《Heirs of Creation- A Supernatural Fanfic》Let Them Eat Burnt Cake pt 2
(Scene Change) Mallory and Matthias are walking through the streets of Paris. It is morning and the sun is shining through the broken clouds. Because of the rain the night before, it is muddy and the streets are filthy. People give them dirty looks as they pass by.
"I should have come to Paris before all of this. I'm sure it was once a beautiful city," Mallory said, looking at patch of mangey beggars sitting in front an official looking building.
"It still is," Matthias said. "People just forgot to treat it as such." He led her through a maze of people. They eventually reached an open courtyard where a large group of people were gathered. The pair stopped. Mallory looked to the center of the crowd to see a wooden platform with a guillotine sitting on top of it. The heavy blade gleamed menacingly in the sun. Matthias and Mallory watched as a man was brought to in front of the guillotine. He had a sack covering his face. The executioner pulled the sack off and the crowd cheered.
"Emilie Dechaux," The executioner cried out. "You have been tried and found guilty to be a traitor to the revolution." The crowd cheered more.
"There he is." Matthias pointed out a man at the base of the platform, standing with a group of other important looking men, all wearing white powdered wigs. "I did hear that he liked to watch executions," he said with disgust.
The man, Emilie, now had his head placed inside of the device. Mallory watched in transfixed horror as the blade fell down on his neck. His detached head fell into a basket.. The crowd roared as the body was picked up and taken away.
Matthias gently took her hand, pulling her out of her frozen state. She looked at him.
"I have seen so many horrors, but I have never witnessed humanity sink so low into this state of depravity."
"I know... come, we'll need to follow him." He led her by the hand towards Robespierre.
(Scene Change) Mallory and Matthias are standing inside of a building, next to a pair of large polished wooden doors. The doors open and a group of men flood out. Robespierre walks out with a man who accompanied him to the execution. They veer away from the crowd and walk down a hall. Mallory and Matthias follow after them.
"You have condemned yourself for this!" The man said to Robespierre. "It will be your head next at the guillotine."
"I did what I thought was best." He replied angrily.
"No, you have proven yourself to be dangerous. The people are terrified. While some cheer when someone else is executed, most tremble in fear, knowing that they may be next. They want this terror to end. The people want their country back!"
"And I am trying to give that to them! I am trying to give them a better country! A new France!"
"You will be killed for doing so!" The man nearly yelled. Mallory and Matthias hid behind a pillar, listening intently. "Many believe that you started this reign of terror and it must be your death that ends it." The man, now furious straightened his coat and left Robespierre in the hall. He fell back against a wall and cradled his head, looking defeated. Matthias walked out from behind the pillar, approaching him.
"Excuse me, monsieur?" Matthias said politely. Robespierre looked up and quickly composed himself.
"Can I help you?"
Mallory was quick to follow behind Matthias. Standing beside him as he spoke to the stressed Frenchman.
Matthias smiled at him. You are Robespierre, are you not?"
"I am. And who are you?" He looked at Matthias and then to Mallory.
"We are of no great importance," Matthias replied. "I was just telling my wife that I had always dreamed of meeting you. You are a true revolutionary," he said with effortless charisma.
Robespierre stood a little taller. "Thank you. It is citizens like you who will truly create the best future for our beautiful country."
Matthias titled his head slightly, still smiling. "We can only hope so. If you will forgive me, but do you think that this country could really rebuild itself on its own, or do you believe that we do require foreign aid in order to do so?"
Robespierre's face fell slightly. "I-I'm not entirely sure I know what you mean by that."
"I have heard some whispers that leaders of the revolution are looking to others... for support... or influence."
Robespierre now looked scared but irritated. "Surely not! Now if you will plea-"
"So you don't have any affiliation with the Frankenstein family?" Mallory said, cutting to the chase.
"I-I-" Robespierre fumbled. He pushed himself away from the wall, attempting to distance himself from the two. Mallory stepped forward and placed two fingers on his forehead. Her eyes glowing with grace.
"Devil!" Robespierre gasped. A bright light erupts in the hall. After it fades, the hall is vacant.
