《Wolf King: Love That Transcends Worlds》Released Scars Of The Heart


8 Bloody hours pass as Sin leads 2,500 fighters through 60 encampment. Claiming the lives of 35,768 bandits, 22,329 Beast Men and 25 Demons of lower class. During the raids Sin had tried his best to protect the lives of his fighters, in the end 50 had sacrificed themselves to protect a fellow comrade in arms. Every death was a pang in Sins heart, these were fighters lives that were his responsibility. These fighters were husbands, wives, sons, daughters. Grinding his teeth looking at the 50 lifeless bodies in front of him, Sin balls his hands into fists powerlessly.

"I want all 50 of these fighters to be brought back to Phoenix Heart City. Every man and woman is to be given proper burial. Regardless of clan, the families that are grieving can freely come to find me. I will pay each family 10 years worth of salary, for as long as I am alive. These torn apart families can at least live at ease!"

A member of the logistics department writes down the compensation, along with the names of the brave men and women who had died. "It shall be done Grand Warrior Sin." The logistics members bow in respect, thanking Sin for his sincerity, and care towards the families.

Remembering the words Sirius had spoken to him. Sin recollects himself silently swearing to himself "No matter how strong I have become so far, I am still not strong enough to stop sacrifices amongst the fighters bestowed to me. I am not yet worthy enough of their respect!"

Looking north where Sirius and Alarunes battleground is taking place. From over 25 miles away, Sin can feel the violent energy fluctuations. The clouds torn apart in the sky, and the fighting intent of two warriors.

"I want the fastest person to follow me for a trip. The rest of you take ease as you return to Phoenix Heart City. Tell whoever is in charge, under my orders your unit is not to be bothered for 4 hours. During this time you may all eat, relax or sleep. You all have earned it!"

Moments later a man in his thirties steps forward to represent the unit. "Grand Warrior Sin, I am known as Graham, without any form of arrogance if I am to say I am second, none would dare say they were first in speed."

Looking Graham up and down, "We shall see when push comes to shove, whether you can live up to your claim or not. We have a maximum of 30 minutes to travel 25 miles, if you aren't getting cold feet by all means I'd like the company."

A look of seriousness appears on Graham's face. "Not to worry Grand Warrior Sin, this man might becoming older, but I am still as rambunctious as a toddler full of piss and vinegar!"

"Very well time is wasting, every second counts Graham. I am not looking down on you by any means, if you happen to tire out you can connect your Mana with mine."

"There's no need for that Grand Warrior Sin." Graham replies back respectfully.

Taking the lead Sin empowers his body with his Mana, wherever he goes a cyan blur is followed by a crimson blur. Along the way, both men leave any Bandit and Beast Men alive for the sake of meeting the time limit. After 24 minutes Sin and Graham, reach the boundary of Sirius's and Alarunes battlefield.

Looking Graham in the eyes "Wait out here, find some high place to cover your body. Hide your aura within your body, lest you want an un-welcomed welcoming party."


Before Graham could answer, Sin had already been an afterimage in his original place. Feeling the weak Mana of Sirius, Sin had increased his speed to 4x what he and Graham had been travelling at. Shocking the man in disbelief, Graham takes heed of Sins words.


At Sirius and Alarunes battlefield, Sirius is quickly reaching exhaustion. Every sequence taken is a risk of life and death, aura weakening and having a harder time breathing as the seconds pass. Despite him willing his body to follow his orders, Sirius's body is quickly wrung dry fighting with 100% from the beginning.

Noticing the changes Alarune speaks for the first time since their fight started. "Wolf King Sirius, I must say this has turned out to be quite the disappointment. Though you cannot help it, as a warrior I am not pleased by the results of our fight so far. I have barely touched 30% of my full power, if this were you back in your youth. I would be lying if I didn't say I'd be half across the gates of death already."

Staring coldly at Alarune "Well what did you expect of me. Pointing at the hourglass on his chest's left side, it would appear your little 'friend' is making me a pathetic excuse of a warrior."

"Indeed it is, so now I have no chance but to end your life. You died fighting your hardest for so long already, you should already be proud of keeping up with me so far!"

Unleashing a frightening amount of Mana, Alarunes aura explodes creating a totem of a six-armed Asura with 1 Sword in each hand.

Looking at the totem behind Alarune, Sirius frowns in displeasure "This stupid bitch has surpassed me when I was at my peak."

Calming himself and using the remaining power left in his body. A 100 meter totem of a Black-Red Wolf rises hanging in the sky behind Sirius. The moment Sirius had released his totem, Alarune had already rushed towards him.

Just as Alarune and Sirius were about to clash, a figure had arrived in the middle of the clash. Slashing his Sword and Saber out, sending both Alarune and Sirius skidding backwards.

