《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Twenty one


Cheaine Dressiler, feeling quite pleased with herself, arrived back at her apartment exactly at the time she had told the family’s house keeper. Jean ne Pator met her at the main door, accepted her coat and hat and stowed them in an adjacent closet.

“Have the children arrived yet?” Cheaine asked.

“No Madam.”

“Any messages from my husband?”

“No Madam.”

She did not ask about any other possible calls, she doubted that there would be any. Certainly not from Lorena; only in the direst emergency would she call direct with the code they had arranged. They had also arranged other, less direct forms of communication. In her dressing room, Cheaine changed from her public dress to the relaxed family attire. She did not expect any visitors and would have the time to change if there happened to be an unexpected caller. Any such would first be screened through the buildings security complex. The occupant would then be contacted and had to approve the caller before they would be passed through. Cheaine had never considered the reasons for all this security.

Going to the message center, Cheaine checked her contacts and saw that her husband had linked. With a somewhat secretive smile, she returned the call. “Darling, I had a wonderful day! But it is still the best part of the day to hear your voice again!”

After a pause, Cheaine heard Rentap chuckle. “Wonderful to hear yours as well. Now how much is this going to cost me?”

“Oh don’t worry about that! You called me.” Came the laughing response. “Who are we having to entertain tonight?” Cheaine guessed at the reason her husband called.

“Very well, I will wait.” Rentap, was feeling better just talking to his wife. “Councillor De Markus is coming by. A social occasion. It will just be him, no one else.”

“A social occasion? Just him and no one else?”

Rentap could hear the questions that his wife could not ask, and felt a touch of guilt. He trusted his wife implicitly. “Yes, so just a small sideboard with a few drinks.”

“Very well, but I do need to discuss something with you, an option I took today.’

“An option?” The surprise was clear in Rentap’s voice. “Is it not too soon?”

“I don’t think so, Dinis is fifteen going on sixteen and it is time he started practising his manners properly and I think that you will find the girl a suitable subject.” While sexual relations were forbidden under the age of sixteen, and both sexes were closely monitored, the practice of using a lower class girl as a surrogate teacher without sex was not uncommon. This, of course, would be carefully monitored by the parents and, as well by the housekeeper. Sometimes, although rarely, the girl became the boy’s mistress when they both were of age.

“Very well, how long do we have the option?” Rentap was actually relieved to have something to occupy his mind other than the bombshell he had just been handed.


“A standard week, but we can discuss all the details when you get here.”

“I can barely wait.” Came the dry response.

“I am sure,” chuckled Cheaine in her turn. “Will you be on time tonight? And the Councillor?”

“I will be. The Councillor, the twentieth period.”

“Lovely, see you soon then.”

Ending the call, Cheaine went in search of the housekeeper. There was much to do before her husband returned from his office.


The seventeenth period had just passed when the chime sounded to announce the arrival of Rentap at home. Jean ne Pator met him and took his coat and hat. “Welcome home sir.”

“My wife and children?” Rentap asked with a nod of acknowledgement.

“The children are in their lounge, sir. The Mistress is in her study.”

“Thank you.” Rentap left to find his wife while Jean stowed the coat and hat.

Rentap knocked on the door to Cheaines study. It would have been impolite for him to just walk in.

“There you are dear.” She rose and went to her husband, kissing him on the cheek. Looking at him critically, she saw the unmistakable signs of strain on his face. “Not a good day?”

“No.” Rentap slumped into a chair.

Cheaine stared. This was so unlike her husband she was uncertain what to say. Opting for silence, she shut the door and sat at her desk.

“I had a visit from the police today,” He began.

Cheaine stared, her eyes wide in surprise. She waited for her husband to continue.

“One of them was a Grey.”

“A Grey?” Whispered Cheaine in spite of herself.

“Yes. There may be trouble.”

“But why? You haven’t done anything!” She stared at him. “Have you?”

Rentap gave a bark of a laugh. “Done anything? According to some, it seems that I have done a lot. I have dealt with the Empire. That is what I have done!”

“But, but what has that to do with anything?”

“These agitators, they are trouble makers and worse.” Rentap stood up and paced backwards and forwards. “They want to cause trouble for me and others who deal with the Empire. That is why the police were there. To warn me.”

“Warn you against what?” Cheaine asked quietly,

Rentap sighed. He knew that it would come to this. His wife was too intelligent. But it had to be done.

“I said that there may be trouble but it goes deeper than that. There may be violence.”

“What do you mean violence? Against who or what?”

“Against us, against me.” Rentap regarded his wife steadily. Then his shoulders slumped. “I really don’t know. The Grey warned me against a lot of things. These agitators have many contacts even some amongst the High Class who may actually be helping them. The police are getting ready to move against them and there could be a reaction. I don’t know.”


