《God´s Games》Chapter 8 Shadow Wolf


-In the forest-

Lee is talking to PK47 inside his mind:"PK47 Can you locate where wolfs and slimes are?"

Pk47 Answered:"Yes Master showing right away."

-showing the map-

A map is shown inside Lee´s head the black dot represents him and these red dots represent the enemies.

Lee asked PK47:"Is it possible to distinguish which enemies are wich? from the map"

PK47 answered: Yes Master.

-Updating map-

The map showed up again but this time in the red dots there was a name for them.

Lee looked at the map to see where the slimes normally are.

Lee found them on the east side of the Forest, so he went towards there to fight off the slimes so he can complete his mission.

After 10 minutes Lee arrives at where the slimes are supposed to be.

He looks around but can't find any so he goes closer towards a cave and finds 5 slimes there since he doesn't know how strong they are he asks PK47 for their stats.

Pk47 answers: "Okay Master."

-scanning slime-


a beginning monster very weak master can beat it easily.

I see then il go there and face them.

Afterwards, Lee arrived close to the slimes the slimes saw Lee and instantly attacked him Lee dodged their attacks and used a normal shadow flame in each one of them.

5 minutes later all the slimes are dead.

the slimes dropped some eyeballs and some kind of green slimeball.

After that Lee looked for more slimes and killed 5 more.

Afterwards, PK47 told him:"Master has completed a mission 10/10 slimes killed."

Lee then looked at the map to find out where wolfs are and he found out they are on the west side of the forest.

and so Lee went to the west side of the forest it took him 20 minutes to reach there.


Afterwards, he looked for the wolfs to kill for the mission.

He found some near some trees first he asked PK47 their stats.

PK47 answered: Okay Master.

-scanning wolf-


"A beginning Monster master can beat it easily."

Lee was going to kill all the 5 wolfs here until he noticed there was a slightly different wolf there he looked like the leader of the tribe so he asked PK47 his stats:

PK47 answered: Its possible Master but cant display all the information.

-scanning dark wolf-

Shadow Wolf

Strength 5

Agility 5

Defense 5

Magic Defense 5

Luck 5

Abilities: Bite (deals 50 damage) ?? (??) Shadow Claw (controls the power of shadows to make a bigger claw and attacks deals 100 damage)

Lee Saw the stats of the shadow wolf so he decided to first kill all the other wolfs before moving on to the boss.

He killed all the wolfs 1 by 1 when they separated from their tribe.

At the end the Shadow wolf was alone.

Then Lee made his move, he approached the Shadow Wolf and kicked him. The shadow wolf went flying, Shadows roiled and bubbled, shifting up and stopping the wolf mid-air, and it used shadow claw, flinging blades of shadows at Lee. But he was ready and dodged.

Then he cast Shadow Flame and sent it towards the Shadow Wolf, the shadow wolf dodged.

Then the Shadow Wolf stopped, growling menacingly. The shadows around it started to curl up its legs and back, adding more bulk.

he was getting bigger and had more shadows than before. So before that shadow wolf ended his transformation Lee bit his lips and started chanting the powered version of Shadow Flame. while he was chanting the shadow wolf ended his transformation and was going towards Lee and was thinking 'its now time to kill this annoying insect who killed my pack.'


But when he reached Lee, Lee looked like a demon when he sent that powered Shadow Flame towards the Shadow Wolf. The Shadow wolf tried to dodge, but couldn't it, was too late the shadow wolf. It instantly started burning and couldn't move towards disabling Lee's leg. He tried crawling closer to Lee but he couldn't, the shadow wolf just waited to die, he regretted not being able to kill this human who killed his pack.

Lee couldn't move due to using powered shadow flame so he had to wait out the 10 minutes cooldown before he could anything else.

-10 minutes later-

Lee could move again, he went towards where the shadow wolf was. When he reached there he saw that the Shadow Wolf lost his life, But he did see an item shinning in him it was a tooth pendant the rarity is unknown he needed to get an appraisal to see the true stats of the item other than that he got some claws and fangs as well from the drops.

After killing off the Shadow Wolf PK47 talked to me: "Master Another mission is finished 5/5 wolfs killed, as well master show those claws and fangs to the receptionist lady she might give something extra."

Lee agreed with PK47, afterwards, he moved out of the forest and went back to the town, then he reached the adventurer tavern after waiting for his turn in the line the receptionist lady said: "You again? im not gonna give you any more missions until you are done with those two."

Lee answered: "Im done with those missions as well as here see this claws and fangs."

-Lee gives the claws and fangs to the receptionist lady-

The receptionist Lady was amazed: "You killed a Shadow Wolf?"

Lee answered:"Yes"

The receptionist Lady said: "I can give you 10 silver for these claws and fangs."

Lee answered: "Okay Deal"

The receptionist Lady paid Lee and said: Heres the rewards for clearing the missions.

Slime Mission 1 silver

Wolf Mission 1,50 silver

Then PK47 Said to Lee: "Beep Master your adventurer rank gained some points"

Lee talked inside his mind with PK47:"Is it possible to see how many I need and how many I got?"

PK47 answered:"Yes Master."

-Showing Adventurer Rank-

Adventurer rank D 20/100 for D+

After receiving all the rewards Lee was Beat for today and went towards the Inn he stayed the last time paid the inn owner 5 silver so he could stay here for 1 more week.

Lee now currently had 7,50 silver with him.

Lee thought to himself:' I need to get more money and more adventurer points 3 more days until the Adventurer Test.'

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