《Ti Lepus Dies, A Dark Lord Story》Chapter Four


Several years later, Trem de Marcus punched in the code that would allow him entry to the elevator which would take him to his floor. In this private part of the building in which he lived, he could allow the smile on his face at the news from Rentap. A boy, a son, an heir; something every man secretly wanted.

There had been no overt celebration between the two men. A handshake sufficed in this world. Trem had gone to personally give his own good news, a marriage contract between Lesse Nakee, who he had been introduced to and found suitable. His mistress, both men had one, also approved.

Still ecstatic, Rentap had congratulated Trem and promised to stand with him at his joining. “Of course I will, who else would you ask?” he had said.

Trem smiled as he exited the elevator to his private quarters. His manservant, the only domestic that he used, was back at his quarters, leaving a meal ready for Trem in the chiller.

I will have to get used to a different life style. The thought ran through his head. It was just over twenty years since Trem had been a volunteer for the Student Volunteer Service Corps. Now he was soon to be married and Rentap had even begun to urge him to run for public office. A member of the Council of Ministers, the thought intrigued Trem.

Going straight to his private dressing room, Trem crossed though the open living room, half way across, he stopped and slowly turned to his right.

“How did you get in?” was spoken in a whisper.

Lounging in a chair, the man regarded Trem with calm blue eyes. “It is good to see you again, Master Trem de Markus. You look well.”

“You look unchanged.” Markus got his frozen tongue to work.

A soft laugh was the reply as the man stood. “We have been meeting now for many years, what do you have to say about our conversations?”


Recovered from the surprise of seeing his unannounced guest, Trem replied immediately. “Rather depressing. You show great insight into our workings but you are also extremely pessimistic about our future. I am uncertain as to why you should feel that way.”

The man turned and looked out the window. “A stunning view of this fine city, what would you say if I told you that in about fifteen years it could be in flames?”

“I would say you are mad!” Marcus blurted.

Turning, the man regarded Trem sadly, “That is what I see, unless it could be changed.” He continued after a pause while Trem de Markus stared in horrified fascination. “There are forces at work, forces that don’t even know that they are working together. You friend, Rentap Dressiler, he suggests that you should run for one of the seats on the Council of Ministers?”

“He has, several times.” Trem stared in sudden suspicion. “Are you a grey?” The reference was to the Secret Police. They were called that as, on rare ceremonial occasions, they wore a grey uniform.

“No.” The man looked at Trem with a quizzical expression. “The thought of who I am must have occurred to you. As I have never entered your mind or looked at your thoughts, I do not know.”

Trem stumbled and sat on a nearby chair. He had wondered about his mysterious visitor many times. The nature of the visits and the ability of his guest to come and go as he pleased had intrigued him. Never before had he thought or considered that it might have been the Dark Lord, the absolute ruler of the Empire. The Empire of which the people of Ti Lepus were a part, even if only reluctantly.

“Why me?” he stuttered.

“You were young and, unlike many others, willing to learn, to listen.” The Dark Lord answered, sitting back in his own chair. “You are not the only representative of your world that I have spoken with over the course of many years.”


“What do you want from me?” Trem demanded.

“Myself, nothing.” The Dark Lord said turning to face Markus. “For your people, much.”

“I don’t understand.” Trem was even more confused.

The Dark Lord sighed. “I want you to be, in a sense, my agent.” He paused while Trem absorbed that comment. “I will not ask you do anything against Ti Lepus or its people.” Trem smothered his incipient protests. “Indeed, I will not ask anything of you. I have given you information and insights.” He considered the man sitting across from Him. “Have not others urged you to do the very thing that your friend Rentap has asked of you?”

“There has been suggestions made by others.” Trem admitted.

“And is not your family business in good hands?”

“It is, my Lord.” In a rather detached manner, Trem noted that the honorific had come easily.

“Apart from your coming marriage, you have nothing to encumber you?” The Dark Lord pressed.

“No, nothing.” Trem admitted.

“I think that your future lies clear.” The Dark Lord smiled, the smile lightened his rather plain, almost forgettable face. “But I will not press you to put your name forward. It must be your decision.” With a sudden motion, he stood. Trem stood with him.

“I will consider your words carefully, Sire.” The thought ran through his mind that he would be going over all their discussions again! “Are there any words of counsel you might offer?”

“One, be careful who you align with. There are many who would want to be associated with the name of De Markus and should not. In particular be careful of Leja Leves, I see that he is only interested in the power he would gain.”

“Leves, I know of him, but not a great deal.” Trem considered the advice. “I will watch carefully.” He gave a rare smile. “I know nothing of how to organise for such an undertaking. I will have to do some homework.”

The Dark Lord laughed. “In that I am of no help.” He sobered. “I wish you farewell and good health.”

Startled by the formal words of parting, Trem was speechless for a fraction. “Will we not meet again sire?”

“Only once more.” The words were delivered in an expressionless tone. He left through the main door.

Trem stood still for a fraction, then continued on his interrupted journey to his dressing room. He changed his clothes and returned to his living room where he poured himself a drink and settled in a comfortable chair. He remained there for a long time. Finally giving a sigh he picked up his comm and punched a number in it.

“My friend, I am going to need your help.” He said to Rentap.


It was a rather somber Dark Lord that entered the study, seeing his demeanor, only one spoke up.

“Well, are you going to let us in now?” his companion asked. At the question he stopped and nodded.

“I have been to a planet that may be heading to disaster. I have been taking steps to stop the rot.” He answered, then, after a pause he added, “I hope.”

The Ladies exchanged glances. Dana frowned, “If it isn’t too much trouble, which planet?” She asked.

“It is Ti Lepus.” He replied.

“Ti Lepus!” At the name, a hiss of breath, mixed with some nods and grunts ran through the room.

A slight smile touched the Dark Lords lips as a question came to him.

“OK, who won the pool?”

A good half dozen answered and pointed, “She did!”

Sydney laughed. The Dark Lord’s smile broadened.

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