was a deliciously visual combination of pleasing shapes and a savory, rich, hot chocolate desire. My mouth was watering.
I reached to her face and she brushed her cheek into my palm and lowered herself closer. I raised my head. My lips were met halfway, with a hunger and a gasp. Our tongues danced. Our bodies melded and tempted a heat. I tested her boundaries and feathered a hand to her breast. She offered it back and teased my palm with her nipple. Pushing herself right into it. My other hand found a full, firm cheek. She drove herself into my leg harder. I felt her fingers stroke alongside my flesh and nervously wrap around me.
Her eyes widened. She giggled.
"It's feels a lot bigger than it looked before."
Then she realized that she'd said that out loud, unbroken and clear, and the blood began to rush.
I laughed. "That's how mine works. I'm a grower not a shower… Did you sneak a peak while I was sleeping?"
I got the feeling, she wasn't lying.
"I ssnuck a peak when you got the bblanket from my bed."
I was right.
Her cheeks flushed rouge but she didn't look away. So, I returned the pleasure she had offered. When the kiss reluctantly broke I looked into her deeply, "C'mon let's go take a shower, we still got this... thing, to do today."
"Gglad I'm not the only oOne who thinks this is… mmm"
"What the fuck were they thinking?"
"Yeah, ththat too." she chuckled.
It was the first time I heard her laugh, really laugh. Her face out welcomed the twilight outside with it's sincerity and it's warmth.
We got out of bed. I turned her around, hugging her from behind while we watched the sunrise. She took my hands in hers and pulled one to her ribs, the other she held just under her breast.
We took a nice, long, hot shower, pampering each other. We went and had breakfast. Sitting a little closer than the days before.
Then we started the second day of, fun, games, and all the other things you did at these supposedly, productivity-enhancing-experiences.
Those events ended at two. We had a couple hours, until the presentation, then we'd be on our own again. Thank G&G.
Since we were on two different squads, I hadn't seen much of her all day. She was already in our room by the time I returned. Her laptop was closed. She was back and shoulders to the footboard, looking out. Calm and gratified.
I walked in, saw the clues and couldn't help but smile.
"You got it didn't ya?"
(Quest complete: One Demi-god has been dealt with. Brutally.)
She seemed eager for some interaction, a celebration for fishing out a flaw in the code. So I decided to make a day of it. We had a late lunch, by the vegetable garden, with food purchased from the kitchen this time.
The hamburger, actually tasted like it was once alive, and not dead on a shelf for weeks. I think there was a touch of venison in the mix.
No more cart food for these two puppies. Hello, Granny May's Kitchen. I made it almost two hours before I was hungry again. And that's the difference between a chef, that pleases your palate, and a cook, that makes you widen your belt. The former, tries to garnish their reputation in taste and salt. The latter, fattens you up and satiates your hunger. With love.
And this cook's talent to sate, was serious.
We walked around the property, exploring the places we hadn't yet been. There were two barn like buildings, one medium, the other fairly big. There was a small house, whose porch faced the water. And a handful of trails that meandered their way in different directions through the wood. Picnic tables, fire pits, and even a few campsites were scattered around the grounds.
I got a couple real nice shots of a turkey vulture sitting in a tree. They are ugly fucking birds. But they have a lot of character. Unlike their human counterparts, who are into death and pain and hatred, especially of their own making.
Tucked behind the medium sized barn we found an indoor pool, housed in glass. It had shelves and shelves of flowers, plants and herbs, growing in troughs along the southern wall. It was warm to the point of humid. And it smelled absolutely incredible. She wanted to go swimming but she didn't have anything to wear. As luck would have it the lodge had a small shop.
So, we went shopping.
Now, I can honestly say I really don't get the whole, 'I'm stuck clothes shopping with the old lady', bullshit. Watching someone, you think is stone cold fucking cute, put on an impromptu fashion show for you, because she wants to see your eyes before she buys. I always found there was something rather enjoyable and intimate to that.
She nervously settled on a white two piece, with a wrap. I guess she liked the way my eyes widened as she held it up to her frame. It looked even better on her. She just gave it just the right fit, molding the threads to turn it into to something, native, enticing, imaginative.
After a nice swim we laid out to get some sun. Then we grabbed a table out back and had some dinner. Coffee and Iced tea, fresh made, with a pinch of mint. Shepherd's pie, Cobb salad, Fire roasted chicken, a slice of chocolate cake and a slab of apple pie. All of which was shared.
I went to refill our drinks and when I returned, Jaime/Jeremy/Jiminy, whatever… was in my seat.