(Scene Change) Robespierre is sitting in a wooden chair in what appears to be an attic. He wakes from unconsciousness, a little groggy and his wig is disheveled. He panics when he sees Mallory and Matthias standing above him. He tries to move from the chair but can't move, even though he is not tied to anything.
"Why can't I move?!" He yelled, struggling in vain. "Where am I?"
"You're alright, we just didn't want you trying to escape." Matthias said, trying to be reassuring.
"What are you going to do with me? Sacrifice me?! Are you witches? Devils? What are you?!"
"Witches? Heavens no." Mallory said. "We just want some answers. We are aware that you are familiar the Frankenstein family. You have some knowledge of the world of magic and the supernatural."
Robespierre scowled at her. "Why would I tell you devil worshippers?"
His comment resonated with Mallory, and she stood close to his face, hardly trying to cover up her anger. "You're right, you don't have to tell us anything." She again raised two fingers to his forehead. Her eyes glowed their peculiar black and white. Scene flashes to a French chateau in the green countryside. Quick flash to inside the chateau, Robespierre is with two familiar faces; the Germans from the inn. There are more people there in the room. Overall, there is at least a dozen of them sitting around a beautifully polished table. The older gentleman from the inn is standing above Robespierre, and he lays a hand on his shoulder.
"We commend you on the progress that has been made thus far. Louis' death was necessary for securing France's future. It won't be long until the Queen is next. You should have trusted us more when we ensured you that the royal family would be caught before they fled the country."
Robespierre appeared nervous. "You're right, I apologize. I just... how many lives will be lost before the reality of our dreams are seen?"
"Robespierre! Surely you must have foreseen that there would be casualties. This is war; within France and with other countries."
"Just promise me that I will be able to see this to the end. I need to be a witness to a better France."
The elder man, with his hand still on Robespierre's shoulder, looked down at him with a mix of contempt and glee that the Frenchman couldn't see. "You will be revered as a hero. The moment the citizens execute you is the moment France truly falls into despair and that is a tragedy that no one can afford."
The scene faded back to Mallory standing over Robespierre. She removed her hand from his forehead.
"What did you do to me?!" He demanded. Mallory ignored him.
"What did you see?" Matthias asked. Mallory did the same to Matthias. He closed his eyes, taking in what Mallory was projecting to him. When it was over, Matthias took a step back from her.
"Thousands of people have died..." He said quietly to Robespierre. "You have killed thousands of French citizens!" He lunged at him, catching his chin with his fist.
"I thought I was doing the right thing!" He said, slightly out of breath.
"No. You have wrought terror and despair and you let those monsters manipulate you beyond recognition. I used to hear stories of you. A great lawyer who sought to give hope and power to the poor. Who fought for the people, now you fight them. You are no better than the creatures that now rule your actions!" Mallory regarded Matthias in surprise, but she stood back as he attacked Robespierre again with a hard punch.
The politician hung his head. A slow, unsettling laugh escaped from his lips. He looked up at them, blood now flowing from his busted lip. "You're right," he said weakly. "The Frankenstein's have been controlling this revolution for months. I didn't even try to stop them. They cannot be stopped."
"Damn you, then." Matthias said through gritted teeth. Robespierre replied with a bloody smile.
"Where are they?" Mallory asked him. "Where is the Chateau?"
"It's the Château de Doumely."
"Do you know it?" Mallory asked Matthias.
"I do. What do we do with him?"
"We'll take him back to where we found him. I have a feeling his usefulness to the Frankensteins is wearing thin."
Robespierre looked at Mallory. "It doesn't matter how many you kill, Devil. They are like shadows... lurking around every corner. Always planning. Destroying. This world will never be rid of them."
(Scene Change) Cas and Mallory are standing in the middle of a dirt crossroads.
"Ducky, I'm hurt that you would want to meet me out here. After all we've been through." Said a voice with a husky scottish accent. "I would have thought I'd earned VIP access to the Batcave by now." Cas and Mallory turned to meet the King of Hell in all of his finely tailored glory. He regarded Cas smugly, but looked at Mallory with a subtle curiosity.
"Crowley," Castiel greeted him.
"Making new friends, are we?" Crowley said to Cas, while still looking at Mallory. "And what might you be?" He now asked Mallory.
