《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Sixteen


With a start, Cami sat up, confused at first in being in a strange room and bed. Looking at her comm she saw that it was still just the seventh period and she had plenty of time before she would leave with Nia and others on her first day. Cami decided that she would rise early and get ready before the others.

Lying in bed, she thought idly about the society she had been born into. Cami had wondered before why they people of Ti Lepus had split themselves up in the various classes the way that they had. Also, why were the Council of Ministers elected only by high status men? She had never discussed this, and other things she had wondered about, with anyone else as she was afraid that they would laugh and tell others. That would be bad and cost her and her family status.

That loss is what everyone feared. They all wanted to climb the ladder of their society and join the high status. Cami knew that the ‘sis’ in her name told everyone that she was a member of the lowest group of the servant class, the same way that the ‘ot’ in Nia’s name told Cami that Nia’s family was in the lowest level in the service class but that also meant that Nia had more status than Cami as the service class was ranked higher. ‘Who had decided all this?’ Cami wondered to herself. “And why was it so important at the time?’ She also remembered the people of the underclass that she had seen from the flyer. They obviously weren’t happy as the warning from her guardian had made clear.

Looking at the time on her comm which now read point five into the seventh period, she decided that she would rise, wash and go to the common room where the kitchen was and eat her first breakfast there. Quietly, so as not to disturb the girls that she was rooming with, she rose and slipped into the bathroom. By the start of the eight period she was walking down the corridor to the kitchen and combination dining room and common room. Apart from the staff, the room was empty.

“Ah, a new girl, couldn’t sleep, right?” The matronly cook behind the service counter smiled a good morning to a suddenly nonplused Cami, unused to being greeted this way.

“Yes, strange bed.” Cami managed.

“Off course, quite normal,” came the cheerful reply. “Let’s get you fed, trays are at the end.” A pointed finger showed where and Cami collected one and returned to the cook. “Now what’ll you have?”

At a loss, she had never eaten this way, Cami surveyed the choices in front of her. Picking items more or less at random, some because they looked familiar and asking what others were, Cami soon had what she hoped was a reasonable meal along with a pot of tea. Taking a seat near a window, Cami sat down to breakfast. ‘I wish father had explained about eating like this,’ she thought wistfully.

Eating quickly, the young girl took the tray, stacked with her dishes, apart from the pot of tea she had left at her table, to where the soiled dishes were left then returned to her seat. Several other girls had wandered in and been served, this included Nia and her other two roommates.

“Up early I see.” Nia nodded to Cami, as she took a seat opposite her at the same table. They chatted for a while, exchanging stories. Nia picked at her food and asked Cami where she came from. Surprised at the answer, Nia made the obvious remark, “That’s a long way away.”


“Yes, it is.”

“How did the club find you?” Nia ate as she talked.

Cami stared at the way the breakfast of sausages and bird eggs along with some vegetable roots was disappearing. It was a combination that Cami felt clashed with her own breakfast of cereals and the milk of a domesticated herbivore.

At Nia’s repeated question, Cami shook her head and answered. “I don’t know. Someone, I don’t know who must have told them about me. The counsellor at my old school said that she had received a request for an assessment of me some time earlier.” Cami shrugged, “That’s all I know.”

“Hmm.” Nia leant over the table, “That’s strange. Maybe it was a grey, keeping an eye on you/” She wagged her eyebrows up and down.

Cami didn’t smile but she gave the sort of look that a fourteen year old girl gives when someone is being silly and said so.

“Well it is strange.” Nia said in her defence.

Checking her time, Cami saw that it was almost halfway through the ninth period, she stood. “I must go and check everything that I need. I don’t want to make any mistakes on my first day.”

“Oh you will, but don’t worry, just don’t make them again on the second day. That could hurt you!” Nia gave her a look that, if it wasn’t a smile, was still somewhat comforting. Walking out, Cami saw that her other two roommates were eating their own breakfast, something that Cami was glad of. Getting ready was going to be ordeal enough.

In her room, she collected all that she was going to need. Some makeup, which she had never worn before; spare underwear and a spare top. She also had a cheap and somewhat gaudy hair band, an adornment that she had never worn before. What she was to wear in the club, was already there and waiting for her. A woman in the club would help her with her makeup and check her before she went out amongst the patrons.

Finally ready, she sat on her bed and checked the time. Deciding not to wait any longer, she stood up, raised her chin, squared her shoulders and left for the Trigon Club.


Arriving early Cami used her implant to let herself in through the side door that she had been shown yesterday. Going straight to the changing room, she went immediately to her assigned locker and started to undress when an unexpected “Hello Cami,” caused the young woman to jump. Turning around she saw another slender and good looking young woman wearing the skimpy lingerie that was the clubs ‘uniform’ watching her. Instinctively, she covered herself with her hands and the clothes she was holding.

“Dara is no longer your mentor. She got a contract last night.” The young woman stepped closer. “I am Lin ion Jun and your new mentor.”

