《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Thirteen


Back at the small apartment, the relief that had accompanied the departure of the assessor was brief. Cami had changed and her two sisters were still a gaga over the costume that she had to wear.

“That was brave Cami,” Koral looked at her sister with new found respect. “I would have been too scared to make an appearance!”

“Well, you may yet, that assessor, he looked at you. Kinna too! He was interested.”

“No, we’re too young!” Koral protested, “Kinna, anyway.” Then with hope in her eyes, “You mean it?”

“I do, he was really interested, I could see it although he was really professional.”

Their mother appeared at the door, “Girls come out please,” wiped the smiles from their faces. A glint appeared in Camis eyes and her chin came up.

Both Koral and Kinna observing this, exchanged glances, raised eyebrows and flashed grins passed between them. ‘Dar had better be ready, father is not the one he needs to be scared of!’ ran through both girls minds.


Quickly gathered together in the common living area, all members of the family stood facing their parents.

“Dar, you should get a whipping. If it didn’t mean a trip to the local police station where it would be recorded as a public event, I would do just that. But that would impact on all our status. What do you have to say for yourself?” Jarmel spoke with that still voice that showed how angry he still was.

Shifting his feet and looking down at the worn but serviceable carpet, Dar considered his response. His options were few he realised. “Father I apologise, what I said was unforgivable.” He turned to his sister. “Cami, I apologise to you as well. I hope that nothing I said was taken as a reflection on you.”

Before Cami could reply, her father spoke again. “That’s good as far as it go’s, Master Krispus made it clear that his report will not be influenced by your uncontrolled outburst. So that is good, as far as it goes.”

“Yes father,” Dar was still being very humble.

“Father,” Cami spoke up, “may I address Dar?”

Jamel, surprised by the formal way in which Cami addressed him, threw a questioning look at his oldest daughter. Puzzled and somewhat concerned, he felt that he could not say no, so he acquiesced with a nod. Tremma drew in his breath slowly as Cami turned to her puzzled older brother. Kinna and Koral exchanged looks and nudges, ‘this should be good!’ ran through their minds. Yives was also worried and exchanged a concerned look with her husband but also felt that there was little she could say. Damma, the youngest just looked on, oblivious to the undercurrents running through the family.

Stepping closer to her brother, Cami smiled. Uncertainly Dar, also puzzled, smiled back. He was not prepared for what happened next when to the astonishment of everyone, Cami smacked him in his chest and shouted, yes shouted at him.


“What was in that tiny mind of your?” she yelled, “You don’t have the common sense of a propis[1], or the brains of a basticka! Don’t you realise that you almost ruined everything! He could have walked out and then no one would have touched me! You would have just dropped me in the ocean!” Cami hadn’t let up with hitting Dar in the chest as she berated him, driving him steadily backwards. Reaching the side of the couch in the sitting area, he fell backwards on to the cushions, Cami did not let up, leaning over her much bigger brother, she continued to lash him verbally while the rest of the family watched in mixed amusement and shock.

“So you thought that you would be my defender? Ha! Big brother, defender of my virtue? Right! Well that was just an excuse to rant on against the high status lot! Anyone could have seen that! You made that perfectly clear. Well the jokes on you, master Dar that assessor is just as likely to be working for the secret police as well as the Trigon Club and I bet that your name is going on a list.” At this revelation, apart from Jarmel, the rest of the family stared in horror at the eldest daughter.

“It’s mentioned in our discussions on assessments. Very carefully and not at all clearly but some of us talk about it, not openly, that would be dangerous.” Cami explained to the family who wondered at her unnatural calm before she turned her attention back to her brother.

Dar had managed to sit up and opened his mouth but before he could say anything, Cami started in on him again, her anger still in control of her. “Now father isn’t going to whip you, but you better hope that I don’t get my hand on one or it will be the worse for you. I’ll …” Cami stopped as her father put his hand on her shoulder.

“I think that your brother is very clear about the way you feel right now, Cami.” Jarmel spoke quietly, his anger dissipated in the rage of his oldest daughter. “Indeed, I think that he should go to the boy’s room and stay there out of your way for the rest of the day.” As Dar stood, his mouth opening to speak, their father continued. “You also should go to your room, Cami.” When Cami turned to protest herself, Jarmel calmly continued. “I am sure that Leda and Ava will both be anxious to hear the results of the assessors visit.” He paused then added, “The edited version of course.”