"Spawn of Satan." Mallory responded with a smirk. Crowley's face fell slightly in confusion. Mallory then smiled. "Name's Mallory."
"Pleasure," Crowley said sarcastically. "So, is that all I get for an introduction? I knew I should have just stayed home."
"Crowley, we don't have time for this. We need some information." Cas explained.
"No no, please, humor me for a moment," Crowley said in annoyance. "Why should I help you? I don't even know you," he gestured to Mallory, "And I don't even like you," he gestured to Cas.
"Crowley, you're not really in a place of great leverage," Mallory said.
"And why is that?"
"Because you are not a threat to me."
"... Who are you?"
"I'm Lucifer and Lilith's daughter."
Crowley failed briefly in covering his surprise. "Lilith never told me about you..." he paused. "And to think, we were once lovers in the nighttime."
"That's a disturbing thought," Castiel mumbled.
"Why have you just now decided to grace us with your presence?" Crowley asked her, ignoring Cas.
"It's a long story. Look, we need to know if you know all the locations to the Crypts."
"Right. That's not something I normally divulge in, sweetheart."
The sweetheart comment struck a chord. "Okay, you fiery back of dicks, tell us or I'll go into your nut sized brain and get it myself."
Crowley smiled. "Sorry Rosemary's baby, I'm not easily rattled."
Mallory raised her arm and out shot a blast of white energy. Crowley flew backwards, falling on his back. Mallory clenched her fist, forcing Crowley to stand and fly towards her. There was now fear in his eyes. She secured her fingers around his neck bringing their faces close together.
"Know your place, Crowley. You're not worthy of my time, but for my brother Maxus you are. You have something he wants and he could take it from you before you had a chance to squeal for help. At the end of the day, you are still just a crossroads demon. Not worth the crap that some poor sap would scrape off the bottom of their shoe. Now... Where are the crypts?"
Fighting for breath, Crowley answered. "I was never able to find all of the locations. This is all I know." From his hand he produced a piece of paper and offered it to Mallory. She took it and released the demon. Crowley rubbed his neck where a visible hand print had left it's mark.
"Anything else you bullies need?"
"Not right now. As for you, you've been given your warning. You should take a hard look at the demons you consider loyal."
Crowley scowled and disappeared.
Mallory folded the paper and stuck it in her pocket.
"I think that went rather well." Castiel said.
Mallory laughed at the angel. "You know, the boys are wrong. You do have a sense of humor."
"... I don't understand what you mean by that. I don't recall making a joke."
(Scene Change) Dean and Sam in Purgatory. Dean has a demon pinned up against a tree, holding the demon knife to his throat.
"Look asshat, did you or did you not see Atticus in here?" Dean demanded.
"I don't know who that man is!"
"He's probably wearing a nice suit. Looks like a young Marlon Brando."
"Who the Hell is that?!"
Dean grunted in frustration. "Isn't there some place where you dicks, I don't know, meet up or something?"
"It's kind of every man for himself out here."
"I've been to purgatory before- the real purgatory, not this crap shoot, and I know that that isn't always the case. Monsters team up with monsters. Why would it be any different with demons?"
The demon looked back and forth between Sam and Dean nervously. Dean pressed the knife deeper into his neck.
"Okayokayokay! Alright, fine! Yes, demons usually get together at the river bank. It's the safest spot. Helps protects us from any leviathans roaming around. I don't know if you'll find your guy. He's sounds important but that sort of info is outta my paygrade. I swear! That's all I know!"
Dean looked satisfied. He released the demon. The demon checked his neck for any blood marks.
"Thanks man," he said. "I was really worried there for a-" The demon looked down at his stomach where Dean had impaled him with the knife. He crumpled into Dean, who shoved him off.
Dean wiped the knife on the demon's shirt. He stood up. "This place is killin me." He said gruffly. "Let's go."
Sam carefully stepped over the body, following Dean further into the woods.
(Scene Change) Mallory and Matthias are walking up to a beautiful French chateau. It is still daytime, but they keep a good distance away and don't notice anyone around. They are standing beneath a canopy of trees.