*Is he putting on the charm?* (that was my penis speaking. he has things to say in this, twice. or more, and he makes a number of appearances, dependant on your contextual perspective, both physically, and just in my head.)
I hesitated for about, half a second. I figured he was more her age, I was close to twice it. So…
*No! Can that! Listen to your gut moron! Use your fucking eyes.*
And for once, He was right. And we both agreed, this guy, was nowhere close to being the one. Eye contact can tell you an Odyssey.
Her eyes, were withdrawn. Just like every other time she saw him.
No. Not right, not withdrawn, they were guarded. She was putting up her personal shadow. And this shadow was as black as she could muster.
He asked her something quietly. I heard her stutter a return.
"Em Emmm Emmmmily."
His spine shook with a shiver of distaste. But that selfish, arrogant fuck kept on going.
I walked closer to the table. It was time to put my back to the wall.
She looked up. "HI."
He puffed his chest.
I smiled.
I don't how it is, that I somehow manage to come out with a win, most times. I really don't know where I got the patience. But I do it with a fairly decent percentage. When I have to come out with the tie, that's where things get blurry. But it usually ends with them never wanting to come back. If they can still fucking walk. I refuse to fight fair, if You're the one that takes it there, especially if your twice my size.
There's only one rule. Survive. There's only one way to win. That's avoid it.
"Hey. Thanks for keeping my seat warm and my company entertained."
He whispered something to her and stood up. I sat down. He hovered. (so quaint)
"Did you want a taste of the salad too? It's pretty damn good you should try it." I took a bite. With a fork and a knife.
She slid herself closer, slipped her arm around me and nuzzled her chin to my shoulder. I kissed her temple. She brought her lips closer to my ear.
"Ththursday," she whispered, "he wwalked right by me and asked someone else to rrrRoom with him. Now he wwants to… bbe with me?"
I laughed. She looked perplexed.
"Well, in his defense," I said, normal voiced, not hushed, "in this outfit, I want to fuck you,"
Nothing, not a stir,
"But then again, I kinda wanted to bang you when you first got on that bus."
Now, I got the twitch. Her face went from perplexed, to shocked, and then morphed from curious into discerning.
"What? There was just something about the way you made that nerdy, all business outfit move. It stirred me."
She blushed and put her head in my chest. He finally caught the hint, and left.
'That's a win, for Joe and a walk off win, even if he doesn't know it, for Johnny/Jerrold/Jackass, whatever.'
She mumbled something I didn't quite hear.
I gave her the same, 'What?' eyes, that she gives me.
"Do you, really want to?"
"Do that."
"Fuck you?"
"No… Fucking is using someone like your hand. I just used that word to get under his skin. It's what his kind understands. But I really, would love, to have sex with you."
"Input required."
"Define Parameters."
"You don't know?"
"Because you're a sweetheart, Em. You're smart, you're nice, you're comfortable to be around. You talk with your face and your shoulders. And they are, incredibly, sexy shoulders. You're warm and you smell wonderful. And, you know my favorite show probably better than I do."
"I've never been with anyone that way."
"Why not?"
"Because I'm fat and ugly and I stutter." She cited them off like facts from a poll, one that was closed and tallied a long, long time ago.
"Em, you are far from fat and you are very far from ugly. In fact you are quite pretty in a classically, timeless way. And even if you still stuttered around me, I'd be fine with that. I found it kind of endearing. I actually miss it a little."
"But I am fat."
"You're not. At all. You're a bigger girl. Full figured, but in a really nice way, a really solid way. A really healthy, sexy way. You, are a Dark Nordic, Druid Priestess from the Winterlands, with a propensity for fire magic."
A squint.
"I've watched you hunt your prey on that screen of yours."
"Again, why?"
"I'll tell you what. Last time I had my camera, you sat for me. This time, walk with me. See yourself as my camera sees you. And I think you'll be pleasantly surprised. And. If G&G see it, in their immortal sense of humor, to say, 'you can have, hmmmmmmmmmm, that one', that'd be a bonus modifier."
Another squint.
I squinched back.
"God and Goddess."
"Input Received."
"So what do you say?"
"Walk through the woods. You take my picture… Naked?"
I thought about this seriously. Artistically. I've got somebody, built wonderfully, that's willing to go through the chaos and the flow of it all. Curiously, I wanted to see, what second of time, I was lucky enough to capture. So, I was going for that capture.
"How about... You leave this outfit on. No, leave the bottom half with the wrap, wear that white tank top, from last night. Put that black skirt and white blouse on top. We'll start there. Then let me undress you along the way. If you're uncomfortable let me know. We'll stop… I want you nude, not naked."
"There's a difference?"
"Yes! A huge one. And it has very little to do with your state of dress."
