《Obscure Unbinder》V2 - Chapter 1.4


Chapter 1.4-Interlude:

I could feel the intense chill from the icy wind constantly ebbing out from Lolley’s spear even across this huge distance between us. My sword arm began to numb from the cold.

She has more range. The longer this draws out, the more I’m at a disadvantage. I need to take her down fast.

“Vanya!” I shouted to the girl on my right.

Without need of further instruction, she started casting her empowerment and defensive spells. A flurry of orange and green lights danced around her hands and started encircling me in a spiral pattern.

Immediately, I felt reinvigorated and sensation returned to my extremities. I could barely feel the cold and I felt my strength doubling.

Lolley raised her spear in my direction and a small ball of sky-blue mana formed on the spear tip. I felt the air around me get drier as her magic sapped the moisture around us.

She’s going to fire another icicle. Doesn’t seem like there’s any way around it, I’ll have to expend this sword too…

I drew my sword from its scabbard and took my charging stance. I started bracing, focusing my mana on my feet and my sword. The sword started to emit an intense flame.

I doubled my mana concentration and the pressure on my feet built up. The flames coating my sword doubled in intensity. The grass around me started browning from the heat. Then, an explosion erupted from my heels, propelling me forward like a loosed arrow. In a blink of an eye, I closed the distance between me and Lolley.

She was clearly caught off-guard, her concentration broke and the mana ball dissipated. She tried to raise her spear to defend but I was quicker.

I turned my blade so that only the flat would collide with her spear. Lolley was sent flying backwards and she fell on her back. Her partner, Drew, ran to her and started casting recovery spells.

Lolley tried to rally but couldn’t summon enough strength to get back up.

“Enough.” Lord Fordgraine declared. The man in the heavy plate armor stood from the sidelines where the other Heroes were spectating and the examiner took a step back to give way to him as he made his way to us.

1-2-3-4-5… I am in control.

I took a deep breath and the mana in my body calmed down. The flames on my sword dissipated, revealing the aftermath of my mana surge: the sword had deformed and the mana capacity was completely depleted.

I actively tried to hide my frustration and maintained a calm and collected expression as the Master of the Heroes Guild approached closer.


Suddenly, I felt weight on the deformed blade in my hand. I turned to the side and saw Vanya had gripped the side and was gesturing to let it go.

I allowed her to bear the blade. I offered her a small smile which she returned. She then fell in line to my right side and stood at attention.

Drew partly carried Lolley to where we were and the two fell in line.

Before long, we were face to face with Lord Fordgraine. All of us gave him a bow.

“Well done, recruits.” Lord Fordgraine commended. “I see that your time in Desert Hell honed your skills by a fair amount.”

The paladin then turned first to Lolley, “Yorica, your casting is still taking too long. If it’s your only ranged spell, then you necessarily have to work on its execution time. If this was a true battle, you would have lost both your artifact and your life. Deciding to try to parry at the last minute was foolish. Make sure you work on that further. Your commencement rites will be deferred to the summer.”

Lolley looked like she had been slapped in the face. She opened her mouth, seemingly about to argue with Lord Fordgraine, but she stopped herself. “Yes, Lord Fordgraine, for the sake of the Kingdom.”

She then lowered her face and I could see from the corner of my eye that she was biting back tears. My heart felt heavy at that.

“Klatch, you could have cast a barrier to halt the charge. Or you could have activated your castling spell. You need to react quicker. Your partner would have died in a real battle.” Lord Fordgraine chastised the young man beside Lolley. “Your commencement will likewise be deferred as you hone your reflexes.”

“Understood, Lord Fordgraine, for the sake of the Kingdom.” Drew replied stoically. He lowered his head but unlike Lolley, his stature still seemed proud.

“Safyre.” Lord Fordgraine addressed Vanya. The girl beside me straightened even more.

“Yes, sir.” She replied.

“Your assessment of the situation was spot on. Employing Elemental Resistance and Vigor was the correct approach given the range disadvantage and environmental hazards.” Lord Fordgraine noted. “Well done. Your commencement will proceed as scheduled.”

“Thank you, sir.” Vanya answered with a bow while maintaining a straight face.

“Valera.” Lord Fordgraine turned to me while reaching for the deformed blade in Vanya’s hand. The latter seemed taken aback but yielded quickly.

“The reports from your mentor about your power were no exaggeration.” Lord Fordgraine mused as he held up the deformed blade. “Powerful… but wasteful.”