“Oh,” at a loss Cami just stared at Lin.

“Yes,” Lin shrugged, “It happens, any of us can get a contract at any time.” Lin’s look turned speculative, “You didn’t wait for her this morning but left on your own. Why?”

Still disconcerted, Cami thought that it was best to just say the truth. “I wanted to get her early. I am used to doing things on my own, after all I am two years older than my sisters and my brother Tremma is two years older than me.” For some reason Cami found it easy to talk to Lin.

“A little independent are we,” Lin raised an eyebrow. “You will have to be careful with that, some of the high status women like to see that, others don’t” Lin turned business like. “Now hang your clothes up and I will show you around. You know where to put your key?” Cami nodded. Her implants would lock the plastic key into a special holder. This was done so that the management could, if necessary, get into any of the lockers. The code for the use of the personal implants was unbreakable, unless you knew the passwords. It was rumoured that the secret police had all the codes, but this had never been admitted, at least as far as Cami knew!


“Ok, let’s go get your uniform and see the madam who will show you what to do with your face.”

Cami stood exactly where she was. “I don’t have anything to wear.” She stuttered, trying to cover her nudity with her hands.

“All the other girls will be just the same when they arrive. You’ll see.” Lin turned back to Cami, her attractive face showing some sympathy. “You’ll just have to get used to it, after all in a period you’ll be out there with a dozen other girls and you’ll have to show yourself off,” Lin struck a poise, “just like me!”

Slowly dropping her hands, Cami began to move forward. Again her chin went up and she squared her shoulders. ‘If she can do it, so can I,’ ran through her mind as she followed Lin ion Jun to the artist who would do the makeup.


The Trigon club is actually two separate clubs; the one in the front, a café open to non-members while members had access to the real club through a discreetly placed, semi concealed door. There was also an area, called the viewing rooms, where the members could met and assess the young employees whose contracts were available for purchase. While part of the remainder was taken up by the kitchen and service area, the changing room for the young women and offices and staff room, about half of the entire club was devoted to semi private alcoves where the club members could meet. These ranged from alcoves for large groups for twenty or more as well as smaller groups down to small tables for just two people. It was to these last that Cami was assigned and there she received her first call to take an order.

“Stay calm and good contract.” From Lin sent her on her way to the booth that she had been called to. Squaring her shoulders, Cami put her chin up and went to her first client.


Approaching the table occupied by two elegantly dressed women, Cami first picked up the table comm used to process customers’ orders. “May I take your orders Madam,” she asked, composing her face as best as possible and trying to keep the nervous tension out of her voice as well as the tension causing rolling in her stomach.

“Tea, thank you,” the first woman replied without looking up. Cami could not help but admire her long sleeved light green top with a like coloured skirt reaching almost to her ankles.

“Yes madam,” Cami replied then asked, “Will the house blend be acceptable or does Madam wish to use her own blend?” The woman glanced up at Cami, fixing her with a direct stare, “Hmm, new girl I see, attractive and somewhat intelligent too. A delightful blend, but I already have a contract.” For a brief fraction, the woman continued to run her eyes over Cami before turning back to the menu and speaking again. “The house blend will be in order, just make certain it’s hot. The last one brought warm tea.”

“Yes madam,” Cami managed to say, she had stood frozen under the high class woman’s stare, but had managed to keep the icicle of anger that had stiffened her spin at the superior tone and nonchalant inspection the woman had given her followed by the condescending dismissal, inside herself and her face blank. Turning to the other woman, she asked. “And you Madam?”

The second woman gave a slight smile before replying, rather more kindly than the first, “I will have tea as well, the kitchen should have my custom blend, let me know if they don’t.” She then gave her name which Cami entered into the comm. “Bring the tea first and then we will order our meals.”

“Yes Madam.” Controlling her shaky legs due to the relaxation of tension by both completing her task along with controlling her emotions, Cami left to the kitchen pass through counter where she collected both teapots, the custom blend for the one customer was almost gone but enough was there for this pot, filled a tray with the correct cups, saucers and spoons for tea, and carefully returned to the table.

Placing the cups, saucers, tea and the rest of the necessary items onto the table under the calm scrutiny of the two high class women was another ordeal for Cami but she succeeded, including telling the one customer that her custom blend was finished.. Placing the lunch order into the comm was quickly done, both women ordered different salads and Cami returned to her station feeling more than a light headed from relief.


Appearing it seem from nowhere Camis’ mentor complimented her young charge, “Well done, the first is always the worst,” Lin ion Jun encouraged her as she met Cami on her return, “but you can’t relax yet, there is another table waiting for your attention.” Cami nodded, took a deep breath and headed to the next customer.


It was now just after the fifteenth period. Slumped on her seat in the private changing room occupied by the young contract women, Cami looked around at the others in there with her. They were all nude, semi-nude, changed or changing and she just didn’t care.

“So, how was your first day?” Still dressed in her costume, Lin ion Jun asked as she sat down beside Cami.

