《The Tale of Mally Biddle》Chapter 6: Bosc
On the way back to the house, Mally and Ivan discussed the best way to inform Susie Biddle of the news. It was a well-known fact that the knights tormented anyone they wanted outside of the castle. Though Mally could hardly believe the stories that she had heard from travelers and her fellow townspeople, the rumor was that the knights didn’t touch those inside the castle’s walls. She guessed it would be bad for business. After all, why would anyone willingly work where the knights lived? But even though Mally could argue to her mother that she would be safer in the castle, she knew that it would be a difficult point to make. Especially with Gibbs’ latest visit.
“She’s not going to let me go,” Mally stated.
Ivan narrowed his eyes in annoyance.
“You don’t know her,” Mally continued, spotting Ivan’s expression. “She’s never let me go to the city—no matter how desperately we need the money.”
“The servants are well paid. You can send part of your salary to her. I know many do that.”
Mally still looked uncertain. She definitely wanted to go with Ivan. To leave Blighten … to not take care of the blasted goats … to have some adventure … to try to get rid of the knights! Mally could hardly contain her excitement. But her mother … Mally could leave without her approval. She was an adult. But that idea only made Mally’s stomach twist sickly. Mally didn’t like the idea of leaving her mother alone, dealing with the farm and the shopping and the market and the goats and the knights. But if they didn’t somehow start earning more money then it wouldn’t be long before Gibbs snatched the farm away. Winter was coming and the livestock would need hay. They were already low on corn and the chickens would need their share of grain. Mally’s chest seemed to tighten. They just didn’t have enough money with Gibbs snatching every coin that his grubby fingers could find!
“Is it true that the knights don’t hurt anyone inside the castle?” Mally asked.
Ivan nodded.
“They act very differently inside the castle,” he explained. “It wouldn’t be smart to abuse the people keeping their living space pristine and their goblets full. Mostly they will ignore you. I’ll explain everything to her except”—they had reached the gate and Ivan put his hand on Mally’s elbow to stop her—“I don’t want you to mention that I’m in the rebellion or what I want you to do inside the castle. It isn’t wise for even our families to know who is a rebel—we can’t risk the knights guessing who we are.”
Mally’s insides squirmed again at the idea of her mother not knowing the true reason for her departure, but Ivan was right. The less her mother knew of the truth the less danger she would be in, not to mention that spying on the knights would be the perfect reason for her mother to forbid her to leave Blighten.
Blushing from the warm pressure of his hand, Mally nodded.
“Goodness, you’ve been awhile,” said Susie when the door opened and Mally and Ivan walked in. “Goats give you extra trouble?”
“No, the goats are fine,” said Mally, taking a seat at the table. “Ivan’s going back to Bosc today.” Mally felt Ivan standing close behind her.
“I hope you travel well,” said Susie. “Would you like to stay for lunch?”
“I don’t wish to tread upon your hospitality any longer than I must,” said Ivan. “I was talking to Mally and I understand that she has never visited Bosc.”
Mally tensed.
Susie’s back also seemed to have straightened as she looked at Ivan, wiping her hands on a dishcloth.
“It isn’t the safest of places to be,” she said simply.
“Most certainly, but with the right company the knights are only a bit bothersome.”
“A bit … bothersome?” Susie repeated slowly, as if she had misheard him. “I’m sorry, Mr. Finley, but I wouldn’t call people who threaten parents with locking their children in the dungeons if they don’t give up their gold bothersome.”
Mally’s cheeks flushed; she twisted her fingers in embarrassment.
“Ivan, why don’t you go outside for a moment?” Mally interrupted quickly, turning in her chair to look up at him. His mouth tightened, but he nodded and left the room.
The silence that followed Ivan’s departure was uncomfortable. Mally stared at her mother.
“You didn’t have to say that,” Mally finally said quietly.
“It’s the truth,” Susie stated. She had turned her back to Mally, plunging her arms into soapy water in the sink.
Mally glared at her mother’s back.
“He offered me a job.”
Susie turned, surprised.
“In Bosc. At the castle.”
Susie’s face turned white.
“No!” Susie dropped a spoon into the water with a splash.
“The castle is safe,” Mally argued, rising and making her way to her mother. “The stories are true. The castle’s servants aren’t harmed.”
“I don’t care! You’ll still be in the city. What happens when you leave the castle? Eh? Do they care so much about rules then?”
Mally gazed into her mother’s angry eyes and said quietly, “We need the money.”
Susie huffed, scrubbing a plate with surprising violence.
“The servants make a more than decent salary,” Mally continued. “I can send you my earnings, or a part of them. You and I both know that we can’t keep our heads above water if one of us doesn’t get a job somewhere. At least at the castle, I will be safe.”
