《Appetite! [BL]》Chapter 9: Licorice Candy Part 4


Although the room was a little dark, the sunlight outside seeped through the small gaps of the window blinds. The study room's walls were painted white, while the furnishing was of light colours. Allowing the diffused sunlight to seep through the darkness, illuminating one side of the room.

The dim light helped Matthew see his masterpiece as he painted Ein's body with his marks. Ein's perky nipples were swollen red, his chest was littered with bite marks and hickies. His arms and legs had rope burns and bruises, while sticky cum painted his abdomen, Matthew's milky load and blood dribbled from his entryway.

A satisfied smirk was etched on Matthew's face as he saw his prey thoroughly debauched, his libido was still burning with desire to dominate, disregarding Ein's resistance. He punched Ein's abdomen and slammed his head into the desk to weaken him and to prevent Ein from breaking out from the rope bindings.

Ein's painful grunts and moans riled up Matthew's anger and further aroused his erect member, which he then used to roughly impale Ein's delicates relentlessly. Fresh blood trickled down on the desk as Matthew tore his insides apart.

"Remember this, Ein… this pain, Ahh! And this pleasure. Haha! Hnngghh!" Filthy grunts and moans escaped Matthew's mouth as he rams into Ein.

Matthew became oblivious to the noise outside the corridor and submitted himself to the pleasure. Ein's hole was tight and the muscles wrapped around his shaft, clamping down on him. He enjoyed Ein who had become submissive after receiving a few blows from him.

"Haaahh! See, Ein? You were meant to be a bitch! Haha! No one will help you here… Aaah! It's just you and me…" He then pulled out his dick and forcefully shoved its entire length into Ein, discharging another load.

Ein lets out a painful moan and passes out, his arms and legs stopped trembling and his body limps motionless.

Matthew cackled like a mad man as he saw Ein become like a rag doll, he then aimed his cock once more into the swollen hole and started pounding again. Matthew's laughter echoes through the room as he asserts ownership of Ein's body.

Little did Matthew knew, someone witnessed his madness

Diether was abhorred by what he saw through the small keyhole and retreated a few steps back. Eventually, a wave of seething anger followed by disgust filled his thoughts. The images of a dear friend being bound on a table, while being sexually assaulted burned into his eyes. Seeing Ein being treated like an animal shook him to his core.

Diether swiftly takes out his mobile phone and rings Monique who answers immediately on the first ring.

[D-Diether! Did you manage to-]

"I f-found Ein, he's being assaulted! P-please call 999 and s-send them to Building D, 6th floor, e-eastern wing. Please hurry!!" His voice trembled.

Diether then releases the call and dials the number for the campus' emergency services to get help, the operator then notes the details from him and lets him know that a responder will come as soon as possible and should arrive within ten minutes.

'Shit! Help is taking too long! Ein needs help, now!'

Adrenaline courses through Diether's body as he recalls the view he saw earlier. He then takes a deep breath, summons his strength and kicks the door open, breaking the lock.

Matthew suddenly heard the door open with a loud bang, he turned his head toward the direction of the sound, but instead of seeing the intruder, a heavy fist flew to his face. Matthew crashed hard onto the floor, his mouth bled as the strong jab loosened some of his teeth.


"You fucking monster! What did you do to Ein?!"

It was Diether, his face was fuming with rage, he had sprinted and lunged towards Matthew as soon as he entered the room. Diether glances at Ein's bare body that was sprawled on the desk. He then removes his hoodie and covers Ein with it.

Diether quickly removes the blindfold, the gag and unties the ropes around Ein.

As he undid the binding along Ein's legs, he was alarmed by the amount of blood that dripped down from the table. His eyes followed the steady drops, which led him to where Ein's waist was.

Diether was devastated, his ochre irises dilated as he scowled at Matthew. An overwhelming murderous intent came over him.


Diether grabs Matthew's collars and slams his head onto the bookshelves. The impact loosened some of the books and fell onto the floor leaving a mess.