I felt my heart drop. I shrank from his criticism.

“Are you capable of forming a corporeal mana blade?” The paladin asked.

I nodded my head, took a deep breath, and started channeling mana to my hands. I imagined a sword made of fire forming on my palm.

Soon, the image in my mind became a reality.

Lord Fordgraine stepped closer and inspected the blade made out of fire. Without warning, he grabbed hold of it with his bare hands.

“No-” I warned, but the moment his hand came into contact with the flames, I felt my mana cool down as if water had been poured over me and the sword dispersed.

“Why didn’t you use this instead of this magic sword in engaging your opponent?” Lord Fordgraine asked.

“I-” I still felt shocked that my fire sword was nullified somehow. “I examined the situation and determined that there was no way I would be able to defeat Lady Yorica with just my fire sword.”

Lolley looked up at my comment, her expression indiscernible.

Lord Fordgraine continued to stare at me and pointed to my bare feet. “And the lack of proper footwear?”

My feet started to fidget as he called attention to them. “My apologies for the breach in decorum, Lord Fordgraine. But I purposefully decided not to wear any in case I needed to employ the skill I just used to close the gap. My skill would have burned any footwear.”

Lord Fordgraine frowned. “Very unorthodox. But you clearly have a firm grasp of the current limits of your abilities. Ingenious use of concentrated fire magic as a means of propulsion. Even if the end results are less than kind on your equipment.”

I nodded shyly.

“I can see why you have no registered artifact.” Lord Fordgraine added.

His comment felt like a stab in my chest. I bit back a retort and managed to nod.

“No artifact, and no standard grade magic weapon could probably handle your mana output…” Lord Fordgraine added. “You’re aware that the Heroes Guild serves the Kingdom and operates only on the provisions of the Royal Family?”

“Yes, sir.” I replied while keeping my head down.

“I don’t see how we can take you on given the tremendous upkeep.” Lord Fordgraine continued.

I looked up at him, prepared to argue my case.

“I’m well aware that your family could defray the expenses.” He seemed to read my mind and held up his hand to stop me. “But that is neither practicable nor ideal.”

I started to open my mouth again to try to convince him, but he silenced me with a wave of his hand. “Nevertheless… if you are able to further hone your corporeal magic blade to make it viable… That, I can allow.”

The tension in my shoulders ebbed away and I felt relieved. “Of course, Lord Fordgraine, I will make sure to do so!”

“Good. Then I shall approve your commencement.” Lord Fordgraine declared.

I could barely contain my glee and resisted the strong urge to shout and cheer. “Thank you, sir.”

Lord Fordgraine nodded. “Make sure you have a replacement weapon by then. You’ll be assigned to sortie immediately after the ceremony proper.”

I straightened up at that and tried not to let my surprise show. “I understand, sir.”

Lord Fordgraine turned to the examiner and gave him a small wave.

The examiner rushed forward. “Recruits! Salute!”

The four of us stood at attention and placed our closed right fists over our hearts. “For the kingdom!” We said in unison as we bowed at the same time.

Lord Fordgraine returned the gesture with his right fist over his heart. He then turned around to join the other heroes, with the examiner right behind him.

After they headed back towards the academy proper, we finally straightened up from bowing.

“Lady Mina!” Vanya shouted excitedly while hugging me.

I joined her in shouting with glee. “We’re graduating Vanya! We’ll be official heroes in a week’s time.”

“Congratulations.” The woman beside us greeted.

Both Vanya and I stopped abruptly. I suddenly felt embarrassed at openly celebrating our achievement knowing that it cost Lolley and Drew their own.

“Lolley… Drew… I’m sorry.” I said weakly.

Lolley shook her head. “Don’t be silly Mina. We both knew only one of us could have passed this test. It’s not your fault.”

Except it feels like it was…

I looked at Vanya helplessly but she also seemed to be at a loss on how to carry the conversation.

“Honestly, it’s fine guys. It’s only a few months delay. And really, with the two of you gone, our commencement is pretty much assured.” Drew said in a joking manner.

I smiled at him, thankful for the gracious attitude he had.

Lolley also seemed to rally and she braved a smile. “Really. Congratulations. Thank you for not holding back.”

I smiled back. “I’m going to miss sparring with you.”

“Well, you better watch your back. I’ll be asking for a rematch soon.” Lolley replied with a determined gaze as she held out her hand.

“Looking forward to it.” I replied as I shook it.

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