《God´s Games》Chapter 1 Introduction and the rules


The next moment I opened my eyes, I saw a completely different scenery.

The area all around me was full of trees, plants, weeds. I walked towards a tree, but a piercing headache forced me to stop in my tracks. Then images appeared inside my head.

"This is the mysterious voice, that spoke to you. You can refer to me as God, I'll give you the rules of this world, and the general concept of it as well. This is a pre-recorded message. You cannot forget anything, it will be ingrained in your memory, nor can you contact me during the message. So, let's begin: the rules are as follow:"

"1st rule: You must not be discovered by beings of another world, if you are, you die."

"2nd rule: You can kill people from this world, but so can the other contestants of the world. Of course, you can be killed by them also, But if a person from this world does kill a contestant, that person gets the contestant's powers and enters the Game."

"3rd rule: "This world follows a ranking system of adventurers; it goes all the way towards legends. Since you haven't started yet, you get the rank of a newbie, which comes with no power-ups whatsoever."

" 4th rule: "With each increase in ranking, you and the other contestants get a little power boost, although it can't usually affect the world, if it does, you might have to face grave consequences."

"5th rule: You cannot tell anyone of these rules, nor that you know them; if other creatures from this world figure that out, you get eliminated." "That's pretty much the rules, now the general story:"

"There are two major Empires: the Shadow Empire, and the Light Empire; as you have guessed, the Shadow empire works with powers related to shadows, and the Light empire works with powers related to light, both are constantly at war with each other. Then there are other countries that are either neutral or support one of these empires. You are going to be the one to find out the story of this world, it is for our pleasure after all."


"Well, that's the end of the general rules, and the long story short: you're not one of those residents of either of the big empires, the empire you came from is the Devere Country."

"You shall assume the life of a person named Lee Devero, 18 years old, black hair, black eyes. He is the prince of Devere, and it was the Light Empire that brought down that country, so it is your duty, to reclaim that land, and help the Shadow Empire to destroy the Light Empire."

"Major storyline characters might be other players that are like you but they are hidden, of course, if I so desired, I'll put you together to fight each other, it all depends on the game master's mood, that is me, isn't it!? By the way, each participant in this game, has a special power, what power do you want to have? Just say it and it's yours."

The Lost Soul thought back to the last memories Lee had: He was in a house talking happily with his family, that is his mother, his dad, his older brother when out of nowhere some men, their faces covered with hoods, attacked them with Light Magic. He instantly recognized who attacked them: it was the Light Empire. For what reasons he didn't know, but he did know this was the last moment he saw his family. They protected him until the end. He saw all of them die by their hands. He swore he will kill them all and he will do so with the power of their worst enemy, the Shadow Empire, and the power of flames. He will master both to create Shadow flames!

Lee Devero answered, "I want the Power to control Shadow Flames that grow alongside me."

A Robotic voice spoke into his thoughts: "-Power Recognized- transmitting input!"


The power works like this: "My body gets all hot, and shadows come through my hands, all uncontrollably like a beast; to control, I sealed a part of the power and only get to use a bit of it now, at my current ranking."

The Mysterious voice started speaking again.

"I see, so you choose Shadow Flames as your power, quite interesting, how are you going to make use of your power? Looking forward to seeing it, contestant#4701, otherwise known as Lee Devero. Goodbye and hope, you live long enough, if you want any answers, that is..."

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