《The True King of Death》10. And so, it begins (p2)


Hueco Mundo

The winds of Hueco Mundo blew over the white dunes. A broad form all but melting into the scenery, if not for his long black beard, and large set of red prayer beads around his neck he would be all but invisible in the white wastelands.

Ichibe Hyosube, the Leder of the Zero division had come to survey the area. If it is warranted, he would call for back up, but that was highly unlikely. As one who guards the Soul King he possessed extraordinary power, those in the lower world should not pose a challenge, much less a threat to him. And thus, the Monk Who Calls the Real Name set foot into the domain of the Supreme One.

It didn't take long for Ichibe to notice the anomalies of the desert. Gigantic, hundredths of meters high sculptures were hard to miss. Then, there was the strange behavior of hollows. They formed a sizeable group and did not engage in battle to the death. It appears a primitive organizational structure was being set up, he observed, and while it might become a challenge of tomorrow, Ichibe had strict orders, and a clear objective.

He continued with his search and found something. Over the white dunes a skeletal horse stood. Its organs were astral and gave off an eerie pale light. Its terrible maw chewed restlessly as Soul energy dripped down below.

Around the mysterious creature lay the gradually decomposing, evaporating carcass of several hollows, each Adjuchas class.

"Hmm, this is strange indeed." He activated his ability, and saw through the creature, and its true name and face was bare before him.

{Soul Eater}

"All Hollows are soul eaters... but somehow this one is speci-" Ichibe could not finish his thought process when he dodged on instinct.

The dune collapsed behind him, and two deep hoof marks exuding strong spiritual pressure were left in the atmosphere; sizzling it left a mark on nature, the air itself.

"Albeit all Hollows are crude. You really embody the definition. {Senri Tsutensho: Heavenly Palm of the Thousand Ri}!" Ichibe cried out, and a huge palm manifested and batted away the unsightly creature.

It was not worthy to be in the presence of a Royal Guard, to think that it would have the galls to attack one such as himself... Ichibe thought, as he inspected the damage he had caused. Not much... the Soul Eater barely felt that one, he noted. He was delighted, and a smile graced his face.

"Well then, how about this one!" Enormous, massive hands and legs manifested in the atmosphere.

The Soul Eater didn't stay idle either and rushed the Royal guard, intent on devouring yet another meal. Albeit, the hollows were appetizing, the real course was in front of it. That much it could tell! Black miasma rolled off the spectral, faintly glowing form as it flew to devour Ichibe, but it did not make it past the massive limbs that kept pummeling it into the ground and batting it away like a helpless newborn.

The "fight" continued for several minutes, all the while two crimson orbs were observing, unseen within the shadows.

Ultimately, Ichibe grew bored; and decided to end it. "{True Name Manipulation: Soul Eater -> Soul}" The effects were immediate, and the monster morphed and became a much less threatening being. The skeletal horse lost its form and became undefined. A floating blue orb with a dark tint to it.

It was still a Hollow, however it seems to have lost its will to fight and devour all that entered its presence. "Good, this should take care of it." Ichibe surmised, "Albeit I wonder… is my work done?" He asked half-jokingly looking up at the dark sky of the realm.



In the meantime, somewhere else

Aizen followed Baraggan with measured steps. He had dispatched his two aids beforehand, they wouldn't be of any help of what's to come, he concluded.

The White Wings barely moved in the breeze of Hueco Mundo as he made his way over a crowd of Hollows, and finally entered the den of Ainz Ooal Gown. The Great Hollow that defied logic.

Aizen glanced around, weighing his options all throughout his walk, while noticing several, if not all the known Vasto Lords of Hueco Mundo.

This might be interesting.

Aizen made a mental note, he'll have a use for them after this is over. Abruptly, he came to a halt when the form of the one known as Ainz Ooul Gown phased into existence upon the massive dark crystal throne.

What... How?! Aizen found it hard to suppress his surprise. He didn't feel anything, no warning, no premonition, nothing at all. Ainz wasn't there, but then he was! And this wasn't through the means of teleportation, Aizen knew that for a fact. He thoroughly observed the technique in their last battle, this was something else... camouflage, maybe? He was proficient in both?