Turning his back to Alarune, Sin stares Sirius down. "I thought I told you i'd kick your mother fucking ass unconscious if need be?" Walking towards Sirius, Sin unleashes his Mana suppressing the exhausted Sirius to his knees. "Why don't you be a good old wolf now, and spend the rest of your life with your wife and daughter?"

Defenseless against the Sin who's not holding anything back at all. Sirius is knocked out unconscious, bending down on one knee and hefting the man's body over his shoulder. Sin looks back in Alarunes direction. "I will be back in a moment."

Slashing his hand down a tear in space appears. Hopping through it Sin appears in front of Graham. "Listen well Graham, you are to take the unconscious Wolf King back to Phoenix Heart City. Bring him to Kirala, and tell him I am taking matters here into my hands!"

Sin passes Sirius's body over to Graham. Once again slashes his hand down, hopping through the tear in space. Sin appears in front of Alarune, "You are my prey now." Unsheathing his Sword Sin disappears using [Void Steps] appearing behind Alarune, followed up with [Illusionary Sword]

Placing her Sword behind her horizontally on a 45 degree angle, Alarune effortlessly blocks Sins attack taking one step back. Twisting her wrist Alarune slashes her Sword down at Sin, sliding through the space between her legs. Sin swipes his Sword across Alarunes achilles heel, bringing bright sparks as no damage is left on her war grieves.


Rolling over avoiding the strike that would have impaled him to the ground, Sin flips his body up into the air. Spinning his body 180 degrees Sin pierces his Sword towards Alarunes neck, effortlessly bringing her Sword up to block the attack. Somersaulting using the rebound force planting his feet onto Alarunes Sword, using all the weight in his body Sin stomps down on the Sword making it pierce through the ground.

[Midnight Glory] enshrouds Sins fist as he punches both hands out aiming to smash Alarunes temple between his fists. Just as they were about to meet their target, Alarunes hands had flashed in break neck speed stopping his fists with palms open.

"Well aren't you just a ferocious wolf cub? Those flames could definitely burn me to a crisp if I were careless. Sadly unlike you who has the majority of his power being suppressed by foreign objects, I can use all of my power in whatever way I like such as this."

A black globe surrounds Sins body with vast amounts of spatial tears within, just as Sin was about to defend himself. Six blinding Sword Lights cuts into Sins body like a hot knife through butter. Raising her hand and crushing it closed in midair, the spatial tear holding Sins body within compresses.


Bone shattering sounds echo throughout the valley, Sins body drops to the ground in a pool of his own blood. Gnashing his teeth, fighting through the pain of having multiple bones shattered. Sin weakly raises himself.

"Oh dear you are not a one trick pony are you? I have only shown you a fraction of what I can do, and look at you struggling already. What a mood killer"

Alarune stomps down on the back of Sins head burying it into the earth. "A little cub like you dares to appear out of butt fuck nowhere, disappears with my prey and dares to replace him with this meager amount of strength? FUCKING RIDICULOUS!"

Alarune increases the force of her foot crushing Sins head into the earth, dust and gravel rise from the ground as a 5 meter deep whole is left in place.

Grabbing Sin by the back of the hair and raising him in front of herself, Alarune punches out multiple times each followed by loud "KRACHAKS"

"Pitiful, you walk in here acting all hot shit. Yet you're nothing more than a side bitch compared to a real warrior like Sirius!" Letting go of Sins body as if it were a corpse.

"My power coincides with bringing the scars in one's heart to the surface. Well I hope you don't mind, let's see what you have holding back your full power."

Sending a portion of her Mana into Sins body. Guiding it towards his heart, Alarune activates her [Heart Murdering Curse] Various images and events float to Sins mind. Starting from the time he was a young child, he had been treated as an outcast by everyone around him. Because he was different from the other children, they had all bullied him.

A young Sabrina had stepped in front of Sin, spreading her arms open in front of the bullies. Despite the fear in her innocent heart, Sabrina stands in front protecting Sin from the bullies"Do you think you're tough picking on Sin in a group?"

The other kids start laughing in hysterics, then that 'clip' in his mind shatters. Moving onto the next one, before Sin was about to leave the country as the Blood Dragon Mercenary Teams Leader. Sabrina had arrived with tears in her eyes "Sin don't go yet I have something to give you!" Sabrina pulls out a necklace with a picture of her smiling inside of it. "This is for you, I don't know what it is you have to do, but it is bound to be dangerous. Hopefully with this you will find the strength to continue on!"

Transitioning from various scenes, memories, and unforgettable images. One in particular arises stabbing into Sins very being. Sabrina had been in bed making love with another man, the man vulgarly shouts "You stupid little slut, how could that fucking merc ever compare to me! I can fuck you whenever and where ever, bringing you to orgasm multiple times. And yet you dare to say you love him in front of me?"

