《Wolf King: Love That Transcends Worlds》The King And The Horse


Having sent Merala out to get Kirala, Sirius picks up Sins unconscious body. Feeling an unimaginably searing heat from his body. Sirius struggles to keep hold of Sins body, while dealing with the sensation of his hands being burnt to a crisp.

"You're a monster amongst monsters my boy, I don't know what you did, nor do I care. All that I care about is you survive through this. No one else will be able to hold the fort, once my life comes to an end."

Kirala arrives on the scene huffing and puffing, oozing sweat from a long distance, high speed mad dash.

"Give me Grand Warrior Sin now. I will take him to the clan's sanctuary to stabilize his condition." Passing Sins unconscious body off to his wife.

Sirius says in a begging tone "Please take care of him, if he dies the Wolf God Clan may fail to continue existing."

"Your coming with me anyways husband, I believe I am due an explanation. I'm sure you were eventually going to tell me of your lifes force continued weakening?" Kirala asks clearly irked staring daggers with locked eyes on Sirius.


"At tat tat, no excuses we will properly discuss this after I have stabilized Sins condition."

Walking head down, following behind Kirala. Sirius kicks all the rocks along the road in anger. "Goddamn it, how did I get tasked dealing with such a frightening wife!"

30 minutes pass in the blink of an eye, rushing to the back mountains of Phoenix Cry City. Pushing her palm into an alcove In the rocks, an entrance shows itself with stone steps delving deeper into the mountain.

"What are you waiting for hubby, let's get a move on unless you no longer care about 'your boy'" Kirala states angrily.

"Well..... Honey you see the thing is, even though our clans are so closely connected. This is your Phoenix Heart Clans, Sacred Lands. I would be trespassing, and breaking a multitude of grave rules."

"Rules schmules, does it look like I give two fucks about them right now?"

"Not exactly" Sirius answers disheartened.

"Well, get your crippled old ass moving then!" Kirala yells back as she makes her way into the clans Sacred Lands.

Sighing in discontentment, Sirius stares up into the sky. "Why did you give me such a crazy bitch to deal with father!?" Punching the mountain before walking down the stone steps.

Kiralas mocking voice echoes upwards "Throwing a hissy fit isn't exactly helping you reach the Sacred Lands now is it?"

"Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr" Sirius growls quietly in anger

"I heard that old fuck!" Angelic laughter filled with lovingly mocking echoes out.

Finally after another 15 minutes, and behaving himself. Sirius and Kirala arrive at the clans' Sacred Land. Bringing Sins body onto the Altar, muttering many incantations as well as forming multiple layered hand incantations.

Sirius is in shock realizing what Kirala plans to do. Raising his voice with worry, and heart tearing pain Sirius yells out "Honey you mustn't so easily use your clans forbidden [Heart Peering Eyes]"

With each use of [Heart Peering Eyes] the Phoenix Matriarch loses 150 years of life, for peering into another's heart. Finding the root of all ailments without failure.

With a visibly weakened voice Kirala says to Sirius. "Listen here you old mutt, I don't need to be lectured by you. I on the other hand am only a 110 years old. Unlike you, I don't need others worrying about me dropping dead at any given second!"

"Now then, let's see what has caused so much damage to you."


Placing her right hand over top Sins heart, Kirala guides her Mana to run throughout his body. Upon reaching the heart, Kiralas Mana flows into it without disturbance, after entering Sins heart Kirala is given a fright from what she had glanced upon.

"Tsk tsk tsk. It's not nice to be spying on others girly." A mocking vicious voice is heard, as a doppelganger of Sin appears. Smiling cruelly at Kirala "For prying eyes that are not meant to see this, the price is your life."

Raging Black Flames burst out of Sins unconscious body, covering Kirala with the will to incinerate her into nothingness.

Springing into action, Sirius suppresses the Black Flames burning around Kiralas protective Mana.

Coughing up mouthfuls of blood and organs, multiple strands of withering white hair falls to the ground. Kirala weakly, but affectionately says "Thank you my husband."