"Aizen, I was worried you wouldn't come." The skeleton said in a regal tone, crimson orbs dancing in the darkness, exuding a deathly pressure.

Aizen felt the unseen pressure descending, and he tightened his grip on the sword. Albeit, he has fused, and had already become one with his Zanpakuto, he kept a projection on hand. With newfound vigor and confidence, he took a step forward; and spoke up. "How could I not? It's only natural that I came. Although, I’ve encountered some unforeseen complications," Aizen glanced briefly at Barragan, "but rest assured it is a thing of the past now-"

"How presumptuous." Barragan interrupted, and a torrent of power rose in the vicinity, stifling his resolve. The spiritual pressure made the atmosphere tremble, and Barragan found his stance faltering. Thankfully, he was saved just in time, maybe by the only one who could.

"Enough." A cold, uncaring voice echoed in the wind, and just as fast as it came; the spiritual pressure was no more. “Clear the surrounding area." It was an undisputable order.

Baraggan didn't need more than a single instruction to do as he was ordered, and so he acted with haste. Alongside Harribel and their subordinates they cleared the surrounding areas. It was evident that Lord Ainz had enough, and he intends to punish this Shinigami. If the unreal spiritual pressure exhibited by the Shinigami was anything to go by, then a destructive fight was unavoidable.

They had to preserve the servants their Lord has so painstakingly acquired, Baraggan realized. Who knew what the Lord would do? The Great Hollow, who reformed the lands of Hueco Mundo, and united the Hollows? A feat, even Barragan himself couldn’t accomplish during his rule as the God-King of Hueco Mundo. The wrath of such a being would be devastating. Under no circumstance would they want to be on the receiving end, not in a thousand years.

"How thoughtful of you, I presume you are ready to hand it over, the artefact you spoke so highly of?" Ainz inquired, the flames settling into a slow dance, they watched Aizen, they observed like a beast waiting the right moment to jump and devour its prey.

Aizen merely gestured and showed off with confidence the item embedded inside of his chest. "Behold, The Hogyoku, an item that fulfills wishes and grants your deepest desires, one of infinite potential. What do you think? This new form is a miracle thanks to the Hogyoku." Aizen stated, and with a flick of the wrist a sandstorm was born, and a grand rift opened in the white dunes. He should illustrate the gulf between their might after all. There was no way this battle would end the same way it did back then. “Don’t you want to become something more than a mere Hollow? Don’t you want to transcend your limits placed on you by the Soul King?” Aizen made a small break, and let the tension rise in the air, and when it was almost palpable, he stared deeply into the dancing flames and formed his last and most promising question. “Don’t you want to be free?”


Baraggan looked unimpressed, but secretly he was astonished. A move, so utterly devoid of effort, and yet the effects were undeniable, and he said that it was all thanks to that item? Marvelous. However, even after considering his ability, the nerve of this Shinigami, to speak in such a way before the greatest of hollows was unforgivable. Go my Lord, give him hell. He implored the Great Hollow in his mind, while waiting in trepidation the devastating fight that would ensue.

Harribel did not, or more likely could not hide her shock, her mouth fell at the display. Several of the slower clearing out hollows were caught in the display, losing their lives without delay.

Starkk and Lilynette were not present for the occasion as Ainz directed their attention, and sent them on a mission, but no doubt even Starkk would have raised an eyebrow at the remarkable feat.

The flames danced on, unperturbed, the skull betrayed no emotion as the Overlord rose from the crystalline throne and walked up, within arm's reach, face to face with Aizen.

"While I am most impressed with your transformation, there is no guarantee that this trinkets of yours can be of any use to me." The skeleton spoke the words, and albeit they were neutral, they scraped heavily against the Shinigami's pride.

