《The Cube - Discontinued》Chapter 0 - Prologue


AN: Hello everyone (what can I say, I'm optimistic, right?)! It's my first time writing, hopefully you'll tell me what you enjoy and what you don't - please don't be shy with your criticisms, being a ginger I have developed very thick skin! Haha, I just want to know how you guys like this and whether you'd like some more :)


Many people assume that ‘gods’ and ‘demons’ are merely myths stemming from religion; they dismiss them as the fantasies of their undeveloped predecessor’s who didn’t fully understand what went on in the world around them. They would, in fact, be wrong. While not being on the level of a metaphysical being who was responsible for the Creation of the Universe, there are many entities who are truly powerful enough to be worthy of the title ‘God’ and they cross between these different worlds, sometimes helping them with their vast powers in order to increase the speed of their evolution from dumb beasts to sentient, intelligent life forms. Even on Earth, there are many examples of small guilds of Gods assisting smaller societies like with the Romans, Egyptians and Neanderthals.

Despite this, the Council of Gods, formed from a group of seven Higher Beings who have moved one step further on the path of immortality than the other Gods; meaning that they are many times more powerful thus proclaiming themselves to stand at the head of the God community, had declared that it is irresponsible to meddle too much in the affairs of the mortal beings and instructed the Gods to take a passive approach in their worlds. They established a set of rules for the Gods to follow:

1. Mortals must never be told the way to Ascend to Godhood

2. Gods should not intervene even in the case of Apocalypse


3. Gods are restricted to the management of one planet

4. Those that fail to follow the previous three rules shall be imprisoned within The Cube

As with all rules, there were Gods who did not follow them. Some Gods were too attached to the inhabitants and their benevolence lead them to divert nature from its true course while others were too greedy and made the inhabitants worship them and sometimes even wanted followers from other planets which disrupted the Balance which the Council of Gods had tried so hard to preserve. The instigators were stripped of their God titles, labeled as Demons and taken to The Cube whilst the mortals who had been taken away from the path of Balance were annihilated.

The Cube is something far from the comprehension of even the Higher Beings, it is most likely the work of some Transcendent Being, hidden from the eyes of those who are not even worthy to look at Their feet. The Cube exists in a plane separated from the Universe and is incredibly big. Some even estimate it is bigger than the Universe as it rotates ominously in its lonely world, being the only thing one can see from the outside however nobody has ever been able to accurately determine its true size. Such a powerful phenomenon is totally inescapable even for the Gods. Nothing comes out of The Cube, it is the perfect vacuum, far greater than Space, letting no light, sound or even heat escape. Instead, it seems to suck everything around it in.

Within the Judgment Room, where the Council of Gods passes unbiased judgment on those who sought to usurp their rules, stands a pristine skeleton draped in a royal purple Chinese-styled gown with luxurious golden ornamentation. He faces the high oaken table behind which 7 Higher Beings sit. Although he has no facial features, one could still somehow interpret that he had a rather grim look on his face.


“Former 7th seat, Higher Being ‘Zed’, for the crime of conspiring to overthrow the Council of Gods and destroy the Central Galaxy, we sentence you to The Cube”, intones a solemn voice of a middle-aged man, whom everyone would recognise as the 1st seat of the Council of Gods, Husk.

The guards then swiftly move to apprehend him from the four corners of the room, a subtle look of fear on their faces, and lead him to the spacial rift, almost like a portal, in the centre of the wall. The skeleton, Zed, looks back, an aura of rage tints his usually clear-white divine aura which he customarily exudes and spits out at a smug-looking young man with long blonde hair and blue eyes, snarling, “Enjoy it while it lasts, Zeus. One day, I’ll come looking for you.” The young man just chuckles to himself while Zed is pushed by the guards, falling headfirst into the portal to the terrifying prison that spells certain doom for all who enter it; into The Cube.

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