In fright of what just happened. Sirius asks alarmed for Kiralas health "Just what happened in the short 10 seconds you were investigating Sins heart?"

Recalling the blood chilling events that just happened, as well as the monstrous entity she had seen. Cold sweat like a torrential downpour flows from Kirala. "Within Sins heart is hiding a vast amount of Primordial Chaos. Within that Primordial Chaos, are two huge ancient gates closed with chains."

"While I tried to investigate, I happened to see Sins body hovering above water radiating Black Flames. Similar to the ones that had almost killed me, and reported by the guards."

"It was then Sins eyes flashed open, pitch black and a crimson red hue radiating within. A cold and malicious voice that does not belong to Sin, nearly dispersed my soul afterwards. After that in defense I forcefully cancelled my [Heart Peering Eye] otherwise, my soul would've been crushed leaving my body as an empty husk."

Shocked beyond belief, Sirius disbelievingly asks "Are you sure? Sin is not the kind of man to attack his allies with the intent to kill."

Shaking her head, "That was not Sin. It would seem as though a 'separate' personality had control over his body inside of that realm."


Within the realm inside of Sins heart. Upon waking up and seeing the Black Flames surrounding his body. Sin curses in anger "Son of a bitch!"

It was then a mocking sound comes from behind him. "Yo, onii-san it has been a long time since you paid little ol' me a visit. What's with the cold shoulder shit man, aren't we supposed to be one and the same?"

"I mean come on, the last time you dropped in here was 6 years ago. And at that time you slit my fucking throat and stomped my head to pieces. That ain't exactly how you show love to family is it?"

Barking in overwhelming ferocity "Would you just shut the fuck up already!?"

Then a frightened girls voice innocently sounds out "Onii-chan how can you be so mean to me like that? It's been 6 years, I've truly missed you during our time apart."

Gnashing his teeth, Sin summons both Sword and Saber, stabbing both weapons into the water. activating [Black Flame Array] and [Flowing Light Array] instantly.

Before both could successfully be casted. A pure white hand like creamy jade clenches Sin by the throat, raising him high off the water below.

"Now now, don't be so feisty here pardner. In case you have forgotten this is my house! Those that wish to wreck it, better be ready to be wrecked in turn."


Tightening his hand around Sins throat, the figure with his free hand whales a multitude of blows into his opponents defenseless body. After 10 minutes of satisfyingly using Sin as a punching bag. The hand let's go dropping Sin from above. Before his body lands, a swallow kick lands on his face. Sending Sin flying hundreds of meters, leaving two great big waves parting as if welcoming Poseidon.

"Come on mother fucker! For 6 long years you've been the king, and I have been the horse. You cannot tell me you've forgotten about little ol Midnight Reaper, cooped up in this damnable bird cage for years." As he lazily points his thumb behind himself, in the direction towards the towering shackled gates.

"Ya know, all those times you visited those therapists. Didn't you just want to rip their throats apart, for saying something wrong is going on up in your house? I mean come on man, that's your partner in crime they're talking about!"

Hysterical laughter sounds out, followed by a fist full of anger rams itself into Sins chest "KERCHAK!" Sounds of shattering bone emit, as Sin is launched flying through the air from the force of the blow. Using the water beneath as a launch pad, doppelganger Sin appears behind the original. Both hands clenched together, acting like a hammer smashing into Sins back. Sending the man spiraling downwards into the water below, a giant 50 meter tall wave erupts. The might of the blow imaginable, as the damage it would cause the body.

"You said shit for dick, as you took the prescribed medication trying to erase me from existence. After all I guess family really can kill each other huh!?"

Grabbing Sins body from underneath the water by the foot. The doppelganger swings Sins body around like a rag doll, slamming into the water creating several 70+ meter waves.

"After all it was me who was there for you in your darkest times. When you got recruited into the Midnight Organization, becoming the highest ranked assassin."

Grabbing the Sword floating amidst the rumbling waves and slashing deeply into Sins body, followed by wails of pain.

