《Drifting Clouds, Sheltered Storms (DROPPED)》Under The Guise of the Thunder God, Lei Gong Part 2


The Yue Yun Sect was carved into the mountain range. The sect grew strong from the moon essence gathered in the foundation of these mountains. And similarly, it was that moon essence which kept Senior Sun from entering.

He had tried to enter but immediately crashed into a barrier. The barrier was constructed of moonlight and given power using the Traditional Characters. The rigid characters spelt out GATE, and the characters interlocked to become a boundary.Senior Sun pounded against the mystical barrier. He shouted for the Sect Elder, the Gate Guardian, anyone who held the chant to open the gates.

“Papa, your hands are beginning to bleed,” little Qing cried as she cradled her papa’s bloodied-fist. He pushed her hand away and pounded with greater vigor.

“My, my, Senior Sun, is this the legendary Yue Yun Sect?” A voice echoed behind them. Senior Sun spun around with a crazed look in his eyes. The man continued, “Odd. This can’t be the origins of Senior Sun and one of the Eight Generals. It is too much of a dump. Only mountains and some trees? What a backwater sect indeed!”

“You hold your tongue!”

“My, Senior Sun, I advise you to not scream. I heard that yelling is harsh on the heart. You must take care of yourself in your old age. So come back with me; General Bo Ling has prepared a nice cell for you to live out the rest of your days.”

“Pah, to hell with General Bo Ling!” From within his sleeves, he pulled out a fan. “Xiao Qing, ah, hold on tight.”

“My, my, Senior Sun, do you not know it is bad to swear in front of your little girl?” He shook his head in mock lament. “Truly, you are beyond salvation. It is a pity. I, Ling Wei Zhao, under the righteous name of Lei Gong, shall discipline you and your foolishness!”With that both men launched at each other.


Wei Zhao moved through the air like a serpent, as if he was a great viper slithering through the air. His odd movements made it difficult for Senior Sun to grasp the other man’s position. Wei Zhao’s position was further obstructed by the intensifying rainfall.Senior Sun, on the other hand, had to move through the air as if he was stepping on stones to get across a rapid. Every step he took was deliberate and specific. It was remarkably easy to figure out where he would step next.

Xiao Qing’s heart pounded against her tiny chest. Her body heated up. “Papa,” she cried. The rain was not kind to her. The girl’s already pale face took on a ghastly complexion.

And it was at that moment when Senior Sun looked down at his daughter that Wei Zhao struck. He who has been circling above his prey crashed down like a comet. His claws extended and sharpened. Wei Zhao swung his claws around and gathered lightning — the lightning coiled around his sharp nails like obedient boas.

Senior Sun quickly brought up his fan and forced his qi into it. The fan held but for a moment. Wei Zhao gave one push with his claws. The fan exploded into pieces. The shrapnel cutting deep into Senior Sun’s fist. The lightning coursed down Wei Zhao’s claws and up Senior Sun’s left arm, all the way to the middle-aged man’s neck.Senior Sun flew backwards from the resulting shockwave. Even so, his first instinct was to shield his daughter. The shockwave slammed him into the barrier. Senior Sun laid against the barrier as if embedded into it. His head tilted down and blood dripped from the corners of his lips.

No. He coughed and the entire front of his robes became dyed in red. In Xiao Qing’s fear, the red reminded her of when her parents took her to view the colorful flower gardens in the Royal Palace.


“Papa?” The girl weakly called out.

The man’s eyes twitched slightly and opened. “Y-you aren’t...hurt?”

“Oh, still alive? My, Senior Sun truly lives up to his title as a veteran of the society.” Wei Zhao exclaimed and clapped his hands slowly. “Truly a legend among man to withstand the second form of my Piercing Hawk Strike — despite only being a hack practitioner of the Way. Truly disgraces the name of the Yue Yun Sect, no?”

Senior Sun paid his pursuer no mind. Despite one eye looking up at the Heavens and the other facing Yama, he still rapped his fist against the barrier. He called out — whispered — for the gates to open.

Wei Zhao scratched his head. “My, my, Senior Sun. Still calling for help, eh? I wonder if that strike made you senile.” The man laughed.

“Stop insulting my Papa,” Xiao Qing lashed out.

The man stared into the girl’s eyes. “How brazen of you. Perhaps, I really ought to discipline you along with that trash you call Papa.”

Wei Zhao dashed forward. His long hair adrift wildly in the wind. In front of him, he held his claws proudly with bloodthirst drenched in his muddy brown eyes. The lightning grew more fierce and soon it was as if golden horns adorned each of his fingers.

The air crackled as Wei Zhao thrusted forward. Xiao Qing closed her bright eyes and wasn’t even able to let out a pitiful shriek.

Clang! The sound of metal striking against claws rung out through the night. Xiao Qing tentatively opened her eyes.

In front of her stood a woman as beautiful as her mother. She was like a fairy descended. Her skin flawless and gleaming like a reflection of the moon. Similarly short white hair crowned her head like a lunar halo. And on the back of her white robes was embroidered the symbol of the Yue Yun Sect, an outline of the crescent moon against the flat top of a mountain peak!

Wei Zhao frowned but immediately recovered. He flung his claws toward the sides and dispelled the lightning. He clasped his hands and bowed. “May I have the honor of learning senior’s name?”

The mysterious fairy paid Wei Zhao no mind. She merely glanced at him and then turned her attention to Senior Sun. Wei Zhao dared not attack. He swallowed his anger which was as big as a grapefruit. Even from the short exchange which pushed him back, he felt the fairy to be several levels above him in both cultivation and technique. Surely, a person he cannot offend easily.

Senior Sun weakly muttered, “Senior Sister, you...you came.”

Similarly, the fairy gave the battered man a single glance before averting eye contact with either man.

“Sun Yan’zhi, why have you come back! This Yue Yun Sect of mine have exiled you more than ten years ago. This Yue Yun Sect and all its disciples have no relations to you. Yet you dare show your face and bring about trouble to our gates! As the 73rd generation Sect Master, I, Mo Yun, demand you to leave at once, or face my fury!”

Author's Note: I suppose people who frequent the site would know the general terminology. But here's a refresher. Senior Sun and Mo Yun are not blood related siblings; it's simply common to call people close and people respected brother or sister. Sort of like a brother born from another mother deal.

The last passage should indicate Mo Yun becoming Sect Leader since Senior Sun being exiled. Hope that is clear.

If you have any feedback, you should tell me.

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