"Hmm? Explain please."
"Okay. How's this? You've been nudeish with me ever since the bench. Last night and this morning, when you were half undressed in bed with me, you were nudeisher."
"They're not real words."
"You get the point."
"A few minutes ago, even with more clothes on, with shit brick over there, you were naked. He didn't get that point."
"So? uncomfortable: naked, and comfortable: nude?"
"In the most basic sense, yes. But there's more to it than that. It's a mindset, a confidence, a nonchalance, a strength. If you're naked you are bare to the world and vulnerable to it's criticisms and judgments. It becomes a weight that eats at you. It's a falsehood. But if you're nude, well, that's an art-form all of it's own. So what do you say? When we get to our room, we catch a couple more episodes then we take a walk in the woods, have a little camera fun and see where this night takes us?"
"Why not. We'll go to this presentation, just like we are. Then go back to our room and enjoy our evening. We did promise each other a massage."
"I didn't forget." she grinned.
"Good. Oooh. Nude massage. How lucky am I?"
"Will you be too?" She squinted.
"Em, I will be nude as soon as we get back to the room, if you'd like.."
"Can I undress you?"
"I'd enjoy that."
"Okay… But can't wwe get a little more dressed, bbbefore the presentation?"
"Nah. Let's go like this. Do your shadow scan thing. See how people react when you look to them the way you speak to me… On the other hand, maybe we should… They might not officially hire us if we show up like this. Might be too distracting. Or against some company policy bullshit."
"I'm not worried about that."
"You're not?"
"Not really. I don't like, this, much. You've bbeen the only one to get to know me, after hearing me speak. And this thing, is just… silly. Do You?"
"I haven't really wanted to since they sprung this on me as a prerequisite. And a lot less after experiencing it and the school yard mentality most of these people share. If this is their idea of how a work place should flow. I might as well go back to cleaning toilets or painting houses. They were a lot more rewarding."
"Then why did you come?"
"I got a nudge. So I followed it. I figured I'd see what it was all about. I mean, what's life, if not testing out new things, and experiencing what's outside your wheelhouse? Besides, I knew the scenery up here was amazing. There's more stars in the sky this far from the cities. And, if I wanted to bail, I have some friends up this way. The trip was free. The air is fresh. What's to lose? Right now, I am really glad I listened."
"Me too."
"So, You wanna maybe, misbehave a little?"
When we arrived at the presentation most everyone was there. As it turned out, we weren't the only ones in 'vacation by the sea' attire either. I guess there wasn't a memo. But we'd wait and see if there was one tomorrow. I scanned the room and just as I had surmised, many of the boys had a less than chivalrous gaze. Even some of the girls had looks. A handful with a hint of jealousy, one or two in flat out lust. Emily had started out with half her body pressed behind mine, incorporating me into a part of her shade, but by the time we all started to get seated, her posture was a little taller and her grip on my arm, a tad more sensual than supported.
All because she took a key. And a big, motherfucking, leap.
All I did, was give her a spot. And watch her take it.
She kissed my shoulder and started massaging my back with her breast. I think she was spelling out thank you. I love her silent communications. I rubbed back a you're welcome.
I was learning… As I went.
The meeting? It was nothing more than a, "Look At How Great We Are", smoke show, than anything of real substance. Most of our fellow recruits seemed to eat it all up. It just made me, even Less excited about the prospect of working with them. I think Emily thought I was fading half way through. Which I probably was.
No. Not old age.
Boredom. Tedious, mind numbing boredom. Ennui.
She grabbed my thigh and gave me a squeeze. I sat up, all attentive like, then leaned a little closer. THAT, caught the curiosity of a couple of the ring leaders on the podium. One in particular gave me 'the glare'. If only she knew. Honey, I've had knives at my throat, guns in my face. I've had bullets pass just a few feet over my head and lot's of other, fun things, happen in my life. Your little facial display of superiority and contempt is... whimsical. To say the least.
Thankfully, that shit show wrapped itself up earlier than planned. Since most of the people just ate this load of mind addling crap up the Q and A session was non existent.
We left the meeting and walked back to our room pressed into each other, arms around each others back .
"Well, that was boring as fuck."
"Are all companies like this?"
"Not in my day. Most of the places I worked for, told you things, about the direction they wanted to go, they asked you questions to see how you could help, or if you thought you'd be a fit for each other. There was a back and forth banter. This just seemed like they were bragging about, what a great place they are to work for and, how lucky YOU are to be the Chosen Few."
Someone was standing by the front desk, at the corner that marked the beginning of our hall. Leaning against the wall of the office. Thinking. Watching everything. Her eyes strayed on us. They viewed us like we were a trailer for a new movie.
Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You.
She was on my team but as of yet we hadn't really had any social interaction. She narrowed her focus. She knew we could feel her looking. But she watched anyway.
"It was a lilittle cultish. Wasn't it?"
"Just a touch."
"Still, I can see the appeal, for sssome people my age. Fantasy video games, She-ra and He-man. Transss-formers. World of Warcraft. Most people I've been around, have a very self entitled view of things."
"Yes! More and more of them think they have a destiny that they don't need to prove themselves to acquire. But, Em, you grew up with the same and you seem to have a foothold in reality. I grew up with Tolkien, Brooks, Greco-Roman Mythologies, Judeo-Christianity, The Gods and Goddesses of Egypt, Star Wars, Star Trek, Dungeons and Dragons."
"You played D&D?"
"Since it first came out. Still do on occasion. Now more than then actually."
"And yet, the appeal of being chosen doesn't pique your interest?"
"Look, If I went around saying I was Emperor, because some moistened bint lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away."
"Oh. You Did Not," her eyes perked up, she got a mischievous look, "How do you know so much about swallows?"
"Well, you have to know these things when you're a king, you know."
We got to our door laughing. She caressed herself around me, put her back to the door and gently leaned me into her.
I brushed my forehead along hers.
The red haired girl down the hall was still watching.
"And there's another reason to add to that list, of why I really want to have sex with you."
"Ni." She smiled brighter.
She slid her hands up my waist, around my back, up to my shoulders, and pulled me in tighter. Her kiss was passionate, tender, giving. I slid my hands under her bikini bottom and grabbed two handfuls of flesh. Her ass was warm and firm and homey. She breathed in deep with a start and her skin went bumpy. She arched her back, and pressed her abdomen into my crotch. I found my key, mid buss, and pressed it to the lock. With a twist the door opened and we sidled inside. The teaser, our watcher was enjoying, came to a close. The curtain drawing shut as the door swung slowly behind us.
Now, my back was against the door.
She had me trapped.
There was no escaping her.
She backed away a few inches and put her fingers to my waist band and hesitated. I pulled at the string and undid the knot. Slowly and anxiously she slid the shorts down my leg, enjoying every inch of bared skin with anticipation. When she got them to my knees she let them drop, eyeing my half hard flesh, with curiosity and want.
"Can I?"
"I'll tell you what, why don't we pretend like we've been lovers forever, and not ask, just do."
She gripped my shaft and raised it straight up then pressed her face up to it, barely brushing her lips against the edge. I twitched. She absorbed the input with a surprised giggle and an investigative hum. She was studying it. Watching it react to her fingers and touch. Learning a different kind of keyboard and the way this new system operated.
Her lips were soft and hot. I felt the moist, warmth of her breath on my base. A coolness shivered through me when she exhaled. She stuck out her tongue and tasted me.
Tiny, testing licks teased just under the crown. A warm, wet, encompassing friction surrounded it's entirety and slowly slid down. She stopped and watched my eyes. The corners of hers rose. She slid up, then back again, further.
I motioned to her with my fingers in her hair and gently invited her away and up.
"We have all night to enjoy that. Let's make it fun. C'mon. There's another two episodes to get through."
We sat on my bed, my back to a pillow against the headboard. Our legs under the covers. She nestled between mine using them like armrests. I teased her neck with my teeth, she teased me back with her ass.
Halfway through the second episode of the night, my hand tickled it's way up her inner thigh and slid along the cloth covering her mound. It was humid and hot in that sensitive place. Her thighs parted and she pushed back, into my touch.
She moaned as I slid my hand through the fabric, pressing it enticingly into her slit. She sucked at the air when I grabbed her breast. Pushing herself into my palm.
When the show finished, I put away my laptop, threw on a pair of jeans and an almost see through Bike Week tee. That fucker was faded and worn, but was as comfortable as all the years we had seen together.
I helped her put on that oversized shirt, one button done, right between her breasts, the bottom pulled around and buttoned in the back. The black skirt, unzipped down the side, tied at the bottom, around her left ankle. Cutting a dark, angular swatch, slightly askew, across both her legs and the white wrap. This was the same exact outfit she wore the first day. Only now, all she needed was a sword and a bow to claim her rightful place in Themiscyria. I grabbed my camera and we went out side.
We found a path along the western ridge and followed it to the top. There was a small clearing with flowering trees and bushes. The sun was soon to be perfect. I got out my equipment and sat in the grass.
While I was setting up she leaned on a rock, the size of a sleeping bear. Propped up by her elbows. Getting lost in a scene that you could walk for days. She told me about all the things she was seeing. A wasp and a spider engaged in combat. An eagle carrying a fish, a deer, cars across the water. Sail boats winding their way through the river. Tugs hauling cargo.