The confident smirk on the Shinigami's face, morphed ever so slowly. What is he saying? Is he saying that the item I've placed so much importance on is useless to him? No, that can't be.... is he trying to get a rise out of me?! Aizen pondered, all the while holding eye contact with the flaming crimson orbs, his facial expression morphing all the while, from neutral into shock, and then outrage at the monster's words. He dares belittle me?! I have ascended! I am become God! Aizen raged inside and moved to hit the Undead God. The first move was made, and the battle would commence.

However, before the tip of the blade could connect, the skeleton has disappeared and reappeared dozens of meters away.

"Teleportation won't save you!!" Aizen shouted and flashed next to the skeleton, bringing down his blade with full force it was a spectacle to behold.

Raven black blades: a total of three materialized from thin air, to block the incoming blow, however they could not hold it. They shattered one after another, without exception upon contact. Aizen was sure of his victory, but then a skeletal wall erupted and rose out of the sand, to block his swipe.

Then and there he understood that he can’t be careless, the limits of his opponent were still unknown to him. He jumped back and took on a serious stance. The grip around the Zanpakuto clenched, and the white wings exuded pure power.

When the skeletal wall collapsed back into the sea of sand, Ainz Ooal Gown walked forward, accompanied by his skeletal hands clapping.

Was he... still mocking him?! Aizen's expression twisted further, with his violet eyes, his visage was akin to a demon. "You dare...?! You dare mock me?!" Aizen flashed forward with a roar, even faster than before, leaving several after images behind as he brought down his blade on the Great Hollow.

Ainz however, didn't stay idle, but acted with precision and consideration as he cast several {Reality slash}, and with each hit it slowed the white butterfly's advance, but it could not stop Aizen, and at the end of it, a blade pierced through the Undead God. The outcome, not quite what Aizen had expected.

“High Tier Nullification, you’ll have to do more, if you wish to damage me.” The skeleton commented off-handedly, as if he wasn’t in the middle of a life-death battle. The expression that graced Aizen’s visage couldn't be possibly worn by a human. It was that of utter madness and rage. Understanding that his attacks were ineffective he was extremely close to flying into a blind rage, but at the last moment he collected himself. The foe before him was a monster among monster, half measures wouldn't cut it.

Aizen teleported away and reappeared a few dozen meters away. He drew in a deep breath to calm his nerves, however hearing the cursed undead speak made it impossible to concentrate and let go of his pride. He was God, he was supposed to stand above the heavens, above all beings, and yet he was treated as a child that did something stupid, utterly unacceptable.

"I grow tired of this; can’t we spar some other time?” The skeleton inquired, “I believe it is nor the time nor the place for such brute actions, what do you say we take this up some other time?”

“Also, please refrain from attacking out of the blue, if it were someone else, they might get hurt." Ainz said and a golden staff appeared inside of his skeletal palm. "Now, don't get me wrong, I can play with you whenever you wish... but know your priorities, business comes first." He said and reached out with an open palm, “it is time you handed over that item, you so desperately tried to barter me into accepting.” The Overlord said, seeing that Aizen had no intention of surrendering, he let out a deep sigh.

“Don’t make me regret leaving you alive.” He finished and waited for the Shinigami’s answer. All the while he couldn't shake off a peculiar feeling, he didn’t know why or how, but he felt the item, the Hogyoku as Aizen called it, reach out to him, grabbing for something inside of him. Calling out to his very soul, searching, and trying to understand his desires and beliefs. A sentient item? He could only guess. The Appraisal Magic did not work on said Item, it gave no information other than its name. So, there was only two possibilities, either it cannot be appraised, or it can, and it is simply a trash item with no effects, however that was highly unlikely. The Overlord mused.

What the...?! Aizen didn't want to believe it, but he could feel it. And a God's senses were absolute, they couldn't be misled. The Hogyoku was pulled, nearly ripped out of his chest, as if an alien force sucked in toward the palm of the Great Hollow. "Don't be so full of yourself!" Aizen roared, ultimately letting go of all illusion of control, and he released all pent-up spiritual force housed within transcendence and rushed at the skeleton, intent on avenging this grave offense.