“Why would we, the High Class, help them?” Cheaine was astonished.

“Out of a misplaced sympathy, the Grey said.” Rentap gestured, showing his agitation. “It really doesn’t matter to me. The fact is some are betraying their class. Our class! I feel sympathy for those of the lower classes, but I help by employing them, educating them and giving them work so they can improve their status. Not getting them thrown in jail by encouraging them to violent agitation, that is not helping.”

A chime sounded. “It is time for dinner, my love. Let’s put this off for now. We can discuss it later, and I want you to look at this girl.” She smiled. “I think that you will like her and find her very suitable.” Slipping her arms around his neck in an unusual display of semi-public affection, she kissed him. “Let’s go eat. It’s Sezlu, your favorite!”

“You know me so well.” Rentap smiled. “I will need to put my homework away, but I won’t delay you long.” As he turned to his study, he stopped and caressed his wife’s cheek then left.


In the family dining room, Dinis and Kapat, their son and daughter, were already at their places at the table waiting. Jean, the housekeeper, was laying out the family meal. Both the children were eyeing the delicious soup, a rare delicacy due to the scarcity of some of the ingredients.

Both the children stood. “Hello mother,” they chimed together then sat back down.

“Father will be with us soon. He just has to put away some papers.” Cheaine informed them. “Jean?”

“Yes Madam?”

“I hope that you kept some for yourself?”

“A little Madam.” Jean gave a bow holding back a smile, appreciating the thought.

With a “Sorry to keep you waiting,” Rentap bustled in. The family all stood and bowed to each other then sat to their meal.

The meal was taken in silence. Sezlu was a rare treat for any family and tradition demanded that the dish be properly appreciated. Finally, they all finished. Jean, summoned from the kitchen, was congratulated as she cleared the table and brought delicacies for the after dinner ritual of a family round table. She again assured her mistress that she had some for herself. Rentap nodded in appreciation of his wife’s treatment of their housekeeper. After Jean left, the family sat back in contentment.

Dinis spoke first. After dinner, children did not have to wait for their parents to speak first.

“Mother, I have to ask, what’s up?”

“Why should anything be up, son?”

“Oh mother, how often do we have Sezlu, it’s a dead giveaway!” Kapat put in.

Rentap laughed. “Our children know you too well dear, you cannot hide it from them.”

“I do have news, I took an option today.” Their mother disclosed the surprise news.

“For me?” Dinis’s eyes lit up.

“Yes, if approved, you would be the recipient.”

“Now, just because you are almost sixteen, don’t get ideas son.” Rentap spoke in that quiet firm voice that commanded attention from both his son and daughter. “First I have to meet with the young girl and approve her. You also must understand the rules. If you break, or even bend any of them, I will be the one wielding the whip!” He smiled, it was a promise, not a happy one however.

“Yes father, there will be no rule breaking, I promise,” Dinis replied submissively.

Rentap eyed his son, he knew that tone and expression all too well.

“Now son, we were all young once and understand the pressures that exist,” Cheaine spoke with sympathy. “That is why you will have to be a guide, Kapat.”

Their daughter’s eyes lit up in turn. “I will be her mentor?” Kapat’s face broke with the same brilliant smile with which mirrored her mothers. “We have studied that in our classes for the last year.” She grinned at her brother and leaned across the table. “I will be watching you.”

“Now, now dear.” Her mother chided her. “Don’t forget, if the recipient fails, the mentor also is punished, and I will wield the whip in that case.”

The siblings looked at each other across the table. Punishment of the physical kind was rare in this household, very rare, but had happened, although it had not involved an actual whip. Neither wanted a repeat and nor did they want their parents to use a whip. Dinis, as the eldest spoke earnestly, “Don’t worry mother, father, we don’t want a whipping.”

“Good. Now your father and I have things to discuss and you need to do your chores.” Cheaine rose from her place. “Also we will have a guest visitor tonight.”

“Yes, mother.” Dinis spoke, still submissive, but with an undertone of excitement.

“Yes, mother.” Kapat was less restrained, and as well, she thought that she was less likely to be the recipient of any whipping.

Dinis picked up the remaining delicacies while Kapat picked up the glasses and plates on a tray. Their chores were now to clean the dishes and the kitchen. Not too onerous when using automatic cleaning equipment. Once done, they were free to go to their own lounge. Neither of the children asked who the guest was. If they were to be involved, they would have been told.

Rentap went to his study while Cheaine reminded Jean about the guest coming. She then made sure that the formal living room was clean and ready for their guest. Satisfied that all was in order Cheaine retired to her own study where she reviewed the day’s work until their guest arrived.

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