《Wolf King: Love That Transcends Worlds》One Last Dance


Four hours have passed since Merala and Sin had arrived at Phoenix Cry City. Merala had awoken and was spending time with Sirius. "Father, how is husband's condition?"

"This little bastard had discarded all defense. Had he a little bit of a brain up in his house, he could've been fully recovered by mine, and your mother's clan elders. We can at most take away the threat to his life, but to truly recover. A trip to the capital city is needed."

Disgust flashes in and out of Meralas eyes. "The capital city is occupied by the Vermilion Bird Clan. If my husband were to go, that bitch and her daughter will do anything to get back at you and mother. It wouldn't surprise me if both those sluts tried to devour my husband."

Shaking his head in frustration, Sirius tries his best to pacify Merala. "Truth be told the travel can wait another 2 or 3 weeks. After my death, the Wolf God Clan is going to be in an uproar. The 20 elders present already approve of Sin. However, those other fucks do not, their ambition might destroy the clan if Sin does not take appropriate measures."

Patting Merala on the head, like he always had during her childhood. "Do not be angry towards the Vermilion Bird Clan. The Phoenix Heart Clan, and Vermilion Bird Clan have always been allies of my Wolf God Clan. We may have been kicked out of the capital city, but that does not mean our friendship has grown thin. You'll have to do your absolute best baby girl. Ariya's daughter Reiya, will definitely fight for Sins love, to make up for what her mom lost previously."

Pouting like a spoiled child "Hmph that nympho and little slut can forget it. Unlike Reiya, husband has already warmed up towards me. She'll at most be good as a mistress to watch on when husband becomes a legend in this world."

Pinching Meralas cheeks lovingly "Let's go find your mother, Kirala said she was making your favorites for supper tonight."

Merala instantly cheers up running out of the room. After a couple seconds, she runs back in and kisses Sins forehead before leaving again. Happily shouting aloud "Mother, I want more Scallops than father!"

Smiling to himself, Sirius looks at Sin thinking to himself. "My daughter is in your hands now my boy, I leave the clan and my cubs in your hands. I wish I could live a little bit longer, it would have been nice to bring Kirala and Merala to Earth with me."

Sirius arrives at the dinner table, taking his place sitting beside Kirala. Merala had already been on her third plate of food. Seeing his daughter eat with such gusto, a prideful smile appears on Sirius's face. "Eat slowly and savour the food my girl, you'll taste more of the flavours your mother put into her dishes."

Kirala kicks Sirius's foot under the table, flashing a coy smile to Sirius. Merala had been too busy diving into the feast spread out on the table to notice. Looking over to his wife, Kirala had been eating a sausage in a provocative way. Her intention was clear, Sirius looked away somehow at that point in time, something on the roof seemed to be especially interesting.

After Merala had devoured the majority of the food, she had run off to accompany the unconscious Sin. Kirala nuzzles up into Sirius's embrace. "Hubby, do you have any regrets in this world?" Tears fall through Kiralas choked words.


Running his hand lovingly through Kiralas hair. "Only a minor one, but that's not something I will die regretting. You've healed my heart, and even given me the wonderful blessing of such a beautiful daughter. What could I possibly regret?"

Looking up into Sirius's eyes "Hubby, do you think Sin will recover? Merala has already decided Sin as her husband. If she lost both her husband and father, she would be truly heart broken."

"Of course he will recover, my boy is a monstrous existence in any world or galaxy out there. Even more so now, Sin has changed and become a new man. From another man's point of view, he had rid himself of the scars he was holding within his heart. I had rushed back in time to see the death of Alarune, If it weren't for Meralas cries. Sin really might have let himself die to kill his opponent."

"Hubby, can you take me out to see the stars with you one last time? You said one day you would point out to me your parents in the night sky."

Smiling lovingly "Of course my queen, anything to make you happy. Sirius picks Kirala up in a princess carry, bringing a shocked gasp, followed by affectionate laughter. "Come on my beautiful queen, the starry sky is waiting for us."


After trekking up the mountains for a half hour, Sirius was starting to wheeze and exhaust himself. Kirala worriedly tells Sirius "Hubby, this spot is good. It is a good clear view of the stars."

Despite knowing his own condition, Sirius is ashamed of himself. "Not yet, we have yet to reach the top. My queen deserves the best views, not something half-assed." Sirius continues his hike up the mountain. Finally after another hour, and reaching their destination. Sirius had fallen flat on his ass, covered in sweat from head to toe. "Now this is the beauty that is worthy to grace my queen's presence."

Kirala and Sirius lay down on the grass beside one another, clasping hands with each other. Sirius raises Kiralas hand to his face, lovingly kisses the back of her hand. "In my world, we used to hold special events when two lovers became unified for life in marriage. However, none of those people who can attest to it are here in this world. But we have the stars in the sky to attest for us, and also my parents."