A resounding "SLAP" is heard, leaving a red palm print on Sabrina's right cheek. "A stupid little girl like you actually made me dirty my own hand, how disgusting."

The next scene moves to Sabrina being out with her friends. "Sabrina, when will you tell Sin to stop bothering wasting his time on you? He gives you the world, and yet you don't return his love. Isn't it unfair to him?"

Talking back to her friends "It's not like I asked him to fall in love with me. And even if I did give him my love, he's just a merc who travels from battlefield to battlefield. He's bound to die one of these days, I do not want to be made a widow with a fatherless child."

Tears drop from Sins eyes, internally howling "I gave you the world! I gave you my heart, but I was never good enough for you! You couldn't care less about me, no matter how hard I tried to show you my love. You took me into your hands, crumpled me up and threw me away!"

"Hoh, well aren't you an admirable human? Loving a woman so much to the point she was the only one keeping you alive during your mercenary times. But she had taken it for granted, and not only that she looks down on you as if you were trash. Oh how I wonder, how you could continue loving someone like that. Well whatever it's none of my business anyways."

Stabbing her Sword down through Sins right shoulder, ripping her Sword out and repeating the process with his left shoulder. Kicking Sins body away like trash in the street. "I've lost my interest here, I'd rather be having more fun killing those innocent and weak humans, you and Sirius wish to protect so much."


Sin lays lifelessly on his back staring up at the sky. Tears stained his face, he had always loved Sabrina more than anything in the world. He had found his soul mate, while they were never meant to be in this lifetime. The heart is a stubborn thing, making Sin suffer much sadness never being able to receive the love he had given out. Thus is how the world works, making a joke out of people for shits and giggles.

Weakly reaching his hand towards the necklace hanging around his neck, Sin opens it up looking at the picture of Sabrina smiling for one last time. "All this time, I had been stubborn in loving you. Now I am who knows how far away, and yet my heart still longs for you. We both knew it would always end this way."

"My love for you is one that transcends worlds. While I can pointlessly love you, this whole time I had been holding myself back. There's no point in being a fool any longer." A smile appears on Sins face. "This is goodbye my lover, I hope you'll find a man who treats you well."

Ripping the necklace from his neck with the remaining strength he can muster. A raging inferno of Cyan-Black flames wrap around Sins body. As Alarune was dishearteningly leaving from a disappointing battle. Time seemed to come to a grinding halt, turning around to look behind her. Alarune is stricken with shock to see Sin standing again, what was bizarre to her, all the wounds on his body were healing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

A weak voice from out of nowhere sounds beside Alarunes ears "You really shouldn't have brought a man's scars to the surface, you may very well just regret giving a man reason to discard his weakness."

Slashing out her Sword in multiple attempts, but failing to gain any results of an pointless endeavor. Alarune is shook up, "How could I miss the presence of someone approaching me. But at the same time not existing, this doesn't make any sense!"

Fear begins to blossom within Alarune, "Monster, he's a goddamn monster! He was practically dead just moments ago, and now he's risen from the fucking grave as if a reborn phoenix. The pressure he radiates now is stifling, all the cells in my body are screaming danger!"

Raising his Sword placing it across both his shoulders. "I must thank you, within despair there is always a light at the end of the road. Not only had you ripped my scars open, you had given me a way to finally release myself from my own doing."

Dashing forward Slashing his Sword down at a speed so fast, before Alarune could even react. Two deep gashes appear on Alarunes shoulders, with a pool of blood beneath her. Reacting just in time moving 1 centimeter to the left, Alarune avoids a fatal stab just missing her heart. Being shaken up from the inhumanly fast attacks from Sin. She had been launched into the air by sin, forming a lower case "l" with his body. With one hand on the ground supporting his parallel to ground body, Sin had kicked Alarune in the jaw sending her flying. Letting his body fall backwards to land on his feet, sin jumps from the ground appearing parallel behind her instantly, Sin puts Alarune into a choke hold from behind. Forcefully stopping their ascent with his Mana, Sin uses his back as a 'bomb' to blow up his Mana sending them streaking to the earth below at 375 kms/hr.

Just as they were about to smash into the earth from the sky, Sin had flipped his body standing on top of Alarunes back. Using it to cushion his fall, while a 70 meter long spider web forms on the ground. Shooting out the crater Sin yells down into the newly created crater.

"HEY! Are you still alive in there? How does it feel being fucked into the earth!?"

Alarunes aura explodes massively, feeling the rage coming from the uncharted depths of the earth, Sins face takes a sudden change. "Looks like you rocked the boat too hard this time dumb ass."

Alarune shoots out of the crater, landing 10 meters away from Sin. Wiping the blood off the side of her mouth with her thumb, "It felt great, I JUST love being fucked into the earth!"

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