Ainz's crimson orbs all but burst out of his eye sockets as Aizen, the Shinigami whom he entrusted to return with this alleged miracle suddenly gained an immense amount of strength and speed. The Shinigami seemed to transform into a literal monster before him, and several snake-like necks and jaws extended on top of his shoulders as he rushed at Ainz.

Ainz, caught off guard, was forced to retreat, but not before {Body of Effluent berry} activated and negated the first blow. After that, Ainz dodged with {Teleport}, and {Greater teleport}, and finally he used a spell considered a trump card in this alien world he found himself in.

"{Time Stop}!" Ainz cried, and the world lost its color. All came to a halt, all but the target of the spell. The rampaging beast Aizen has become was beyond the rules of the universe, as a transcended being he was no longer bound by them. The form of the beast came crushing down on Ainz, who albeit barely but managed to stay out of the beast's way, catching a few blows along the way.

Using meta magic to empower each one of his spells was basic, and he also came with several Buffs ready long before the battle started, yet he was being pushed back.

Somehow, his instant death magic failed to take effect, and even the stoppage of the flow of time proved ineffective against the monster. It didn’t take a minute longer for Ainz to abandon holding back, clearly his opponent has lost all sense of reason, and he would stop at nothing less than destroying, grinding his every bone into fine powder.

Ainz cursed, it was such a waste of potential, but quickly calmed once he was pummeled into the ground, and he felt his Hp take a significant hit. “{Nuclear Blast}!" Ainz roared, frustration seeping into his empty voice, and the world was dyed in flames. It was a spell with a huge knockback and environmental effects. Albeit, ever since coming to this world friendly fire was enabled, Ainz had compensated for his weaknesses with items, as such fire type spells were all but ignored.

The beast cried out in agony, and its form faltered in the flames, but it did not fall. Instead, it flashed forward, reappearing near Ainz, several jaws at the end of long necks bit onto his bones and squeezed and pulled. Trying to shatter the timeless skeleton.

"You mindless beast, be gone!" Ainz roared, and the aura of despair rose to a new height around the Overlord, merging with the crimson aura of the golden staff, it gave off a strangling presence. A clockwork materialized behind the Overlord of Death, and the hand began to tick backward.

The beast lost all reason, and it lashed out fiercer than before, not caring as its limbs were separated, and body torn. {Reality Slashes}, {Gravity Maelstroms} impacting every second of the minute. The beast cared not, as it instantly regenerated lost limbs and carried on with its mad rampage.

Ainz kept blasting 8th tier and above spells, but it seemed to be less and less effective as time crawled forward at an insufferable pace. Was it adapting, evolving to endure and overwhelm him?! Frustrated, the Overlord felt at his skill, but the {Goal of All Life is Death} was still far from taking effect. At that exact moment, an unpleasant, an unbearable noise assaulted his senses, and for a split second he travelled far, far away.

The towering skeleton covered in a slight green hue stood in a tiny and poor apartment, new feelings assaulted his senses, and they remained, the curious power that always kept his mind calm and collected has failed to do its job properly, the feelings lingered… and he remembered... Ainz recalled how things taste like, how the touch of another can be a blessing or a curse, and he recalled something else. A feeling of emptiness, sadness, the feeling of being exploited, and the frustration for there is nothing to be done that could end it. But there was something else, something more substantial, something more touching, something that resonated deeply within his soul, a feeling of loss. Ainz felt something, a side buried deep within his soul resurface, alien yet familiar, a feeling, a mind, a persona forgotten, now it was reawakened, and the world trembled.

The flames inside of the cracked skull ignited with renewed unholy power, and dark electricity danced on the dark violet gown. A pillar of darkness rose into the heavens, parting the dark sky it pierced the realm and travelled unimpeded into infinity and beyond. "I am Ainz Ooul Gown, and I've had enough!" Ainz declared coldly, issuing a proclamation to the world itself and the World quivered.