And somethings, yet to be defined.
"What's this?"
"What's it look like."
"It's colorful, shiny, it has a long, thin, metallic looking body, it's a stunning shade of shiny metallic green, with blues and reds. Four long, transparent wings and huge eyes, on a very big head."
"Sounds like a Dragon fly."
"Pretty. Do they sting?"
"Sting. No. They don't have a stinger. They're pretty much harmless. They might bite, if you really piss them off, but even if they did, you'd barely feel it."
She held out her hand. It flew away, hovered, darted left to right, then it felt and sought out her warmth, and landed on her thumb. She studied it until it spied another of it's kind and flew away.
While she was watching the sky and checking out the fauna, I snuck a couple shots of her. I unbuttoned her shirt and repeated the sneak. By the time that I had removed her skirt she had caught on to me. But she just kept enjoying the view and ignored the lens and attention. Even when she was looking right at me while we talked, she looked through the lens right into my eyes. She was a little nervous, when I took off her top, leaving her breasts exposed. But we were fairly hidden. Besides the sticks and leaves would give us ample warning of anyone approaching. Especially city kids.
After a few minutes the sun crossed that threshold. The Golden Hour had arrived.
The shadows and filtering of colors, through leaf and limb, created a surreal landscape on her skin. Tinting her in green and gold. I walked over to her and poised her against a tree, then knelt before her and slowly teased her panties off. Leaving the wrap. The waning sunlight glistened off her wetness. She gasped when I blew on her exposed, dark, pink flesh. I breathed her in and felt myself stir, getting uncomfortably harder.
She was intoxicating.
I slid my hand up the back of her leg and put a firm suckling kiss right on her hooded flesh. She bucked up and into my mouth. I looked up to her face and her smile was bright, framed in flush. Her eyes were watered with desire and delicious anticipation.
I backed up and pointed out some flowers on some trees. Then I sat back and watched her experience the beauty all around her. Snapping a few more candids until the sunlight was gone. I dressed her slowly. Worshiping her body with my lips and fingers. Her essence was embedded in my skin and my senses long before I was finished.
She put her hand down the back pocket of my jeans and we walked back to the lodge.
We went to the front desk, got a menu and ordered room service. I got an ear itch and borrowed their phone. Paid the five bucks and made a couple calls.
"Checking up on things at home?"
"Nah. I have some... friends up here. Since the next couple of days we're pretty much done by four, I figured I'd see, if I could borrow a means of exploring the area. There's a waterfall, not far from here and a nice swimming hole too. I figured we could enjoy some time away from these confines. If you'd like to join me."
"Can we get one of those cheap barbecues and have a cook out?"
"We can do that. Or we can do something better."
The old lady, that handled room service, was knocking at our door, just as we came around the corner. She was grandmotherly kind, and countrified nice. We chatted a bit, then she said her good byes, with the hope that we enjoyed our meals. We pushed the cart inside, then slowly undressed each other and sat down on our bed to eat.
We had fresh brewed iced tea and coffee with country fried steaks and hash browns. It was delicious decadence, in creamy, thick gravied richness. I can still feel the way it worked through my soul.
When the meal was finished we freshened up with a shower. Washing each other, under the warm spray, like we were paying homage to our very own deities.
I flopped on the bed, face down, and waited. She knew what I was after, so she just climbed over me and straddled my upper legs.
Her hands worked a much needed respite into my back, and down. There was a caring to her touch, that soothed it's way into my knots and burned them away. She had me roll over and worked her way up. Smiling when I flexed because she hit upon a pleasurable nerve. When she was done I pulled her down to me, and we kissed and groped and turned things up higher. Until I got my strength back.
"Your turn."
I rolled out from underneath her. She relaxed. Face down, right into the warmth where I had just been.
I repeated the course she had done to me. A little slower and a bit more practiced. When I got to her ankles. I had her roll over and proceeded to massage her right foot. Somewhere along the line I hit a spot that caused her to gasp. So I pressed again. A little firmer. Her legs spread a little wider and her butt rolled into the mattress.
'This could be fun,' I thought.
Once more and her back rose, her eyes went wide. I kept teasing it and kneading it. Her breath became labored. Her face got a strange, almost panicked look.
"Can someone??? Uh Joe? I think I'm gonna... Oh shit Joe!"
I decided, right then and there, to do something I'd never done before. But I figured, what the hell, she's enjoying this, let's see if we can add to the pleasure. And it was THERE, looking like it wanted it. So, I took her big toe in my teeth. And gave it a nibble. Just as I pressed both my thumbs into that nerve that was giving her so much chaos.
