《The Magi Magic Games》Ch.9 My First Fight!


I hated Eve’s idea. She said her idea was better than just having a team fight outside, where few could see it. Spoiler alert: I think her idea sucked. She said that I was one of the only Chaoser’s to attend this school. So for my first fight, she wanted it to be a grand event.

She had the entire school, and I really do mean the entire school, loaded into the Golden Stadium, the school’s biggest fighting stadium. It had half a million seats. It housed the Magi Magic Games a total of ten times, so the number of seats are justified since thousands upon thousands of people come to see the games in person. Students, teachers, administrators and even janitors were present to watch the fight. The stadium was filled with cheering and yelling galore. The stadium was designed like a classic colosseum. You had your fighting arena in the middle of the stadium, while the seats to watch surrounded that. There was a protective field that surrounded the arena (Duh) to protect the spectators. There was a long, thin, rectangular table a few feet away from the arena, which housed five seats, all of them occupied. In the middle was the headmistress herself, to her left were Eve and James and to her right were Atlas and that girl from before.

She had a set of discolored eyes like Atlas. In contrast, her left eye was a crimson red, like blood, fresh blood that I had just been spilled from a body. Her right eye was multicolored. Ok not like a rainbow, but more like it constantly exploded into a new hue of color, constantly changing. One second it was red and gray, and then it’s replaced with dark green and purple hues. That had to mean she was a Grade 1 magic user, or a user of an art very close to it. See, Grade 1 magic is quite strong, even making you be able to go toe to toe with a Being if you were suicidal enough. Since it’s very powerful, Prophets born with the ability to use and wield Grade 1 magic like Atlas and I are born with a physical “deformation”. Scientists call it a Stigma Overload. Now, this physical “deformations” aren’t like having paralyzed legs and whatnot. It just means our bodies have a unique physical difference. Like Atlas’ pure black eye and his black scars on his left arm. For the girl, it was that ever changing eyes, and her hair. Her hair was black, but the tips glowed a reddish hue. She stared at the arena like she was intrigued by my upcoming fight.


So what was my physical deformation you ask? My body emits black mist, well sorta. It’s actually highly condensed Chaos Essence. It also seems to be hotwired to my emotions. If I’m in any state of happiness, none will be emitted. But if I erupt like a volcano in anger, I become engulfed in the stuff. Oh, and my eyes glowed in the dark.

“Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the first ever team fight of Elenore Magnus and Celestia Styx, her teammate! Raven Flack, a third-year, who was the announcer for this match.

There was a giant uproar from the students. I sighed. Eve did all of this just because it was my first official fight of the year? Wow.

“Today’s match is between the Horn sisters, Amanda and Jessica, ranked A and C!” Raven yelled.

The uproar and applause continued.

“And the other team, both of which are first-years, Celestia Styx and Elenore Magnus!”

The second Raven yelled my name, Raven was completely drowned out by the yelling and cheering of the school. I never expected them to cheer for us.

“Being one of the only first-years to reach the rank of S as a starting rank, the crowd has high expectations for Magnus and Styx who has a rank of A.”

Ah, it’s because of my starting rank, that the crowd was so enthusiastic.

“Will these newbies be able to beat the Horn Twins? Who knows?” Raven exclaimed.

Man, the dude was really enthusiastic about this fight, whipping the crowd into a frenzy. But I guess a lot of people were looking forward to this fight, or he’s always that happy about fights.

“Before we begin this match starts, let me introduce to you our very special guests!” Raven announced.

A spotlight shined on the headmistress and the other four. The cheers, whistling, and yelling got turned up to 11. I thought I was gonna go deaf. Eve and James smiled and waved at the crowd. The headmistress ignored all the commotion. Atlas gave a slight nod of his head as his form of acknowledgment to the crowd. The other girl just kept her gaze fixed on the arena.


“Holding a rank of S, a third-year and the fourth strongest in the school, James Parker; our vice-president! Strikingly, he uses Grade 4 magic as a wizard, to keep his position. Next, we have Eve Von Wolfe, also holding a rank of S, third strongest in the school and our very own student president!” Raven yelled.

Whoa, wait what? Eve was only the third strongest? I was expecting her to be first!

“Using powerful Grade 2, Forbidden magic, she’s not one to be trifled with. Ranked S, with Grade 1 magic, we have Atlas Ryder! A man who lives in mystery, we don’t know much about him except for his magic art of Soulpurge and being placed fifth in the Zone Games. Atlas rightfully keeps his spot as number two! Last and certainly not least, we have our number one strongest student, Nova Eclipse! Rank S and using Grade 1 magic Veil, a branch of Diviner magic! Hailing from the lone planet Aclillon. Third in the Zone Games for two years in a row, Nova Eclipse, we are truly honored to have you.”

The audience respectively clapped, as the four of them rose from their seats and waved. They took back their seats.

“Of course we cannot forget about our beloved school headmistress, so works so hard to make Golden Sierra Mana academy a truly magical place!” Now ladies and gentlemen, with the word of our headmistress, the fight will commence!” Raven said.

The headmistress rose from her seat. “Let faith and fortune rain down on both teams. The Beings salute you all!” she announced, delivering the lines necessary to start a duel or team fight.

Having said those lines, the fight started.

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