"It was me who had been beside you, through thick and thin. Through life and death, I helped you earn all that money to provide for your family. When your younger sister died, who was it that stopped your mind from shattering into pieces!?"

Slashing, chopping, cutting, and stabbing Sin in multiple combinations.

"Who was it that kept you from dying, all those times you walked along the string of life and death. IT WAS ME GODDAMMIT!"

Sword Qi gathers igniting the Sword, becoming the brilliant blazing sun. Rising as it welcomes the dark cold world to the warmth it provides.

"Don't you remember all the times, both of us would recite [Moonlight Walks In The Park]"

[Lately been feelin

Like a demons on my back

Heart turned black like the abyss

Reminisce times of love

Crossed my heart and hope to die

Frost encases my heart

Lost souls wander the streets

Hollow shell is all that's left

Followed the inner darkness

My persona switched masks

Midnight came out

Reaper of the night

Snuffing out the last light

Your life within sight

Became the moonlight walks in the park

Where dark hearts roam.] (1)

"That was the very damn poetry, both of us would recite to hype ourselves up. After all it was the two of us, against hundreds, and thousands of enemies back in those days! Both of us could have easily disappeared from this world. Yet we protected each others lives. And this is the mother fucking treatment I get!?"

Slashing down the miniature sun in crazed rage. Just as it was about to cut down, and sever Sin completely in half. A bloody mangled mess of an arm, stretched out clasping the blade between his thumb, index, and middle fingers.

"You are right, through all those times. You were always standing by my side. When one of us became too injured or exhausted, the other would switch positions as one of us recovered."

"We were an unbeatable duo, If it wasn't for you appearing in my dreams improving the assassination techniques taught to me. I never would have improved so fast, and become the number one Assassin feared by all in the world."

Looking into the eyes of Midnight Reaper, without anymore hate, and no longer trying to shut the man out.

"I now realize I was in the wrong, It is just as you had said. If it weren't for you, my mind would have shattered back then. My body reactivated in self-defense, creating you. And then unknowingly we became partners, and brothers in arms on the battlefields. During our [Moonlight walks in the park] both of us recited our poetry. As men we can never wear our emotions on our sleeves, otherwise we would be mocked. However, as you and me are two people sharing one body. There is no shame in it, that we did not want each other to die. Because if I was irresponsible, biting off more than I could chew. You would die with me!"

Snapping the Sword in half with an unknown strength flowing through his body, Sin launches a strike of his own. Ripping through Reapers heart, with his hand exiting through his chest. Wrapping his arms around Reaper, hugging the man tightly.

"I will no longer disown you, you are me, and I am you. If it weren't for you, I never would have become the Blood Dragon Mercenary Team Leader. I wouldn't have gained such good brothers or sisters in arms, I never would have been given the strength to survive those times, I walked across the string of life and death."

Looking Sin in the eyes, a smile devoid of hatred and pent up toxic emotions is worn across Reapers face. "That's my good brother, just like those old times. Let me give you one important tip as your brother. Before I disappear and become apart of you for good."

"Sabrina did not truly die!"

First it was disbelief, happiness, then it transformed into tears of relief. As Sin is about to open his mouth asking how Midnight Reaper had known.

Reaper disappears into millions of particles of light, as if the heart in the middle of a storm. The millions of particles of light are absorbed into Sins body.

The chains surrounding the massive gates unshackled, and a vast amount of Primordial Chaos flows into Sins body, which will play a much bigger role later down the line of Sins rise to power to defend earth. And becoming a "TRUE" Wolf King.

Smiling to himself, with words meeting an empty world of water. Two vast gates now unchained, and freely flowing Primordial Chaos.

"Thank you brother, even through all these years I had locked you up. All my negative emotions, my pain, hatred and toxicity built up in my body. You had still managed to convert them into something as a gift. Waiting for the day when I would finally accept you as a part of myself, truly thank you!"