I pushed in, right were the arch and the ball meet, then up, deep and slow.
She let out a long, low moan and her body started to twist. Her lips grew thicker, shinier and parted. I could see a translucent line slink it's way down the inner curve of her ass. The more I teased with my teeth and thumbs, the more she contorted and the wetter she got. She pushed herself up by her elbows, her hands balled up in the sheets. She was moaning and shaking. Her eyes were glued to mine. One more tease and her head rolled back. And she came.
Fucking Hard.
Her body went taut, her other leg shook and trembled. Even the one I was holding with both hands threatened to break free from my grip. The wetness between her legs was undeniably growing. Her stomach rippled and her breathing stopped. She gasped once more then pleaded, "No more… Too much."
I pressed a couple more times but lighter. She jumped and twisted and squealed and giggled, then I stopped and gave her her peace. Her breath was laboured. Her entire body had a pinker hue, her forehead and neck were a bright, rich red. She laid there, just staring at me with wide wild eyes. And very sweat glistened skin.
I moved up to her.
"You okay in there?"
She grabbed me and threw me on my back, kissing me with a hungry fire.
I could feel the slickness of her lips and the bump of her clit grinding against my steeled flesh. Her tongue sucked the breath right out of me. I felt her hand grip me. Sizing up my metal. Her breasts rubbed my chest as her ass rose up, she angled me to her and brushed me between her folds. Her heat encompassed my head. Then with one solid thrust she pushed herself around me.
Her eyes got wide and she grimaced. Her body tensed and those soulful brown eyes watered up.
She settled herself against my stomach.
I reached up and brushed a drop from her cheek. She smiled, brought her lips to mine, and just stayed there. I held her until the pain subsided. She started kissing me softly. Then slowly, with a need, she ground her hooded nub into my skin. The circular grind soon became a back and forth urgency. She was purring and growling in my mouth.
(the growling might have been me. all the sounds felt like they were coming from one throat)
I could feel her tightness milking at my core. Everything around me was hot, wet and flexing. Her fingers dug into my back and my ribs.
She was hovering.
And tensing.
Her movements became purposeful, passionate and rhythmic. Soft hungry lips left my mouth and found their way to my neck. Her teeth gently bit into a tender spot at the back of my jaw. She was finding spots and waking them up.
I rolled us over and she wrapped herself tightly around me. I leaned in and pulled her butt up to my thighs, feeling my abdomen against the swell of her sex. Her bushiness entangled with mine. I pulled out to the edge and slowly teased in.
She rolled herself up and took me. Deeper.
"Oh frack Joe, I think… I'm gonna...."
I increased my speed. Her whole body surrounded me, in. A warm wetness smoothed its way down my legs. Her body shook. Her fingers tightened their grip.
That was all I needed. I just let it all go.
I quickened my pace and her body vibrated through me, around me, as she tightened her grip on my back and lost control. I pulsed and drove hard. Exploding inside her as she shook and moaned and found my mouth again. I collapsed on top of her.
Re-energized, yet totally spent.
Every single one of my nerves was on alert. We laid there, exhausted and disheveled. Connected. Until the last of my blood was returned to the rest of me. As I slipped from inside her we both gasped. I rolled off her and she curled over and onto me.
After a couple of minutes, of heavy breathing and sighs, we finally recovered our wits.
Sort of.
"Holy fuck," I gasped.
She giggled. I looked into her eyes and we both burst into laughter.
"I haven't cum that fast, or that hard, in a long time."
"Well we have kinda been teasing each other since last night."
"True. Still that was hmmm. I need a drink. Water?"
"Yes, please."
I went to get up. My legs weren't having it.
"Gimme a couple, I'm still a bit..."
"Yeah, that definition will more than suffice."
She pulled me up to her breast, took my hand and held it against my stomach. She kissed the top of my head.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Making my first time special and fun. And enlightening."
"Mmhmm. I didn't know a foot rub could do that."
"Neither did I and I've given a few."
"I could tell. You have firm, patient, and very caring hands."
"Practice, practice, practice."
"Lot of women?"
"No not really. When I was teens early twenties, I tried banging everything I could. But I learned fast that, being with someone you actually give a shit about, made everything so much more enjoyable. So unless I liked you, and wanted to spend time with you, it wasn't any better than jerking off. And it wasn't worth the emptiness, or the shit feeling that I used someone for my pleasure, afterwards. Since then, there's only been a handful of relationships. Even so, only two of them enjoyed, and needed, foot massages. One was a ballerina, the other a bartender."
"That's it? Just two?"