"We should return at nightfall," Matthias noted. "There's no need to call more attention upon ourselves." Mallory nods and they take a seat at a bench that is resting at the base of an oak tree. Mallory sits, deep in thought.
"Are you alright?" Matthias asked, noticing her expression. Mallory tried to collect her thoughts.
"You have spent eons walking this earth alone, but you kept to yourself. Why do you now want to save France from it's fate?"
"... I suppose I no longer wanted to go through eternity being a spectator. I can help mankind. I can change things."
Mallory looked at him solemnly. "What if we're not supposed to be saviors?"
Matthias was taken aback by her comment. "Surely you can't mean that. You have dedicated years of your life saving people."
"Only to watch them go through suffering all over again. That cycle will never end. As long as there is humanity, they are doomed to suffer. When I fell in love with humanity, I was so naive... I think when I was freed from Hell, I wanted to prove to my family that I was not like them. That I was compassionate. That I was something that I had seen in humans. I admired them... "
"Mallory, why are you saying this?" Matthias looked hurt.
She now had tears in her eyes. "Lilith used to tell me stories about Lucifer. That... when the archangels would come down to earth, they would cause great calamity because of their power. Humans feared them for it. When I came to earth, I caused death and disease. Hundreds died because of me. I'll never be accepted by those whom I seek to protect... At what point do you stop interfering in the lives of those who do not think they need you?"
"... Why do you still hunt?" He asked with a hint of anger.
"... I don't know."
"Then perhaps you should have let Maxus take your powers." He said with an edge in his voice.
"My powers are the thing I despise most but cannot live without. I've lived with them for so long, I'm afraid of what I'd be without them. You should be able to know what that is like."
Matthias got up from the bench. "Why did you offer to help me then? You wouldn't be questioning yourself if you had just walked away from the inn- or better yet, if you had just killed me when you had the chance." Mallory pushed herself off of the bench as well. Matthias turned away from her.
"Because I have grown cold- going through the routine of killing beasts and thinking that I was helping people! But when I saw the ferocity in which you cared for your country and your people, I too wanted to feel that. I wanted to feel something again..." She gently reached out and grabbed his shoulder. He turned and looked down at her. "... I don't believe that killing the Frankensteins will stop them. We may delay them here in France, but they've already caused too much damage... But if we can make any difference in taking out those monsters, whether it be today or years from now, I want to try." Matthias responded by cupping her delicate face in his hands and pulling her into a kiss.
(Scene Change) Dean and Sam are walking down a slope. In the distance, the riverbank is seen. Dean stops behind a tree and turns to Sam
"Stay here for a sec," Dean orders him.
"Dean, I'm coming with you."
"No. There's at least a dozens demons down there. You're not gonna do a whole lot of good."
Sam rolled his eyes and kept walking. Dean grabbed his shoulder and shoved him back. He pointed a finger at him.
"Dude, just stop. Trust me okay?" Sam stopped, looking annoyed. "I'll just take a peek and see if Atticus is down there."
"Fine," Sam huffed. He settled himself against a tree and Dean left him to creep towards the riverbank.
(Scene Change) Dean is behind a bush, looking out towards the river. At the riverbank, there are several demons, mostly standing around or sitting on the rocks. Dean comes forwards a little bit. At the edge of the water, sits a young demon in a nice gray suit. He is further off from the rest of the company. Dean looks around before creeping closer to him.
When he is about ten feet from him, Atticus looks up and see Dean approaching him. Atticus hops up from the rock and backs away from the water. Dean holds out the knife and jumps at him. Startled, Atticus stumbles backwards and sprints his way up the bank, Dean following after him.
From his safe place behind the tree, Sam sees Dean chasing after the demon.
"Damnit." He breathed, following them.
(Scene Change) Inside of the French Chateau, a couple of the Frankenstein men are walking down a dimly lit hallway. They turn the corner, where Matthias is waiting for them. They lunge towards him. Matthias reaches out with both arms,touching them on the foreheads. They stop, a red glow now emanating from their heads. They both erupt into flames, crumbling into a pile of ash within seconds. Matthias carefully steps over them and walks down the hallway from which they came.
(Scene Change) Mallory is going down a different hallway.