Raising his hand up to his head, "You're apart of me regardless of having a physical body or not inside my heart's space. We will forever fight our future battles, like the good old times back on Earth. We will create another legend in [Desolate Kingdom] and beyond. Putting the world into shivering fear, there will be no one else who can compare to us!"


After Sin had re-accepted the Midnight Reaper as a true part of himself. Outside of the heart realm, 1 full day had passed. Stunning both Sirius and Kirala on many instances, Sins aura would erupt out of control. Thankfully they had the protection of the Sacred Land below, without it the demonic aura that would occasionally burst out. Would have been a beacon in the dark world, for Demons curiosity to take a peek.

While Sin had been suppressed by the Midnight Reaper part of him, in and out of having his ass handed to him, and weakly fighting back. If Sin were truly killed in his hearts world, before he had accepted Midnight Reaper as a part of himself again. He truly would have died right then and there.

After both men had accepted each other, a terrifying Black-White flame had burst from Sins body like a pinata full of candy. During the initial fears of Kirala and Sirius, after digesting the shocking news she had provided to her husband. The Black-White flame had harmlessly wrapped itself around Sin, forming a beating Black-White cocoon.

After the Cocoon had formed shape, terrifyingly loud "BANGS" and "CRASHES" was heard emitting from Sins body. The archaic gates that had been unchained, and the following Primordial Chaos that transformed Sin both inside and outside of the heart world.

After opening his eyes, a series of logs await his vision. Checking the harvest of of logs before him, Sin is stunned by what they have in store for him.

[Congratulations! You have passed the trial Know Thy Self. Accepting the darkness inside of you, as a true being apart of you. Both have fused becoming one entity. All stats +10 points each, Physique +5 points, Comprehension +5 points]

[Congratulations! After bitter training for 2 months, infusing your Basic Sword and Basic Saber with your Qi and Mana. Both weapons have been upgraded to Soul Weapons, becoming apart of your very being. If broken, a portion of your soul will forever be destroyed and unable to be repaired. Evolution Requirements: 10,000 Souls of slain enemies. Current Soul Balance (0)]

[Congratulations! Midnight Reaper has upgraded Implosions effects. Combining your Qi and 1,000 Mana points, your bodies treasury is forcibly opened up for a duration of 3 minutes. Awakening slumbering potential with a reduced price. Negative effects: Weakness debuff for 3 days, Starvation on a cellular level, Emptied Qi through the bodies Meridians.]

[Congratulations! You have gained Basic Destruction Body. In this world, it takes overwhelming might to destroy all attacks. Disregarding all forms of defense, focusing purely on cutting all obstacles in your path down. Your Basic Destruction Body, can be leveled up to Intermediate Destruction Body. Condition: Destroy overwhelmingly powerful enemies!]

[Congratulations! You have awakened the Sacred Flame: Midnight Glory.]

[Congratulations! You have gained the Midnight Reaper Mask. Rank: Demigod. Effects: Increases the rank of Midnight Glory Sacred Flame by 1 tier, while Midnight Reaper Mask is equipped. Increases all Qi and Mana related skills of the Fire element by 25%]

[All Qi and Mana techniques related to the Fire element do 50% more damage.]

Clenching his fists, Sin swears his first oath in this world. "Thank you for all these gifts you have left me brother, we will slaughter all enemies in our path together. Carving bloody Midnight legends in this world!"

As if to answer Sins oath, both Merala and Sirius as witnesses to the oath. A Black-White masked incorporeal image of Midnight Reaper appears behind Sins back. Radiating a killing intent so intense, both Merala and Sirius are forced upon their knees. Before returning to Sins body, a corporeal voice carried by the wind current brought up by the killing intent, floats into Sirius' and Meralas ears.

"Protect my brother well, or your heads will roll!"

Unknowingly both Merala and Sirius trace a finger to their throats. Looking in utter disbelief at their fingers, traces of fresh blood cover their fingers. Unknowingly, their throats had a fresh cut oozing blood, as truth to the voice they thought was just their imagination.

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