Letting out a sigh, Cami sat up and looked at the slightly older girl. “I’m not sure how you can do this.” She replied. “It’s just four periods and I am both hungry and exhausted. You, well you look just as fresh as you did earlier!”

“I have a bit more experience than you. You’ll get used to it.” Lin replied. A sudden silence caught their attention. Even dressed in the usual concealing style for Ti Lepus the manager of the Trigon Club was a figure of imposing authority. All watched without seeming to do so as she walked up to her newest girl.

“Cami, I see that you did well today.” The manager sat down in a vacant seat.

“Thank you Madam Manager.” Cami stood as she replied, eyes cast downward in proper fashion. The manager noted this with silent approval.

“Yes Cami, you did well. All food and drink delivered safely and nothing spilt.” A rare smiled appeared then disappeared. “Especially on the club members!” She turned to Lin. “You are the mentor for Cami?”

“I am, Madam Manager.”

“Good, get Cami changed and back to the virgin fortress.” She left, leaving behind a surprised huddle of girls who never suspected that she knew the nickname for the boarding house in which they all stayed.

Lin surprised Cami by letting out a small chuckle. “Let’s get dressed and leave.” She said. Half a period later, they were on their way back to the boarding house.

“You were a little clumsy, but that will come with experience. The drinks were fine, never skimp on the drinks that will get you more complaints than anything else. Work on improving your speed in delivery of orders.” There was more advice proffered and Cami listened carefully to her mentor.

“One thing I was wondering about.” Cami said. “I am supposed to be too young to be handling drinks with alcohol in them, won’t we all get into trouble?”

“Don’t worry about that.” Lin relied confidently. “All these clubs have an exemption on their licence. Just don’t sip at any of the drinks!”

“Oh no, I won’t do that.” Cami looked aghast at the idea. They continued to talk as they walked back to their rooms to eat.


A couple looking like any other sat in a café on the other side of the street. The man was dressed in dark, somber clothes, while the petite woman was wearing somewhat lighter clothing. Neither looked anyway out of the ordinary compared to any other citizen. The man’s eyes followed the pair as they walked down the street.

“That young woman, the new one, she could be the catalyst that brings death and destruction to the planet.”

“That little thing, are you sure?” The woman asked incredulously.

“Very sure.” The Dark Lord replied softly, His eyes still following the pair.


Back in her private place in the lodge, Cami stripped out of her best smock, putting it away carefully then laid down on her bed. Staring at the featureless ceiling she wondered about her the day she had just spent, especially her first customer. The anger was gone, dissolved in the weariness, both physical and mental, that the work in the trigon club had brought on. She was surprised by just how tired she was and this was just the first shift and she still had be in class at her school in a period and a half. What did I have tonight, she wondered idly, Oh yes history and math, my favorites, brought an unconscious roll of her eyes.

Raising from the bed with an inaudible sigh, Cami rummaged in the closet for one of the several school smocks that she had brought with her, there being no fixed uniform for these girls. Dressing, she gathered the necessary items that she would need for the scheduled classes, checking herself in the mirror, she made a quick stop in the bathroom then left for the common dining room.


The dining room was busy and after making her selection Cami stopped and looked around wondering where she was going to sit. At a second scan of the room, she noticed Lin ion Jun sitting at a table with another girl. Recognising the other girl as Nia ot Remma, Cami decided to join them.

Nia turned and nodded as Cami approached the table, Lin also nodded. This was about as much of a greeting as Cami expected and she returned the nods as she sat beside Nia who moved her supper to make room for Camis.

“So what do you think now about the high class ladies in our charming city.” Nia raised an eyebrow as Cami joined them. Lin didn’t react but seemed to be waiting to see how Cami replied.

Cami considered Nia’s question, she knew without any doubt that her answer was going to define how her coworkers viewed her.

“Not what I expected, Nia.” Cami replied, “They were both better and worse than I had imagined.” Moving the plates from her tray, she set the teapot to her right along with cup and saucer. “I mean that standing there as some of them looked me over was harder than I ever imagined it could be, but some were also very polite and kinda nice.”

“Yes, I was the same for me,” Nia replied, “I almost ran away the first day!”

Cami held her surprise off her face, Nia seemed so calm it didn’t seem possible that she would run like that, she decided to press, just a little.

“Has anyone done that Lin?” Cami asked the slightly older girl.

“Not that I ever saw, but I have only been there a few months so I can’t say.” Then changing from a sober to a slightly mischievous look, Lin leant forward, “But I have heard stories!”

The two younger girls exchanged a I knew it, look but didn’t ask any more, and they were all new in this relationship so to inquire further it could cost them status therefore they turned to a safer topic.

At the question of classes they were all to attend that evening, they quickly confirmed that Cami and Nia were in the same class, while Lin was in a advanced class. In what for Cami seemed to be a very short space of time, evening tide was done and she was walking to the school with Nia and her mentor. Some necessary information on their teachers as well as other students being given, discreetly of course.

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