The ground underneath his feet trembled, and the golden shaft nearly cracked in half inside of his palm as it was brought down with brute force accompanied by a wave of darkness, it forced the beast to sink into the ground. Ainz did not stop there and followed up with a 10th tier spell. {True Dark}

It was not enough! Not nearly enough for the humiliation he felt, the eternal emptiness and sadness that resonated inside of his bones. The name of Ainz Ooal Gown could never taste defeat!

He cast {Implosion}, a spell that ravaged, and exploded the insides of any creature, and {Grasp Heart}, an instant death spell, which even if it fails stuns the opponent for a mere second, enough time to set up another countermeasure. In the meantime, the clockwork ticked ever closer to zero on the back of the Overlord of Death, ever closer to striking midnight and ending it all.

Pure darkness was summoned into the world of hollows, Baraggan the Fallen has thought that he had seen the depths of the abyss, but he was proven wrong. During the fight, he was surprised time after time, a Shinigami wielding such power frightened him, but the more he saw the more confident he had become. It was no Shinigami, no longer. It was something else, something closer to a Hollow, yet more savage. A mindless beast with supreme power.

He watched intently from a safe distance as the white beast crawled out of the crater, and gradually staggered to its feet.

"Why isn't he pressing on?" Baraggan questioned, only for the answer to reveal itself. A black hole materialized, and relentlessly sucked in the space around it, slowly dragging the beast forward. It desperately tried to resist the pull, but nothing could escape a black hole. Not even light.

Harribel simply stood there, terror stricken, she watched wordlessly as Ainz mercilessly ripped apart his opponent, using abilities that were wholly unnatural. Abilities that for all intents and purposes should be reserved for the Gods.

She silently felt relieved that she had made the right choice back then... disobeying such an insurmountable being would yield nothing but death and suffering, she surmised, various lights flashing across her irises, the painful cries of the beast deafening out her hearing, she watched frozen in place. Abruptly, her eyes widened, for before her was a familiar sight.

Indecipherable runes lit up around Ainz, and rotated at a breakneck speed, while a white light grew in intensity all around him.

Her lips trembled, and she squeezed out the words. "I-it can't... it can't be..."

Barragan looked over at her questioningly but turned his skull back to the battle. A white light swallowed the two combatants, and their surroundings. When it subsided, there was nothing left... Nothing but a valley of white—death.

Ainz stood in place, where once had been dunes, were now a valley. A white desert where only death felt at home. Ainz called out. "{Detect Life}."

No signal, he let out a sigh. Ainz didn't know why, but he did. He was an undead, a skeleton, an Overlord, why would he do something a living would do, a human no less? Come to think of it, what were those unfamiliar feelings? What was that alien place? What about those humans? He wondered, absentminded trying to recall the foggy images before he was alarmed.

Aizen was dead, he was sure of it. Then, how?! Did he have a resurrection item? But to resurrect after being killed by the Super tier spell {Fallen down} ... he must have an item of Divine quality; it was the only explanation. He had to get to the bottom of this, Ainz decided.

A gem appeared in the air, it levitated in place while a white substance gradually formed into a recognizable shape. Soon, the form of a man, half monstrous could be seen, and Aizen stood before him once more.

This time however, he had snow-white skin, long hair, and violet eyes, but gone were his wings and beast form. Still, Ainz didn't feel like Aizen was any weaker, on the contrary. He readied himself for the worst, feeling that the activation window for the {Goal of All Life is Death} was rapidly closing, he was ready to a cast a spell, the spell that would end this Shinigami once and for all.

"Have you regained your senses?" Ainz inquired not sensing the bloodlust, the killing intent that was so apparent up until now.

Aizen betrayed no will to carry on this battle as he plummeted to the ground in a moment of weakness and stared up at the looming form of the Overlord of Death.

“I lost.” Aizen uttered those words, near inaudible to the untrained ear, but the Overlord had perfect hearing. Content with the outcome, he let go of his skill, and felt it fade into nothingness as he took a step forward and reached out a hand. “Come, stand up.”

Aizen although hesitant, but took the Hand of the Overlord, and for a split second his eyes widened.