“Yes father,” Cami replied demurely. Lead by Dar, the family all threw quizzical looks at the oldest daughter however Dar was not convinced that he was safe as yet. Not looking at each other the two went to their respective rooms, Cami collecting the portable comm unit along the way. While the rest of the family were certain that Cami was not yet over her anger the all felt that it would abate over time.


With a sigh, Jarmel took his accustomed chair in the families sitting area, waving to his wife as he did so. “It seems that our daughter has not told us everything she has learnt in school.” He said with a mixture of amusement and annoyance.

Yives just shrugged. “I heard that same rumour when I was in school. I too was assessed but never go a contract. Too many girls, not enough openings.” Her worn face carried a faraway look.

“That was good luck for me, then.” Jarmel took his wife’s hand. She smiled, remembering that this kindness was why she joined with him.

“Don’t worry about the secret police, Jarmel. They have more to concern themselves with than one discontented youth.”

“One never knows what the greys are interested in, but they would soon see that Dar is just one of many such.” He laughed. “I should be an informer! You should hear what I listen to serving food! People just ignore me and talk away!”

There was no laughter on Yives face, “I don’t know what I would do if I was approached by a grey, I really don’t know. And I have such access to so many houses that I clean.”

“Well, let us not worry about it. If it happens we will have to deal with it then, but I doubt that it will. There are better candidates.” A rare smile touched his lips, as a thought occurred to him. “I wonder if Cami will have forgiven her brother by the time she go’s for her interview?”

That brought a chuckle from his wife. “I am not at all sure,” she said. They got up and together went to the kitchen to prepare the noon tide meal.


In her room, Cami had called Leda and Ava who were both anxious and excited to hear the full story.

“You had to wear what?” Leda yelped in mixed horror and excitement. “I didn’t! I had to wear my own undergarments and that was bad enough!”

“In front of a complete stranger as well!” Ava giggled. She had just been contacted for an assessment so was eager to find out as much as possible. Like Leda, it was to a local club so she would continue to live at home. “Wish I was going with you.” She said wistfully.

“I wish that you both were.” Cami also sounded wistful, “But I aren’t going anywhere yet! I still have that interview with the club to pass.” Cami tried not to sound worried although she was.

“Oh you will have no trouble there.” Leda reassured her friend while Ava added her “Oh, no problem for you!”

“Do you have copies of the images?” Ava asked. “I would love to see them, I bet that you looked wonderful.”

“No, he took them all.” Cami answered, “And if he had left any, mother and father would have them and they will be locked up! I wouldn’t be showing them anyway. No way, not to anyone! I felt naked, that’s because I was!” Both her friends giggled at Camis emphatic reply.

“So Cami, when do you go to the capital?” Leda asked.

“Sometime next month I think. I am not sure.” A frown wrinkled Camis smooth forehead. “They have to let us know.” There was silence for a fraction as the three girls pondered their futures. “Anyway, Leda, when do you start at Tremblers Place?”

“Oh, I start next week, I just got a call this morning.” Leda was almost dancing as she laid on her stomach, facing her comm unit. “I get ten Konna a month!”

‘Wows’ came from both girls. Kinna and Koral exchanged raised eyebrows from their bunk beds as they listened in without being obvious. They got a quick glare from Cami for their trouble.

“That’s great, Leda. That’ll really help your family.”

“Thanks, Cami, they also are really excited.” Leda giggled again. “I am so excited and also a bit scared!”

“Ava, when is your assessment again?” Leda asked.

“Next month, the date has to be set.” Ava sounded a little despondent over the delay due to her being a couple of months younger than the others.

“Look Ava, you are as pretty as both of us. You’ll get a contract!” Both Leda and Cami were emphatic in their support for their friend. A knock at the door and Yives voice brought an end to the three way conversation. “Right mother.” Cami answered, then to her friends, “Talk to both of you tomorrow.” Here there was no sentimental talk even between girlfriends, that was not the Ti Lepus way.

Delivering the comm unit to her mother, Cami asked if she could come out now. Without expression, her mother nodded and stepped aside. On leaving the girls room, Cami came to an immediate stop, staring at a pile of laundry in front of her.

“There are just a few chores for you, dear.” Her mother calmly informed her. Cami could have sworn that she heard Dar chuckling.

[1] A small animal that is vermin.

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