《Guide to Conquering the World of Magic (Cultivation, LitRPG, Isekai, Yandere)》Day 6: A better life



'All of them have lost their will to fight.'

Attacked by a mysterious man, the Knights couldn't even muster the courage to draw out mana. They, who swore to protect the life of the Gandral Family's Young Master, froze.

But who could blame them? None would be able to fight against this man whose powers dwell beyond the realm of our imagination.

I think only the Family Head could have a chance in facing this man.

"I would do anything, please, spare the others."

I say these words not of courage but of cowardice. I could feel myself trembling before him, but I kept myself steady for the others. Ashamed as I may be, but I must admit that I was tempted to run when the Young Master died. I wished to abandon this and return to my home.

"Why are your expressions so gloom? Do not worry; I have no intention of killing those who keep their head down before me. But you do serve the young man I just killed, so for you and the others to survive, I demand two things."

He smiled and then struck our chests once. I felt myself being assaulted by massive pain. He treated our armors as though it was paper and when I checked, black veins spreading outwards formed on each of our chests.

"That is the Poison Heart Needle. It has no cure other than my own Spirit. It will eat at your heart and mind if I command it to do so. Let me give you all a demonstration."


Intense pain came and go for a brief five seconds. It was fleeting, but the pain felt like it lasted for hours. My chest hurt; my heart felt as though being grabbed by a vice.

"Is it painful?"

"I…it is… sir." He's just playing with us.

"Sir? You are the first to refer to me in such a manner after being struck by the demonstration. Most of the time, they would only call me a bastard. Such manners you have. But isn't this technique nice? It was something I nabbed from the Hell Court when I visited them to settle a dispute. Of course, you wouldn't understand any of this… how embarrassing for me to ramble on with such useless nonsense. I have to fix this habit of mine. It will get me killed if I don't keep my mouth shut, don't you think so as well, Warrior?"


Hell? Does he mean to say that he had traversed the realm of the Devils before and live? Just what kind of man is he? Or was he even human? Perhaps he was a Devil who escaped its world? But if that was the case, who was his Conjurer?

Either way, this only proves that not engaging him in a fight was indeed the right decision.

"Enough of that, I want to know several things. If you can provide them for me, then I will let you go."

"Do you agree?"

"…if that is what will keep our heads intact."

"Good, you might just be the second smartest being I found in this world next to that cat. Okay, what is the name of the Young man I killed?"

"Allen Gandral, the Second Son of the—"

He asked me a lot of things others should have as common knowledge, the name of the Continent, the Kingdoms surrounding us, the powers, and lastly, "The one called Serviela's, what are they?"

"They are Sla —" I was at a loss for word. This man was mysterious and had a curious temperament. The mere mention of the phrase Slave triggered him to kill the Young Master with ease… will he kill me as well if I say that word?

"That is enough. But confirm this to me. Is the whole Race?"

"Their whole Race is being treated as such."

"Is that so."

A soft and complicated expression, something I did not expect to see from someone like him. He laughed the next second and then stopped.

"Earlier, I heard you calling this girl by the name Anne. That corpse over there didn't allow you to call her by her name. It seems as though that's common knowledge… why did you call her by name then?"

"Her Master was my teacher… she… is a friend to me."

The other Knights groaned at my words. They were all Nobles, and they already did not like me because of my low birth. For me to admit this was enough to receive even more venom…

Some snickered at my words. I know this would happen. To others, the Serviela people were nothing but the remnants of the fallen Deidritch Demon King's forces.

For centuries we saw them as nothing but slaves to be used. None of them were given proper meals. Scraps were too good for them. The children considered seeing a Serviela being beaten as a way of disciplining normal.


Those who try and protect the Serviela were treated as traitors of Humanity and because of this, seeing them as nothing more than tools were forbidden. Me admitting that I saw her as a friend was beyond the Knight's comprehension.

They laughed, but the moment snickering rose…

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" they clutched their hearts and then fell after experiencing a very painful death.

"I spared your life because of this girl's request. I did not understand why but this explains it." He spoke as though he had not just reaped so much life.

He's a cold-blooded killer, I know, but… when I look at him… why does he seem so radiant without a flaw?

"Do you have a family?"

His tone, his aura, all of it was calm. I should fear him, but he looked like a benevolent Sage to me, and without even any hesitation, I answered him, "I have a daughter waiting for me back home."

"That's a shame. I have taken a liking to you too… what is your name?"

I fear him, yet I somehow see myself admiring this man.

"It is Yomi."

"Have you no Family Name?"

"I am of Lowly Birth; I did not have the right to possess such luxury."

That's right, despite being a Knight, I had no family name to speak of. Though I am a Noble in title alone, but the fact of the matter remained that I was still not bestowed one by the Master of the Gandral Family.

He claimed that I was unworthy of such distinguished claims.

"Such weird traditions. But it does not matter to me, now, does it? Well, you can leave and return to your Masters now, I will be taking my leave now, so long." The mysterious man said before walking away.

He only showed his back while walking back to the cave, and as he did so, I asked, "Wh-who are you?"

"The Demonic Martial King."

I had my doubts… but, with this, I finally understood who he was. A Demon King who decided to take the Serviela's under him had been born.


"Mister… why did you kill Allen?"

Anne asked, her face buried on Weiss's chest. Her voice was soft, almost impossible to hear if not for Weiss' enhanced hearing.

Weiss heard her question, her voice was quivering, and with a smile, he answered, "Nothing, he just said something I did not like."

"Then… why kill the other Knights?"

"They laughed at something I cared about."

Anne reacted to Weiss' words. Her hands balled to a fist, she further burrowed her head on his chest, and then, finally, she asked him, "Why… do you care about us? We… are nothing but tools, we have no worth, no rights… we… do not matter. Our lives… are worthless."

Weiss did not say anything grand, but as he stopped his steps, he softly patted Anne's head and then whispered, "Because no one deserves to be treated like this."

Slaves were living beings with intelligent minds treated as tools and more of a commodity than a life. They were used to toil the ground, used as sacrificed in Rituals, and an outlet of anger and even lust.

They had no rights to speak of.

From the moment they were born, their fate was decided. They had no choice in life. Only a single path of hardship and forced servitude awaited them.

Chains were attached to themselves the moment they were born.

Starved, mistreated, abused, looked down upon, all of this was nothing but the tip of the problems Slaves go through.

Slaves were nothing but tools. They were kicked and punch harder than training poles and could be killed without any repercussions.

Anne had been subjected to its Horrors. The scars, the hunger, and the eyes of the people around her… all of it left a mark on her.

Weiss closed his eyes, remembering a distant past where his body would be riddled with lashes how he could only watch as his mother would be abused until they escaped.

He could feel the hunger, the pain, and the fear for their lives. A formless chain that could not be unshackled.

"Because you deserve to live a better life." Weiss added.

Anne did not say anything. Her hands clutched Weiss' robes, and then with a weak voice, she spoke, "Mister…thank… you." Tears escaped from her eyes. She trembled as she cried from hearing his words.

For the first time, she cried without fear of being beaten.

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