"What are you doing here?" A voice orders. She turns to see three men making their way towards her.
She stands calmly, raising her hand. They get within two feet of her before they all explode, splattering blood everyone. Mallory grimaces when she sees some of it get on her dress. She wipes it then continues down the hallway.
(Scene Change) In a room, at least a dozen of Frankensteins hear the commotion.
"What was that?" One asks, looking slightly worried.
One opens the door and pokes his head out. He suddenly bursts into flames. Stepping over his pile of ash, Matthias enters the room. He takes a quick look around. The Frankensteins get up from the table and to rush him. Flames ignite below their feet, and they are all consumed in their own personal fires. All except one. A terrified man is cornered against the window. As Matthias makes his way towards him, Mallory enters the room. Matthias grabs the man's neck.
"Where were the two that made their way outside of Paris?"
The man trembles. "They're there in the city."
"They are to ensure the arrest of Robespierre!" He whimpers. "They're staying at L'hotel du Soleil."
"Thank you," Matthias said with a smile. He burns the man, then walks towards Mallory.
"Everyone else in the Chateau is dead." Mallory said.
"We need to go back to the Paris."
(Scene Change) Sam is lagging behind Dean and Atticus. He is walking through a thicker part of the woods, the foliage is greener and the trees thicker. He stops when he hears a conversation. Two men are standing are standing in a grove, arguing. He inches closer.
(Scene Change) It is morning in Paris. Matthias and Mallory are walking to the hotel. There is a commotion going on in the streets. They go towards the source of the noise. A man is yelling at a crowd, nearly hysterical.
"Robespierre has been shot and arrested!" He yells. "He will face the guillotine tomorrow!"
There was a mix of surprised gasps and shouting, along with a few cheers.
Matthias and Mallory quickly leave the crowd, going to the hotel. They step inside of the beautifully built building. Mallory approaches a man. "Excuse me." He turns and looks horrified at the sight of her dress. Mallory gently taps his hand and a dreamy smile spreads across his face. He is now suddenly unaware of her uncomely appearance. "We are looking for two German men that are staying here. One is slightly older and well built. The younger one has blond hair."
"Ah, yes." The man said. "They came in just yesterday."
"Would you be so kind as to show to their room?"
The man nodded and led them up a large staircase. They stop in front of a room.
"Thank you," Mallory said to him. He smiled and drifted down the hall.
"I'll let you have the honor," She told Matthias.
Matthias opened the door. Inside the room, the older Frankenstein is looking out of the window, smiling over the now rioting crowd in the street. The younger of the two is seated at a table. Upon seeing Matthias and Mallory, he grabs a sword. The older one turns from the window, almost pleased to see them.
"I should have known that hunters would eventually be after us. It is a shame, though. If you had been here earlier, you could have tried to stop Robespierre's fate."
"He deserves his punishment after dealing with your kind." Matthias said.
"I'll let him know that."
"You have ruined this country."
"Oh, we can't take all of the credit. The fickleness of the French was more than enough to work with. We just... helped them ruin themselves."
Matthias thrust out his hand, and the younger Frankenstein caught on fire, slowly burning. He screamed in agony. The older Frankenstein now looked worried that he was not just dealing with regular hunters.
"Please!" He pleaded with the Phoenix. "He is my only son. I don't want to watch him burn."
"As I watch my country die, you will see the same happen to him." The young man fell, burnt to a crisp. His father dropped to his knees and held the young man's head. Matthias bent down to his level. Through tears and gritted teeth, the old man looked at him.
"You could hunt for a hundred years and still not wipe out the Frankensteins."
Matthias touched his forehead. "Luckily, I have that kind of time."
(Scene Change) Matthias and Mallory are now out in the streets again. Their arms are linked.
"Where to next?" Mallory asked him.
"You were right when you said that the damage had already been done here. I can't save France."
"No... but we can still search for the rest of the Frankensteins."
Matthias nodded slowly.
"I want to change my dress. Will you meet me outside of the stables at the inn?" Matthias nodded again and Mallory kissed him on the cheek.