“Safe.” Her mother nearly spat out the word. “No one has been safe for sixteen years.”
Mally suddenly wished that she could tell her mother why she was really going to Bosc … that she was going to help the rebels.
“Do you remember the two knights that were here with Gibbs?” Susie asked suddenly.
“Yes,” said Mally, surprised by the turn in conversation.
“The blond one was standing right there, where you are.” Susie pointed to the countertop that Mally leaned against. “I didn’t pay him much attention. I was too busy trying to keep Gibbs happy, but I thought I heard something clank.”
Mally blinked and turned to inspect the countertop.
“The tea canister?” asked Mally astonished.
Susie nodded.
“He was right next to it. He could have lifted the lid without anyone noticing.”
“But that would mean that he gave us gold.” Mally was so astounded that she could only stare at her mother.
“Yes,” Susie agreed softly.
A knight had given them gold. This news rang like a gong in Mally’s brain. A knight had given them gold. A knight had moved against Gibbs—against Molick. Mally suddenly wondered if he had deposited small handfuls of gold in strange places at all the houses they had visited.
“I don’t approve of this,” Susie spoke and Mally quickly turned her focus back to her mother. “But, I also can’t make you stay.”
Mally’s heart began to pound.
“I’ll be careful.”
Susie nodded, a sudden wetness in her eyes.
“I’ll write every day.”
When Susie didn’t make a response to that, Mally pulled her close.
“I’ll be careful,” she repeated.
Mally managed to convince a jubilant Ivan to stay for the night and leave in the morning. She was surprised at how well-tempered her mother was to Ivan in the morning since it was thanks to him that her only daughter was leaving her safe abode. Mally thought that her mother was putting on a strong front so that Mally wouldn’t see the fear and sadness she was feeling.
Susie fussed over the clothes that Mally had or hadn’t packed and loaded she and Ivan down with food for the journey.
“I know it’s only a few hours, but I don’t trust that inn food!”
Ivan repeated again and again his gratitude for her hospitality. Even though Susie didn’t show it very vividly, Mally was sure she was touched by his tireless desire to show his thanks.
Mally needed a horse for the journey to Bosc and they only had one, Sam, a large dappled-gray draft horse. She could remember being a little girl and watching her father harness Sam up to plow the fields behind their house and being amazed at how tall he was. Ivan’s eyes widened when Sam was led from the stable.
“You’re sure I should take him?” Mally asked her mother for the third time that morning.
Susie shook her head dismissively.
“He’d mope around like a great fool with you gone. You two are better together. Allen will lend me a horse for plowing. Don’t worry about me.”
When Sam and Arrow were saddled and ready, Mally hugged her mother one last time, scratched Bonnie behind the ears—she whined pitifully—and mounted Sam. Ivan shook hands with a stony-faced Susie and expressed again his deep thanks. It was only after Ivan had mounted Arrow and they had left the fenced-in yard that Susie yelled fiercely after them, “You’d better take care of my daughter, Ivan Finley, or I’ll hunt you down!”
Ivan turned in his saddle, grinning widely, as Mally laughed, wiping tears from her eyes.
“You have my word, madam, that no harm shall come to her!” he called back.
Mally hoped that it wouldn’t be long before she returned.
The four hour journey to Bosc seemed to pass by in minutes. There was so much to discuss. Mally didn’t know anything about being a servant or how to act around nobility. The only people she ever dealt with were other farmers and traders. But Ivan didn’t seem worried in the slightest.
“You’ll surprise yourself. It’s not that hard. Be quiet and keep your eyes down. You’ll have duties that you’ll do every day, and then there may be certain spur of the moment things that crop up, but mostly, it’s the same thing every day,” said Ivan, thinking about the servants at his home. “And you won’t be alone. There are many servants in the castle already, but be sure not to tell them anything about the rebels or the real reason you’re there.”
“How are you going to get me in?” asked Mally, suddenly nervous.
“I’ve got my connections,” said Ivan with a wink. “Leave it to me.”
“Will I meet the other members of the group?” Mally asked.
“I don’t see why not. They’ll need to recognize you if they need to send you a message personally and I’m not able to.”
“Why wouldn’t you be able to?” Mally cringed inwardly at the panic in her voice.
“Things happen,” Ivan shrugged. “My mother, as you already know, enjoys sending me on wild goose chases in hopes that I’ll fall madly in love. I may not be available all the time.”
Mally nodded and twirled some of Sam’s silvery gray strands of mane around her finger.
Ivan laughed suddenly and Mally looked at him curiously.
“Wouldn’t my mother be pleased!” Ivan grinned rather wickedly. “Sent off to get a girl and I return, in fact, with a girl, but not at all the one she wanted! She’d be furious if she found out!” He sounded positively gleeful.