"Hmm? Oh. No. You do know how I got this job don't you?"
"Yes! You were a photographer for another magazine."
"I photographed strippers, stage shots mostly."
"Input received."
"That's were I got most of the practice. It started, I guess, because I wasn't like most of the 'professionals' those girls had met. My boss used to get complaints about the other photographer, her partner. And the two that came before me. But I was friendly, without being a completely selfish douche-bag. I joked, I teased but I wasn't there to get laid. If it was offered and I really liked her, I wouldn't have turned it down. But for the most part, I just did my shit and moved on. I was working, not in a bar cruising for pussy. Because of that, the girls didn't mind shooting with me again. On a return shoot, when they switched clubs and I happened to have a gig there, or if they became headliners and needed an ad, or even for their own portfolio or publicity stuff. And I became familiar to a few. A respected acquaintance of sorts. One day one of them told me, her feet were killing her, so I offered, she accepted and… shit."
"Yes, shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! I just had a revelation. I could have made a decent second income on all the times that followed. Oh well. Hindsight."
"I know I would have paid for that. Even without the orgasm."
"Thank you. So, that really was your first time?"
"Well, I am honored. Did I do a passable job?"
"Nice." I kissed her chin, "How are you feeling, down there?"
"A little sore. It burns. A lot, where it tore. But it also feels good, around it."
"Well if it still hurts later I can kiss it, to try and make it feel better."
"I'm going to hold you to that."
"Please do. I love the way you taste."
She turned beet and kissed my cheek.
I gathered my strength, put on some clothes, and went down to the cafeteria, to get us some water and juice.
She was napping when I got back.
Comfortably on her stomach. Over the covers. Facing away from me. Her left leg was straight, her right bent outwards slightly and curved back inwards. Her left arm was arched under one pillow above her head and her right was stretched out over another where my chest had been. Her right breast was pressing out from under her ribs, tucked in the space beyond her side and the pillows edge. I got my camera and took some shots from different angles, got undressed and crawled into bed with her.
She stirred and hummed.
"Mmmmm," a stretch, "Hi."
"Sorry, didn't mean to wake you."
She rolled onto her back, "Mmmm, that's okay I just needed a nap."
"I got some water and orange juice."
"Orange juice sounds great, if you wanna share."
"I would happily, but I got two of each, re-energize and re-hydrate."
"How long was I out?" she asked in between sips.
"Half hour maybe. Let's see. About five, ten minutes to get dressed, go to the cafeteria and come back, then about fifteen, twenty minutes of camera fun, so yeah about that."
"Mmmh, this is good… What did you take pictures of?"
"You… Yeah it is."
"You took pics, of me sleeping?"
"Yep. Wanna see them? Oh shit! We still haven't seen the ones from outside yet."
"We did get a little distracted."
"Just a little."
I pulled the card from my camera, slipped it into the USB adapter, connected it to my laptop and pulled up the folder. I found the first pic from earlier.
"Now, seriously, try and look at these like you're looking at 'this girl's' portfolio. It's not you, just some model," then I turned the laptop to her view.
She studied them in quiet. Smiling now and then, "You're pretty good, they have an Ancient Grecian feel."
"Thanks. It helps when the model is beautiful, and even more so, when she's comfortable and beautiful."
"I'm not beautiful."
"Really? Hold on a sec. Let's compare. Let me find…"
I scrolled through the next few pics, taking my time doing it. "...Where is, she?…" Then I got to one of her totally undressed. It was in the first group of the shots by a tree with a flower. The eighth shot in the Goldielocks zone. She was completely disrobed. Her body was complimentarily askew. Her hands where above her head. Her back was bent to the right as she stretched to the sky, with both hands barely touching. She was relaxed. Sighing a breeze into her limbs. Feeling that cool release down her spine. Just as a breath was starting to leave. "… There. Here's someone I shot very recently. Close your eyes."
She did and I turned the screen towards her.
"Take a look and tell me what you think of her."
This was a completely different composition to the images before. Dark rocks and boulders in clarity, became trees and colors in leafy brushstrokes and patterned lines. Everything looked different even she looked different.
She looked the image up and down, even traced the lines of her ass on the screen. "She's very..."
She just stared at the face, and studied it hard. Like she was trying to convince herself, it wasn't, it couldn't be. When she turned to me, she had a softness and tears in her eyes.
"Keep going."
She went pic by pic studying everyone with a different eye. Then, she got to the ones on the bed. Lines of emotion slicked their way down her cheek, ending with a single drop falling from her chin. Only to be replaced, slowly, by another.
She turned and looked in my face.
"They're beautiful."
"Yeah you are. And Now, you see you as I do."