Sirius pulls out a little box from his pocket "A woman like you deserves so much better. I caused you so much heartache back then, and even now I will only cause you more heartache. I hope this is enough to make up for my actions back then."

Sirius opens the lid of the box, revealing a ring with an Amethyst embedded into it. "This is the last thing that I will be able to give you my queen, purple has always been your favorite colour. Holding Kiralas right hand in his, Sirius gently places the ring onto Kiralas ring finger. "Back on earth, this is what it means when a man has decided to choose the women he will stay with for the rest of his life."

Kirala looks at the ring on her finger with tears of joy. "Hubby, this is so beautiful! Where did you get something like this?"

Kissing Kirala on the lips. Sirius smiles "I made it for you, I am sorry I'm not a craftsman or anything of the sorts. If I were, it would've turned out even more beautiful for my queen."


Shaking her head "Foolish hubby. No matter what it is, if you put your heart and love into it. It will always be beautiful, not because of luxury. But because of the time one pours all their passion and love into it."

Kirala rubs the ring gently with appreciation. "Does this mean you will also be my guardian star with this ring?"

"Indeed I will be, when a loved one dies. They become stars in the sky, they watch you and guide you throughout life." Pointing up at the stars in the sky. "The one on the right is my mother, she was a tailor. She always took pride in keeping her man well dressed. The one on the left is my father, he was the Commander of an army 350,000 strong. He protected all lives equally, nobility or peasant. To him every life was precious, he was a man who died protecting his comrades."

Listening to Sirius and watching where he points in the sky. Kirala is stunned, two projections of both stars look towards Kirala and Sirius from in the sky. Smiling sweetly the women uses her hand to guide the various stars in the sky "Thank you for the beautiful granddaughter" The women's figure disappears, as the man uses his hand to guide the various stars in the sky. "I am proud of you, my son. Thank you for the beautiful granddaughter." The man's figure disappears from the sky.

Kirala wipes the back of her neck, looking at her dampened hand. Sirius had started crying the moment he saw the smile he had missed for so long. "Your parents are lovely people, I wish time could be reversed so I could meet them."

Wiping the tears from his eyes. "They were the most caring, in times of war when there was hardly any food to go around. Both of them would always starve themselves to make sure I was fed."

Sirius wraps his arms around Kiralas waist, whispering into her ears. "Before I die, I would like to dance with you under the night sky while I still have some strength left in me."

Helping Sirius up, Kirala wraps her arms around Sirius's neck. Sirius wraps his arms around Kiralas waist, with each step and each twirl, Sirius had spun his love into Kirala. A man's true desire is to find a woman he can love with all his heart. In any world, loneliness is a curse that drives humans crazy. For all desire companionship, to share laughter, love, and happiness, with the one that eradicates the darkness in their world.

Each second passes, as both enjoy the company of their lover. Wishing to continue, Sirius simply couldn't keep up anymore. "Thank you for the dance hubby, who would've known you can control the battlefield just as good you do your women's movements." Kirala playfully taunts Sirius.

"There is no shame in a man being able to dance my queen. After all who is the one that couldn't stop the smile from hanging on her face?"

Blood starts to roll from Sirius's eyes, as his black hair turns white falling on the grass and withering away. Sighing in sadness Sirius's voice carries pain. "My queen, it would seem your husband's time is coming to an end."

Hugging Kirala tightly into his embrace, kissing her on the lips one last time. "Be strong for yourself and Merala, I don't want to be the piece of shit husband and father who leaves his family. But I truly cannot fight this curse off anymore."

Smiling one last time, flames erupt around Sirius's body. A totem of a wolf shoots out of his body, raising its head and howling into the sky one last time. Before erupting into flames and withering away.

All the clan members of the Wolf God Clan in Phoenix Cry City, had heard the sorrowful howl of their Wolf King as he leaves this world. As a father, a husband, and man everyone respected. Every member of the Wolf God Clan lets out a piercing "AWOOOOOOOOOOO!" into the night sky, as many mourn the loss of their Wolf King.

Kiralas cries enter empty ears, as the body of Sirius she had been holding turned into ash, floating amongst the wind into the surrounding earth. Tears roll from Kiralas eyes like the opened floodgates of a dam. Looking up into the sky, a new star had taken its place comfortably above Phoenix Cry City. Looking at it, Kirala wipes her tears away as she sees the smile of her beloved Husband in the night sky.

"Thank you for everything my husband, thank you for making me a mother. Thank you for loving me, thank you for being the father of our beautiful daughter." Kirala lets her body fall onto the grass below her, comfortably laying in the remnant ashes. The warm embrace of her hubby, hugs her as the chilly night wind blows unforgivingly.


