《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Eleven


The opening of the door near the beginning of the twentieth period announced the arrival of the children’s parents at their home.

“Greetings Father, greetings Mother.” All three girls and Tremma greeted their parents in unison. The pair responded with “Greetings children,” with tired voices.

Looking around, Jarmel sis Nep, the father, noticed the absence of his oldest child. “Dar has not returned yet?” he asked as he removed and hung up his coat and hat. Cami and Koral were assisting her mother at the same time.

“No father,” Tremma replied for the others as, with tired steps, their parents made their way to the dinner table.

“Evening tide is ready,” Cami assured her parents.

“He should be home by now.” Yives sis Nep muttered to her husband as they stood at the table.

“Perhaps he took an extra job.” Jarmel replied. “He is a good worker and wants to move on.” Yives sniffed but made no reply.

Ignoring the comments, Cami filled the plates, handing one to each of her sisters. Koral took hers to her father while Kinna took the other one to her mother. Following the traditional bows, the pair sat down and began to eat. They had just started when the oldest son, Dar arrived.

“Greetings all,” he muttered, “There was a breakdown with the conveyance and all the passengers had to wait for a replacement.” There was an undercurrent of anger in his voice. “Typical, the government can’t get any of us anywhere on time. Bunch of bloody incompetents and parasites.”

Don’t worry about that, Dar,” Tremma spoke quickly before either of their parents could, he saw that they had both stiffened at the outspoken criticism of the government. Dangerous at any time, with a rise in agitation in some of the media outlets, criticising those in power was particularly unhealthy now. “Cami has evening tide ready for you.” Tremma finished.

Dar nodded his thanks without looking much happier and took his accustomed place at the table, after giving the traditional bows. Accepting his meal from Koral with thanks, he ate in silence, not contributing to any of the conversation between the rest of the family. All too soon the meal was finished and Koral, Kinna and Damma, pulled from the boys’ room, removed the plates and cutlery, carrying out the same chores as earlier.

Sitting back in their chairs, both parents accepted a cup of tea offered by Cami. Dar had declined a cup, not to any of the family’s surprise as his disdain for many of the traditions of Ti Lepus had been made clear sometime earlier. Somewhat unusually the family gathered around the table to talk. After there had been a lull in the conversation, Cami and Tremma exchanged glances and Cami drew in a deep breath.


“Mother, father, family, I have some news for you.” Her parents and Dar’s heads came up while the rest tensed with excitement, carefully suppressed. Her father stared at Cami, his eyes narrowed. He and his wife had been expecting this. So had Dar, but for a different reason.

“Yes dear, what is it?” Cami’s mother asked.

“I was called into Counsellor Remi ion Nessar’s office this afternoon. She had something to tell me.” Cami was almost breathless with excitement over the news she was about to impart.

Dar sat up straight and was about to say something but a look from his father silenced him. “Go on Cami, give us your news.” Jarmel spoke calmly to his oldest daughter.

“Well, she told me that she has received a request for an assessment of me with regards to a contract placement in a salon!” Cami was quivering and just about jumping up and down in her excitement. She had to apply all her lessons to maintain a facade of calm.

“That’s wonderful dear. Can you tell us more? Which salon is it?” Her mother smiled, knowing that this was an important step for Cami. “Is it Tremblers Place?” Giving the name of the most important local salon.

“No mother, it is a club called The Trigon Club, and it’s in Lepus Mal!” All the family stared open mouthed at this unexpected bit of news, even Dar. “It’s a club that has a large membership of women only! High status women! No men allowed!” Cami stressed the last points. “I did a search for them when I came home.”

“Lepus Mal, that’s pretty far away.” Her father sat back in his chair, staring at his daughter who was squirming in her chair. “I am not sure …” He looked down the table at his wife.

Dar had changed to glowering while Tremma was looking proudly at his sister. Her two sisters were surprised and Kinna was happy for Cami while Koral appeared happy at first but now was showing some jealously.