“Is it likely that I’ll meet you mother?” Mally asked. Mrs. Finley didn’t sound like the warmest of women.
“You might, but it would probably be best if you sleep in the Lone Candle until I get you into the castle. And you’ll be able to meet Galen! He’s a good friend of mine and he’s in the rebel group as well. His mother runs the Lone Candle. You’ll like him. He’s your age.”
It was comforting news to Mally that someone her age was in the rebel group. She had pictured them all as gruff, angry men.
The sun had begun to set, bathing the sky in soft waves of pink and apricot. An hour before they entered Bosc, Ivan stopped Arrow and turned to Mally.
“Let’s take a break for a little while; I want to tell you a few things before we get to Bosc.”
They moved a little ways off the large road and sat amongst a patch of trees.
“I want you to stay as far from the knights as possible,” Ivan said without preamble.
Mally snorted. She thought this was a rather ridiculous request.
“Ivan, how am I supposed to stay away from them if I’m going to live with them?”
“I know, I know,” he said nodding his head, “and I’m sure the other servants will help you figure out how to deal with the knights, but I want you to be on your guard.”
The seriousness of his gaze sent chills down Mally’s spine. For the first time she sensed the danger of the situation.
“I’ll keep my head down,” Mally assured him. “I’ll be careful.”
“If anything happens—”
“If anything happens I’ll tell you immediately.”
Ivan seemed pleased at that and relaxed against a tree trunk.
“Good. I don’t want your mother chasing me around Lenzar with a carving knife.”
They returned to the road, which was becoming much more congested. Sam tossed his huge head from time to time in agitation. He wasn’t used to so many people and horses in such close proximity. Mally rubbed his neck gently and whispered softly in his ear. The last thing she wanted was to lose control of Sam.
They rounded a corner and Mally felt a burst of sea air. Bosc was an extremely large port city. Fishermen sold their catches on the docks and expensive jewels and cloths were brought in from distant countries. Mally had never seen the ocean, but her mother and father had talked glowingly about it.
Mally’s throat suddenly went dry. A huge stone wall, twenty—or thirty—feet high, towered before them. It was the outer wall of Bosc and encircled the entire city. She looked up at the top and spotted knights strolling slowly, almost lazily, up and down, bows draped over their chests and swords swaying from their waists. Mally quickly looked down as a knight from above noticed her.
The wide road had narrowed, forcing Mally and Ivan into a line that had come to a halt. A knight was standing at the large gate before them, inspecting those who wished to enter the city.
“Don’t worry,” Ivan said quietly, interpreting her stiff posture correctly. “You’ll be fine.”
But she didn’t feel fine. Far from it. Perched on top of Sam, she was head and shoulders taller than almost anyone else in the line. She felt like a flame that was attracting all the eyes of the many moths around her. People in the line around them had turned their heads and were pointing openly at Sam. Trying to ignore them as best she could, Mally focused on her fingers that were twisting Sam’s mane feverishly. Finally the large wagon before them moved through the gate and Mally and Ivan were at the front of the queue.
“Name?” a bearded knight grunted, staring dully at a large roll of parchment in his hand.
“Ivan Finley, son of Brenden and Abby Finley,” Ivan answered, rather tartly. “I am a resident here as you very well know, Strap.”
Strap chuckled, giving Ivan a wide wicked grin.
“Rules are rules, Finley,” Strap smirked. “His Majesty wants to know the comings and goings of the people in his city.”
“His Majesty or Sir Illius Molick?” Ivan asked, his voice hard.
Strap laughed again.
“Does it matter?” he asked.
Ivan glowered at Strap, but Strap didn’t seem perturbed. He turned his eyes upward to Mally.
“And your name, missy?” His eyes roamed over her and Mally resisted the urge to squirm.
“Mally Biddle.”
“I’ve never heard of you.” His voice was like gravel. “Where you from?”
“Blighten,” Mally replied shortly.
“Blighten, eh? I should go their more of’en,” he chuckled to the knight beside him and Sam snorted and stamped his huge hoof.
“Quite a horse you got there,” Strap observed, taking in Sam’s impressive bulk. His eyes shined with a hunger that Mally didn’t like at all.
“Thank you,” she said tightly.
“This your first time in Bosc?”
“Yes, and I hope I enjoy my stay … sir,” Mally added politely.
“I hope you do as well,” Strap leered. “Ten gold pieces,” he barked suddenly.
Before Mally could reach for the small moneybag in her cloak, Ivan had already handed the gold to Strap. He inspected it with a sneer before saying, “You may pass.”
Feeling suddenly dirty, Mally passed the two knights and entered the city.
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