(Scene Change) Sam looks over the pile of ash. It swirls in the wind, creating a funnel of gray. The man that was killed materializes from it, standing in front of Sam. Sam steps back in surprise. The man doesn't seem to notice that he is there. Sam hesitantly reaches out and touches the man on the shoulder. He jumps, acknowledging Sam.
(Scene Change) Mallory and Matthias are walking down a street at night, arms linked. Behind them is the in-progress construction of Big Ben. By their dress, it is apparent that many years have passed.
"I don't know if I am ready to return to Paris," She stated. "I never took a liking to French fashion."
Matthias gave her a loving smile. "You looked beautiful, regardless."
"... You weren't the one who was required to wear a corset."
Matthias laughed and kissed her hand. They stopped at a building on the busy street. "I will fetch the luggage upstairs. Meet you in the carriage?" Mallory nodded and they separated, him going into the building and her stepping into the carriage that awaited her.
(Scene Change) Matthias is in a bedroom, retrieving luggage off of the bed. He doesn't notice a figure appear behind him.
"I never thought that my sister would be one to fall in love with a monster such as yourself."
"Maxus." Matthias looked at him, surprised and angry.
"... She always loved humans, I thought they would be more to her liking."
Matthias stood alert but with a flick of his wrist, Maxus pinned him against the wall.
"I have spent centuries trying to find her... used up a lot of good witches..." He says offhandedly. "Who knew that I should have just sought after a phoenix and it would lead me to her... Of all creatures... But, you see, I can't have that. I need her to want to be mortal and you threaten my plans."
"Go to Hell," Matthias spat at him.
"Trust me, I want to."
He grabbed Matthias' neck and killed him with a smile.
(Scene Change) Mallory is sitting in the carriage. Above her, an immense white flash mixed with flames erupts from the building above her. People in the street cry out in fear and shock, running away from the building. Mallory jumps up from her seat, staring up in horror.
(Scene Change) Matthias looks at Sam, utterly confused.
"Qui est-vous?"
"Uhh..." Sam fumbled. "vous... parlez anglais?"
"Yes. Who are you?" he asked again.
"My name's Sam. What's yours?"
"... Matthias"
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A Broken World [Rewrite]
In a world of floating islands of stone in the sky, where rivers flow through the air and defy gravity from one island to another, and ancient ruins can be found containing wonders beyond what can be produced by the lands current inhabitants- a millenia long war rages. In the distant past, beyond recorded history, when the crown of humanity's glory, the city of Uri, had stood whole against the enroaching demon swarms- even as hope seemed lost, a band of heroes, against all odds, managed to steal powerful magical knowledge from the demons. With the demon's forbidden knowledge, in the heart of Uri a new ritual was made. Called, "The Millenial Summoning," the ritual had the power to call a being from another world that would have the power to change the world forever. The first being summoned became known as "The Speaker," and he brought the power of the Gods to the world. With the blessings and power of the new priests, the unstoppable demon hordes were finally halted. A thousand years later, the ritual was used again and "The First Sorceress" was brought to the world. She brought the knowledge of advanced magics, and techniques to find and refine magical talent. With the magic power now added to the battlefield, the stalemate was broken. And for the first time, the demons were pushed back. Another thousand years later, and all of humanites hope for a final victory were dashed. Traitors slew the ritual's participants and took their places, and humanity quaked as The Demon King stepped into the world. His name, his nature, where he came from none of these are known, but what is known is his overwhelming power and his brilliant strategic leadership of the formerly formless hordes. Still, despite their position being even more dire than it has ever been since history has been recorded, humanity held on for another thousand years. Aided, thankfully, by The Demon King not taking the field after the first few years and battles. Now, the ritual is being cast again and a new hero is being summoned. In our world, after nearly three decades of study and hard work, Lucas Jaeger is making his dreams come true. With a double doctorate in both genetics and microbiology, as well as an associates degree in accounting, he has finally, after nearly driving himself mad from stress and sick from overwork, been able to put to together a presentation and ask for a business loan. His long time dream, earned by his own blood and sweat, to start his own commercial genetic company is finally coming to fruition. Lucas's car never left the banks parking lot and Lucas was never seen again in our world. This is a rewrite of "A Broken World." It is basically the same story, just a thousand times better and with decent length chapters!
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