"What did Ein do to you?! Why would you do such a thing?!" Diether's eyes were filled with fury.

Matthew chuckled. "Y-you don't know anything! He seduced me… and I obliged-"

A right hook punch flies to Matthew's face. His visage was now a bloody mess as Diether's blow broke his nose and loosened a few more of his molars.

"Ahh! It hurts!" Matthew slumps on the floor and squirmed in pain.

Diether then notices that Matthew's trousers and underwear had blood stains on them. He clicked his tongue and howled at Matthew.

"What you did was rape!"

Diether's vision darkens in anger, he then pins down Matthew, with his body weight and assaults him with a barrage of punches.

"You piece of shit!"

Diether's knuckles started to bruise and bleed as he mauls Matthew relentlessly. Matthew's face gradually turned black and blue, his nose and mouth were bleeding profusely due to the blows.

"No! Diether stop! That is enough! You'll kill him!

Diether immediately stiffens, he then releases his hold on Matthew. He recognises the voice that called out to him, it was Monique she had just arrived. Diether glanced at Monique who was at the door, it looked like she ran as fast as she could as she was gasping for air and was sweating.

Monique cautiously enters the room after catching her breath, she then notices Ein who was lying nude and unconscious on the table, his intimates were covered by Diether's hoodie. Her eyes widened in terror and a dismal expression was etched on her face.

"Oh my god! No… No!!" Monique runs to Ein's side. She quickly checks his breathing and his vitals.

"Ein! Ein! Wake up, please!" Teardrops drenched Monique's cheeks as she gently massaged Ein's face.

Monique then takes out her handkerchief and presses on Ein's bleeding forehead. She then saw the bruises, rope marks and wounds left by Matthew on his body. Eventually, she saw the trail of blood that oozed from Ein's buttocks and she froze in shock.

"Blood… Diether… Ein's bleeding too much!" She quickly glanced at her wristwatch and her face started to become pale due to panic.

"Why… isn't the ambulance here yet? I already called for emergency…" Monique gazes at Diether with a bitter expression. "Ein needs help urgently! What do we do, Diether?"

Monique's pained expression troubled Diether and snapped him out of his rage. He then quickly composed himself and comforted Monique.

"Monique, calm down and don't panic. I've already called the campus' EMTs a few minutes ago…" He then stood up and quickly tied up Matthew's limbs with the ropes that bound Ein earlier.


Matthew was lying flat on the ground, his face was bloodied and battered, he fell unconscious after Diether's fists rained down on him earlier.

"I'll go look for help, Monique. Please stay with Ein for the meantime! I'll be back with help alright? I won't take long" Diether finishes tying up Matthew's legs and swiftly darts out of the room with his phone on hand. He was ringing emergency services once again.

Monique was then left alone in the room, she then realises that crying won't do anything to help Ein, she collects herself and calmly checks on Ein's injury once more.

She took a deep breath and inspected Ein's rear, it seems that Matthew's rough handling worsened his injury, fresh blood kept trickling down and two wires stuck out from Ein's orifice that was connected to remotes.

"That sick bastard…"

Monique clicked her tongue in anger and grimaced at the unconscious Matthew. She wanted to hit him, but due to Ein's worsening condition, she opted to ignore him.

She then notices a multitude of used toys that were sprawled under the desk. She kicked them to the side out of spite and disgust. Monique imagined the pain that Ein had to endure in Matthew's hands.

"We need to stop the bleeding…"

Monique swiftly scours the room for an emergency first aid kit. After pulling out all of the drawers and cabinets, she finds a bundle of clean cotton bandages. She then hoists Ein to his side and into a recovery position. Monique uses the bandages to apply pressure on Ein's rear, suppressing the bleeding.


A weak voice calls out to her. Monique's blue irises dilated. Ein finally woke up.

"... Y-yes? E-Ein I'm here!" Monique strokes Ein's back. "Thank god! You're s-safe…"

Monique's voice was still shaking and she tried to hold back her tears. An overwhelming relief slammed through her thoughts as Ein regained his consciousness.