She stared back at the screen.
"Thank you."
"No. Thank you! That's some of the best imagery, I have ever, had the pleasure to capture."
She put the lap top on the night table and leaned back into me, staring at the photo on the screen. Letting it sink in. Until the screen went dark.
She turned to me and kissed me with beholden lips. They were soft and sweet, salty and passionate.
We wrapped each other up and drifted off. Together.
- In Serial51 Chapters
The Warrior
The Warrior was a legendary man who possessed all four God-given gifts and fought in the great battle that brought peace for many generations. That was the story Indenuel’s mother told him when it got too hard to hide his gifts. No one else had all four God-given gifts anymore, and being different was a sin in his village. However, after his mother’s death, a visiting High Elder of the church told him the Warrior wasn't a mythical person of history. He was a man prophesied to come save the people of Santollia now. Someone who grew up in such humble conditions that even though everyone in Santollia knew the Prophecy of the Warrior, the man himself would not know it. Indenuel had been discovered! Now Indenuel must grapple with strengthening his four God-given gifts, learning to navigate the highest social class, and train for a battle he is not prepared to fight while a question plagues his mind. His mother knew the prophecy of the Warrior. Why did she lie to him? *Updates every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
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Working Behind the Scenes
Ever wonder, how do main characters keep finding these magical weapons and divine manuals? Where do they come from? Is there a mystical Easter Bunny going around hiding these things? How do so many coincidences happen? Because it's somebody's job. A young man has just crossed over, and after bargaining with the goddess of the world, has agreed to take on the job. perks, being alive. potential rewards, becoming a god. He has to keep under the radar, while putting the pieces where they need to be for good to triumph over evil. Slow start, long periods of getting set up at first.
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A Champion's Rise
Haunted by glimpses of his unknown past, tortured by the uncertainty of his present, and troubled by the implications of the future, it is clear that the last human in existence does not have it easy. Chased into a dark cave and lost in a bleak alien world, these aren't even most of the distressed human's worries: indeed, he has no idea who he is or how he got here. All that he does know is he not only left someone behind... but someone nearly killed him. To claim his revenge and find his past, the human will need to toss anything and everything he knows out the nearest metaphorical window as he begins to struggle his way through a galaxy located on the other side of the universe. And in this galaxy torn apart from war after war, he will find no hope except for the little he can take for himself. But perhaps, amongst some bizarre company, he might just find something better than that. For when you go beyond light and beyond hope... All one will see is the full force of Humanity's Will and Ambition. And this galaxy is ready for neither. PART ONE IN THE UPCOMING SERIES: A CHAMPION'S RISE
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The Cabin
Finding himself stranded in the middle of knowhere with only a cabin and a seemingly endless forest surounding him, he must find his way out of it in order to survive. Without his memories and nothing to his non existent name, its going to be a long trek. art by https://pixabay.com/users/comfreak-51581/
8 176 - In Serial42 Chapters
Gon's Sister? (Killua x Reader)
[Completed][Is currently being edited](Please Note that you are 14 turning 15 in this story, you're not 12 like everyone thinks)*Sequel is being made: "The Zoldyck Family" if you are interested after you finish this story* When Ging returned to the island, he never mention how many kids he had. He brought back Gon but, nobody knows that Gon has a twin sister! Only Ging and Gon's mother know. You are Gon's sister and you are a pro hunter. You know you have a brother, and decide to go looking for him. After a long journey, you finally find him and meet his friend Killua. You, Gon and Killua go on amazing adventures and you fall in love with Killua.Start date: July 23 2019End date: March 11 2020{Best Ranks}•#2 in animecharacters (Oct. 19, 20)•#16 in gon (Oct. 24, 20)•#22 in gon (Oct. 19, 20)•#8 in leorio (Oct. 19, 20)•#1 in animecharacters (Oct. 23, 20)•#2 in hunterxhunter (Oct. 30, 20)•#5 in killuaxreader (Aug. 13, 21)
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Hook, Line & Sinking (Completed)
I went somewhere I shouldn't and now I have a huge secret. Suddenly my classmate's sexy older brother is popping up everywhere I go. Does he know? Did he find out what happened to me? Or is this constant flirting between us something else entirely?Dared to go to dreaded Sharkfell Island, Dani finds herself stranded and trapped in a cave with only one way out. Underwater. She's rescued by tattooed badboy Matt who is both surly and mysterious and every times she pries a little he gets all defensive. When she comes home she discovers nothing's the same anymore. Not when she turns into a mermaid at the touch of water.This is my take on the mermaids of H2O/Mako Island tv shows. The version with lots of sexy mermen instead. ;-)
8 145