《Weep, for Sun is dead》Chapter 3: Coming of the good and the bad


When Sun fell, the world of living stilled. Sun was gone after all, how else could one react?. They prayed for the Sun and when the Divine hand brought it back the world was still again. They prayed again, differently now.

It was a thing that occured all over the world, living or living dead, they were all impacted.

Then the quest came and a new era began.

The Chief Priest of the town close to the eternal battlefield knew what was happening. Knew they were coming. So he waited for them at the gate, he knew what they were about to do.

He didn’t wait alone- merchants,the rulers of this fair city came as well, common people and traders, journeying knights and nobles- everyone came, for everyone found out. They cried as they waited, but gathered some things that might be of use, obscure artifacts and ancient heirlooms.

The twilight is upon us and if there is no Sun night will swallow all.

It was time, it was time for a new time.

Some time passed, then they came.

Some have seen them a lot, some know them even, some were friends with them. Others saw them in passing or here and there. Some were seeing them for the first time. Those looked carefully, everyone did in fact. Because maybe this is the last time they could see them. The legends of old in flesh.

You never knew how precious something was until you lost it, until it was no longer by your side, until it was gone. It was the same with The Sun, and Sun. The Stars.. will we lose them as well? Is this the end of the day? Of the living?

The Stars brought hope with them. Just their passing shared it with others. Words of new dawn and new stars. They were sent in celebration, in memory. They will be remembered. Their stories will be shared to be passed to a new generation, to the next stars to help them, to guide them, to protect them.


When they left, a somber mood took over the city. A sleepy mood, relaxed atmosphere and people. Their hope was rising, they were shining. It would countie to grow, until it exploded and great people were created in moments.

But it didn’t reach. After some days their peace was interrupted by unexpected news. A news that ruined their day, their lives. A news brought by a church messenger, the news that is now known to the whole world.


Sun fell and then the Sun died. Flame was reignited, the Sun was reborn, kidneys of fires fell off to the chosen. Touched by the sun, touched by the divine they were. Across all of land, all of space and time. They are our future heroes. Those who will fight off the dark, the twilight and death. It is them who would rise the new dawn.

“The quest has started. Chosen ones, stand. Chosen ones, step forward for it is time. It is time to rise and claim your destiny. ….”

These are the words of the Holy Pope, the little Sun, as he is often called. It was meant to be an insult, but the Popes carry it with great pride. For who wouldn’t want to be compared to the most holy Sun.

These are words spread from th eFirst Church of the Sun to all over the kingdom, beyond the borders, across mountains and rivers. The world is learning of what has happened. But, in this kingdom it was declared, in this kingdom it became known, it is the kingdom who spread the news from the Pope's mouth.

The Kingdom Of Radiant Stars.

From the very center of it, the very heart of power. From the Grand Cathedral of the Sun.

Street criers cried it at the street corners and squares. People rushed to inform their family and friends, merchants planned around the news and nobles plotted at their gatherings. The clergy offered comfort and food to people, showing strength and unity.


In no time at all, the whole town knew and it spread quickly to the closest villages and towns. But, they all knew.

Then it was time for the rest of the world to know.

The runners blazzed carrying the messages across the city and country. They spread out wider and wider, going in every direction. From the road through the villages, from town to town. Until they crossed the borders and crossed it into another land.

There they visited villages and spoke the truth, there they visited the towns and talked to majors and nobles, there they were hosted by kings in their grand halls. There in halls only a few can enter and see with their own eyes, they spoke and confessed the holy truth from the Pope’s mouth.

They didn’t stay for long, they didn’t have time. They ran again, as far as they could, as fast as they could. The king, the nobles and peasants of this land knew, the rumors will take care of the rest. The message must reach others with haste- other common people, kings and people of import.

And so one of them ran and ran, until it happened upon a mighty legion of old. Carrying ancient sigils unfading- sigils as old as time, known to every man. Sigil of Sun and The Stars.. So he rushed as quickly as he could, as quickly as his legs would carry him.

Horses didn’t slow or stop, they kept on marching and runner had to run with them. He spoke to them all, but to men closest to him first and foremost.

He knew he could die for what he is about to do, there would be no justice, no solace for him. He knew what kind of a message he was carrying, he had repeated it so many times already after all.

It is not condolences for a man, a legend, a hero .. a friend to these people. It was an accusation, venom and spit in the face. Pope’s words condemned these heroes to death.

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