《These Reborn NEETs with Rerolled Cheat Builds are Stealing my Limelight!》Chapter 2: A Fate Worse than Death


Summon. Kill. Repeat ad nauseum.

That was the average routine for a magician with the power to summon champions. What they were seeking to gain through this gruesome process was exactly what you would expect, a strong champion.

Otherworlders actually possessed no innate advantages that made them stronger than the native inhabitants. The only virtue of summoning otherworlders was in the sheer volume of viable heroes one could screen through. Summon a hero, analyze their constitution, and bring them into your kingdom only when they showed the most lucrative of potentials. If their potential was meager, well…

Katsuro had just experienced that scenario.

“THEY’RE RUNNING A FUCKING GACHA?!?”1, you could almost hear Katsuro’s inner NEET scream from beyond death.

Keep the winners, and throw away the losers. It was a tried and true method that presented itself in any game of luck. The number of summoned heroes who disproportionately develop S-tier abilities was a testament to its effectiveness. For the poor individuals that were killed, they would simply re-enter the normal cycle of rebirth and be cleansed of all their memories. In a cruel way, killing those with poor potentials could be considered an act of mercy.

However, there was an oversight in this game of rerolls...

Katsuro was not summoned here by chance, but by an intricate Isekai set-up of his own creation. Not only was his soul not losing its memories, it seemed it was being thrown into the fray once more.

“I hear the yearning of your heart, my child… ”

For every reroll that occured, Katsuro would experience the pain of one death.

If the beckoning voice told him that the average kingdom kept 1 out of 5000 summoned champions, would he still be so eager to be reborn?


1 Gacha games are a type of game popular in the east. In Gacha games, players get their characters through “rolls”, which only have a chance of being what they want. For example, a Gacha game can have a 0.6% to roll a “god character” while the rest of the rolls could be useless ‘fodder’ characters.

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