《Drifting Clouds, Sheltered Storms (DROPPED)》DROPPED


Well, this is awkward. Simply put, I'm dropping all the stories I'm writing (namely this and Sinister). I can't find enjoyment in writing this series. Honestly, this story was a prototype that should never have been public. It's immature and unpolished. I'm not happy writing this.

I thought I planned it out well: outlined it, dissected it, refined it. But I haven't. The scenes are ill put together, leading to shit pacing, leading to a plot which drags and becomes convoluted. The characters were illogical and inconsistent. But yeah, this story was not meant to be published. Maybe, I'll revisit the concept in the future. For now, I find myself being more motivated to write stories privately.

I realized I'm the type to write several versions of the same chapter, or even scene, before being satisfied. This doesn't really mesh well with the need to upload often to remain relevant.

To those who do truly like reading this, I'm deeply sorry. However, if you do like my writing, look forward to something that's properly polished and refined with a tight narrative that doesn't have pacing spasms.

And I know I ended this on a really sour note since I can't even be bothered to conclude the bloody arc. Honestly, this was really hard to do. I'm a disappointment to my aspirations, but it's better than trudging on -- wasting time and energy -- when I could divert those resources to starting anew with something that I can polish in private. I'm sorry and thank you. Rate this however you want.

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