“I mean, I don’t know why they selected me, I mean, how did they even hear about me. This is so exciting!” Cami was babbling away. “Counsellor Remi told me that the assessor will be here in the next two days. I am not sure what happens after that but I can’t go until I turn fourteen anyway.”

“What about schooling? I mean, Cami, you will have to maintain your studies.” Yives wondered out loud. “And what is your pay for working at the club?”


“I don’t know. I suppose that the assessor will tell us that when he comes.” Cami replied.

“Well, I don’t like it!” Dar could not contain himself any longer.

“Dar!” Cami exclaimed.

“Now son, this is an exciting time I know.” Yives spoke calmly, she knew her son and hoped to keep him from saying or doing something that would upset the family.

“No mother, its taking these young girls like Cami and putting them on display.” Dar stood up and paced back and forwards. The younger children stared at this open display of emotion. “I just don’t like it! And to be sent all the way to the capital, it’s just wrong! I bet high status girls don’t have to go through this!” Dar was letting out all his angst. Tremma, Cami and the others were clearly showing their surprise at the oldest siblings’ outburst and their father saw that Cami was on the point of bursting into tears, he was mistaken and didn’t realise it. The only one who seemed unaffected was Damma, who seemed more bored than anything.

“Son, sit, you are upsetting your brothers and sisters as well as yourself.” Jarmel spoke calmly but firmly. “Anyway, the decision is not yours to make. It is Cami’s and ours, her mother and father.” He turned to Koral, “Could you make some more tea please. Kinna, please help.” Unhappy at leaving the table and anxious not to miss anything, the two girls went reluctantly into the kitchen and began the process of tea making. All the time, throwing looks at the table and listening carefully.

Slowly, resentfully Dar returned to his seat, still clearly unhappy but bowing to his father’s authority. Silenced for the time being, he still did not agree with Camis assessment but could see no way to stop it. He also realised that talking to Cami now, but from the look on her face that would be useless. This made him even angrier. Tremma looked at his brother closely. ‘I will have to talk to him,’ he thought.

After a fractions thought, Jarmel spoke again. “Well Cami, this is very exciting, but how do you really feel about it?” Her father looked closely at her. “I mean you would have to go to the capital to live and that is really far away.”

Looking back at her father, Cami pursed her lips in thought, carefully considering what to say. A glance at her mother brought a rare reassuring smile that occurred only between family members. “Speak your mind daughter, tell us what you really think.” Yives nodded to her oldest daughter. The rest of the family waited expectably for Camis’ reply.

“Father, I want to do this. I mean, it is such a big, big chance for me to get a really good position and help you and the family.” She took a big breath and continued. “I told you that I had looked up the club on the comm. It’s a big and exclusive club, only high status wives and mistresses belong to it. Important citizens, not like the local ones where anyone can join!” Dar had flinched at the word ‘Mistresses’ but had remained silent.

“Hmm, I see.” Jarmel took a sip of the tea that Koral placed in front of him. “Excellent Koral, you make a good cup of tea!” Hiding her pleasure at the rare compliment, Koral turned to her mother.

“Would you like a cup, mother?”

“Yes, thank you Koral, and thank you Kinna for helping.” Yives turned to speak to Cami. “You will be a long way away as father said, Cami. Are accommodations provided for you?”

“I really don’t know mother, Counsellor Remi didn’t say and I was so excited that I didn’t ask.” A frown appeared on Camis’ face. “I suppose that the assessor would know, however.” She looked around at her family, “I really don’t know any more.”

“Yes, we will have a lot of questions for this assessor when he comes,” Jarmel leant back in his chair. “In two days you say?” He got a nod in reply from Cami. Checking the time on his comm unit, he noted that it was into the twenty first period.

“Well. Look at that, time for bed.” He gave a tired smile as he stood, “Except for Dar of course.”

“Father, may I use the comm for a fraction? Please?”

“Of course, but not for long, understand?” He gave his oldest daughter one of those father- daughter looks, then finished with, “And say hello to Leda and Ava for me.”

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