"I'm… so sorry… I should… have listened…" Tears started to flow from Ein's eyes, his voice shook as he apologised to Monique. "It's my… fault… I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault, Ein, you dolt! I'm the one who should be sorry… I shouldn't have left you alone!"

Monique's teardrops drenched her face once more, she tried to wipe her face dry it but she couldn't hold back her tears.

"If only we came just in time! If only we skipped class and stubbornly drag your arse for lunch… this shouldn't have happened!" Monique's soft wails slowly echoed through the room.

"Monique… it's okay… I don't… blame you." Ein then stretches his left hand back out to Monique, waiting for her to hold his hand.

Monique saw Ein's gesture and quickly grabbed his hand firmly.

"Thank you… for being… my friend." A soft whimper escapes from Ein.

"It's good… to know… That I'm not… alone."

Ein's grip on Monique's hand loosens, his arm then limps down. Ein started to deteriorate as his breathing became uneven and his pulse weakened.

"No! No! Ein! Stay with me!" Monique shook and pats Ein's back.

Eventually, the sound heavy footsteps rang throughout the corridor, Diether had led the EMTs inside the study room and they quickly got to work on administering first aid on Ein.

Diether struggled to calm Monique down as the paramedics took Ein away, eventually, he assures her that Ein will be taken care of. He then took the details of Ein's admission to Charing Cross Hospital from one of the responders and relayed it over to Monique.

The bobbies from South Kensington Police also followed suit after the EMTs vacated the room. The constables investigated the study room and apprehend Matthew Briar due to eyewitness accounts of sexual assault. A few minutes after, officers also discovered illicit drugs inside Matthew's belongings which further escalated possible charges against him.

Diether and Monique watched as the ambulance whisked Ein away. Both of them had to stay for a bit for the police inquiry. An investigator then approached Diether for questioning.

"Monique, I'll be back for a bit. I just need to tell them of what happened okay?" Diether's warm hands cupped Monique's face and he gently kissed her forehead.

"Alright… I'll see you later then." A feeble smile appeared on Monique's face. Her eyes followed Diether as a constable escorted him into a private room.

Monique was left standing alone in Building D's lobby, onlookers were gazing at her with a nosy expression. Rumours spread like wildfire, about a professor being arrested for sexual assault. The bystanders then congregated as they saw Professor Matthew Briar being dragged away by an officer, his hands were cuffed and tied to his back and his face was thoroughly beaten up.

Monique and Matthew's eyes met briefly as they passed each other in the lobby.

"Constable, please wait! I just want to have a word with that man." Monique gave chase.

"Alright, make it quick." The officer fixed his cap as he waited.

Monique felt a burning urge to hit Matthew but restrained herself. Instead, she scowls at Matthew with a deathly expression, grabs his collars and whispers a threat to his ear.

"You will never be a free man… The pain you inflicted on Ein… I'll make sure that you suffer tenfold." Monique then releases her grip and lets the constable whisk Matthew away into the police car.

"Ms Monique Moss?" An investigator tapped Monique's shoulder. She turns and greets the man behind him.

"We've received word from Charing Cross that Ein Schmidt has arrived safely. However, it seems that emergency surgery is required to treat his internal injuries and requires consent…" The investigator scratches his head.

"Mr Schmidt has listed you and your parents as emergency contacts, we tried reaching out to your parents but it seems that they are currently overseas... do you have any word from his immediate fam-"

"He's been disinherited" Monique interjects. "There is no need for them to get involved. Please bring me to Charing Cross, I'll sign the papers in his stead."

"O-of course… Please follow me, I'll escort you to the hospital." The officer then tips his hat to his colleagues. "I'll also need to ask you some questions regarding Matthew Briar as well."

"Of course, I shall comply with your investigation."

Monique followed the man and boarded the police car. Both of them drove off a few minutes later. She then took out her phone and sent a text message to Diether that she was going to the hospital to accompany Ein.


To be Continued.


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