A plethora of feelings overwhelmed his senses as power coursed through his Soul and Body. The mere contact with the Hollow before him seemingly triggered a new phase of evolution deep inside his Soul. He had thought he was already perfect. A being without equal, now he was proven wrong. But instead of destroying him, the Hollow before him had showed him the truth. The truth of endless evolution, the truth that he had still much to learn.

Ainz accessed his inventory, the battle was brutal, and the Shinigami was battered, exhausted no doubt. He pulled out a Stamina recovery potion and handed it to Aizen. It was best to nurture good will, so in the future he feels indebted and would be more inclined to help… wait, are these my thoughts? The Overlord questioned, but ultimately, he left doubt sink into the depts of his mind.

Aizen's eyes momentarily widened when he saw the skeleton pull out a small vial from between the empty space separating the three worlds. He continued to surprise him more and more now that he paid attention to details. First, the alien power that prompted his evolution, now manipulating space between worlds to his whim, just where is the bottom of his endless power? Just how old was Ainz Ooal Gown? Just how much knowledge had this Hollow hoarded through ages past? Would he share it if I stayed? No, after my blunder he will turn me away.

A strained smile became visible on Aizen’s face as he let go of his Zanpakuto, and it dissolved into thin air. He had already fused with it and attained the highest level of power. And yet, and yet he could not imagine himself winning, the best course of action would be to curry favor and learn everything he can about the power and origin of the Overlord. "Very thoughtful of you." He commented, and accepted the beverage offered to him. There is too much I don’t know about him, but once I do... Aizen mused silently, eyeing the Overlord of Death, not yet ready to fully surrender his status as the one and only God.


Ichibe did not interfere in the battle; but observed with glee in his eyes. "The Soul King was right, he always is." He said to himself, he would ensure that this information gets to the other Royal Guards. He turned his back and walked away.

They would have to deal with this matter in person, they could no longer leave the Shinigami to handle such a threat. The Great Hollow had exhibited abilities in a wide array and of a magnitude unheard of. Ichibe was not confident enough to attack now, he could not make a mistake here, and alert his target to his presence.

He would be back with a team, so that the hollow has nowhere to run. If left alone, then this one may overturn the scale, and disrupts the balance, the balance for which the Soul King suffered for eons. He, as the leader of the royal guard could not allow that to happen.

He felt a presence behind him, one that was neither strong, but not weak either, an average Adjuchas class Hollow had a similar presence, but when he turned around, he was surprised.

The hollow was a young little girl, if not for the white helm and horn on her head, she could be mistaken for a human child. However, only Vasto Lords had such a humanoid appearance. Ichibe was cautious, however it soon evaporated when the girl opened her mouth. “Uh, hey! You are a Shinigami, right?”


The Centre of Soul Society, Captain’s Meeting

Yamamoto sat on a white chair, on both sides captains were lined up. Albeit some were missing from the lineup. Namely, Aizen, Gin and Tosen.

"How are we to respond, Head Captain?"

"We must fight, we must teach them a lesson they won't soon forget!"

"My fellow Captains, while these worries are valid, there is a matter at hand that we should decide first." At the measured voice of Byakuya, the hall went silent. "I am sure you are aware, but during Aizen's betrayal and escape, a small group has invaded Soul Society." This piece of information was news to none but a few. "They were led by a substitute Shinigami called Ichigo, in an attempt to obstruct law and save Rukia Kuchiki."

The captains engaged in a heated discussion. Some wanted them to be executed, some applauded their actions, and admired their resolve. That however soon came to an end.

The wooden cane impacted the ground, sending out a breath of scorching air in all directions.

"That's enough. Ichigo and his groups are detained for the time being, and their fate will be decided when we dealt with the more pressing matter at hand." Yamamoto spoke, and none voiced objection in the face of the ancient Death God.

"Good, now then... When Aizen made his escape along a Vasto Lord, he left me some confusing words. I would like you to add your input in this matter, did he mean those words? Or was it all a ploy to confuse and mislead us?" The Head Captain asked the Gotei 13, and quoted Aizen's last words. "Everything I’ve done, I did to preserve the Soul Society. One day you will understand."

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