Before Sirius's soul had completely dissipated, he had transferred it into Meralas dream. Sirius had called out "Merala sweet heart, come and see father for the last time."

Merala had coming around the corner cheerily "Papa! I want to go to the capital city, eat lots of yummy food and go on many rides." A five year old Merala ran into Sirous's embrace.

Picking his daughter up and spinning her around in circles. "Okay sweetheart, we shall go on every ride there is." Sirius lifts Merala up onto his shoulders. "Hang on tight to papa, we'll be there in a jiffy."

Running full speed ahead from Phoenix Cry City, all the way to the central city. Merala had been laughing the entire time "Papa I want to eat scallops the way you cook them for supper tonight!"

Smiling lovingly "Okay my little princess, papa will buy the most delicious scallops for you tonight after our day at the fair."

After 45 minutes of constant running, Sirius and Merala arrived at the central city. Arriving outside of the gates for the fair. Sirius raises 2 fingers in the air "Two full day passes please ma'am."

"Of course sir, I hope you and your daughter enjoy your day here." A fair attendant had smiled back at Sirius passing him two tickets. After seeing Meralas bright eyes, the attendant had bent down. "Well aren't you just the cutest little thing?" Pulling out a lollipop from her pocket, the attendant smiles "This is for you little one."

Grabbing the lollipop happily Merala thanked the attendant, before sticking it into her mouth and running back to Sirius. Raising both arms up expectantly "Papa I want to ride on your shoulders!"

Picking Merala up and placing her on his shoulders again. Sirius asks lovingly "Do you want a snack first, or go on rides?"

"The merry go round!" Merala shouts aloud pointing towards the ride. Before going onto the ride, Sirius and Merala showed the Carney their passes.

Placing Merala on the biggest horse on the ride. "Hold on tight my princess. Father will be right beside you the whole time."

After the ride had ended, Merala shouts as she pointed towards the gravitron-3000 "Papa let's go on the spinny ride!" Merala runs off getting her place in line. Turning around and shouting "Papa hurry up before I ask an uncle to take me on the ride."

A joyful afternoon passes, after going on many rides, playing many games, and tasting all kinds of treats. An exhausted Merala is fast asleep on Sirius's back. Before leaving the capital city, Sirius bought many pounds of scallops.

Arriving back at Phoenix Cry City, Sirius puts Merala to sleep in her bed. "Father will have a yummy supper waiting for you when you wake up." Kissing her forehead, Sirius leaves the room arriving at the kitchen and starts preparing all of Meralas favourite foods.

One hour passed halfway through, Kirala had joined in cooking supper. After sharing an affectionate kiss, Merala had come running through the dining halls doors. "Papa I'm starving!"

Merala was already sitting at her spot excitedly, with a fork and knife in each hand slamming them down on the table. "Papa I want more scallops than you."

Bringing various dishes to the table. Sirius had placed an oversized bowl of food filled to the brim with scallops, peppers, bean sprouts, shredded carrots and noodles.

"Eat slowl-" Before having the chance to finish his sentence, Merala already had stuffed cheeks struggling to chew her food.

Looking over to Kirala, Sirius playfully teases "She's just like her mother, devours food without savoring the flavours."

Looking annoyed Kirala says back "Keep it up, and there won't be any sex tonight hubby."

Spitting out the drink from his mouth, Meralas attention was inevitably caught. "Papa you should drink slower or you'll choke on it."

Kirala laughs mockingly "That's right hubby, you should drink slower."

Later that night after supper, and taking Merala out to play and run off her energy. Sirius bathed Merala, and told her the bedtime story, Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs.

Merala had fought sleep for more than a hour, so she could listen to the bedtime story. However, as inevitable as it is. Merala was tuckered out from all the rides earlier on, and the playing after supper.

Kissing Merala on the forehead, Sirius smiles one last time. "Goodbye my beautiful daughter, papa will always watch over you from up high in heaven."

Sirous's remaining soul had completely vanished from the world.


Meanwhile back in the capital city, the soul stone of the Wolf King shattered. Causing a massive commotion in the capital city's royal families. Many had gathered for emergency meetings, some were joyous over Sirius's passing. While many were sad, as a respectable Grand Warrior, and a good ally to their clans.

The Vermilion Bird Clan had mourned the most, mainly Ariya the matriarch of her generation. "Sirius you will be missed dearly, I may not have gained your heart and your love. But I have always loved you since back then, not one man had touched me since." Tears fall from Ariya's eyes, as she recalls all the memories of the young Sirius. Fighting to protect her life, when she had nearly been assassinated by the Demon Alarune.

"If only I were stronger back then, you wouldn't have had to suffer such grievous injuries. Nor would the Wolf God Clan be kicked out of the capital city."

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